CAG PSN Gamesharing #6 - Find/Create a Gameshare Group and Gameshare FAQ

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The Wolf Among Us (Episode 1: Faith)
Resell ($1.66)
1.) Pravado
Phantom ($0.84)
1.)  ashtonreeves (Host)
2.) snakeybro
feel free to join    :)
Selling (resell)
- NFS Most Wanted DLC packs (Europe) -  5 $
Selling (phantoms)
- Time and Eternity - 4 $
- Bodycount - 2 $
- Saints Row 4 - 8 $
- Kingdoms of Amalur DLC (2 packs) - 3 $
- Skyrim DLC (Dawnguard & Dragonborne) - 3 $
- Deadly Premonition - 6 $
- Hitman trilogy - 5 $
- Mortal kombat  - 3 $
- Dante's inferno - 2 $
- Dragon age Origins - 2 $
Pravando can you put my gta v share on library for a limited time only? For 1 month maybe. I got kinda bored with it.

Edit: Ranked 1337 on Italian Leaderboard lol
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If anyone gets an invite for the Dark Souls II Beta and doesn't have any use for it, let me know! :)

Select users will receive a message at 11:00 AM PDT, October 8th for the October 12th testing round. The download will be available whenever the PlayStation Store updates that day. More than 5,000 users will receive the message, but only 5,000 will be able to download the client. It is first-come, first-served.
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The Wolf Among Us (Episode 1: Faith)

Resell ($1.66)
1.) Pravado
Phantom ($0.84)
1.) ashtonreeves (Host)
2.) snakeybro

feel free to join :)
For people that don't know what this is, it's the first episode of tell tale's (walking dead creators) newest series. It's about fairy tale characters that live in new york during the darker days, and everything looks visually better than walking dead although keeping the same style. It's not like you're playing as the big bad wolf himself, you're playing as a guy named big b wolf or something and he is a person, not a wolf. If anyone wants more info the interview they did on IGNs up at noon was really good.

Pravando can you put my gta v share on library for a limited time only? For 1 month maybe. I got kinda bored with it.

Edit: Ranked 1337 on Italian Leaderboard lol
sure. i'm gonna put it up for a 3 week limit since something tells me the list is going to be long and we wanna keep it movin. also gonna put donation required to the library to rent, in order to promote more people to donate since donations have been hella slow. Although we did get a few new games in recently (guacamelee, ratchet deadlocked, dishonored). I urge anyone donating to list the same requirement for their shares as it will promote donations. Is the library not working for you?

(btw, there's no "n" in my name)

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Pravando can you put my gta v share on library for a limited time only? For 1 month maybe. I got kinda bored with it.

Edit: Ranked 1337 on Italian Leaderboard lol
it's pravado (no n, i let it slide twice but 3x no sir lol), and sure. i'm gonna put it up for a 3 week limit since something tells me the list is going to be long. is the library not working for you or something?

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For people that don't know what this is, it's the first episode of tell tale's (walking dead creators) newest series. It's about fairy tale characters that live in new york during the darker days, and everything looks visually better than walking dead although keeping the same style. It's not like you're playing as the big bad wolf himself, you're playing as a guy named big b wolf or something and he is a person, not a wolf. If anyone wants more info the interview they did on IGNs up at noon was really good.
No season pass?

walking dead season 2 is coming soon.

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No season pass?

walking dead season 2 is coming soon.
there probably will be a season pass but phantoms dont get access to season pass so they shouldn't have to pay for past the first episode. that means resells would have to pretty much split the cost of the majority of the sp, it's cheaper to just buy resells of them as they come out. in the up at noon interview the two directors said walking dead would be coming out "somewhat soon", but mark of the wolf would be coming out "extremely soon"

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The Wolf Among Us (Episode 1: Faith)
Resell ($1.66)
1.) Pravado
2.) volt1up
Phantom ($0.84)
1.)  ashtonreeves (Host)
2.) sgand
great! our group is set. I will buy the game when is out and send you all info. for payment I'll update everyone before/after I purchase the game. also after all the hosting is done, i'm willing to give the account info (password, secret answers & emails) and everything to one of the resell guys if wants (forwarding the host status to a resell guy) since I'm a phantom. just let me know.
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Looking for resell/phantom of Last of Us,  Diablo III, Saints Row IV

Looking for resell/phantoms of other PS3 games. Not too picky but not looking for CoD or Puzzle type games

Is there such a thing as a preemptive ban, and better yet, can it be used on the fellow above? I'd like to use some choice words, but won't for fear of getting disciplined. 

Is there such a thing as a preemptive ban, and better yet, can it be used on the fellow above? I'd like to use some choice words, but won't for fear of getting disciplined.
wait what did i do ? im new at this although ive done steam trading before i dont know terminology or how things generally go i dont know if you are familiar with steam trading but see i have tons of positive rep only, maybe im doing something wrong but no need to be a dick and ruin this for other people, just simply state what the problem is so I can fix it.

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I don't think they go by feedback from other forums. How do we know it's really you?
yeah i understand but i can prove it if you like hold on ill show u and sorry again if there is a problem with what i said i dont know what that guy's deal is maybe a bad deal in his world or something but again if im doing something wrong just somebody say in a manner where no one is offended and ill fix my mistake

I got ripped off by someone claiming to be a member on that website a few months ago. It was similar to this. A guy with no feedback on the board showing his stars and stripes on the competing board.

I got ripped off by someone claiming to be a member on that website a few months ago. It was similar to this. A guy with no feedback on the board showing his stars and stripes on the competing board.

I got ripped off by someone claiming to be a member on that website a few months ago. It was similar to this. A guy with no feedback on the board showing his stars and stripes on the competing board.
yeah bro i totally understand ive been scammed too, i just proved who i am and if no one wishes to deal with me thats perfectly fine you know im just trying to offer to other people so we can all help each other out but if you chose to do something like that, lets say u wanted gta v or whatever id go first no problems i can work my way up in rep on here as well

I got ripped off by someone claiming to be a member on that website a few months ago. It was similar to this. A guy with no feedback on the board showing his stars and stripes on the competing board.
besides lying on the internet is so overrated when i was in high school i told some one online i had gotten a 32 on my ACT when instead i got a 29, i felt super crappy because he actually got a 32 and proved it and probably is going to a nicer college or something now you know. Point is people are fake and you can only help that by countering them with honesty because there is no true reward for lying or screwing someone over no matter how small or stupid it may be.

Ahh I remember when I was new here, give the guy a chance let him prove himself. I can't vouch for him but I'll stick up for him because he at least needs a given chance.
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Redacted. It has come to my attention that the dude is a kid. Just doesn't feel right cussing off a kid.

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(To the rest of the thread: I regret nothing)

Listen schmuck. You say you have resells/phantoms and then ask what phantoms are, you ask a guy who is looking for Diablo 3 if he wants to trade his Diablo 3 (which he obviously doesn't have) for GTA V or ill or whatever the hell you typed and you're posting so much you're making Pravado look like a lurker, yet you want to know what you did wrong?
oh wow man hold up here im totally sorry but you are right i misread techguru i thought he was offering totally my bad, but dont be a douche just because you had a bad day at home or something ok i was simply asking someone to clarify so i could correctly assess what i was offering and i didnt mean to post so much but if you have a.d.h.d or something like that then the internet is not the place for you man, dont be so uptight, we all make mistakes. Again i misread techguru, thats all you had to say.

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AC4 season pass info released, still need 2 resells to complete the group.

"Ubisoft revealed the contents of Assassin's Creed 4: Black Flag's Season Pass launching alongside the game's release next month for the PlayStation 4, Playstation 3, Xbox One, Xbox 360, and PC platforms.

The game's Season Pass will grant access to "Freedom Cry," a nine-mission, single-player story starring protagonist Edward Kenway's first mate Adewale. Season Pass buyers will also receive "The Exclusive Kraken Ship Pack," which features several ship-building personalization elements.

The Season Pass will additionally host a variety of single-player missions, weapons, skins, and collectibles, along with new maps for the game's multiplayer component. Assassin's Creed 4's Season Pass will be priced at $19.99, providing a 20 percent discount over buying each piece of downloadable content separately."

Assassin's Creed IV Black Flag Gold Edition

PS4 Slot: $30 (includes $10 upgrade fee)

1. sgand (host)
Resells: $22.50
Phantoms: $7.50
1. fmills15
2. techguru928

Batman: Arkham Origins
Resells: $20
1. sgand (host)
Phantoms: $10
1. purplepanda
2. Luxuria

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You will have to give some free gameshares to [font='comic sans ms', cursive]Pravado .. He is the boss around these parts :p[/font]
Not to step on your toes here but Pavado is not the boss. If that title was gonna go to anyone it would be Clone. However, there are a bunch if holy rollers, shit talkers, and swindlers within the group. Depending on who you talk to I might be categorized in any of the three groups.

Now to Raiborg and JalBash. Continue your battle. It gives me something to read at work :applause: :applause:
like i posted earlier, ive shared and sold steam games, but ps3/psn no thanks for support tho im sure we can all get a long nicely and figure things out
Oh I don't have a good PC so I can't use steam :p but you seem like a decent guy if you have any games I'm interested in (in the future) I'll hit you up ;)
Not to step on your toes here but Pavado is not the boss. If that title was gonna go to anyone it would be Clone. However, there are a bunch if holy rollers, shit talkers, and swindlers within the group. Depending on who you talk to I might be categorized in any of the three groups.

Now to Raiborg and JalBash. Continue your battle. It gives me something to read at work :applause: :applause:
do your work :p
Not to step on your toes here but Pavado is not the boss. If that title was gonna go to anyone it would be Clone. However, there are a bunch if holy rollers, shit talkers, and swindlers within the group. Depending on who you talk to I might be categorized in any of the three groups.

Now to Raiborg and JalBash. Continue your battle. It gives me something to read at work :applause: :applause:
Shut up you high roller. :)
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bread's done