CAG PSN Gamesharing #6 - Find/Create a Gameshare Group and Gameshare FAQ

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fuck you bro, i did answer his question, the ps4 version overrides the ps3 so go suck a rainbow because you're obviously gay and can't get off my dick......

also obviously you can't read, where'd you go to college, devry right, maybe u of phoenix online, seriously go crawl back in your hole asswipe

wait... WAIT... I'm giving you wayyyyy too much credit, apparently you barely got your GED, your comprehension is so lacking.....
Wrong move...really, really wrong move. You should read that thing I posted earlier about how new people should just keep their heads down for a while and not cause drama.
Wrong move...really, really wrong move. You should read that thing I posted earlier about how new people should just keep their heads down for a while and not cause drama.
no seriously he can screw off, wait he has to go find a stupid gif to respond to my post first give him some time.... I'm sick of him and his harassment, even when people trash talk me or call me stupid or retarded i don't care thats fine, but he just won't stop, its not funny, and I'm gonna fight back, i don't care where i end up, I don't have time for his shit, he can come the f*** at me and face me like a man not hide behind some monitor and be an asshole constantly, ill give him my address, buy his plane ticket and kick his piece of shit arse in person because I'm the fudging man here, not him...

Wrong move...really, really wrong move. You should read that thing I posted earlier about how new people should just keep their heads down for a while and not cause drama.

at least he gave away that he's incredibly easy to rile up. i mean come on, those last two replies are self-inflicted knockouts. it would only take a few words for me to create the main event at wrestlemania kind of drama i know some of you are longing for... but i have to put the breaks on that, hornswaggle vs brock lesnar just isn't a fair fight.

albasha for real if you didn't talk so much worthless bullshit nobody would call you out. there is a reason nobody responds to your posts

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at least he gave away that he's incredibly easy to rile up. i mean come on, those last two replies are self-inflicted knockouts. it would only take a few words for me to create the main event at wrestlemania kind of drama i know some of you are longing for...

albasha for real if you didn't talk so much worthless bullshit nobody would call you out. there is a reason nobody responds to your posts
I can see it now. Albasha's just finishing up his epic 45 minute in-ring rant about what he at for breakfast, when Pravado comes out to interrupt. Before Pravado can say a word, Cuk slides into the ring and lays out everyone with a steel chair! But wait...what's this?! Cuk is taking off his mask and...oh my god, it's ShadowLombax!
I can see it now. Albasha's just finishing up his epic 45 minute in-ring rant about what he at for breakfast, when Pravado comes out to interrupt. Before Pravado can say a word, Cuk slides into the ring and lays out everyone with a steel chair! But wait...what's this?! Cuk is taking off his mask and...oh my god, it's ShadowLombax!

this is the best post in all 751 pages of this topic

I don't have an issue with anyone else on here at all, and if you were trying to bait me, maybe i came a little too hard but I never gave a damn what people did with my posts, read, reply, ignore, and Ive dealt with your bullshit since i came on the scene so no Im not that easy to rile up, I don't talk shit and you really need to get yourself in check, like i said you pig, come at me if you want but don't do it online like a cowering puss, you can also bow out and screw off but you better bring all you got and I want to see you're real here, we all do, come at me...because ill chew you up and ill spit you out and ill make sure everyone here can witness...

Don't mind me... Just browsin'.


*Waits for things to escalate further*

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Lol wtf. Been away for a few days, didn't expect this. 

Btw, got the DS4 a week ago, and it's better than I expected.

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my boy tyler perry was recently inspired to write a script about a coming-to-life tale of albasha's posts called "diary of an autistic white kid"

my boy tyler perry was recently inspired to write a script about a coming-to-life tale of albasha's posts called "diary of an autistic white kid"
More like diary of an arab pre-med student brody, but again, again just hide behind that computer of yours it really makes you look so towering. Also this coming from the same guy who spent an hour responding to me with a jpg that said i didn't read it to my pm to him kindly asking him to bow down over a week ago, because again he just can't comprehend... i really hope you tread lightly here.

I'd prefer the term caucasian as well but apparently they don't teach you commonplace middle-class diction when you elect for your GED...

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Here's an excerpt from the incredible wall of text mentioned above. Take note of the facial motions as the wild albasha loses its mind:

"You are probably embarrassed of your genitalia, or your outcome of life thus far and think because if i act stupid in the thread im an easy target. Haha, thats why I was accepted to UCLA, USC, and Northwestern and thats why im studying medicine, minoring in film, working on writing, and editing, and am just trying to enjoy myself while I have time because i know my life will be hell in the next five to seven years while I endure trying to succeed in my life goals."

That was fun but I have a feeling people will start getting annoyed at this at this point so albasha face in some more another day

Haha took you long enough to read through all that, again you went to Harvard right and graduated med school at age 21 and are already head surgeon at the Cleveland Clinic...I understand ill just go kill myself now...and yes until i decided on killing myself I was trying to write a screenplay and make a short film with some friends and fellow students at my university but this world doesn't want me anymore and I see that now pravado, I really do so goodbye all, maybe in hell... because suicide is the biggest sin, a spit in the face of God, but its good enough for me since the great pravado thinks i have no place in this world... I'm sorry for wasting all of your guys' time and i hope you can forgive me...

in these kinds of situations its best to not leave the guys watching and eating popcorn hanging, otherwise they get bored and start talking about baseball
before i slit my wrists i want to say that baseball is the shittiest sport to ever have been introduced to the world

Hoping that someone can help me. Haven't been active here in awhile due to school and work.

I recently had lightening take out several electronics in my house, among them were 2 PS3's HDMI ports. I can still use them with component, but I bought a new PS3 and after upgrading the HDD I've been trying to transfer and consolidate my accounts onto the new system.

After 2 weeks of hell I have been able to move all but 2 accounts, there were resells but the password has changed. Both are older, if anyone knows the current passwords please msg me so I can deactivate my old PS3's and move them to my new one.

Call of Duty Black Ops Maps
[email protected]

Dragon Age 2 DLC
[email protected]

Also lost a I am Alive password which I actually hosted. But I just re-bought that one since it is only $3 this week.


You know what, I'm just going to apologize for all this nonsense. Obviously I'm clean, and I have ties here now and like the community a lot and don't want to ruin any of that, even if the PS4 is less sharing capable, so I'm sorry. Especially about all the things I said, and if they came across as rude or hurtful to anyone, you guys don't deserve that at all. Goodnight.

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Hoping that someone can help me. Haven't been active here in awhile due to school and work.

I recently had lightening take out several electronics in my house, among them were 2 PS3's HDMI ports. I can still use them with component, but I bought a new PS3 and after upgrading the HDD I've been trying to transfer and consolidate my accounts onto the new system.

After 2 weeks of hell I have been able to move all but 2 accounts, there were resells but the password has changed. Both are older, if anyone knows the current passwords please msg me so I can deactivate my old PS3's and move them to my new one.

Call of Duty Black Ops Maps
[email protected]

Dragon Age 2 DLC
[email protected]

Also lost a I am Alive password which I actually hosted. But I just re-bought that one since it is only $3 this week.

Damn that sucks about the lightning. I remember your I am alive group, I believe I was a phantom. Also glad to see you're still gaming even if it's a little bit, hadn't seen you here in what seems like a year lol.

fuck you bro, i did answer his question, the ps4 version overrides the ps3 so go suck a rainbow because you're obviously gay and can't get off my dick......

also obviously you can't read, where'd you go to college, devry right, maybe u of phoenix online, seriously go crawl back in your hole asswipe

wait... WAIT... I'm giving you wayyyyy too much credit, apparently you barely got your GED, your comprehension is so lacking.....
Dude.. not cool.. not cool at all. I've only been around since about April, but I know enough not to go bantering like that when you've already been thought of, as might possibly being a problem. What you did right there, did not help you any.

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Damn that sucks about the lightning. I remember your I am alive group, I believe I was a phantom. Also glad to see you're still gaming even if it's a little bit, hadn't seen you here in what seems like a year lol.
Yea, I have an insane backlog now lol

Lightning actually took out my new home theater receiver, router and modem along with my DirecTV receivers completely along with my living room TV's HDMI connections (all 4), and my HDD network drive I used for backups. I'm guessing it came through the coax cables to my house since they are the common links to everything that fried.

But I did learn 2 valuable lessons.

1. HDMI is more prone to fry with nearby lightning

2. Don't put all your damn account passwords on a single drive lol.

I can see it now. Albasha's just finishing up his epic 45 minute in-ring rant about what he at for breakfast, when Pravado comes out to interrupt. Before Pravado can say a word, Cuk slides into the ring and lays out everyone with a steel chair! But wait...what's this?! Cuk is taking off his mask and...oh my god, it's ShadowLombax!

fuck you bro, i did answer his question, the ps4 version overrides the ps3 so go suck a rainbow because you're obviously gay and can't get off my dick......

also obviously you can't read, where'd you go to college, devry right, maybe u of phoenix online, seriously go crawl back in your hole asswipe

wait... WAIT... I'm giving you wayyyyy too much credit, apparently you barely got your GED, your comprehension is so lacking.....
Just for the record, if anyone is or has attended these mentioned schools, i say, good on you! There's nothing at all wrong with bettering yourself and is completely and utterly applaudable. even by way of GED, doesn't matter. not at all.

BUT.. when i see this comparison, and haughty behavior - i cannot understand how belittling others education is ever a good thing, ever... not a good look.

bro u missed out by a page or 2 my group was filled and the phantoms are downloading as we speak just form a group add your name and see if anyone else falls in
hey i told a fellow cag that you were interested in a cod ghost phantom and to hold it for you, you get a share yet, or still interested?

But I just bought some Oreos and a bottle of Pepsi. Now I'm going home to sit on my couch and watch some Netflix. I might watch Breaking Bad or It's Always Sunny. Then play some Battlefield, lol does anyone want to play with me.


Someone please play with me...I'm so lonely.

Looking for a slot of *deep breath* Castlevania: Lords of Shadow: Mirror of Fate *exhales*

Went through the last 5-6 pages and didn't see anything, apologies if I overlooked something!
the last search i did before i bought this over on xbl i saw pravado asking and eventually getting a share. but i think this is on saale cheap on psn halloween sale if im not mistaken

bro u missed out by a page or 2 my group was filled and the phantoms are downloading as we speak just form a group add your name and see if anyone else falls in
I would do that, but I don't know how to do the phantom/revoke access, etc. stuff. If you let me know how, I'd host a group


1st mp trophies,

2nd story lol
LOL Between you and snakeybooboo i dont know who is worse u guys are trophy headhunters extraordinaires

hey i told a fellow cag that you were interested in a cod ghost phantom and to hold it for you, you get a share yet, or still interested?
Thanks man i think he pmed me last night i already got a group thanks for the heads up.

And try to keep a low profile with the drama you could have avoided those 3 pages of back and forths by ignoring the person who offended you.I know its hard to see ppl sullying your name or making fun of you but do a post search on Cak he came a lonnngggg f**cking way from when he joined us LOLI honestly thought he wouldnt make it.

So if u are in for the long haul who knows next year you will be picking a fight with a newb/potential scammer :p

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the last search i did before i bought this over on xbl i saw pravado asking and eventually getting a share. but i think this is on saale cheap on psn halloween sale if im not mistaken
Mirror of Fate is not on sale on psn or xbla. Its $15 and it includes a demo of Lords Of Shadow 2, its pretty good, not bad but not great.

the last search i did before i bought this over on xbl i saw pravado asking and eventually getting a share. but i think this is on saale cheap on psn halloween sale if im not mistaken
for harmony of despair maybe, but not mirror of fate

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no seriously he can screw off, wait he has to go find a stupid gif to respond to my post first give him some time.... I'm sick of him and his harassment, even when people trash talk me or call me stupid or retarded i don't care thats fine, but he just won't stop, its not funny, and I'm gonna fight back, i don't care where i end up, I don't have time for his shit, he can come the f*** at me and face me like a man not hide behind some monitor and be an asshole constantly, ill give him my address, buy his plane ticket and kick his piece of shit arse in person because I'm the fudging man here, not him...
Wow and I thought I had a short fuse. It would interesting to see how many of these "bad asses" there really are if you had to use your real name and address to identify yourself in this wonderful world we call the internet. I'm thinking there would be a lot less spouting off if the next time you answered your door and were promptly introduced to someones fist.

I just got home. I'm watching some TNT right now drinking some vanilla caramel coffee. I fed the cats and ugh I hate baseball. It makes me just want to scream. Albasha my bro, let's hang out tonight. There's a new Taco Bell down the street. Just PM me on PSN bro. If you don't want to go I'll invite Boosted.

PS: I'd just like to make a shout out to Pravado.
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Wow and I thought I had a short fuse. It would interesting to see how many of these "bad asses" there really are if you had to use your real name and address to identify yourself in this wonderful world we call the internet. I'm thinking there would be a lot less spouting off if the next time you answered your door and were promptly introduced to someones fist.
I pray every day that Albasha runs into an electric fence.
I can see it now. Albasha's just finishing up his epic 45 minute in-ring rant about what he at for breakfast, when Pravado comes out to interrupt. Before Pravado can say a word, Cuk slides into the ring and lays out everyone with a steel chair! But wait...what's this?! Cuk is taking off his mask and...oh my god, it's ShadowLombax!
Does anyone here know if Albasha's ban is temporal or if its forever? He's a phantom in a group of mine. If only he used the ignore option, lol.

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