Mine went hella slow too, might be sony's servers getting bombarded.The explorer seems pretty nice, thinking about either that class or Warrior (strength and dexterity) or maybe Bandit (dexterity) since I think I'm going for a dex build as I did in Dark Souls, it was really fun (probably gonna go with Mage next playthrough since we're finally able to respec our levels/points) A good early weapon in Dark Souls was the Uchigatana, great weapon through the whole game, I think it's in DkS2 but maybe not as good? Thinking of playing with more than just one weapon this time though.
Holy hell, I'm getting soing mad right now, the game have downloaded 62% in three hours! It should have been downloaded for like two hours ago...why won't my connection work normally when I'm so damned eager to play?! And now it's slower than ever :'(
I'm feeling bad for the resells.
I'm deff going explorer. They get one of those pharoah items to start with which people are saying is good, and they have a hat that increases item drop rate