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Getting rid of my PS3 so I have a Demon's Souls resell to hand out.

Any takers? It would do no good not being used and there is one already in the library. May I suggest selling it for pancake mix? Eh? I know a certain cag who happens to love pancakes.

First to post here asking for it can have it.

I played it for like 10 minutes once and got bored. Don't you want to feel the same way? C'MON SON!

Edit: For cag vets only.

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Dragon Age: Inquisition - $5 Per week
The Evil Within (PS4) - $4 Per week
Never Alone (PS4) - $1 Per week
The Evil Within (PS4) - $26.00 (Resell)
Never Alone (PS4) - $9 (Resell) - will be available in 1-2 days..
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Zen Pinball 2 group (yeah, another one, i wanna complete my collection)- 15$
FX Core [Pasha, Secrets of Deep, Rome, Biolab] -$10
South Park [2 tables] - $5
Super League - FREE
Ninja Gaiden - FREE
Sorcerer's Lair - FREE

Resell - $5

Phantom - $2.5

Resells - $2.5

Phantoms - $1.25

Also, anyone with a cheap Destiny PS3 share? That's PS3. T. H. R. E. E. The integer after 2. The sequel of a sequel. Pocket Treys.
We call that #Nonmasterrace peasant.

Timeshare PS4

Far Cry 4

WWE 2k15

Pvz garden warfare
Lord Of The Fallen

NBA 2K15
Transformers rise of the dark spark
Styx master of shadows
Walking dead season 2

Wolf Among Us
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[Newbies may join with full game deposit that will be refunded once their download/install is complete]


If anyone is interested, you may take over the hosting position and purchase the pro edition including the bells and whistles.

Really great game! The multiplayer is outstanding ~
I'll join this again if you don't mind. Kuhliide didn't have the phantoms anymore.
selling; Borderlands: Pre-Sequel season pass resell- $14

also might have a resell of Lego Batman 3+season pass(PS4) for- $37

I might be looking for a WWE 2k15(ps4) phantom

also need 1 resell and 1 phantom to join in Escape Dead Island! only $13 for the resell and $6 for the phantom
Hey mate Do you still have that lego batman 3 + season pass resell :) Paying today

I bought that from him. Lego games keep the kids mouths shut for a few hours in my house.

Re: Geometry Wars
I put enough time into the last one to justify buying it in my main.
That doesn't mean you should pay a premium price for lego games that still looks last gen. There's already a huge lego collection on ps3, with that price, you can get as many as 10 phantoms or more for that cost. Unless they played every lego game that came out so far. Sorry, but as a father myself, I can never bring myself to spend this much just to shut them up. My approach to keep them busy is as simple as pulling out the old NES from the closet and put in Mc. Kids or if I'm nice, I'll put in Super Mario all stars.

Does anybody have a BF4+premium phantom or resell, if no then is there anybody interested in doing an account with Battlefield premium edition in that case?

That doesn't mean you should pay a premium price for lego games that still looks last gen. There's already a huge lego collection on ps3, with that price, you can get as many as 10 phantoms or more for that cost. Unless they played every lego game that came out so far. Sorry, but as a father myself, I can never bring myself to spend this much just to shut them up. My approach to keep them busy is as simple as pulling out the old NES from the closet and put in Mc. Kids or if I'm nice, I'll put in Super Mario all stars.
We have all of the lego games already. Yes, all of them. My wife will purchase a physical copy to put under the tree as well. Ive been a parent for 20 years and I'm happy to say that I rarely if ever hesitate to spend on the kids.

I've retyped this 3 times now trying to avoid making it sound like a disagree with your logic. I completely see your point. Different strokes for different folks.

Im down to add any other tables i recently lost all mine.
Zen Pinball 2 group (yeah, another one, i wanna complete my collection)- 15$
FX Core [Pasha, Secrets of Deep, Rome, Biolab] -$10
South Park [2 tables] - $5
Super League - FREE
Ninja Gaiden - FREE
Sorcerer's Lair - FREE
Resell - $5
Phantom - $2.5
Resells - $2.5
Phantoms - $1.25
[quote name="stillshadow" post="12251519" timestamp="1416374891"]Only snakey would be thinking about Adventure Time this week...

Man, that's the season pass for BL PS? Sucks. The others have had such great DLC.

Anyone want to do something for Geometry Wars 3? Love those games. Lame it isn't cross-buy yet the PS3 version is $15 as well. It seems like PSN releases are seeing the next-gen tax, even if retail releases aren't. Like I said, love the games, but $15 for Geometry Wars?

I'm not going to pay $9 or $6 for it for PS4 so anyone want to do the PS3 version with me? I don't really care about doing it in ultra super graphics mode.

Geometry Wars (PS3) - $15 releases next week

Resell: $5
1. stillshadow

Phantom: $2.50

Also, anyone with a cheap Destiny PS3 share? That's PS3. T. H. R. E. E. The integer after 2. The sequel of a sequel. Pocket Treys.[/quote]
Geometry Wars (PS3) - $15 releases next week

Resell: $5
1. stillshadow

Phantom: $2.50
1. Shaggyc

Phantom or resell is fine whatever gets the group going quickest. Loved this game on 360.
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look i don't want to have to do this but i'm going to suggest we put a ban on snakey buying anything or joining any groups until he plays the games he has. i can't watch this man go down the rabbit hole further. i feel like he has to own multiple ps3's and ps4's to have all those user slots, otherwise he is buying resells and holding onto them or paying premiums for demos in the form of phantoms that get deleted within a few days. someone needs to put an end to his hoarder-esque impulse buying for his own good, even if he seemingly does have a tree that grows money in his backyard. *vince mcmahon voice* WE NEED TO FIX HIM DAMMIT!

Also, library has some new games (big ups to all donators, especially roguesplintercell for all his donations this month, and albani for last months)


Hitman Absolution

Watch Dogs

CoD Advanced Warfare

Slender: The Arrival


How To Survive Stormwarning edition (coming soon)

Assassin's Creed 4

Assassin's Creed 4 Season Pass

Murdered Soul Suspect

For sale:

Costume Quest 2 (PS4) Resell - $5.75 (originally $9)

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look i don't want to have to do this but i'm going to suggest we put a ban on snakey buying anything or joining any groups until he plays the games he has. i can't watch this man go down the rabbit hole further. i feel like he has to own multiple ps3's and ps4's to have all those user slots, otherwise he is buying resells and holding onto them or paying premiums for demos in the form of phantoms that get deleted within a few days. someone needs to put an end to his hoarder-esque impulse buying for his own good, even if he seemingly does have a tree that grows money in his backyard. *vince mcmahon voice* WE NEED TO FIX HIM DAMMIT!

Also, library has some new games (big ups to all donators, especially roguesplintercell for all his donations this month, and albani for last months)

Hitman Absolution
Watch Dogs
CoD Advanced Warfare
Slender: The Arrival

How To Survive Stormwarning edition (coming soon)
Assassin's Creed 4
Assassin's Creed 4 Season Pass
Murdered Soul Suspect

For sale:
Costume Quest 2 (PS4) Resell - $5.75 (originally $9)
If Snakey has the cash, I'll sell him whatever drug game he wants.
Thanks prada but


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Only snakey would be thinking about Adventure Time this week...

Man, that's the season pass for BL PS? Sucks. The others have had such great DLC.

Anyone want to do something for Geometry Wars 3? Love those games. Lame it isn't cross-buy yet the PS3 version is $15 as well. It seems like PSN releases are seeing the next-gen tax, even if retail releases aren't. Like I said, love the games, but $15 for Geometry Wars?

I'm not going to pay $9 or $6 for it for PS4 so anyone want to do the PS3 version with me? I don't really care about doing it in ultra super graphics mode.

Geometry Wars (PS3) - $15 releases next week

Resell: $5
1. stillshadow
2. Yanksfan

Phantom: $2.50
1. shaggyc

Also, anyone with a cheap Destiny PS3 share? That's PS3. T. H. R. E. E. The integer after 2. The sequel of a sequel. Pocket Treys.
I need to get the Destiny Dark Below dlc. Is it still cross platform? If so, does anyone have a ps4 share available or does anyone want to start a group for it?
bread's done