look i don't want to have to do this but i'm going to suggest we put a ban on snakey buying anything or joining any groups until he plays the games he has. i can't watch this man go down the rabbit hole further. i feel like he has to own multiple ps3's and ps4's to have all those user slots, otherwise he is buying resells and holding onto them or paying premiums for demos in the form of phantoms that get deleted within a few days. someone needs to put an end to his hoarder-esque impulse buying for his own good, even if he seemingly does have a tree that grows money in his backyard. *vince mcmahon voice* WE NEED TO FIX HIM DAMMIT!
Also, library has some new games (big ups to all donators, especially roguesplintercell for all his donations this month, and albani for last months)
Hitman Absolution
Watch Dogs
CoD Advanced Warfare
Slender: The Arrival
How To Survive Stormwarning edition (coming soon)
Assassin's Creed 4
Assassin's Creed 4 Season Pass
Murdered Soul Suspect
For sale:
Costume Quest 2 (PS4) Resell - $5.75 (originally $9)