With all due respect, dont you find you lose ALL your gaming fun more or less by judging a game by friophies? I mean myself, I see a game I want and I buy it and will happly play it for weeks without earning a single trophy.. Yet my cousin on the other hand, he pretty much checks the trophy list and platinum difficulity rating before even watching the trail or review perhaps..
Each to their own! I just dont understand it.. I mean take Until Dawn for example.. My cousin followed a strick guide on his first play through just so he could keep everyone alive and achieve the platinum ASAP.. He has like F*****G 300+ platinums!
In my opinion that's just a waste and to be honest I actually lose respect for him for doing so.. Im chasing the platinum for it (I will get it one day when im ready) yet I played through making my own choices , tried my best to keep everyone live, might have killed some on purpose for some sick reason
Now I need a break from that game.. I'll come back to it within the next 12 months and follow the guide in order to get the platinum.. To me it just completly distroys the experience.. I onyl have 31 platinums but for those games that im only at 50% or even 95% im happy with those because I did it ALL myself and im not ashammed to stand up and say "Im not good enough, this is all I can do)
Im not having a go at you, sorry if it seems like I am.. I just think that people may get more respect for only having a small amount of platinums as opposed to overkill playing games like Hannah Montana strickly for a platinum trophy and buying the same game twice like a US & a UK copy in order to get 2 platinums for the same game :s I just dont understand it sorry.