CAG PSN Gamesharing #9 - Find/Create a Gameshare Group and Gameshare FAQ

I'm thinking it has something to do with ip addresses on account creation and phantoms.

Maybe even how many times the resell has changed/changes hands. Resells will be safe, but markers or flags will be placed on phantom accounts whose resell has changed hands (ip addresses) too many times. This part I doubt since it affects newer phantoms like Bloodborne which I doubt changed hands very much or at all.

Perhaps Sony is doing it manually or a system is in place, regardless, this still sheds light on things a bit.

"Resell and phantom ip addresses are both on at the same time playing the game.. oh wait, the ip address where the actual account was created is different too? Flag!"

Something of that sort. For my phantom, I created the account and "phantomed" myself out. So the ip address upon account creation and current phantom are the same. This could also explain how they'll avoid flagging people sharing with their family on the same house (say 1 resell on a ps4 on the living room and a phantom on another ps4 on the bedroom - same account ofcourse and obviously same ip address). However, there's no way I could verify this since I don't have 2 ps4's lol.

I'm not saying phantoms outside these said conditions will automatically get locked, just that they're (more) in danger of being locked. It's just a theory at this point.

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I think you use the term sharing incorrectly when reffering to phantoms. When you deactivate a console from other than the console itself, you are saying you wont use that licence again in tha system cause you are going to use it in other one. Idt Sony consider legit to have a phantom in one system and a resell in other, even they were in the same family. Imho when Sony allowed GS he was thinking in things like logging on my friends console and let him play a game I bought using my credentials for a brief time.
What Sony is doing is fixing a hole in his procedure to transfer licenses among different systems.
Right. Sony has no obligation to keep both resell and phantom playable even if they're at the same house using the same ip address. I know that.

I'm more trying to figure out why some phantoms are being locked while some aren't. Right now, the theory with ip addresses seems plausible.

Why? Sure has never sucked for me.What sucks about paying a few bucks for enough time to beat a game? To me it sure beats paying much more for something I will play through once and then never touch again.
Because not everyone beats games that quickly. Some people don't have enough free time to pump as many hours into a game as they'd like.

*Look at me, I'm taking up JikiNova's cause here!*

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One thing people need to realize is that they can't screw over people who are just gameharing with family etc. That was a USP for Sony, fair enough that they moved it from 5-2 console only but this is a pretty scummy thing for them to do to people who gameshare with family etc.

Oh well, time to actually start playing online on the games that I do own..
Unfortunately they can. Sony was the only company to offer that feature and sorry to say but people selling accounts ruined it for everyone. It is what it is. It was fun while it lasted but now it's likely over. I just wish it'd happened a couple weeks earlier, I would have just bought Bloodborne, Battlefield, and SR4 on my main, now I have 3 extra users registered on my system for one game each!

Well if phantoms are gonna be a thing of the past.. then I don't know what to say to that lol. There's really only a handful of options if you don't have enough time to sink to beat a game while renting for a week or two: rent longer, buy it full price either physical or digital or wait for a deal or preowned? Maybe the library? In that avenue, I still see issues arising for new releases with too many people wanting to play right away and not enough resell spots.

But we are getting ahead of ourselves. Let's try to figure this out first if there's a solution before discussing timeshares in a world with no more phantoms lol.

I still want a ps4 someday. I don't really have the money for one anyway and I've got so many games in my backlog on ps3 I doubt I play them all at this rate. I'm still content with my ps3.
My main account is activated on my system with the current settings:

  • All "Automatic Downloads and Uploads" settings under System is enabled.
  • All "Set Functions Available in Rest Mode" settings under Power Save Settings are enabled.
Just an FYI, these settings are system wide and not profile specific. So every profile set up on a PS4 uses the same settings.

Another theory I had (barring Sony purposefully sending account checks), is with the update to the Trophy llsts.

There could have been a background trophy sync that initiated a call to Sony's servers that flagged a phantom account as having a deactivated licence, especially if there was trophy activity on the main account/locked slot.

Battlefield hardline?
It's a "major" release.
Right, and?

"What if Sony has placed "markers" in games, like a serial code, and is actively blocking games around major releases (bloodborn).

So Sony will look at ebay perhaps and see hmm a lot of bloodborne accounts are being sold. Let's check our markers and see if there are any phantoms.
Because it is the first time they are looking for other major games as well to block. "

Bloodbourne is a "major" release too

I think everyone is jumping the gun and saying this is the end of gamesharing when we dont even have any information about the loss of phantoms. Yes they are gone but why are they gone? Sony has not released any news about this. We have a confirmation from a customer service agent, and to be honest the customer service agents at Sony usually do not know whats going on half the time right? Why scare the community of everything being completely done when we have no factual proof that everything is over? I feel like we need to do some more tests no matter how many have been done to get to the bottom of it. I will volunteer with whatever to find out what the problem is. And until there is a release of information or a general knowledge about why phantoms are being locked I feel like people here shouldn't jump to conclusions without proof as it is just hurting the community.

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Of course, the main issue with the library exists that it simply cannot cover a large amount of users wanting to play a single game. If anyone would like to start a PM chain with our best minds to put any ideas on the table, that'd be cool.

I see what you mean Stryder. New users are gonna have a helluva time getting in now.
I'm honestly considering making the ps3 and ps4 libraries separately accessible bc of this but idk yet it might piss a lot of ppl off tht don't have ps4 games donated.. Thoughts?

Also most games have time limits and queues. Nobody can rent a game for a long period of time if there are ppl waiting.
Sucks about the PS4 Phantoms, and my heart goes out to those of you that lost a bunch of stuff.

For now, I am going to stop offering PS4 phantoms.

I wouldn't be surprised if Sony was first concerned about it's own franchises (such as Bloodborne) and less about third party games (Battlefield is owned by EA/Dice)

• Killzone: Shadow Fall - sellable, timeshare $1.5/wk
• Lara Croft Osiris+DLC, Mercenary Kings, PJ Shooter, Towerfall Ascension - timeshare $1.5/wk
• Lego Marvel Super Heroes - sellable, timeshare $1/wk
• SoundShapes + DLC, Plants vs Zombies - timeshare $1.5/wk

• Alice Madness Returns + All DLC - sellable, timeshare $1/wk
• Assassin's Creed Brotherhood + All DLC - phantom, timeshare $1/wk
• Assassin's Creed 3 + All DLC & Sorcery - sellable, phantom, timeshare $1/wk
• Assassin's Creed 4 Black Flag + All DLC - sellable, timeshare $1.5/wk
• Batman Arkham Origins + Cold Heart/Initiation/Knightfall - phantom, timeshare $1.5/wk
• Battlefield 4 & Premium (all trophy DLC, pile of battlepacks, also Pistol+DMR unlocks) - resell, timeshare $1.5/wk
• Borderlands 2 + Mechro/Dome/lvl61/SeasonPass, SoundShapes + DLC - sellable, phantom, timeshare $1.5/wk
• Call of Duty Black Ops 2 + Season Pass DLC + Nuketown Zombies + Nuketown 2025 - sellable, timeshare $1.5/wk
• Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 All DLC - sellable, phantom, timeshare $1/wk
• DanceStar w/ songs - sellable, phantom, timeshare $1/wk
• Darksiders II w/ Crucible Pass and soundtrack - sellable, phantom, timeshare $1/wk
• Destiny w/ Season Pass PLUS Pre-Order Bonuses - resell, timeshare $1/wk
• Far Cry 3 Blood Dragon - sellable, phantom, timeshare $1/wk
• God of War Ascension Online Pass + 48-hr XP Boost + Ultimate DLC Bundle - sellable, phantom, first timeshare w/ 48hr XP Boost is $2/wk
• Grand Theft Auto V, L.A. Noire Complete - phantom, timeshare $1.5/wk
• GTA4 Episodes, LA Noire, Midnight Club LA+DLC, Red Dead Redemption - sellable, phantom, timeshare $1.5/wk
• Heavy Fire Afghanistan - sellable, phantom, timeshare $1/wk
• LittleBigPlanet Karting + a ton of karts/costumes - phantom, timeshare $0.5/wk
• Machinarium - sellable, phantom, timeshare $0.5/wk
• Max Payne 3 + All DLC - sellable, phantom, timeshare $1/wk
• Ni No Kuni & Jet Set Radio - sellable, flexible, timeshare $1/wk
• Remember Me - sellable, phantom, timeshare $1/wk
• Saints Row 3 Complete (USA) - sellable, phantom, timeshare $1/wk
• Saints Row 3 Complete (German) - sellable, phantom $10
• Smurfs 2 - sellable, phantom, timeshare $1/wk
• South Park: The Stick of Truth - timeshare $1.5/wk
• Star Wars Force Unleashed DLC - sellable, phantom, timeshare $0.5/wk
• The Bureau: XCOM Declassified - phantom
• Tomb Raider (2013) w/ bonus map/weapons/etc and Quantum Conundrum - sellable, phantom, timeshare $1/wk
• XCOM Enemy Unknown + Slingshot DLC - phantom

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This issue sure has brought the crowd back hasn't it? 

Thinking we should have a thread for timeshares specifically. Closed membership of course. What would the requirements be for membership? Vouch system a la Pravado's system or successful transactions? I'm just spitballing a few ideas here, no idea if this is a feasible idea or not...

I just don't need all of yall taking QDizzles rentals from me. Work it out amongst yourselves, but to add to the topic, having the access to timesharing should absolutely be gated in someway. Personal vouches would be ideal. Anyone can pad transactions if they want to gain access to locked areas. I did it in GTZ to gain access to their gameshare forum, people will do it here.
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This issue sure has brought the crowd back hasn't it?

Thinking we should have a thread for timeshares specifically. Closed membership of course. What would the requirements be for membership? Vouch system a la Pravado's system or successful transactions? I'm just spitballing a few ideas here, no idea if this is a feasible idea or not...
Why not just use this thread?

I just don't need all of yall taking QDizzles rentals from me. Work it out amongst yourselves, but to add to the topic, having the access to timesharing should absolutely be gated in someway. Personal vouches would be ideal. Anyone can pad transactions if they want to gain access to locked areas. I did it in GTZ to gain access to their gameshare forum, people will do it here.
Full game price plus up front rental fees would be reasonable, even newcomers could partake with zero feedback.
In my opinion rental fees are even worst than phantoms. If gamesharing goes that way, activations will be limited to few per year - just like on XBone.

Just to share the experience of my gaming group with this group. We have been regularly sharing within our group for a while now.

I had 2 phantoms (TLOU, Diablo III), haven't lost access yet. Never changed any settings, have auto updates on and have used rest mode.

User 1 (Canada) - Lost FIFA 15 and BF Hardline phantoms Friday.

On Saturday, I deactivated FIFA and took the phantom, sent resell back to him. My newly created third phantom was OK as of last night.


User 3 - (Canada) - Hasn't lost access to his phantoms yet.

I haven't read any other PS3 lock reports here. Can anybody here who was locked out of their shares on PS4 test to see if they are locked out their PS3 phantoms, too?

Like others, just waiting to see the final result of all this.

Now this concerns me. What if they decide to do the same for PS3 phantoms?
Now this concerns me. What if they decide to do the same for PS3 phantoms?
Its going to happen eventually. My guess would be all the share renting that has been going on lately placed a target squarely on game sharing's back. Accounts changing hands that many times was bound to draw attention. Honestly, I'm surprised Sony let this continue as long as it did. It was good while it lasted people, just try to remember the good ol days. NO REGRETS!

Rentals are perfect for me personally. I could pay 25 for a Phantom I'll beat in 2-3 weeks and then just have it sitting there taking up hard drive space. Or I can pay 2-3 bucks a week and have the same use out of it I would have if I paid 25 but I only spent 10 bucks on average.
Why not just use this thread?
Because the thread is public and open to anyone. If timeshares are gonna be the new "thing" and we all agree trust is the biggest must, it needs to be kept organized and out of the public eye.

That said, for the time being at least, I submit my list of available timeshares:

Saints Row IV & Gat Out Of Hell- $1 per week

Battlefield Hardline- $3 per week (unless someone's actually looking to buy at this point...)

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If even ps3 phantoms get lost too this must be a mistake, whats next? Ps1? Sony recently changed domains of the store which may have lead to errors in the authorization process.

So its possible the authorization servers couldn´t be reached for a certain amount of time that leads to these problems.

Even phantoms you are completely and permantely logged out of, will do a licence check every time you turn on your ps4 and theres internet. Now to our disadvantage and bad luck a technical issue with these servers may have led to all this trouble.

As for ebay and the sellers there, Sony would just make ebay end it if they were aware of it. Its breaking Sony licences and TOS clearly.

I understand the collateral aspect. But say if you rent a game for a week or over being out potentially $60+ for that time is kind of a turn off.
I get that, I do. But I also would expect and have no problem with putting down full price plus rental fees if need be. I understand some may not have the cash on hand? but if someone did have the cash and would rather buy the physical disc instead, this wouldn't make sense in my opinion. The idea of collateral is no different than keeping the cash in your bank account, you get the cash back once the game is returned.

Another added plus why this is a good idea in my opinion is like somebody said, where there are too few games to go around, this alternative will be available to those who are interested.

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Because the thread is public and open to anyone. If timeshares are gonna be the new "thing" and we all agree trust is the biggest must, it needs to be kept organized and out of the public eye.

That said, for the time being at least, I submit my list of available timeshares:

Saints Row IV & Gat Out Of Hell- $1 per week

Battlefield Hardline- $3 per week (unless someone's actually looking to buy at this point...)
I offer $25 for BF Hardline resell slot.
All my phantoms are gone too, they were working an hour ago and I shut the ps4 down completely as I have been the past few days. I lost so many games, a good amount of which I bought in the past month

WWE 2k15

Evil Within

Dying Light


Borderlands Collection

Battlefield Hardline


Dragon Age

Far Cry 4

Final Fantasy Type 0

Metro 2033

Metro LL

White Night

If anyone has resells of these for sale let me know please (esp destiny + bloodborne)

This is the end of gamesharing. I'm fucking pissed. It looks like Sony has caught on and is manually banning accounts (it was only a matter of time with how many people were just carefree about spreading info on how to create phantoms thinking there would be no blowback if the wrong ppl found out - this caused an uprising in people selling accounts on ebay and such)

If this was a hardware/software thing it would affect everyone at the same time, wouldn't be just randomly doing it for people relating to shutting down the console a certain way or anything. I mean, it's possible but incredibly unlikely it's a software thing, I think sony is just manually doing this.

Anyone who this hasn't affected, disconnect your PS4 from the internet if you want to save your phantoms.
in regards to the banning accounts; perhaps we should get in contact with the resell owners to see if their accounts are actually banned.

Looks like it's the perfect time to come out of retirement and help out in whatever way I can.

So far, all of my PS4 phantoms are still working, including the latest Bloodborne (speaking of which I still have the resell for this so PM me if you want it).

My main account is activated on my system with the current settings:

  • All "Automatic Downloads and Uploads" settings under System is enabled.
  • All "Set Functions Available in Rest Mode" settings under Power Save Settings are enabled.
  • The "Log In to PS4 Automatically" feature is turned off.
I always put my PS4 in rest/suspend mode and only power off when I'm bringing it over to a friend's house. Model CUH-1001A (bought at launch).

Still need confirmation from sgand but according to him, an AC4 phantom I sold him recently has been locked. The interesting thing though is that I never got around to changing the password and deactivating him yet. Won't speculate on this further until he confirms the lock once he gets home.

The most important thing we can do right now is figure out what is triggering these locks. From the admittedly little research I've done (blame Bloodborne), there doesn't seem to be any pattern. Some change from the firmware update is highly suspect but why are some people unaffected? If we can recreate the lockout with consistency, we can figure out what is happening.

Worst case scenario, Sony is doing the locks manually and there's nothing we can do about it. Push comes to shove, we will figure out another way to play games for cheap. IIRC, Boosted set up a PS4 subscription service a while back. Is that still going? Might be a viable option worth exploring but let's focus on what is causing the locks for now.
Sorry it had to come to this drastic measure to see your return but good to have you back (even if temporary)

On day 1 I had my phantoms but unfortunately yesterday I lost all mines. Sucks but tis life...Maybe this is just something thats being pushed and hunted for a couple of weeks and it will die back down


PS4 The Crew resell


PS3 Risen 3 resell $2


PS4 Resident Evil Revelations 2  $1/week (out until 4/4)

PS3 Resident Evil Revelations 2  $1/week 

I see a lot of people who own a phantom of either bloodborne and/or Battlefield hardline lose their phantoms.

Just to see if those games could be held accountable
No. It's not specific games that are removed, it's all games on a system. I lost games that have no following whatsoever like White Night. Either something in the system is deactivating the phantoms randomly when you turn the system on (when you try to remove them theres no activation warning) (unlikely imo), or sony has a way to check for phantoms now and is remotely deactivating phantom accounts somehow

bread's done