[quote name='buffcorp'][quote name='VivaItalia']ok, so for the wipeout hd gameshare we have all 5 slots filled.
1.) dark lord greg
2.) Buffcorp
3.) Captain Joel
4.) VivaItalia
5.) cindaddy
who is going to lead this?
I will go ahead and lead it,
Game is purchased sending out PM's now[/QUOTE]
Damn jgiovanni, you missed it. its full now.
[quote name='jgiovanni']I thought that Wipeout had a 24hr lock[/QUOTE]
I can confirm that it does NOT have a 24 hour lock, as far as I know the only 3 games that do are Warhawk, Socom and GTPrologue. (and MP demos/betas but those are free anyway)
[quote name='buffcorp']That is good to know, so basically 1 download / 24 hour period?[/QUOTE]
[quote name='jman619']Basically If someone in your group plays it. The other people can't until after 24 hours which sucks.[/QUOTE]
The way the 24 hour lockout works is whoever plays it on their console nobody else can play it for 24 hours. Than after that 24 hours whoever wants to play it has to log in under the account that it was purchased to "reactivate" it, once you move the 24 hour activation over to your console by launching it under the account it was purchased (logged in to PSN) you can than play it under your own PSNID, than nobody else can play it for 24 hours. If nobody tries to play it for 2 weeks than whatever, as soon as they "reactivate" it on another console than it starts that 24 hour period over.