[quote name='rvanzandt']Street Fighter 6.38, ICO 6.38, Sonic The Hedgehog 6.38, Heavenly Sword 3.19, Kratos 2.12, Piposaru 2.12, LocoRoco 3.19, Chimera 2.12, Motorstorm 2.12, Toro 2.12, Patapon 2.12, Rag Doll Kungfu 6.38, The Incredibles 6.38, The Incredibles 5.33, 2000AD 6.38, Killzone 3.19, Wipeout 3.19,God of War 3.19, Buzz 2.12, Egyptian 3.19, Norse 3.19, Pirates 6.38, Pirates 6.38, White Knight 6.38, Assasin’s Creed 2.12, Watchmen 6.38, Mm Music Pack 3.19, Verabee Stickers 2.12, inFAMOUS 2.12, Ghostbusters 6.38, Jon Burgerman Stickers 2.12
I think I might be missing one pack, because I thought browsing the PSN last night I saw a 3.99 pack and I couldn’t find anything on the web with that price, So I will check the PSN Store tonight, but it's going to be around $25 a share for all the dlc so far. Little Pricy but there is a lot of content. I would like to keep this share active for future DLC.
Thanks and let me know if you want to join.[/QUOTE]
Definitely interested, depending on final price. But are you being charged tax?
Change the state to california or some other state that doesn't charge tax on psn.