9PM EST (One Hour From Now)
Blizzard Demo Day

The other clan has basically the same ratings as us (high 20s,mid 30s) so if people show we have a good chance of winning.
[quote name='smiggity']So wow, we may really be fucked. It is quite possible that Socom 4 will have regenerating health. And OTS view confirmed[/QUOTE]

Don't be so debbie downer. We don't know anything yet, there is zero chance they won't have the center camera option. No health bar doesn't mean anything beyond there is no visible health bar on the screen.
[quote name='smiggity']So wow, we may really be fucked. It is quite possible that Socom 4 will have regenerating health. And OTS view confirmed[/QUOTE]
All right! This is gonna be my game!
Mister B & Smog you can count me in on Tiger Woods 2011. The only bummer is I'll be in Florida the week it comes out and by the time I get back all your stats will be through the roof. It looks like it's going to have 12v12 team games including the Ryder Cup which should be fun.

I'm looking forward to some Socom tonight after a 5 day drought
Sorry I didn't show up guys. Had a friend over and we had a bro-mance with SSFIV. I try to make it next night.

Also, I got Lost Planet 2, how come you guys aren't into this?! It's 3rd person shooting, eh? eh?

edit: Haven't really played, but it looks awesome. The triggers are set to R1 shoot, I believe in the demo they were R2. You can also customize your char and level em up as well. Not too many customizing options but you can swap from 5 class parts and change the color around.

edit2: I'm noticing this is like the Japan's Socom as most of the other players are from Japan. Maybe it's because I'm playing so late.
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Japanese like their garbage shooters :)

Alright I was Debbie Downer about regen health. We will find out on Friday since the Podcast guest considers himself a "Socom II Elitist"
9 PM EST Thursday (Tomorrow)

Blizzard Demo

Smog, when I loaded up NHL it said the invitation had been revoked, maybe you have to send it again?
[quote name='MisterBee']9 PM EST Thursday (Tomorrow)

Blizzard Demo

Smog, when I loaded up NHL it said the invitation had been revoked, maybe you have to send it again?

I sent two. ! was to the league we just started and one to one we are almost done with.. "Repping that 586" is the one I sent. Should be in your inbox
So Regenerating Health AND Revives are confirmed in SP. Most likely in MP too. I wanna throw up....All Socomers go to and vote up the Socom Collection remake because if we want Socom going forward, thats our only hope. Socom 4 is not Socom
I would easily drop $60 for a Socom 1-3 collection... Hell, maybe even for a perfected version of Socom II. Socom 4 is sounding to me like Socom 3 was.. shying away from the roots of the game and what made it so great and trying different things. S4 doesn't sound too appealing to me as of right now. Maybe things will change though, I'll give it the benefit of the doubt.
[quote name='MillerTime2523']I would easily drop $60 for a Socom 1-3 collection... Hell, maybe even for a perfected version of Socom II. Socom 4 is sounding to me like Socom 3 was.. shying away from the roots of the game and what made it so great and trying different things. S4 doesn't sound too appealing to me as of right now. Maybe things will change though, I'll give it the benefit of the doubt.[/QUOTE]

S4 is for sure getting away from the roots of Socom..To me it is essentially looking like an Uncharted/Call of Duty mashup. I'm waiting for them to announce respawn-only at this point.

Zipper said Sony would do a collection like God of War for Socom if enough people screamed for it.

Physh I think every game since like 09 has to have trophies,, so nothing different here.
[quote name='smiggity']So Regenerating Health AND Revives are confirmed in SP. Most likely in MP too. I wanna throw up....All Socomers go to and vote up the Socom Collection remake because if we want Socom going forward, thats our only hope. Socom 4 is not Socom[/QUOTE]

So does this mean when Socom 4 comes out everyone will be complaining that /6 should have made it cause they knew how to make a Socom game right? ;) Since I've never played a Socom before this all I hear in Confrontation chats is how great Zipper was at making Socom games.

As long as the CAG clan sticks together it will be a good time.

CAG Night + No School Tomorrow = :applause:
[quote name='smiggity']So Regenerating Health AND Revives are confirmed in SP. Most likely in MP too. I wanna throw up....All Socomers go to and vote up the Socom Collection remake because if we want Socom going forward, thats our only hope. Socom 4 is not Socom[/QUOTE]

Heaven forbid the SOCOM franchise evolve over time...
evolve into sure . dude go suck on zippers tit in your own thread. no need to hate in here.

this change is akin to giving 5 strikes and 4 outs in baseball
[quote name='m_d_amore']evolve into sure . dude go suck on zippers tit in your own thread. no need to hate in here.

this change is akin to giving 5 strikes and 4 outs in baseball[/QUOTE]

Um, this is a community. You guys are the ones acting like children in the SOCOM 4 thread. As I said, heaven forbid the franchise evolves. I mean, it's not like soldiers are treated by medics on the battle field in real life...that never happens :roll:
[quote name='SynGamer']Um, this is a community. You guys are the ones acting like children in the SOCOM 4 thread. As I said, heaven forbid the franchise evolves. I mean, it's not like soldiers are treated by medics on the battle field in real life...that never happens :roll:[/QUOTE]

So when the medics come in, 3 seconds later the person is instantly healed and ready to fight again right? If your point is that other games that use medics have a basis in realism then your point would be that medics are basically gods in real life who can heal all wounds instantly just like in other games.
yea the community of the CAG Socom clan dont hate cuz you suck in confrontation and aint a part of it

[quote name='rpnguyen']socom 4 in my gold box, 54.14[/QUOTE]
you can pre order it and another game at gamestop and save 25%
[quote name='SynGamer']Heaven forbid the SOCOM franchise evolve over time...[/QUOTE]

Evolve and flat out completely do a 180 are two different things. If you actually played any of the Socoms, you would see the drastic changes that are taking place. And if you are a fan, you would be upset by them.

[quote name='SynGamer']Um, this is a community. You guys are the ones acting like children in the SOCOM 4 thread. As I said, heaven forbid the franchise evolves. I mean, it's not like soldiers are treated by medics on the battle field in real life...that never happens :roll:[/QUOTE]

Whens the last time any real Socom fan has come in that lame ass thread? Its you and that other child talking back and forth. Leave this to the adults please, there are plenty of Call Of Dutys and Final Fantasys for you to play and follow.
I've been playing SOCOM since I got my PS2 and SOCOM II. The SOCOM games were good back in the day, but they're stale and outdated now. I mean, I understand you're all fanboys and girls, just look at your XBL gamertag (which I know isn't real)...but at least have a little common sense to know that the SOCOM community was quite small even back in it's prime. Zipper and Sony need to expand the brand if you want to see more sequels. That's not to say that they need make it more like COD or BF, but they are taking steps that will hopefully bring in more people while still retaining *most* of that old SOCOM feel.
Go look at Sales Figures for PS2 Socoms. Small? I think not. And Garbage ass Confrontation still had more players than Warhawk or KZ2 ever had. Thats with a broken game. How is Socom stale? B/c you cant rank up? Its a skill based shooter. CounterStrike hasnt changed their winning formula. Your fanboy comment is just stupid. Im a fan of Socom. Period
Now that the drama is hopefully over we can concentrate on something more important:


Hopefully we get the big turnout we had last week, and if not we get a better quickmatch draw than on Sunday.
hot damn theres some aggravation in here, from a socom fans standpoint the changes are retarded, any arguement otherwise is equally retarded. From the publishers position I can understand, socom fans will probably buy it regardless and they may get some sissys from mw2 to buy it too, increasing their big monies.

i never play anymore because life is kicking my ass, when I did play i enjoyed the game, but I enjoyed the group far more. in my experience, the people that play socom are infinitely more enjoyable than those I encounter in other games. hopefully these changes dont drive to many of you away because that would really be a loss.

maybe my schedule wont suck tonight and ill be able to join those of you still playing.
Ha ha ha e-drama...

This is the first SOCOM game I have played and I don't like the idea of adding RegenHealth to SOCOM4.

Yay SOCOM night...
I need a learning break.
Awesome games last night guys. Nice to see a large crew on.

And ppowers says it perfectly, from a fans point the changes to S4 are out of line. But Zipper is trying to get as much $ possible so mainstream is the way to go in their eyes. I too hope Socom doesnt lose its competitive community
Hahahaha have fun playing SOCOM: Bad Company 2, suckers!

Actually I was looking forward to trying S4, you guys will have to tell me if it sucks.
Thats what its lookin like...And Im not a fan of BFBC although its a great game. Now I know how all the old school BF players feel. Betrayed! Probably spelled wrong but PS3 browser sucks.

Oh yeah, stop glitching Dtruck lol
Had a final paper to write for one of my classes last night so I didn't end up getting on. Still need to get in on a game night at some point... Schools just been really hectic lately.. Got a final project type thing in every class, plus got a final for most of my classes at some point. Once things die down and summer comes around I'll get some more socom hours in for sure
[quote name='smiggity']No worries man, Goldbug said you were swamped with schoolwork. We were all there at some point, get that diploma![/QUOTE]
fixed.. :cry: haha
Great, blizzard again...

edit: A couple of bears were still in hibernation. Only three of them came out of the cave. Won by default.
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We're heading to Florida to theme park heaven for this coming week. If my bride would allow it, the ps3 would be my carry on. I hope to be back on for CAG night a week from tomorrow and now that school's out I should be able to get more hours in. :)
bread's done