Dude, I need a time machine. I really want to try the dutch gun and the sr-25. I'm salivating right now :drool:. Can't wait in two weeks... I hope.
Yeah I saw that about the GH version being $30. Should be easier to find a copy on the cheap then. Spread the word, but share a bit more info then the developers did with the patch lol.
Weren't they going to take off the black screens at the beginning of rounds?

And if possible, an invite back into the main clan would be nice. I'll miss the gmp and cool KSK helmet, but I sure would like to get into ladder matches with you guys.
i visited 6 targets and couldnt find a single socom bundle. i guess i gotta revised my expectations of picking up a 75% off clearanced bundle.

I'm on almost every night. I'm currently in a clan but would like to join the CAG's. I have a couple buddies I would like to invite as well, if that is ok. A couple guys I just met and one is a good friend from XBL. Look forward to fragging with you guys soon! Peace. BRUTAL>
[quote name='BRUTAL SKILLZ']My PSN Tag is: BRUTAL_SKILLZ-69

I'm on almost every night. I'm currently in a clan but would like to join the CAG's. I have a couple buddies I would like to invite as well, if that is ok. A couple guys I just met and one is a good friend from XBL. Look forward to fragging with you guys soon! Peace. BRUTAL>[/QUOTE]

  • [FONT=tahoma,arial,helvetica,sans-serif]Option to Disable D-Pad lean and re-assign left and right directional buttons.[/FONT]
  • [FONT=tahoma,arial,helvetica,sans-serif]Ladder Climb less audible.[/FONT]
  • [FONT=tahoma,arial,helvetica,sans-serif]Round timer for 8x8 Medley decreased to 5 minutes.[/FONT]
  • [FONT=tahoma,arial,helvetica,sans-serif]Picking up the bomb prompt now has priority when a body is on top of the bomb. [/FONT]
  • [FONT=tahoma,arial,helvetica,sans-serif]Added the ability to join directly into a friend's game off of the friend's list.[/FONT]
  • [FONT=tahoma,arial,helvetica,sans-serif]Slightly reduced the Famas accuracy.[/FONT]
  • [FONT=tahoma,arial,helvetica,sans-serif]Added password protected custom games.[/FONT]
  • [FONT=tahoma,arial,helvetica,sans-serif]Drastically improved the weapon selection ring. You can now move while selecting weapons and the weapon selection is much faster and more accurate.[/FONT]
  • [FONT=tahoma,arial,helvetica,sans-serif]Improved the damage of the Desert Eagle. One shot kill with light and medium armor.[/FONT]
  • [FONT=tahoma,arial,helvetica,sans-serif]Improved sniper rifle damage. One shot kills with bolt action rifles on light and medium armor.[/FONT]
  • [FONT=tahoma,arial,helvetica,sans-serif]Fixed a large number of level exploits.[/FONT]
  • [FONT=tahoma,arial,helvetica,sans-serif]Channel names are sorted alphabetically by default.[/FONT]
  • [FONT=tahoma,arial,helvetica,sans-serif]Reduced the long fade in at the beginning of rounds to less than 1 second (the "darkness" is gone).[/FONT]
  • [FONT=tahoma,arial,helvetica,sans-serif]Added a 30 second game start timer to games when greater than 60% of the players ready up.[/FONT]
  • [FONT=tahoma,arial,helvetica,sans-serif]Clan patches are now displayed on your character in-game.[/FONT]
  • [FONT=tahoma,arial,helvetica,sans-serif]Clan tags are now displayed with your player name in-game.[/FONT]
  • [FONT=tahoma,arial,helvetica,sans-serif]Added center markers to all scopes and changed the color of the crosshairs so that they are visible at night.[/FONT]
  • [FONT=tahoma,arial,helvetica,sans-serif]Kill cam stops following target after 5 seconds.[/FONT]
  • [FONT=tahoma,arial,helvetica,sans-serif]Button prompts in death cam fade out after 5 seconds.[/FONT]
  • [FONT=tahoma,arial,helvetica,sans-serif]Target Spotting now defaults to off.[/FONT]
  • [FONT=tahoma,arial,helvetica,sans-serif]Weapons selected in-game are not saved to your custom loadout.[/FONT]

Those are all the changes that have been listed. We will finally have a feature complete game. I hope it doesnt break everything else
[quote name='smiggity']
  • [FONT=tahoma,arial,helvetica,sans-serif]Improved the damage of the Desert Eagle. One shot kill with light and medium armor.[/FONT]
[/QUOTE] uh
I think I'll stay away from deagles. So you are all safe for now, haha. Honestly though, I think those weapon tweaks could be game breaking. We'll just have to wait and see.

Now, does anyone have a good setup for machine guns?

I'm not quite sure if I should go with the bipod or the front grip. And I'm not quite sure what a good armor would be to go along with it.
Gotta remember that the DE is a realy heavy gun...Its like carrying an extra 4 grenades. And it is a .50 cal bullet, so I have no problem with 1 hit kills. We will see how it turns out
I hope that the one hit kills are only for shots to the head/body and not if you get grazed in the arm or leg while moving. I have enough instant deaths in this game as it is.

We're going to the Twins/Indians game today but I should be back in time for CAG night. Looking forward to some instant deaths and watching you all play from the grave...
United win and the scum lose, this day can't get much better, oh yes it can! Socom Night!

Yeah front grip is a must with machine guns, you can't suppress them so its either scope or laser. Even with the front grip I seem to either hit everything in sight with them or can't hit anything with them.

Do we get our fearless leader back tonight?
ive been on a kniving spree watch out.

5 more days and ill be on hiatus for 10 days hopefully i can get that 9 and the patch will be here when i get back
Sorry about the 1st rd on frostfire(knives only). My fault MisterB. And the 2nd time on kasbah(pistols only). My fault md. I'm deaf.

Knife fight was really fun. The 2 for 1 knife kill between the comp room and warehouse was hilarious. I believe metaly and gen were the victims? But, they both got me. Nice knife kill near the crane gen, can't believe the round ended up a draw. :cool:

Nice epic firefight in the kasbah temple gold lol :).

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Haha, I didn't hear the pistols only announcement either, but luckily MisterB killed me before I could get a shot off in the first round.

Knife fight was fun, pretty funny when Option jumped down and shouted "I'm Batman!", haha.

Good games, see you all on Tuesday!
Yeah that was me as half of that double knifing. :oops::D My favorite moment was climbing up the ladder to one of the towers and Lethal was waiting right there for me, but then somebody knifed him right in the back. That was a good match.

Sledgehammers next week?
Great games last night. Haha, too bad I failed as batman. Crazy round Gen, taking on the whole team with knives. Sorry about not getting the memo the first time.

Sorry guys for the last couple games, my brain was fried as it was way too late for me.
Yeah great games everyone. It was a blast watching GenDV take down the whole squad with a knife. THat one double kill with esper and Gen was awesome. See yall tomorrow
The game finally dropped at Gamestop due to the GH version down to $30 new and $25 used. So if you got extra credit might be a good deal for new players.
10 more pistol kills and I am at least 3rd class in every weapon.

The one bad thing about playing by ourselves, we all know each others tendencies. More people need to join so I can get more claymore kills lol.

Twice I got stuck in the stupid taunt menu, I wish that was one thing we could actually get rid of button wise. I'm way to used to my controls to ever switch what button it is.

RUMOR Posted by Wraith on official forums:
That included in this patch or the next one is a feature that automatically kills anyone who goes outside the intended area of play (outside the map)?

Well I'm telling you.............thoughts? (besides of course that you think I have no idea what i'm talking about, or that i'm making it up, I assume half of you will think that.)

I personally wonder why all games don't incorporate this feature by default...............get your glitching in now guys, your days geeking it up with your glitchhappy buddies, buttslapping over how you can get on the roof in urban wastelands will soon be over.

If true that would be really cool.
so im still tracking down a copy from target. but in the meantime is there a site that i can read up on... you know, the basics and good combos for loadouts?
Here are a few links:

Overhead View Of The Maps Including The Usual Names Of Important Places

Complete Weapon Stats

Here is a few tips:

1. Stick to assault rifles when your starting out, put a front grip and then either a scope or silencer. (personal picks: Commandos-M4A1, Mercenaries-552, I usually go front grip+silencer, you rarely are trying to hit someone from far away with an assault rifle)
2. Set up your clothing for all 4 types of maps, dressing in black at night is better than wearing bright desert camouflage.
3. Turn OFF sixaxis grenade throws, it made me much better at throwing them simply not having to worry about how I hold the controller.
4. Stick with either medium/medium or medium torso/light legs for armor. The differences in health over heavy isn't worth the lack of mobility.
5. Avoid carrying claymores or c4 until you learn how touchy they work. I usually carry only 2 grenades except during escort where 4 is always helpful.
6. LEARN THE MAPS!!!!! This cannot be stressed enough, learning where things are in relation to where you are is crucial. Most maps won't take very long but 1 or 2 will take a good amount of time to fully grasp ...cough...UrbanWasteland...cough...
7. Know what gamemode your playing. (I.E. kill vips in escort, don't kill vips in extraction, tie rules in elimination/supression)
8. Callout everything, where eneimes are, if your blowing a bridge, when your gun gets hot (a red ring around the crosshairs shows the direction of the shots), if you one of only a few people left say where you are and where your going).

Hope this is a little help to people to enjoy the game, even if you just play on cag nights and arent addicted like a few, this game (despite its problems) is some of the most fun you can have. Its easily worth the now 30 bucks new or if you can score the bundle on clearance at target.

EDIT: A few more tips (and some refinement above)

9. Night Vision = Useless. Just turn up your tvs brightness for the one game per rotation that is at night.
10. For now (until we see if the patch fixes this) disable both Dolby Digital and DTS 5.1 in the XMB before launching the game. If you do not there is a decent chance you will lose all sound.
11. Do not use a laser unless you are using the M14, lasers can be seen through walls so the increase in accuracy isn't worth giving away where you are for every gun except the M14.
12. Guns ranked in terms of ease of use: AR-SMG-MG-Shotguns-Sniper
13. Lots of things can explode. Cars, propane tanks, oil drums all can be used to your advantage. It takes a lot of bullets (about 1 clip) to blow up a car, but as Smog knows, its an easy way to get killed :lol:.
14. Clips do not get addded together, you reload with 10 left in a clip, if you come back to it, it still has 10 in that clip. This means you should be reloading less than in most shooters.
15. Knife takes 2 kills if your in front of a person, 1 if you get them in the back. (This is true about 95% of the time, sometimes you will knife someone in the back and they won't go down.)
16. Friendly fire is on! Watch where you point those guns, and if you have your knife on L3/R3 be careful at the start of every round.
17. HAVE FUN, no one is the cag clan cares how good or bad you are.
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[quote name='smiggity']Well put Mr B. Those guys in that room earlier needed that link Goldbug.[/QUOTE]

Those guys were something else. It felt like a scene out of Dumb and Dumber with the way they were arguing over what is included in which patch. Good games though. The 4x4 demo was a nice change of pace.

I'm taking the bride out to dinner tonight, but I hope to be on so I can:
A. Whiff with my knife over and over
B. Shoot someone in the toe with a pistol while I get shot in the face
C. Have a swell time playing the best game on psn

[quote name='MisterBee']Here are a few links:

Overhead View Of The Maps Including The Usual Names Of Important Places

Complete Weapon Stats

Here is a few tips:

1. Stick to assault rifles when your starting out, put a front grip and then either a scope or silencer. (personal picks: Commandos-M4A1, Mercenaries-552, I usually go front grip+silencer, you rarely are trying to hit someone from far away with an assault rifle)
2. Set up your clothing for all 4 types of maps, dressing in black at night is better than wearing bright desert camouflage.
3. Turn OFF sixaxis grenade throws, it made me much better at throwing them simply not having to worry about how I hold the controller.
4. Stick with either medium/medium or medium torso/light legs for armor. The differences in health over heavy isn't worth the lack of mobility.
5. Avoid carrying claymores or c4 until you learn how touchy they work. I usually carry only 2 grenades except during escort where 4 is always helpful.
6. LEARN THE MAPS!!!!! This cannot be stressed enough, learning where things are in relation to where you are is crucial. Most maps won't take very long but 1 or 2 will take a good amount of time to fully grasp ...cough...UrbanWasteland...cough...
7. Know what gamemode your playing. (I.E. kill vips in escort, don't kill vips in extraction, tie rules in elimination/supression)
8. Callout everything, where eneimes are, if your blowing a bridge, when your gun gets hot (a red ring around the crosshairs shows the direction of the shots), if you one of only a few people left say where you are and where your going).

Hope this is a little help to people to enjoy the game, even if you just play on cag nights and arent addicted like a few, this game (despite its problems) is some of the most fun you can have. Its easily worth the now 30 bucks new or if you can score the bundle on clearance at target.

EDIT: A few more tips (and some refinement above)

9. Night Vision = Useless. Just turn up your tvs brightness for the one game per rotation that is at night.
I dunno man, Nightwision gets me a ton of kills since you see peeps before they see you. ON Fallen its useless but Urban Wasteland its crucial.
10. For now (until we see if the patch fixes this) disable both Dolby Digital and DTS 5.1 in the XMB before launching the game. If you do not there is a decent chance you will lose all sound.
11. Do not use a laser unless you are using the M14, lasers can be seen through walls so the increase in accuracy isn't worth giving away where you are for every gun except the M14.
12. Guns ranked in terms of ease of use: AR-SMG-MG-Shotguns-Sniper
13. Lots of things can explode. Cars, propane tanks, oil drums all can be used to your advantage. It takes a lot of bullets (about 1 clip) to blow up a car, but as Smog knows, its an easy way to get killed :lol:.
14. Clips do not get addded together, you reload with 10 left in a clip, if you come back to it, it still has 10 in that clip. This means you should be reloading less than in most shooters.
I stil reload after every gunfight. You are more likely to get killed than you are to run out of ammo. Plus you can always pick some up

15. Knife takes 2 kills if your in front of a person, 1 if you get them in the back. (This is true about 95% of the time, sometimes you will knife someone in the back and they won't go down.)
16. Friendly fire is on! Watch where you point those guns, and if you have your knife on L3/R3 be careful at the start of every round.
17. HAVE FUN, no one is the cag clan cares how good or bad you are.[/QUOTE]

My additions in bold/italics
I believe so. Md could confirm though

Edit- Abigale forum post

As we are finally approaching the release of Patch 1.5, I just wanted to thank you for hanging in there. I know it's been a long and frustrating wait. But our next update on the blog should be to announce the date for the patch. I hope you find it and the upcoming DLC to be worth waiting for.

Thank you for your patience
I just started playing last night, I added a few people to my friends (smiggity, misterB, mdam0re) not sure who the other regulars are, so shoot me an invite!
[quote name='metaly']Does the laser actually increase the gun's accuracy stat?[/QUOTE]

Yes it does, on almost every gun it adds only one bar of accuracy. On the M14 it adds 3 bars I believe.

Reloading: It depends on the gun, SMG=Reload after every fight simply because they don't have the stopping power. Still since the bullets do not stack you are reloading much less than a shooter where the bullets do stack.
[quote name='MisterBee']Yes it does, on almost every gun it adds only one bar of accuracy. On the M14 it adds 3 bars I believe.[/QUOTE]

Oh OK. I thought it was just a big "shoot me" sign and wondered why people even used lasers at all. But yeesh, an extra 3 bars. :drool: And I thought the M14 was pretty good already.
[quote name='metaly']Oh OK. I thought it was just a big "shoot me" sign and wondered why people even used lasers at all. But yeesh, an extra 3 bars. :drool: And I thought the M14 was pretty good already.[/QUOTE]
You can always switch off to your secondary weapon if you want to go stealth, and just switch back. Though in close range, the other person definitely has the advantage if they see your laser moving around or go against your secondary with their primary.

This practice will most likely be easier once they fix the quick switch button.

But overall, I find the front grip and silencer more useful than a front grip/laser combo. I mean, sometimes the laser appears through walls.
just a random "lost" question, do yo respawn when you die? or is it more like rainbow six realism with one life?

i looked at the trophies and my first thought was are they insane? you're not getting awarded for all that hard work you put into to satisfying those critieria. have any of you gotten platinum?

im considering getting those turtlebeach x41s. despite having no functional mic for the ps3, i can see myself using them as to not disturb others sleeping in my house. thoughts? does sound give you a huge edge in socom? what are your setups for audio?
Correct, ranked rooms are no respawn. There are unranked rooms that are respawn, they are mainly for practice, learning the maps, and messing with new weapon loadouts.

Yeah, don't expect to platinum this game ever unless you get extremely luckly, gettting 15 kills in a row without taking any damage (this includes friendly fire damage and fall damage) is basically imposssible unless your an extremely good sniper on an extremely good team.

I think I can safely say that md is the closest to platinum, but no one in the clan actually has it.

Sound is extremely important in this game, but right now their is a bug in the game if you use either Dolby Digital or DTS. Everyone basically either risks losing their sound, or drops down to regular stereo.

I personally have a DTS 5.1 setup that goes unused right now. Option I believe uses headphones so he can answer those questions better than I can.

As for the patch smog, I am betting next week simply on the premise that the next blog post will announce the date, and has any of the patches came out on the same week as the post that announces the date?

Oh and shotgunning someone with a sniper rifle for missing with the knife, so satisfying :cool:.
Leaving work in about an hour to practice. Finally going to pry myself away from Battlelefield 1943 for awhile and hope to finally make it into SOCOM either tonight or tomorrow to catch bullets. Sending requests to SmogItUp and MisterB.
Actually i think im tied with smog he might have even taken the lead :( I m afraid i may have to cheat to get the platinum
I just picked this up at Target tonight with headset for $29.98. Looking to get a few games in before I try to play with the CAG clan. If anyone wants to play, add me.
i finally got in some games today. it took several hours to download patches to get me up to 1.42... ::sighs:: and 1.50 around the corner?

im finding it hard to get into the game. im so used to run and gun multiple respawn type fps games. plus, i can't decide which is better shoulder or classic cam. i usually get motion sickness with fps until recently. so my perceived jerkiness of socom limits my playing and breaking in time.

i found it fascinating how fast people die when i watch the spectator cams. a couple of rounds and they drop. i imagine thats what would happen when you encounter lethal weapons in real life. unfortunately, my one on one experiences don't turn out so well.

is there a way to change your camo once you started a game? i followed the helpful advice of saving camo outfits. once i start a game, it seems that the computer picks the best one for me. but in one game, i had a black outfit in a dessert environment. i could only find the option to change your weapon. and one of the hardest concept im trying to learn is the aim toggles and lack of a throw grenade button (r2). im used to aiming by holding down L1. i get confused from up up down or up down. it just doesnt make sense.

you guys weren't kidding about the maps. i was shocked that i couldnt see an actual map on the map icon. im thinking i need to print out those maps on your pages to reference during games.

how do you read a person's stat from the lobby? i see a number followed by a flag/ribbon and their name. in most of the games that i joined, i was dismayed that the teams (usually mine) were outnumbered. is this often the case? and is there no team balancing(because there is always the option of changing teams)? or do people like to win more than anything else?

overall, im enjoying the sense of these games that ive been in. unfortunately, im spectating more often than i prefer.
[quote name='enufs8d']i finally got in some games today. it took several hours to download patches to get me up to 1.42... ::sighs:: and 1.50 around the corner?

im finding it hard to get into the game. im so used to run and gun multiple respawn type fps games. plus, i can't decide which is better shoulder or classic cam. i usually get motion sickness with fps until recently. so my perceived jerkiness of socom limits my playing and breaking in time.

i found it fascinating how fast people die when i watch the spectator cams. a couple of rounds and they drop. i imagine thats what would happen when you encounter lethal weapons in real life. unfortunately, my one on one experiences don't turn out so well.

is there a way to change your camo once you started a game? i followed the helpful advice of saving camo outfits. once i start a game, it seems that the computer picks the best one for me. but in one game, i had a black outfit in a dessert environment. i could only find the option to change your weapon. and one of the hardest concept im trying to learn is the aim toggles and lack of a throw grenade button (r2). im used to aiming by holding down L1. i get confused from up up down or up down. it just doesnt make sense.

you guys weren't kidding about the maps. i was shocked that i couldnt see an actual map on the map icon. im thinking i need to print out those maps on your pages to reference during games.

how do you read a person's stat from the lobby? i see a number followed by a flag/ribbon and their name. in most of the games that i joined, i was dismayed that the teams (usually mine) were outnumbered. is this often the case? and is there no team balancing(because there is always the option of changing teams)? or do people like to win more than anything else?

overall, im enjoying the sense of these games that ive been in. unfortunately, im spectating more often than i prefer.[/QUOTE]

The number next to the flag goes off the number of games played so it doesn't mean a whole lot. The rank number is a bit of a mystery. It has to take a bunch of stuff into consideration such as how good the people you kill are and how many kills you have, etc. It is not totally accurate either. MisterB is a much better player than me and the other day my rank was an 8 and his was a 3.

The only way to change your camo is in the main menu armory. You can set it individually for urban, desert and night maps. The majority of us have light on top and bottom because the benefits of the slow moving medium and heavy armor don't out weigh the drawback of moving slower.

I prefer the classic view because you can see the area around you better and you can always zoom in one level to get the over the shoulder view.

Good luck and have fun.
[quote name='enufs8d']i finally got in some games today. it took several hours to download patches to get me up to 1.42... ::sighs:: and 1.50 around the corner?

im finding it hard to get into the game. im so used to run and gun multiple respawn type fps games. plus, i can't decide which is better shoulder or classic cam. i usually get motion sickness with fps until recently. so my perceived jerkiness of socom limits my playing and breaking in time.

i found it fascinating how fast people die when i watch the spectator cams. a couple of rounds and they drop. i imagine thats what would happen when you encounter lethal weapons in real life. unfortunately, my one on one experiences don't turn out so well.

is there a way to change your camo once you started a game? i followed the helpful advice of saving camo outfits. once i start a game, it seems that the computer picks the best one for me. but in one game, i had a black outfit in a dessert environment. i could only find the option to change your weapon. and one of the hardest concept im trying to learn is the aim toggles and lack of a throw grenade button (r2). im used to aiming by holding down L1. i get confused from up up down or up down. it just doesnt make sense.

you guys weren't kidding about the maps. i was shocked that i couldnt see an actual map on the map icon. im thinking i need to print out those maps on your pages to reference during games.

how do you read a person's stat from the lobby? i see a number followed by a flag/ribbon and their name. in most of the games that i joined, i was dismayed that the teams (usually mine) were outnumbered. is this often the case? and is there no team balancing(because there is always the option of changing teams)? or do people like to win more than anything else?

overall, im enjoying the sense of these games that ive been in. unfortunately, im spectating more often than i prefer.[/QUOTE]

It sounds like your learning the game in ranked rooms, which honestly you should not be doing. Go to the rooms at the bottom of the list, these are the respawn rooms, you will still probably die a lot but you will have much more time to learn whatever map you are playing.

The flag is your commando faction (this determines what specialized gun you get), the number to the left is confrontation rating (its supposed to be a skill level indicator, but unless someone is double digits its not a great indicator of skill), the number to the right of the flag is your rank (a matches played/matches won indicator).

Yeah camo is set in the main menu armory only, you have to make sure you set it for all types of maps in both commando and mercenary.

Tip, if you plan to throw grenades, right at the start of a round/life, switch to grenades then switch back to your main gun. This will set grenades to your quick switch button, meaning grenades and your main gun are always one button away from each other. Chances are your never going to need your pistol anyway, so just use the quick switch to your advantage.

As for inverting the y-axis, thats just a personal preference thing. I cannot stand having a non inverted y-axis but all my friends have a normal up-up y-axis.

I love classic view, and it gives the same advantages that gold mentioned in the post above.
[quote name='enufs8d']just a random "lost" question, do yo respawn when you die? or is it more like rainbow six realism with one life?

i looked at the trophies and my first thought was are they insane? you're not getting awarded for all that hard work you put into to satisfying those critieria. have any of you gotten platinum?

im considering getting those turtlebeach x41s. despite having no functional mic for the ps3, i can see myself using them as to not disturb others sleeping in my house. thoughts? does sound give you a huge edge in socom? what are your setups for audio?[/QUOTE]
Currently I have my audio hooked up as such:

PS3 -> TOSLink (optical) -> Astro A40 Mixamp -> Sony MDR-7506 Stereo Headphones

As for the mic, I just use the Sony Headset in table top mode (sorry, don't know exact name for it).

Honestly, sound in this game isn't extremely important. Look at Smog, he puts up ridiculous numbers sans a headset or surround sound system. He instead relies on the visual sound cues (red ring thing), cat like reflexes, and psychic powers.

However, I am able to hear a decent amount, i.e. someone sneaking around trying to knife me or someone walking around on the floor above me.

Bust honestly though, the game doesn't make these sounds very noticeable or distinct (except for the ladder climbing, haha), and I usually have to strain to hear them amongst a bunch of the other meshed in sounds, notably my own candy-wrapper-filled-pocket footsteps.

The reason why I went with Stereo Headphones is so I could have something that wasn't too bulky and could be used for other applications (mp3, instruments, etc.). Supposedly stereo (two channels) offer better quality than the multi-speaker headphones which can get pretty huge.

Now why I have wired vs wireless, is because simply there is less loss of quality through a wired line. Of course this can be subjective, but with cell phones and other signals running through the air, it's hard to get a "perfect"
sound from a wireless receiver. Basically you just gotta weigh sound quality vs convenience. Though it's kind of hard as I would think there aren't many places to try out headphones.

Now for Dolby Headphone which is the tech in both the Mixamp and the TB X41's. Try their demo out and see if it's good enough for you. Just need a computer, flash, and headphones.

DH Demo

Now a couple notes about Dolby Headphone. It's basically an algorithm that simulates surround sound, so it isn't true SS. However, it is a very good simulation IMO. It's shortcomings are shown when trying to differentiate between front and back, which is obvious when dealing with stereo headsets.

Also there is this special case with some people. Dolby Headphone may fatigue your brain. Say you hear something from the front-right. Your brain knows there is no speaker set up there, but you hear the sound coming from there anyway. Your brain may strain when dealing with this. A little hard to explain, sorry.

My main reason for headphones was because I don't have space for a full fledged system and also would like to take others into consideration (especially when they're sleeping).

Oh, and of course headphone hair, totally not cool, haha.
Prediction Time: Today we get the announcement that the patch is coming next week.

Also, seeing Seth Luisi getting slammed on the playstation blog is so wonderful.
bread's done