Anyone else have an issue in the beta where a fellow team member did not show up properly? I mowed down a fellow member, only to realize it AFTER I lost XP. Seriously, he did not show up as being a team member on the map or in my field of view. I felt bad, but what are you going to do when someone pops up, running at you out of cover from the general direction the enemy is coming from....that was probably my most frustrating moment...other than realizing how slow weapons turn.

As for the sound, I did not think it was too bad. Maybe it was my new headphones or my concentration was better, but I thought it was easier to hear things directionally while watching someone else than on my own.
I asked it already but I'll ask it again. Did anyone set up the CAG clan? If so, can you send me an invite. Remember me? I used to play Confrontation in the early days :D

Also, I wasn't crazy about the Shotguns-only primary weapon modes that were apparently active this weekend. I played some Classic that was fun but no communication other than some d-bag complaining. It was also rife with people on both teams simply sniping with silencers watching the intel and intel drop-off points. Every round except one I grabbed the intel when it was our turn but never had any support to deliver it.

Also, is there some sort of perk or something that allows you to carry a sniper AND an assault rifle? There was one guy on our team who always had a silenced sniper rifle and a Famas as his secondary (he was a level 48). Every time I've tried to replace my secondary off a dead body with a primary it just auto-swaps my primary.

[quote name='jmbreci']Anyone else have an issue in the beta where a fellow team member did not show up properly? I mowed down a fellow member, only to realize it AFTER I lost XP. Seriously, he did not show up as being a team member on the map or in my field of view. I felt bad, but what are you going to do when someone pops up, running at you out of cover from the general direction the enemy is coming from....that was probably my most frustrating moment...other than realizing how slow weapons turn.[/QUOTE]
I believe I mentioned this maybe a page or two back. I had 2 team-kills my first match because of this and another this weekend. It doesn't help that some of the non-standard player models look vaguely similar to the enemy team's. Also, I had to crank up the sensitivity almost to max just for the game to be playable. It's laughable how low the default sensitivity is set.

[quote name='enufs8d']theres game sharing.[/QUOTE]
It could also be tied to a single system per 24hrs or even have to be used on the single PSN acct like some content.

[quote name='nakanenui']Anyone playing the beta with their Move/SS setup? Can you comment please on how you are adjusting/liking it? Thanks.[/QUOTE]
I've been meaning to try out the game with my Move controller. I'll make an effort to try it out this week.
I was playing a match the other night and an enemy threw a grenade at me. The grenade remained suspended in the air for a while until it disappeared without ever exploding.
[quote name='kurrptsenate']did the beta finally go up for people that preordered KZ3?[/QUOTE]

The code that came in the killzone box worked for me last night.
[quote name='pLaYeRiTo']warning: dont throw your 2nd grenade, it will kill you no matter what you do with it. must be an epic lag[/QUOTE]

nah its just the way the grenades are tossed its really wonky i can throw them pretty accurately now at a distance but up close is a crap shoot. damn game is a mixed bag one minute im doing pretty good and then i can stop come back later and get demolished like id never played the game before.

i love the weapon mod system though i finally got that one machine gun up to level 4 or 5 wher eyou get a grenade launcher on it. very fun.

the game does lag at times though not sure if its due to lag switching or the game itself.

is this going to be a mp game only or does it have a sp component?
[quote name='NamPaehc']The code that came in the killzone box worked for me last night.[/QUOTE]

thanks. gives me something to look forward to when i get off work. Im hoping i have more success with the sharpshooter on this game than KZ3
I started my download this morning and had to leave before it was done. I'm hoping all went well and I'll be good to go tonight.

Is there any kind of party system, or how are the rest of the CAGs meeting up in game?
[quote name='kurrptsenate']thanks. gives me something to look forward to when i get off work. Im hoping i have more success with the sharpshooter on this game than KZ3[/QUOTE]

I forget how large the dl is, but it is over a gig. Then the game needed to patch when it booted up, that was another gig.

So expect some delay in actually playing.

And I forgot got how impatient "new" Socom players are. They tried to kick me as I snuck around to finish off the other team. Knifed those throats and got the win for us though.

In the day people didn't mind waiting 90 seconds... guess you have to play with friends now.
i would imagine its a similar CoD crowd that thinks they can run-and-gun in every game and when some one has a different play style, they are exiled from the match.

i take those as small victories, personally, but i'm kind of a dick so i guess that makes sense
is this going to be a mp game only or does it have a sp component?[/QUOTE]

It has single player as well.
[quote name='lokizz']nah its just the way the grenades are tossed its really wonky i can throw them pretty accurately now at a distance but up close is a crap shoot. damn game is a mixed bag one minute im doing pretty good and then i can stop come back later and get demolished like id never played the game before.

i love the weapon mod system though i finally got that one machine gun up to level 4 or 5 wher eyou get a grenade launcher on it. very fun.

the game does lag at times though not sure if its due to lag switching or the game itself.

is this going to be a mp game only or does it have a sp component?[/QUOTE]

It has a single player campaign as well.
Ugh, I don't think I am meant to play the SOCOM4 beta. My internet decided to stop working while downloading. And then other crap happened, but I have Thursday off...
I was playing for a bit last night, it's not terrible, but they pretty much broke the camera, THAT'S what's terrible.

If the camera doesn't back up a good bit I'm not going to be getting this game, the field of vision feels very cluttered the way the camera is set now.

Spectating people is a joke.

Notifications of for example when people are voted to be kicked are wayyyyyyyy to large, I don't need to see a notification that big on my screen.

The game plays decent but I really don't like how they changed so much from their past renditions, I would have just been happy with SOCOM 1/2 with a face lift to be honest.
fucking wow. i go to peel off that dumb shit they have covering the preorder code and it rips the paper, so now i dont know my code past HML5. unbelievable.
I leveled up to 9, I know everyone says this about every shooter game, but this game really is a camper's paradise.

Just in the 2 maps they have available, there's just too much random bullshit in the maps, people stuff can hide in, on top of, behind. I guess if you like that this game is for you, but I find everyone camps on shit that if you didn't know you could get inside or on top of, you wouldn't think twice about it because it doesn't seem like you can.

The camera really ruins this game most of all though, it's just too close and you have a terrible field of view in my opinion.

I was really looking forward to this game.
[quote name='PR0BLEMZ']Anyone have an extra code for me ? :) Would love to try[/QUOTE]

wait till next week. open beta to all.
[quote name='hustletron']I leveled up to 9, I know everyone says this about every shooter game, but this game really is a camper's paradise.

Just in the 2 maps they have available, there's just too much random bullshit in the maps, people stuff can hide in, on top of, behind. I guess if you like that this game is for you, but I find everyone camps on shit that if you didn't know you could get inside or on top of, you wouldn't think twice about it because it doesn't seem like you can.

The camera really ruins this game most of all though, it's just too close and you have a terrible field of view in my opinion.

I was really looking forward to this game.[/QUOTE]

Not to mention the random gunfire - non-sniper, at the beginning of a round that I have witnessed taking a number of people out. THAT reminds me of MW2, which I despised that.
wow. this game isnt that good. i feel sorry for you socom dudes who looked forward to this game so much.

the aim is slow as shit
the camera is too close
the camping is ridiculous
no nade arc
the spawns are terrible. i literally died the moment i spawned a few times
the lag. i died and 2 seconds later i get 15 points for killing someone.

is there a way to switch which shoulder your gun is on?
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Tried Uplink for a while and while I like it better than just straight deathmatch, it feels more like a weird third person Battlefield than SOCOM. I'd like to try the classic modes but not with 32 player maps.

[quote name='8bitArtist']is there a way to switch which shoulder your gun is on?[/QUOTE]

I waited for an hour for the patch and actually got in a couple of matches. I tried to get with Gold and MD, but the server was full. I didn't really like what I played though, and I echo the sentiments of most people that have posted. I liked the openness of Confrontation as opposed to this one where are too many obstacles everywhere.
I have comes to terms this game isn't for me. I would only play classic which is fine because I clocked hundreds into the PS2 games. It's just the controls don't feel right for this game. It feels I don't know how to say it, just doesn't feel right.

While I could get over that, the maps are just too full of stuff for classic mode. One thing about the PS2 Socom games that were even if the maps were huge, you still knew every place the enemy could be hiding, and it was easy to learn the maps. Here it just seems like a clusterfuck of crap in the levels and they are not fun to play imo. Socom to me used to be a game of strategy not some generic war shooter, and Socom was the game where the team really had to work together and have a strategy on how to approach the level. There is just too much going on in this game that ruins any strategy.
for the few hours i played last night, i got really tired of trying to run somewhere and having some camper pop up, blast me, and then pop right back down. then i would try and flank the guy only to get killed by a different camper in some other spot.

in a game like u2, the games were only 5 on 5 and like frag said, you knew where the usually dudes would hide so camping there really wasnt a problem. 16 on 16 however is just too much. id have to wonder if the 4 on 4 they mentioned would be on the same maps.
[quote name='8bitArtist']for the few hours i played last night, i got really tired of trying to run somewhere and having some camper pop up, blast me, and then pop right back down. then i would try and flank the guy only to get killed by a different camper in some other spot.

in a game like u2, the games were only 5 on 5 and like frag said, you knew where the usually dudes would hide so camping there really wasnt a problem. 16 on 16 however is just too much. id have to wonder if the 4 on 4 they mentioned would be on the same maps.[/QUOTE]
Oddly enough there was tons of camping in the PS2 Socom games but because the maps were not full of 18,000 things, there was not 18 camping spots next to one another. So camping actually meant that if you got caught, your dead. For example, in S3 if you were a sniper, consider yourself fucked if someone caught you trying to snipe, unless the bullshit lag came into play but that's a whole different story.
I think they may remove the cover system from classic mode so that will help with the camping. I agree wayyy to much clutter on the maps. I said it the first time i played the game, its not Socom YET but its a decent shooter I guess.

Hopefully with all the tweaks and additions the game will resemble Socom sometime during the summer.
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yeah this is not socom, shouldnt have it on the box. but its all there is to play until another rainbow six or something comes out.
I had some fun last night, but I really want to try this with the CAG Socom vets that logged all the hours together in confrontation. It does stink that the party system us broken so you can't join up before you get into a game. the open mic didn't bother me as much a I thought it would, but it does stink that you have mute the idiots that want to have the 10 minute long conversation on butt sex. These conversations seemed less frequent when a button had to be held to talk.

The game to me felt extremely similar to the MW2 3rd person multiplayer mode. I was also disappointed that the match making is nonexistent. I would get in rooms with guys in the 40s-50s and the teams wouldn't be balanced even after a game or two. Without the lobby system that needs to be fixed.
Have to agree with the comments on the poor camera angle, it's just too damn close and I don't like not being able to switch shoulders with the camera. I loved the original SOCOM, Ghost Recon, and especially GRAW, but I just can't find a "modern" game that recaptures the magic of those. I can't get into Battlefield(tried BC2 and it just didn't "feel" right to me) and MW2 is just too fast. I was really hoping SOCOM would be it but so far...not so much.
[quote name='Cigarl']
The game to me felt extremely similar to the MW2 3rd person multiplayer mode.[/QUOTE]


The Good:

-The aiming feels good (non-ots).

-Quick weapon switch

-Looks great

The Bad:

-The camera SUCKS. However if you play Classic mode, when you are in spectator mode, that camera view feels like Socom. Looks like it should be an easy fix.

-Confused about where my d-pad lean is. Having to go to "cover" mode to check around corners glues you to the wall in a weird way. It doesn't work, a cover system has no business in a Socom game (much like sprint).

-Which brings me to the sprint button. Who the fuck loves pressing L3 for sprint? That is the worse place for it. Confrontation I had that thing on L2.

-Not a fan of the quick nade throw, it allows for quick nade spam at the beginning of the round.

The Ugly:


-No pistols? How else am I going to have my great g18 4 frag comeback?

Pretty much everyone mentioned all of the above. This is NOT SOCOM. They should just call it "spec ops" or something. I feel if they release the game the way it is right now, it will get worse reviews that Confrontation (PRE-PATCH reviews).

I don't mind the maps or the camping (if I got your scent, I'll find you :) ), but giving everyone the ability to snipe with assualt/smg as backup. We'll just sit back and watch the uplinks through our scopes. This game needs to be fixed. Get on it SETH!

Must say, knifing is WAY easier in this game than every before. Both were behind the back, so 1 swipe kills, better be less in the front.

/edit: Unfortunately for me, I'll still buy it :) SOCOM, its in your genes.

/ninja edit: Forgot about the cross-hairs, where is my dot?
Uplink is alright. Basically a one sided capture the flag type game mode.

Whats Socom without demo? At least come up with an interesting game mode. Coldfront's weapons arm mode was a great addition to the Socom franchise.
I had socom 4 full deployment edition preordered but now thinking twice hmmm...this game just doesn't fit me...I might still buy it and sell off Socom 4 and keep the other things for killzone 3
Needs match making badly. I playe two quick games today when I got home from school. When I joined te first game the team they out me with got blanked 6-0. When the second game started, the teams didn't really change and it was so obvious that the other team was overloaded. They all had full bars forte rank an the team I was on had two guys like that and then the rest of us were one or two bars. Got slaughtered again.
bread's done