[quote name='MisterBee']You do not need a code to play online, the code on the back of the manual is for future free dlc[/QUOTE]
woohoo, thanks man.
I got my ACR up to Mod 3(suppressor) so I'm good to go on either end. Got my HS36 to 5, just need to work on the two sniper rifles. Looking forward to playing with you guys tonight.
I seriously need to play some more respawn matches to rank up some guns and I think I need to crank up my sensitivity even more because I was just sucking tonight. Probably didn't help that I was on the verge of falling asleep :oops:
Lots of fun tonight, my mic button bugged out on me a couple of times and I couldn't trigger the mic a couple of times in the matches. I think I did better than I expected, didn't realize I killed three bomb squad techs in that last game so I snagged that third tier medal. I only blew myself up once in the bomb tech suit. :whee:

d-truk is just a phenomenal player, I'm amazed at his skill every time I play with him even if it's in a random match. Very consistent and level headed guy.
[quote name='Mad39er']Lots of fun tonight, my mic button bugged out on me a couple of times and I couldn't trigger the mic a couple of times in the matches. I think I did better than I expected, didn't realize I killed three bomb squad techs in that last game so I snagged that third tier medal. I only blew myself up once in the bomb tech suit. :whee:

d-truk is just a phenomenal player, I'm amazed at his skill every time I play with him even if it's in a random match. Very consistent and level headed guy.[/QUOTE]

Dang, I really appreciate the compliment. Good games tonight guys. It sucks that the last match or two you guys did it just only let me sit in the clan lobby and not join (even though I was in the first match when my ps3 froze). Ps3 seriously froze at least 3 times during our clan matches.

We got a good clan goin'. Took more wins than losses I'm pretty sure.
[quote name='j-cart']You forgot the sprint button (which was in confrontation). I just want my frogman preset.[/QUOTE]

I left out a ton of things. Sprint button, Open Mic, Generic symetrical maps, One touch greanade throws (No more switching to nades), Mini Map (which is just insulting), The entire HUD, etc.

[quote name='Mad39er']You can't escape modding guns, it's been in all the major releases in recent memory. Most games have taken their SP components into MP, so the Airstrikes is not entirely unexpected. Everybody is using an XP system, it's overall more rewarding than not, this goes along with a ranking system. If they broke down respawn ranking and classic ranking separately I think you'd wholly be more satisfied with the end result. If the only sense of achievement in Socom 4 were to be winning the round, I doubt it'd last long in this ADD age of video gaming and I think the developer understands that much.

Could they have done better? Yep. Does the PSN being down help them? No. You can't really get legitimate feedback from users who can't use the service and who won't let the experience "bed in" fully in the short amount of time played. You're so 'OMGTHESKYISFALLING' every single Socom loving day of the week it's obnoxious. 9 out of 10 threads are idle pending the PSN going up, this thread is full of S4 bashing every day and you can't even play the online component.[/QUOTE]

You clearly do not understand. Modding guns is so unsocom its not even funny. Socom has always been about skill. One of the best things is that all guns are available to all players right away. Instead S4 goes away from a skill based system to a time-played system. (COD) Its ass backwards. XP system is there to keep you playing b/c the gameplay is not nearly as good as it should be. Carrot on a stick ala COD. Not to mention this MOD system FORCES you to use certain attachments, leaving no choice for the user. Every Socom prior was all about customization.

Winning the round is all this game has been about since Socom 1. No dumb ass XP, just a straight competition between 2 squads.

You must have forgot there was a 3 week beta before release. I easily put at least 30 hours into that, and checking my stats, 15 hours on retail before PSN went down. That is more than enough time to get a feel for the game. I dont play SP I dont play Coop I dont play respawn. That is 45 hours on classic mode. And dude, the sky is falling for Socom fans. S4 is clearly a hack job by Sony to cash in on the COD casuals, and has very very little to do with actual Navy Seals and Socom gameplay. This is the only game I play, why I own a PS3 and so on. Ask Millertime, j-cart any of the other old school Socom fans. There is nothing like it and to see Zipper turn Socom into something its not (Casual COD clone) is extremely dissapointing

[quote name='MisterBee']Stop Right There! I refuse to believe this slanderous accusation until I see it for myself...
For those that didn't play S:C the famas was the borderline broken assault rifle for quite awhile until it got nerfed in one of the patches

Hahaha lol I did use the Famas a few times, since it is one of the ONLY guns without a Noob Tube, which you cant use anyways. I cant remember what guns I had leveled up, although most were probably only level 3.

So you can level your guns up quicker in respawn? That is ridiculous and another horrible decision by Zipper. Sometimes I wonder if they even playtested this?

Anyways Im going to pick up a new PS3 today so I will see you guys on tonight after I get my account linked up and whatnot. Hoping there is a patch soon b/c Dunham and Roper have been very quiet. We need our center dot and better hip fire!!!
[quote name='woodcan']I seriously need to play some more respawn matches to rank up some guns and I think I need to crank up my sensitivity even more because I was just sucking tonight. Probably didn't help that I was on the verge of falling asleep :oops:[/QUOTE]

This is too funny. I was so tired at the end of the night that during one round I nodded off and when my head jerked up I was still crouched behind cover. Thanks for the wonderful cover system Zipper.

[quote name='Mad39er']
d-truk is just a phenomenal player, I'm amazed at his skill every time I play with him even if it's in a random match. Very consistent and level headed guy.[/QUOTE]

I want to second this. D-truck is a difference maker and a lot of fun to play with. When he was in the team it was an 8-2 win and without it was a 2-8 loss against the same group.

I feel I need to get to know the maps better as I'm constantly getting popped by someone I can't see or find. Some of the maps are fun like the night time map which has a bit of a frostfire feel to it.
[quote name='smiggity']You clearly do not understand. Modding guns is so unsocom its not even funny. Socom has always been about skill. One of the best things is that all guns are available to all players right away. Instead S4 goes away from a skill based system to a time-played system. (COD) Its ass backwards. XP system is there to keep you playing b/c the gameplay is not nearly as good as it should be. Carrot on a stick ala COD. Not to mention this MOD system FORCES you to use certain attachments, leaving no choice for the user. Every Socom prior was all about customization.[/QUOTE] I personally unlocked every gun in the first day of playing. The level system is really not that restrictive. I find the game still is largely about skill with the exception of noob tubing in Classic mode and Concussion grenades killing people(wtf?). The Exp system is there to be rewarding, it hasn't really taken much of anything away from gameplay as it's not something you interact with much.

I can understand not liking the customization options on guns since they're restrictive but if you open up all the options on all the guns it clearly becomes a CoD Clone, moreso if you give all the mods unlocked from the get go then all you'll have is griefers spamming noob tubes. Is the grind on the L5 guns long? Very. It could stand to be adjusted but in the same thought I don't want L4/L5 guns with noob tubes easily accessible to spammers. The grind in this case works against them and favors those more skilled. As for the rest of the customization options lacking, I simply haven't been able to dig up much of those from googling. Hopefully it's something that can be patched in.

As for the CoD/Socom gameplay issues you keep mentioning, it's ultimately a matter of preference. A good Socom player is going to be a good Socom player and do well regardless of mode as long as they're open minded and not raging about how they game should be. I personally like killing casual CoD people, they're very easy to kill from both a Socom and CoD standpoint.

Winning the round is all this game has been about since Socom 1. No dumb ass XP, just a straight competition between 2 squads.
Largely winning the round is all that matters in the Clan Challenges if that's the only mode you're playing. If you're going head to head in the challenges, great, that all still exists. I don't play the Clan Challenges for XP as I can get similar XP and three times the amount of kills in respawn.

You must have forgot there was a 3 week beta before release. I easily put at least 30 hours into that, and checking my stats, 15 hours on retail before PSN went down. That is more than enough time to get a feel for the game. I dont play SP I dont play Coop I dont play respawn. That is 45 hours on classic mode. And dude, the sky is falling for Socom fans. S4 is clearly a hack job by Sony to cash in on the COD casuals, and has very very little to do with actual Navy Seals and Socom gameplay. This is the only game I play, why I own a PS3 and so on. Ask Millertime, j-cart any of the other old school Socom fans. There is nothing like it and to see Zipper turn Socom into something its not (Casual COD clone) is extremely dissapointing
I'm genuinely sorry for your disappointment, it's still a very fun, very good game.
Socom was always a simple game. Objective is to win. If you have to camp to win, you do it.

Socom 4 is not Socom. It is that simple.

Weapon progressions and XP stuff would have been put into a Socom one way or another. The problem was that Zipper did nothing to make Socom 4 play like Socom. After the fiasco of Confrontation, everyone thought with Zipper at the helm of a Socom title that they would make a TRUE Socom for the HD generation.

Alas that didn't happen and all we got was a mediocre SP with a patchwork MP. I'll still play because nothing beats the game modes and maps.
At least classic mode separates/weeds out those who like just rushing/not waiting for the enemy...although many times I'm guilty of just rushing as fast as I can. If I wanna do that, that's what respawn is there for, for me.

Can't wait to see ya on tonight, Smog. We've been sending the clan invites out but I'm sure many of the clan members need that 'promotion' so we can get some more CAG members in there. Also...hate to break this to ya, but I've checked out the mods on some of the guns (I'm one mod away on my carbine) and there are grenade launchers on the guns in this game as's just I haven't really come across anybody who's unlocked them yet...that's going to suck when they are unlocked. Only for a while, anyway.

And our wins aren't really me, trust me on that. It's the teamwork. I will say I'm incredibly vocal in our clan matches (maybe too vocal, like huge complaints) but that is what makes all the difference between winning or losing. Again, I appreciate the compliments haha.
[quote name='Cigarl']I'm not able to either do invites or figure it out, but Powers needs an invite ASAP.[/QUOTE]

thanks goldy
i thought it was assumed that in clan matches we have dtruk and option to clean up after we all run in there and die in the first few minutes.

[quote name='j-cart']Ranged explosives are banned in Community Day Classic.[/QUOTE] how else am i going to get my cheap pwm + clay kills?
[quote name='enufs8d']i thought it was assumed that in clan matches we have dtruk and option to clean up after we all run in there and die in the first few minutes.[/QUOTE]

That's what I've always understood the agreement to be.

[quote name='j-cart']Ranged explosives are banned in Community Day Classic.[/QUOTE]

I can't play the community day stuff because I never put my Socom pro code in before PSN went down. Who knows how long it'll be before I can enter it now.
I still haven't seen this "community day classic" option either. But I entered my code in before the psn went down. Hmm...

but yes, if that's what the assumption was, gold and I will have to live up to it.

I'll send power an invite today.
FYI, here is a post from Zipper on what the SOCOM Pro code on the back of the manual gets you

Also, what was up with that last clan match I played last night where I was following the guy for like 2 minutes knifing him in the back and it wouldn't register a kill? Then another round I get knifed from like 5 feet away while I'm shooting the guy!

A couple of noob questions for you guys.

1. At what point do you unlock claymores?

2. Is there any way to disable claymores besides shooting them (i.e. flashbang)?

3. How do you get an airstrike? Is it a kill-streak because twice now I've seen people near the bottom of the leaderboard call them in.

4. Is there a good SOCOM 4 info site out there because all I've found is garbage with google?
Finally got around to some MP and it wasn't horrible outside of the camera angle junk. Wish I knew the maps a bit better, but that will come with time. May have to join people on some matches after I run through more maps.
[quote name='nfs3freak']I still haven't seen this "community day classic" option either. [/QUOTE]

Game Types -> Custom -> Community Day Classic

Explosives are allowed, range explosives are not (nade launchers). Killstreaks and such are only available in respawn, no killstreaks in classic.

It is still very annoying how bad hip-fire accuracy is.
[quote name='woodcan']\
A couple of noob questions for you guys.

1. At what point do you unlock claymores?

2. Is there any way to disable claymores besides shooting them (i.e. flashbang)?

3. How do you get an airstrike? Is it a kill-streak because twice now I've seen people near the bottom of the leaderboard call them in.

4. Is there a good SOCOM 4 info site out there because all I've found is garbage with google?[/QUOTE]

I'm not sure about claymores, I'm sure it's not many lvls up since I've been able to use them for a long time. I prefer pnm mines (or whatever they're called).
Disabling I think is only by shooting them, possibly smoke disables.

Airstrike is 5 kill streak without dying. If you die right after you get it or anytime after and haven't used it, it's gone. Hold down R2 when you have to whereever you're aiming/looking to do an airstrike (has a progress bar so it takes like 4 seconds to call it in)
[quote name='woodcan']Also, what was up with that last clan match I played last night where I was following the guy for like 2 minutes knifing him in the back and it wouldn't register a kill? Then another round I get knifed from like 5 feet away while I'm shooting the guy![/QUOTE]

Speaking of knife kills, my personal favorite moment of the night:

Me: Sneak up behind bomb tech successfully knife him like 5 times, bomb tech shoots me
Me: "What the fuck?"
D: "Yeah I probably should have told you they change that"
Me: "What do you mean? It was how you killed it in the beta"
D: "Yeah I know, they changed that in the full version"
Me: "Well fuck that would have been good to know"
Commence laughter :lol:
hahaha, yeah it takes like 7+ knife stabs, and that can sometimes be in he's had some bullets already put into him. I always avoid shooting them head on. Sneak up behind and just unload into the general area of his head. There's no head shot on him, but I'm guessing more damage taken at the head.
[quote name='woodcan']
2. Is there any way to disable claymores besides shooting them (i.e. flashbang)?[/QUOTE]

My strategy has always been to run into them. That sets them off just fine
My damn isp. I've been on the phone back and forth with them for over a month now. Looks like I'll be switching ISP in a week. I've had enough of them giving me excuses, sending technicians out, no problems on my end, and then not trying to figure out the issue on their end. Internet drops at least 10 times a day and they can't figure it out on their end. No problems with anything on mine.

Anyway! Sorry. You guys are in game right now, the one I dropped from. I'll be on another half hour, then I'll be on late tonight.

Speednut, just sent you an invite
[quote name='nfs3freak']There's no head shot on him, but I'm guessing more damage taken at the head.[/QUOTE]

Bomb Techs most certain take headshot damage. They don't die instantly, but you can score a headshot kill.

Shotguns are a must if you are defending against a bomb tech. The slug shotgun is brutally efficient at killing them.

Seriously, people need to keep playing Community Day Classic. I'm sitting in 1 of 8 queues even at night. (this is me just complaining int general to all of the players of Socom)
[quote name='j-cart']Bomb Techs most certain take headshot damage. They don't die instantly, but you can score a headshot kill.

Shotguns are a must if you are defending against a bomb tech. The slug shotgun is brutally efficient at killing them.

Seriously, people need to keep playing Community Day Classic. I'm sitting in 1 of 8 queues even at night. (this is me just complaining int general to all of the players of Socom)[/QUOTE]

I'll join ya right now.
Probably both. Sucks. The head guy leaves, these guys kicked to the curb...shows that zipper wasn't livin' up to the Socom standards. Alot of us feel that way
Despite some internal Zipper conflicts, Sony pushing the Move, Sharpshooter and 3D might have also contributed to some of the problems (making the game SP based for instance).

/edit: done for the night too :D
I'm gonna try using my Sharp Shooter online tonight. It was annoying getting 1-shot headshot deaths from across the map repeatedly last night by assault rifles when I'm lucky to get a hit-marker on them.
[quote name='j-cart']Bomb Techs most certain take headshot damage. They don't die instantly, but you can score a headshot kill.

Shotguns are a must if you are defending against a bomb tech. The slug shotgun is brutally efficient at killing them.

Seriously, people need to keep playing Community Day Classic. I'm sitting in 1 of 8 queues even at night. (this is me just complaining int general to all of the players of Socom)[/QUOTE]

once i level the kurtis to 4 ill start playing more classic
[quote name='smiggity']Anyways Im going to pick up a new PS3 today so I will see you guys on tonight after I get my account linked up and whatnot. Hoping there is a patch soon b/c Dunham and Roper have been very quiet. We need our center dot and better hip fire!!![/QUOTE]

So you showing tonight?
[quote name='woodcan']I'm gonna try using my Sharp Shooter online tonight. It was annoying getting 1-shot headshot deaths from across the map repeatedly last night by assault rifles when I'm lucky to get a hit-marker on them.[/QUOTE]
If you line up the crosshairs, it's not that hard to get headshots like crazy. Those guys last night were pretty terrible when they were moving, their camping ability was pretty decent but really just one trick pony. Guy was on top of hut, they camped in the back of their spawn after failing to flank on our left and the other two guys ran up the chicken coop side flanking to our right. If you get their baseline tactics, you can anticipate what they'll do which only leaves the matter of how you're going to kill them without getting yourself screwed.

If you get a chance to watch Spec Ops on the Military Channel, lots of that transfers over very well to this game in Classic.
Good games tonight. I was severely slacking tonight though, all this studying that I have been doing hasn't translated into quality Socom skills.

Tried out that sniper rifle in the last game I played. I ran into some collision errors with it, so I doubt I'll be picking it up. Especially since ARs can hit people across the map like sniper rifles.
So...that last clan we battled, I didn't my ass handed to me in rounds. I won one round, they...9. I got 18 kill 9 deaths though so I guess that's ok?...I probably should've backed out with you guys..
Everyone needs to check their footing too. Falling to your death has been the difference between winning and losing :D

4 (plus bomb tech) v 1. Bomb Tech falls to his death. Instant face palm.
I'm officialy over S4. I obviously haven't had a chance to play online much with PSN being down for 23 of the 30 days or so it has been out, but I'm just not into it. I played all the previous SOCOM's yet still came in knowing exactly what I was getting since I played the beta. It has a lot of potential but the lack of communication from Zipper is ridiculous and inexcusable, which was the tipping point for me. I had a guy on the socom forum tell me it was because "_____ is on vacation". If they only have one person capable of conveying information in a meaningful way, that says a lot about how the team is structured (not to mention, who takes a vacation after you release a game in which all of the customers criticize?). No party system for 2 months also kills it.
[quote name='Eviltude']I'm officialy over S4. I obviously haven't had a chance to play online much with PSN being down for 23 of the 30 days or so it has been out, but I'm just not into it. I played all the previous SOCOM's yet still came in knowing exactly what I was getting since I played the beta. It has a lot of potential but the lack of communication from Zipper is ridiculous and inexcusable, which was the tipping point for me. I had a guy on the socom forum tell me it was because "_____ is on vacation". If they only have one person capable of conveying information in a meaningful way, that says a lot about how the team is structured (not to mention, who takes a vacation after you release a game in which all of the customers criticize?). No party system for 2 months also kills it.[/QUOTE]

If you have been following things, it is probably because a chunk of them are on permanent vacation now.

The PSN outage could not have come for a worse time for do you get feedback for online play when it is only available for ~40 hours after released in the first month? That had to cripple sales.

I am not defending anyone here, just stating the obvious that sales drive support and I am guessing the lack of sales assisted in the release of personnel.
Things are falling apart at Zipper. Here is the latest post from Roper in response to the Double XP weekend they had planned for us. It was live for a couple hours:

So the update is that they're disabling it for the moment as it's not working with 1.02 correctly. 1.03 will allow us to run these events, and the networking guys figured it would work with 1.02, but that wasn't the case.

I need a drink. --------------------
Chris Roper
Community Specialist, Zipper Interactive
[quote name='Eviltude']I'm officialy over S4. I obviously haven't had a chance to play online much with PSN being down for 23 of the 30 days or so it has been out, but I'm just not into it. I played all the previous SOCOM's yet still came in knowing exactly what I was getting since I played the beta. It has a lot of potential but the lack of communication from Zipper is ridiculous and inexcusable, which was the tipping point for me. I had a guy on the socom forum tell me it was because "_____ is on vacation". If they only have one person capable of conveying information in a meaningful way, that says a lot about how the team is structured (not to mention, who takes a vacation after you release a game in which all of the customers criticize?). No party system for 2 months also kills it.[/QUOTE]

There were 3 planned patches. So far the day 1 patch was the only one that has gone through. Before the PSN outage, patch 2 would have been out by now and patch 3 (party system) would have been out this week. The PSN being down had to delay all of these patches.

As for the community manager being on vacation, well people do need their "me" time. He comes back on Tuesday. Of everything, this is lack of communication is nothing compared to Socom: Confrontation's 1.50 patch. Thing took 6+ months to come out and during that time the game was highly unplayable. Abigail had to endure the worse community experience ever. Slant Six basically had no info for her to report during the time.

I completely agree with their lack of communication. They could have given us something on their blog. 4 weeks later and still no updates. As long as they roll out the patches then we should be fine. If they don't, expect me to write a personalized letter to Zipper.
Got a new offical mic, had to get stupid camo one since its all my gamestop had. Only had to pay 25 for it once I dumped KZ3, so I'm not complaining
[quote name='MisterBee']Got a new offical mic, had to get stupid camo one since its all my gamestop had. Only had to pay 25 for it once I dumped KZ3, so I'm not complaining[/QUOTE]

im curious how everyone's voice quality was last night. That was the first time id used my ps3 mic in a LONG time and it was spotty, a lot of the time I couldnt hear you guys or you were broken up. just wondering if thats how the voice chat is or maybe my mic stinks.
[quote name='MisterBee']Got a new offical mic, had to get stupid camo one since its all my gamestop had. Only had to pay 25 for it once I dumped KZ3, so I'm not complaining[/QUOTE]

All you need is to get some camp pants, an olive shirt and a camo painted sharpshooter to look as cool as the guy on the full deployment edition box.

I'm in agreement with you Mr.B in a fix for the spawn and mic would be major right now. When we have a minimum of 4 people on and can use the clan battle this game is fun. When we have 8 on like last night, this game can be a blast.

I'm out of town for the weekend, but I hope to be back Sunday evening.
bread's done