CAG Xbox Live Gaming Group (Gamertags, Clans, Game Nights & More)


Currently playing
SF X Tekken
+ huge backlog I would love to co op

If you send an invite just leave a message
Saying your from CAG or I'll just erase random invites lol
Generally just a weekend thing but if anyone wants to hit up Civilization Revolution, we usually have a small group that plays on the weekends.

Thought about making a thread for it but it's been out there for awhile.
my gamertag is ElusiveCubby

i could go for some co-op. i would prefer a player that like to chat while playing. i am not into death matches. left for dead would be cool to play with someone. i dont what to list my games but basically 99% of the games under compare games i have for play.
Gamertag: Streetskillz

Currently Playing:

Mass Effect 3
Gears Of War 3
Battlefield 3
NBA 2K12
NCAA Football 12
Trials Evolution
[quote name='thamaster24']Generally just a weekend thing but if anyone wants to hit up Civilization Revolution, we usually have a small group that plays on the weekends.

Thought about making a thread for it but it's been out there for awhile.[/QUOTE]

I'd be up for this every now and then.

GT: Papa Neorev
I would love to have some CAG Xbox live friends.

Gamertag: Hoboys

I'm currently playing almost exclusively Mass Effect 3 at the moment and could definite use help to get the unwavering achievement!
GT: civex

Currently playing:
Halo Reach

I just started playing XBOX again and I'm looking for people to play with! I'll be getting more online games soon
GT: Dund3r

I own all Halo games, currently playing Borderlands: GOTY edition (just started yesterday)

Upcoming games to play: Dead Space 2, Assassin's Creed: Revelations, all the major fall releases
GT: TheSithFord seen this has been dead for a month so I decided to post my GT because I'll have some free time to play some Live tonight.

What I Play: Minecraft, Halo: Reach
Gamertag: DorsalXplode
I mainly play 2k12 teamup, gears 3(got all dlc), looking to start up dead island with anyone that's interested.
GT is Dman S14

Hit me up, I play a whole bunch of games but it would be more fun to have some friends
My Xbox live gamer tag is creptor5291

I have Halo Reach and if anyone wants to play some Assassin's Creed Revelations, I'd love to play.
Missing the ... achievements for Halo Anni. Hit me up at XBL if anyone wants to complete it
That Just Happened
Look Out for the Little Guys
Leave It Where It Lay
Gamertag is XboxChromosome, playing a bunch of Madden 13 and Modern Warfare 3. Starting a Madden 13 Connected Careers League for interested parties, just mention CAG.
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GT: stepasyd

i have mw3, black ops, forza, gta4, minecraft, trials hd and evolution, red dead redemption, max payne 3, dirt 3, kinect sports 1 and 2, tiger woods 13, nba 2k13, and i know i'm forgetting way more..
GamerTag: Danimal Dude

I like going for achievements.

I got Halo 4 and Assassin's Creed III as well as a bunch of old games. Getting Black Ops 2.
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Sup fam
name is Bunneh3000 on Xbox, PS3, and Raptr. Add me if you are an avid BF3, Borderlands 2, and/or NBA2k player.

Haven't played NBA in a while due to lock up issues with the game but certainly will on 2k13.
GT: Peace Minus One

Playing mainly Borderlands 2 and Need for Speed: Most Wanted. Will probably pick up Blops 2 as well. I have a ton of XBLA games and random older games, so hit me up for whatever!
GT: SquallX41269

Borderlands 2
Dead Island: Game of the year Edition
Gears or War 2
Grand Theft Auto IV: Complete collection
Halo Reach
Resident Evil 5 and 6
Saints Row 1-3
Silent Hill: Downpour

various arcade games
For the most part; i'm usually on after 8 PM PST (unless something's on) and that's usually my ideal time for co-op / multiplayer; during the day it varies, but feel free to hit me up.
GT: kobayashl (end letter is "L")

Looking for friends who would play together/compare achievements etc.

Have (multiplayer)
Fable 2/3
Forza 2,3,4, Horizon
Left 4 Dead 1,2
Borderlands 2
GT: dj starion

NHL 12
Madden 12
Forza Horizon
Halo 4
Call of Duty Black Ops 2
Gears of War 3
Trials Evolution
Counter Strike: GO
GT: AnonymousDotCom
w/ a mic

prefer others w/ a mic too

Currently playing:
Borderlands 2 (play through 1)

Halo 4
Borderlands 1 (have all DLC, but have not played through moxxi and revolution)
Dead Island (1st play through last chapter i think)
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GT: WkdBlackTrauma

Any of the Halo's including Halo 4
Madden 13
Forza Horizon
Any of the Guitar Hero's or DJ Hero's
Saints Row 1-3
COD 5-8

Also im in the UK so any time between 4pm-10pm weekdays and 12pm-10pm weekends GMT I could be on.

Mainly play at night and various times on the weekends.

Play FPS, Sports Games, Arcade, Fighting bunch of randoms

Halo 4, BLOPS 2, Mortal Konbat, NHL 13. Need to finish Halo 4, Co-Op and Single

Just let me know from CAG. I do have a Mic
Hello everyone!
This is the forum I frequent the most so I thought I'd post my GT. Feel free to add!

GT: JsX2007

Halo 4
Halo 3
Gears of War 3
Borderlands 1
Saints Row 2
Left 4 Dead
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Figured I'd try here before making a thread, but does anyone have BioShock 2, the multiplayer DLC, and interest in boosting a few of the achievements? I'm three away from having the trilogy cleared out, and I'd love to expedite the process.

Shoot me a PM here and we'll set something up. I've got a roommate with a copy, so we've got two players down out of the gates.
Feel free to add me to your list. XBL:Sphygmo

GoW 3
Left 4 Dead 2
Geo Wars 2
And 50 other games still wrapped in plastic.
GT : SoFlaWrat

On in the eves EST

most co-op stuff
Borderlands 2
Dead Island
Lft 4 dead 2
Fable 3
Rockband with over 1000 dlc
Guitar Hero

XBLA co-op

Castle Crashers
Dungeon Defenders
Not sure if this goes here but I couldn't find the appropriate thread

Selling a download code for minecraft for $8 paypal. PM me

GT: ThereWillBWales

Always looking to play some Halo 4, mostly competitive multiplayer. Just got the Orange Box (again), so Team Fortress 2 is back on the menu.

Co-op in Borderlands 2, Halo Anniversary, Streets of Rage 2.

EST, usually on in the evenings.

Anyone know if there's a topic that I can sell my account license in? It has over 100 xbla games and tons of dlc, I wanna see if anyone's interested.

bread's done