CAGbag: Get your questions answered on CAGcast

Hey guys-- how does the vibe at this E3 compare to others? Are people as excited about all the great looking games and the Wii as we are here on Cag?
I think Peter Moore said something to the effect that nobody would buy a PS3 when they could get a 360 and a Wii. What do you think of Microsoft and Nintendo possibly joining forces to go after Sony PS3.
Hey guys,

I grew up playing Nintendo systems through N64, but since have been playing mostly PC and a little bit of original XBox. And I've got to say, Wii has me excited for a console for the first time in a long time.

Do you think the Wii is going to pull in a lot of gamers who have since left console gaming because of the complexity of games/controllers?

And secondly, this may be a longshot, but do you think the Wii could possibly move into 2nd or even 1st in marketshare... as it seems like everyone I know who plays games is dying to get one, or will the hype die down when PS3 is released?
The Xbox360 and PS3 are both partially being marketed as a player for their new media formats (Xbox360 for HD-DVD's and PS3 for Blu-Rays). This aspect of the marketing campaign has revolved around the fact that the consoles are going to be cheaper than the first generation players. Sony is even using this as grounds for keeping their PS3 at 600$ as it is cheaper than the 1000$ Blu-Ray Player.

But, $600 is still a great deal of money and this may deter consumers from buying a PS3. If people won't spend the 600$ for the PS3, they certainly wont spend 1000$ for the Blu-Ray player.

So, does this mean that HD-DVD's may have already won the format wars, or at least gained a huge advantage?

Love you show and your coverage of E3
While there is no doubt that PS3 games look good but the question that is always asked is "Is it $600 good?" and the answer for the most part has been a resounding no. In your opinion, what will it take to make the PS3 worth the cost? Looking back at previous genereations, was there any console that gave you $600 worth of enjoyment over it's lifespan?
When and where do you guys play your portable game systems (DS, PSP, GBA, etc.) aside from the bathroom?

I'd like to get a DS lite but I can't think of any time that I would be able to play it away from home and I'd probably opt to play my consoles when I am home.
I was watching TV late at night and the dude starts talking about the origins of bukkaki. He said fishermen a long time ago would bury a lady up to her head in sand, gather around and... well , you know. What really shocked me was that he said business men still practice this traditional in board rooms with hired hookers after a deal is made. So do you think any video game companies practice this tradition?
I just had a backflash to a system Sony marketed only in Japan and that it failed miserably. I dont recall the name of this system but like the PS3, it touted itself as a total entertainment system and as an afterthought also played PS2 games. The price was so high that not even japanese gamers bought it and it fizzled out quite quickly. Now I am hearing that PS3 is being touted in the same way with a huge price tag (even higher in England at around $800!) And although I have purchased just about all consoles over the years I dont think I will be buying the PS3. I think Sony is trying to be everything in the entertainment industry and has lost focus on delivering a gaming console for the masses this time around. What do you think? I mean Wii concentrates on only gaming. Microsoft concentrates mostley on Live gaming with some musical/video features added. Dont have to buy the add on HD DVD player. But Sony is concentrating on non existent 1080P, Server functionality?!,cramming everyone else ideas into it(wiimote& dual SKU's), and above all telling us we need their propreitery BluRay to live in Sonys world. and to top it all off, it will be the most expensive thing out there that no one will buy for their kids for Christmas.
What do you guys think of the recent rumors regarding potential games for the Wii, specifically DMC and Nights. Assuming these rumors are true, do you think these types of games will have a big affect on Wii sales and, more importantly, longevity, or is this Resident Evil on the GC part 2?

Also, to further the Nights speculation, what is your opinion on Sega porting old Saturn titles as downloadable content for the Wii? (Which, BTW, sounds like a MUCH more profitable venture than a sequel would.)
Mr. D, Mr. t,
Recent previews of the Superman Returns game have revealed it to be of the open-ended persuasion, like Ultimate Spiderman, Spiderman 2, and The Incredible Hulk: Ultimate Destruction. Now my question to you two is: Has the open-ended "sandbox" aspect become an integral part of any comic book lone superhero game? I mean, look at the recent games for Batman Begins and The Punisher, they were widely criticized as being too plain. Would a sandbox aspect have helped these games?
Give us a behind-the-scenes "look" at the making of a typical CAGcast. For example: How long does it take to record a show? Who decides what content will be discussed? How much planning goes into a typical show? What kind of editing, if any, is involved? Is there a set time during the day that you record?
last call for CAGcast #31

[quote name='daphatty']Did you happen to forget the little hypewagon tidbit I mentioned to you at E3?:twisted:[/quote]
I already forgot it...PM me, perhaps.
Now that a price and final specs, size, potential launch titles for PS3 have been announced, from what you've seen, how are the Japanese reacting to the PS3 now?

Do you think riding off the huge success of the DS Lite, do you think the Wii could outsell the PS3 in Japan?

Do you think it's possible to 'win' in Japan without Square Enix?

Any or all.
I agree the reason they released the price because gamers under 22 years will have to save for a long time to have the $800 cash to buy the system. The funny thing is that in 95 when Sega released the Saturn, Sony stole their thunder by saying the price of their system is $299. $100 less than Sega. I think Nintendo should have played the price card and annonced their price right after Sony with the price of $199. I can't see how the PS3 is worth an Xbox 360 AND a Nintendo Wii.

360 + Wii > PS3

I see Sony having some problems selling this beyond 5 Million units at this price.
OT question for CAGCast 32. I just saw a news story about canned oxygen being sold in Japan for roughly $5 US. Supposedly it allows around 30 "puffs" of oxygen for an "energy boost."

Since you spent your (arguably) hard-earned money on the Final Fantasy potion, are you going to give us a review of this cool new product?

EDIT: I also have an on-topic question. Famitsu did a post E3 survey on what console/games the Japanese games are looking forward to. The Wii was by far the most anticipated with 68% of the vote. Is this surprising to you given that the Japanese gamers are so Sony-centric?

Original thread here:
[quote name='lebowsky']OT question for CAGCast 32. I just saw a news story about canned oxygen being sold in Japan for roughly $5 US. Supposedly it allows around 30 "puffs" of oxygen for an "energy boost."

Since you spent your (arguably) hard-earned money on the Final Fantasy potion, are you going to give us a review of this cool new product?[/QUOTE]

What's the difference of this and Oxygen bars that are in the US? Portability?
Blu-Ray DVD players will fail unless the price drops significatly. HD-DVD players will also need to drop quickly.

BTW: I just purchased an HDMI Toshiba DVD player for $60. HD-DVD players will need to hit $200 to $300 to become popular.
First off let me say that you guys are by far the best thing out there in videogames news and reviews. The others bore but you freaks score and I am a fan for life.
Actually I was impressed you even answered my question last week so heres one more..
I would like to know if Cheapy or Wombat have heard anything about the rumor that Sony might be encrypting their games on PS3 so as to only work on the system for which they are first played on. Thus making trade ins impossible as well as killing any sort of used market? I know this topic is probably a non issue but Sony did in fact license the Technology for this so..... How are you guys doing anyway?
Hey guys. I love listening to your show.

Do you think there will be any new companys getting into the hardware business within the next 5 years?
Why do you guys completely ignore PC games on the CAGCast? Even if you don't play them, you could at least mention them in the new releases. Heroes of Might and Magic V was the biggest game this week, for example.

Also, you said that the controls of Zelda weren't intuitive at E3. But isn't it possible that that may just be because they threw you in the middle of the game with a lot of stuff? When you actually play through it, they'll probably introduce the aspects of the controller to you one by one, because Zelda games always hold your hand.
What will Sony do with the PS3 if Blu-Ray fails to become the standard and HD-DVD wins?

I'm sure there won't be a clear-cut winner for at least a year after the PS3 launches, but if it does indeed fail, will the PS3 become just an extremely expensive piece of hardware that happens to play video games? And would you think Sony would drastically cut the price and market it as a video game console only?
Cheapy and Wombat, which of the following nerd culture web fads do you find the least entertaining: Chuck Norris, Snakes on a Plane, or giant enemy crabs?
Hey CheapyD,

Since you can't watch TV in Japan, why not get one of those Slingbox things from Sony, ask your family to hook it up to a TV in the US of A and then watch american TV in Japan? Oh yeah I think I should mention another good gaming podcast, VGN Radio. It's more of a casual yet hillarious show that might die due to various reason. So please look it up on iTunes or go to
Cheapy - In the "The Frugal Gamer?! WTF?!?!" thread it was suggested that CAG is very lurker friendly and that some lurkers only visit the deals forum to keep tabs on the next phat deal. Would you happen to know just how much traffic the deal forum generates vs the rest of the forums?

If you were stranded on a deserted island with only a generator, a television and one console of your choice, what is the one game you would want to have with you? You can only choose one.

EDIT: Desert vs. Deserted...
I don't know if this has been asked before, but I'll ask anyway.

What type of game or what game would you really want to see be released on the Wii that utilizes the Wii's controller(s)?
I know the CAGcast isn't my personal messaging service but, could you guys send a shot out to everyone who uses the PM system to clean out their PM boxes *cough*Grave_Addiction*cough*?
It's getting more and more difficult to come up with these...

Ok, how about this: If you could design the ultimate gaming console, what features would you include? For example, movie playback capabilities, HD output, wi-fi, grilling capacity for six burgers, etc. etc.

EDIT: is your day job? Just tell us already. You've thrown around enough hints.
Everyone who talks about Spore raves and gushes about it. Please add to the mountain of critical acclaim by saying something about Spore.
Hey Cheapy, Can you share what you think Japanese gamers think of the Wii? Is there any interest yet that you have seen or is it a PS3 talking/ DS lite playing kind of atmosphere there, as I've come to gather from your descriptions of CAGcasts past?
BTdubs, Great show, I'm a weekly listener and always find what you guys have to say worthwhile. I'm not an Itunes user but have spread word of the site and p-cast among friends and other deal sites.
Say you could have a sequel to any video game magically pop right into your hands (it would work on any system). Not only that but it would garner guaranteed tens across the board on every game site because it is so great. What game franchise or title would it be?

P.S. No Robocop. Robocop is gay. ;)
I've got a quick question for the two of you. How often do you guys resell games? I know there are a lot of collectors on the board, but some only play the games for the expirence and then move on.

Also I second the question about what Wombat does for a living.
Cheapy and/or Wombat, after Rare's supposed "flops", Perfect Dark Zero and Kameo (which I think are both very good games), do you have any hope for Viva Pinata? Also, what projects do you want/think Rare is be working on besides Viva Pinata? Do you think a new Killer Instinct or Banjo-Threeie is being made?

Cheapy/Wombat, what do you think of Linkin Prime (CAG/Team Xbox poster)'s constant copying and pasting of articles from

love the podcasts and those commercials! so i was thinking, back in the 80's, we would hear jingles suchs as "genesis does! you can't do this on nintendo" or those atari 2600 commercials proclaming it's under 50 bucks. today, we don't get to see much hype anymore. yea, there's some xbox, ps2 and gamecube stuff but not as much as before? what do you think happened? where's the public console bashing? is it all console love? why not, "wii can do what anything they can do but better."
CAGcast Flashback
I have gone back and listened to older CAGcasts that I have missed or don't remember and like them all so my question relates to older CAGcasts.
  1. Why did you guys stop using the sound effects during the shows? (like the Aqua Teen and Robocop voices)

Did you ever think this site would grow as larger as it has become and getting bigger ever day?
bread's done