CAGbag: Get your questions answered on CAGcast

Hey gang,

Wombat, you mentioned that you are looking forward to Dragon Age III this year. What do you guys think the chances are that BioWare will: A) actually release the game this year? B) live up to their promises that this game will be all the best things about Dragon Age: Origins and that steaming heap of letdown Dragon Age II? and C) release the game either on this gen only, cross-gen, or next-gen only?
Wombat and Cheapy's conversation about Marvels Avenger Earths Mightiest Heroes got me to watch start watching it on Netflix. Thanks guys.

Now that I'm almost done I wanted to know what other animated comic/superhero/or otherwise shows you would reccomend or though highly of. A top 3 would be greatly appreciate it.

Keep up the great work!
Thoughts on the new Batman Arkham Origins game coming to the xbox 360, PS3 etc why wouldn't they save it for the next gen?
Cheapy, i'm referring back to an older podcast and Watch this Bitches. Finally got a chance to watch "Girl Model". My goodness is that documentary disturbing. I really felt bad for the two very young teen girls in there. That Ashley chick needs mental help. So much explotation. The movie left so many questions unanswered and left me outraged. Overall, it was prety good, but I'm afraid to watch any more of your recommendations. I don't want to be pissed.
Do you think the LucasArts thing is overblown? The company hasn't made a notable game in so many years, and now people are acting like it's a big blow to have this rotting corpse of a video game company shut down.
Hi guys,

I heard shipwreck talking about the Amazon trade-in program and wanted to report my experience.

I 'traded in' an absolutely MINT condition 32 GB HP Touchpad. Not a scratch on it. In fact, everything was in perfect condition, including the box, charger, etc... The 'like new' trade in price was around $110. I know...I could have sold it directly for more but did it for the convenience.

On the trade-in page I marked it as 'like new' condition. However, I did NOT mark the 'send back if not in specified condition' box. Knowing what I know now..this is obviously not a good thing to do...but I did not know that at the time.

Sure enough, they 'assessed' it as 'acceptable' and gave me a paltry 24 for it.

What really angers me is Amazon's response to me after a couple calls into customer service. They were COMPLETELY worthless. They claimed they could not even locate the unit after the assessment and basically said I am out of luck and should have checked the 'send back if not in specified condition' box. This is an unbelievable position for Amazon customer service to take! They have always treated me right in the past.

This really smells like a scam to me. Seems like the 3rd party trade in company Amazon is dealing with is playing games with the trade ins.

Any ideas on any other course of action I can take to get this resolved? I'm assuming I am screwed but just thought I'd ask.

I think it is safe to say that you should stay far away from the trade-in program...and sell your items directly via the normal channels.

BTW - here is my post on Amazon about it :

Edit : Forgot to add that I did finally talk Amazon into giving me a whopping $30 promotional credit. However, this is after talking to at least three customer reps. Certainly does not make up for the loss but at least it was something.
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Hey guys,
Thanks for recommending Tomb Raider. Never been much of a fan of the originals, but I think this one is the best game this year thus far. (I know year isn't over yet)

I beat Bioshock infinite on hard difficulty and it wasn't too challenging. I'm sure 1999 mode is the "real" hard mode and I was just playing normal. I like Bioshock 1 better. I don't feel like I'm in danger when I'm rampaging through the streets of Columbia. Everything is so bright and pretty. Good game but I didn't like some of the writer's choices at the end. It seemed contrived. I was sort of disappointed at how it ended.
Playing Dishonored and feel like that should had been a Bioshock sequel. The mood, and designs fits the whole dark and gritty atmosphere I loved so much from the first two Bioshock games.

What do you guys think?
Cheapy, I think that people are quick to anger and frustrated over always-on-DRM is because it's about something that they can't control and have no say in a product they want and a lot of people don't like that they have no say in the matter. It is, as you said, anti-consumer. It's essentially something that is forced down our throats with the only other option of "well, don't play it" (with an even stronger attitude of "you're OUR bitch"). That's partly, I think, why people get upset when one of the "overlords" says "fuggin deal with it, you little bitches."

Even if some gamers don't mind the DRM (the 5% or less of gamers in my made-up poll) then what happens when there is an actual problem (such as power outage, internet outage, etc.)? Are we really left with an expensive paperweight? Can we really do nothing if we don't have a connection? Are they really arrogant enough to think enough most of us will be okay with whatever they say? All valid questions.
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I know it's not the most welcome topic to bring up, but I do think you guys are doing yourselves a disservice in not accepting any funds for the CAGcast. I've listened to the show for years's literally brought me hours of entertainment (though, depending on the episode, minutes of entertainment). I'm in the game development community, I truly believe one should be rewarded for their work creating entertainment. I'm not saying you should start a $200k Kickstarter campaign, but I do think it's fair to offer up something for your listeners to give back a little.

Keep up the mediocre work!
Hey Cheapy,

What's your take on the released info for NHL 14? It looks like we'll finally get a pretty in depth Be a Player mode where you'll have to interact with fans and team mates after the game.
Did you see that the final round of the Injustice Battle Arena and announcement for the first DLC character for Injustice were delayed because of the incident at the Boston Marathon?

In light of today's event, the Injustice Battle Arena Finale has been postponed. Please check the Injustice Facebook page for updates on when the results show will be rescheduled. Our thoughts and good wishes are with the victims and their families tonight.

I respect their decision (of course the event can wait), but do you feel this was an appropriate response?

I understand that it was a tragedy (one that hit very close to home), but I'm just failing to see the connection.
Hey Cheapy, Wombat, and Shipwreck,

Would you agree that one of the biggest issues with the industry right now is the overwhelming arrogance that is on display by the publishers? It seems like the desire to have one or more titles selling like Call of Duty has caused companies like EA, Capcom, Square Enix, and others to pump so much money into every game that even great successes like Tomb Raider are deemed failures because the money spent on it pushed the expectations into the stratosphere. There's no reason why these publishers can't give some of those titles a smaller budget so that a few million sales over its lifetime can be a success instead of a huge failure. It would be nice to see some of these publishers display some more humility without having to go out of business first.
Hey guys my first time writing in & i just found you guys a couple of weeks ago and i am hooked already!

Since you guys liked The new superman trailer i wanted to see if you have watched the New Thor Trailer? Also doesn't it annoy you when they spoiler things in trailers like they sort of do at the end of this there was no need to show that! Just like in the fast and furious films Letty dies and in the new movie trailer they show her alive at the end of it what is the point im and the end know where i will stop watching trailers!
Question for the mailbag,

Why do you guys still use monikers/handles for the podcast? I was thinking about this recently, and I believe this is the only podcast I listen to where the hosts don't actually use their real name. Do you guys really refer to each other as "Wombat," "Shipwreck" and "CheapyD" in real live? Do you consider yourself the new Gamefan or Gamepro magazine? Are you on a quest to bring back 1990's gaming journalism? What gives with the handles?
In the beginning of this console generation, in-game advertising was suppose to be something everyone thought would be inevitable, but it has pretty much disappeared besides the occasional Doritos or MTN Dew ad. What do you think happened? Is the iPhone to blame?
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I've had the pleasure of replaying a couple episodes back to back while cleaning the apartment and I have a bunch of stuff to say; but I decided to just pick one. It's about Cheapy and Mrs. Cheapy's late night hospital run.

Cheapy did the right thing!

Cheapy should be praised for doing what any good man would do, which is taking care of his wife. Furthermore, both parents should be praised for taking care of their son, by making the right life decisions that allowed them to provide a safe environment in which they could make a quick decision like that with confidence.

As for the sideline commentary:
I'm a fan of yours Wombat, but let's be honest, you're somewhat sensitive :)
I'm a fan of yours too Shipwreck, but the eagle hasn't quite landed for you yet so maybe your should wait till touch down to start offering parenting commentary.

Oh yeah, and guys? Underwear should (white or not) never have streaks in it...ever (you'll have to go back several episodes for that one)

Ok that was 2 things my bad.

What's your take on GRID 2? There's been some new previews, videos, etc. that make it look like it might be pretty interesting. I never played the original GRID, but I was enjoyed the DIRT series quite a bit.
Hi guys after finishing Far Cry 3 and really enjoying it and with the release of Blood Dragon is it really worth getting i am a bit tight on money right know since losing my job and can only buy a number of games a month until i find something is it worth it thanks guys!
Hey Cheapy, Shipwreck, and Wombat,

What's worse? A game with a crappy tutorial that assumes you've never played a game with no options to skip it or a game that makes fun of those sorts of tutorials and then proceeds to force you through that same sort of tutorial? If you can't tell, I'm referencing Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon, which seems to think that making fun of it excuses them for making a crappy tutorial. At this point, tutorials should be outright skippable and there should be basic and advanced tutorials that you can choose from if you understand the most basic controls that are used in every game.
CheapyD, Why do you have "overflow" twitter accounts for @videogamedeals ? I noticed that on twitter this morning and I just wonder what good an overflow account does, or why it's needed. Thanks, adios!
You can see everything that people purchase through the Amazon referral links, right? Have you ever noticed any really weird purchases that you've gotten a referral fee for?
Cheapy, going to Tokyo for a week in mid-July for vacation! Questions:

1. top 5 "must see/do" things in tokyo area! (traveling with wife, early 30s.. so no amusement parks or brothels, unless there's some kind of amusement brothel park... and actually top 6 things if you're going to include tokyo american club)

2. have you ever been to karuizawa or have any recommended places to stay there?

3. will it be so hot that questions 1 and 2 don't matter as i'll just be in my hotel room all week watching my toilet's colorful water fountain show?

4. is there a 3 or 5 day "metrocard" like NYC with unlimited rides, or do they only sell 1-day cards like that? the rail/subway system seems a bit complex...


Pure hypotheticals here: with the Wii U rapidly becoming the butt of everyone's jokes, do you think we are getting closer to seeing a time when Nintendo goes the way of Sega and Atari and simply publishes games? In this hypothetical world, do you think we will see the exclusives (Mario, Zelda, Kirby) on the fourth iteration of the Xbox and the PS5?
Now that this generation of consoles is almost over, can all three of you tell us some games titles that were criminally overlooked and underrated? (Xbox 360, PS3, WI)
Willing to bet a pristine copy of Kung Fu for the NES that the new Batman: Arkham Origins teaser did little to diminish EITHER Womabt's anticipation and Shipwreck's indifference for the coming title. Ship, prove me wrong!!
It seems like it has been a while since your last top analysts segment. Microsoft's reveal and E3 are coming up soon, maybe some predictions for that?

Also, I miss the CAGs on news song. Any chance of bringing that back for a show just for nostalgia's sake (it is roughly the 10 year anniversary)?
CAG Crew - Microsoft claimed they'll release 15 exclusives within a year of Xbox One's launch. If you were asked to put up $100, what would you take if the over/under on the amount of exclusives actually released in that time is set at seven?
Wombat, I noticed on IGN that the links to their stories on the right side of the page are "moving" or "compacting" every 15 seconds or so. Is this a new trend to generate hits by having people click on links accidentally only to go back and click on the link they wanted? I figured you, if anyone, would know.
Although there will still be support for the PS3/360, games will probably trickle out after this holiday. How about a top 10 (or 5 of Cheapy is feeling lazy!) of this console generation? It can be hard enough across multiple platforms to do this for a year, but I want to know what 5 (or 10) games each of you would hang on to or recommend out of everything?
Now that the Xbox One has been announced. . . how much do you think they will sell this thing for? Keep in mind it will be bundled with the Kinect.

- My prediction: if it is over $500 at launch, it will fail miserably. If they think that having a bunch of TV Interactive Bullshit is "value added" they will be sorely mistaken.
So Microsoft announced that the Xbox One will not have Xbox Live Arcade backwards compatibility. This is something I was really hoping it would have. I guess this means they can go the nintendo route and sell you the same games again.

Games like Pinball FX2 will be greatly affected by this announcement. I am sure it will be offered on the new Xbox. However, all of your old tables will be on the 360 and your new tables will be on the ONE (Unless you want to re-buy them of course or keep your 360 out and use it as your Xbox Live Arcade Machine). Blech.
How much of an issue do you believe used games and backwards compatibility really is? Is Sony or Nintendo really that much better at it?
bread's done