CAGbag: Get your questions answered on CAGcast

Why hasn't Cheapy seen Mad Max: Fury Road yet, or has he already and I'm just an inattentive listener

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Would Xbox Games for Gold and/or PS Plus be better if the consumer was given a choice of what games they wanted for free? For example, Sony would let you choose 4 games from a list of 10 games for that month. The consumer is given a choice, and consumers might be more inclined to purchase games when they come out instead of waiting for it to be free because they could choose something besides the game they already own or have zero interest in.

1. Do you think MS will debut an [X]ONE Slim sku this year or officially drop the price to $350?

2. Sould they add the the Play and Charge kit with the standard sku since the DS4 has an internal battery/charge cord included with the PS4 instead of basically making you spend another $25 on an accessory most(I'd hope all) gamers want for their controller?
You answered my question about an Xbox One possible Slim SKU &/or price drop a couple of episodes back(#406) and discussed it again in #408 saying we're basically at $350 now. With the recent rumors of a $350 PS4 and FCC news of a revised PS4, CUH-1215A(500GB) and CUH-1215B(1TB) if Sony drops the PS4 to $350(500GB) & $400(1TB) what can Microsoft do to combat that themselves without non-retailer incentives-gift cards & etc?

I know you said possibly add games to the system but how about include the Play and Charge kit which the PS4 system/DS4 basically ships with, + 3 month LIVE, a game like Sunset Overdrive(their already giving away MCC and giving away an older Forza may hurt Forza 6 sells) or free 1 year LIVE sub? Can MS afford to go to $300 right now or will they just have to hope their exclusives sell systems?

Anyway E3 2015 is going to be very exciting this year to say the least!

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Read This Bitches:

Have any of you guys read Ready Player One by Ernest Cline?

If you like video games and the 80s it's a must read. It's a total amalgam of all things CAGCast. It's amazing.

Spielberg is making the movie of it...
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1). Do you think there will be less Xbox 360 trade in deals after 360 - X1 backwards compatibility becomes available or near the Holidays?

2). Will we see less 360/PS3 versions of new games because of the growing need of system power, companies pushing more towards next gen(or current IMO) and 360/X1 BC?

3). Microsoft announced a great line up of X1 games for this year. Do you think that we'll see less or less valued retailer deals near Black Friday/Holiday 2015 or will they still be trying to push console sales just as much with bonus incentives? Example the current free game deal that is currently available with an X1 purchase, or is just a right now thing before they hit a possible sales spike later this year?

******AND I'm coming up on my 10th year anniversary as a CAG in July, thanks for keeping the best video game site on the net going strong! :) *********

Dean - @Dean_M78(Twitter) - formerly Retail Sucks on CAG.

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Since this week we finally had a reason to upgrade our 360s, we have the complex issue of trying to decide whether to purchade the xbox or ps4 version of each game. How do you guys decide?
Since this week we finally had a reason to upgrade our 360s, we have the complex issue of trying to decide whether to purchade the xbox or ps4 version of each game. How do you guys decide?
Great question.

I've had a PS4 since December 2013. I plan to buy an Xbox One but we have 2 gamers in the household so both will be getting constant play time. Example Fable Legends, Halo 5 & Forza 6, obviously are exclusives we plan to buy and maybe Battlefront, Rainbow Six: Seige for PS4 but we're not sure which system to get Fallout 4 on as we'll be playing a lot of online on both. Do you have a preference(online for example?), play one system less or would a slight game spec difference sway your buying decision on a multiplat.

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CheapyD back in cagcast #97 you stated that you would happily sell for 2 million dollars - Wombat stated that this was way to low at the time and that you would be broke in less than 10 years.

If you took all your life experience back to that moment would that number still be the same knowing what you know now? I think its a crazy low number are you glad in retrospect that nobody came along and offered you 2 million for the site?

PLEASE keep the VR speak to a minimum this week. I don't think I can take much more "It's impossible to explain to a person who has never used it, but it's the most amazing thing EVER!!!" discussions. If marketing people can't express it to the public, regular joes can't either.

*** Imagine someone expressing to you how amazing a rollercoaster is for an hour. That's how most people feel about VR talks. :)

Thank you.

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Do you guys do anything to keep your electricity use down (ex. turning off power strips when not using devices)? Is Shipwreck doing anything for his awesome basement in this regard?

Is there a video game conspiracy afoot?

With the new Batman game being unplayable on PC, it seems major video game designers are given little to no scrutiny by publishers when releasing a new title. However, indie designers must meet a plethora of criteria to have their game release to the general public.

Big video game developers and publishers seem to have a cartel on the gaming industry by making up-and-coming indie developers travel a labyrinth of requirements. Sadly, many indie titles do not see the light of day.

What do you think?

Just finished watching GI play through of Conker's Bad Fur Day and in the "Special Thanks" credit section was Wombat. Is that you or just a coincidence? long time listener and still have no clue what your job is, so excuse me if my question is a little dumb. Keep up the great work guys!

Shipwreck-With your amazing mancade near completion, do you have a hookup/adapter to play old light gun games with your projector?


Were you able to sell Mrs. Cheapy to buy a house on Long Island in Wombat's neighborhood?

Think about it, every fourth of July you get front row seats to the battle of the fireworks and be in walking distance to Wombat. What do you say?

Sup, Nerds!  So what is stopping Microsoft from meeting/beating PS+ i.e. sales, freebies, exclusives?  It just seems like Sony has been killing it with the online bonuses, whereas Microsoft is barely showing interest in sales or incentives. 

In a related question, since you guys skipped Windows 8 this is your first exposure to the Windows Store. It's a far cry from Steam but it's game selection is more comparable to iTunes. Your impressions?

FYI Here's some of what I consider the best on there:

Tentacles: Enter the Mind​

Asphalt 8: Airborne​

Dungeon Hunter 5​

Pinball FX2 (This version lets you play tables for free if you watch an ad first)


With Gamescom currently underway, are there any announced/shown games such as Quantum Break, Halo Wars 2, Dragon Scale, etc, you are looking forward to? What about hardware such as the Halo 5 Xbox One, Xbox branded Seagate harddrive or the Chat Pad?

Also, your opinion on Sony's lack of a press conference at Gamescom? Is Microsoft building momentum to catch Sony with new features such as DVR playback or using Windows 10 to redesign the dashboard?

Lastly, watch this bitches, Mr. Robot is quite good. Have any of you checked it out?
Trying this question again, because I want to know what games you guys like enough to finish...

Which was the LAST game in each of these franchises that you actually finished?

Mario (platformers)
Final Fantasy

Not sure if this counts as a question, but I thought I'd copy-paste it here and in the regular CAGcast 415 thread:

Hey guys, this is Nathan from the CAG Meet-up at Barcade.

Thanks for a kickass night and for being such humble and gracious hosts.  It really means a lot when your heroes measure up to how you picture them and it was totally the case this time.  You were all really polite and inviting to me and the other CAGs who showed up.  After following the CAGcast for the past 8 years (and retroactively going through the first 2 years), it's just been a natural habit to listen to your weekly conversations in my commute to work. 

So, as a fan of the great dynamic you all have on the show (and in true Wombat-fashion), I thought I'd share the cool "swag" I got from tonight's event with the rest of the CAG community:

First off, I had to get each host to sign the cover of what I thought was their appropriate "favorite" game:


They'll look great on top of my 360 collection:


CheapyD, Wombat, and Shipwreck were nice enough to each take a photo:




And of course I got to play some awesome arcade games (a ton only a quarter, which was crazy!) while drinking a great draft beer.  The CAGs that showed up that I talked with were really cool dudes, too.  Talk about a top-notch community.  Cheapy was even buying rounds for everyone.

To sum up:  Great night, great friends, great hosts.  Thanks again!

Oh, and since this is the CAGbag question thread, I guess I'll submit a token question for the podcast:  What were some of your favorite arcade games at Barcade and did they hold up to your memories?

was wondering if anyone mentioned that IGN's Podcast Beyond was plugging CheapAss Gamer last episode? I thought it was pretty cool.. They were talking about getting a deal on PS+ and how this was the site to go to. 

Hi Cheapy, in reaction to your comments on this weekend's CAGcast about the PC port of the upcoming Mad Max game, I certainly understand your skepticism, given WB's publication of a disastrous PC port of Batman Arkham Knight.  Still there are a couple of differences between this situation and that: in this case, Avalanche Studios itself did the PC port, and, to Shipwreck's comment about whether they've had time to quash bugs on Mad Max while working on Just Cause 3, my understanding is that it's the Sweden-based studio working on Mad Max, and a US-based team working on Just Cause 3.

By the time you read this we'll know if WB screwed up again or if this game goes some way toward redeeming WB for the Batman AK PC port fiasco.  I'm really hoping they didn't screw the pooch a second time.

José, CAGcast listener for 10 years now.

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Question for Ship: any thoughts on the big MPQ changes coming?  (Legendary tokens to give easier access 4*s and the new 5* Silver Surfer)  Do you tend to play more of the PvP or PvE events?

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Hi guys.

What are your thoughts on Limited/Collector's Editions these days? I would always get the LE/CE of a game before, but these days I feel like almost no effort are put into them anymore. Now its all about getting extra DLC early, a crappy artbook or a cheap mini statue.

Do you guys still buy the LE/CEs? What are your thoughts on them now compared to before?

Shipwreck, what would you consider to be a holy grail or phoenix feather that you would add to your evergrowing retro game collection?

And it's Halloween movie season, what would you guys consider as your under appreciated Watch This Bitches?

Has PS+ Free Games, and Games with Gold killed your urge to buy smaller indie games when they come out? I find myself seeing a game I'd like to play, wait for a sale of some kind, and then it ends up being free or I don't see the point since I have a bazillion un-played games on my PS4/X1. I bought over 80+ XBLA games over the 10 years I had a 360, but have yet to buy 1 ID@Xbox game yet in the 1 year I've had a Xbox One.

Do you guys think its better to play the orginial game (console,graphics,controls etc.) or the remastered/remade verison for a newer console?

Who do you guys think will be the big winning console/company with the holiday season coming up?
What is the coolest item you ever received from a limited edition, collector's edition, or any other edition of a game?

For me it is the Metal Gear Saga Vol. 2 DVD from the Limited Edition of MGS4, which contains a very well put together summary of all the events leading up to it. An honorable mention is the night vision goggles I got with the Modern Warfare 2 prestige edition. I walked around my house and I tried riding my bike at night with them on. Surprisingly they are good quality and fully functional with two different modes for night vision which include the green black and white black color modes.

About the "console porn" discussion last week on the show. I think Wombat's estimation about how many users are viewing porn on their consoles is more accurate than the notion that the sample size is very small. What I think you guys are overlooking, is the fact that I am sure many teens and younger users are using their consoles to view porn for a variety of reasons.

1. They may not have easy access to a PC

2. They may feel that their porn habits will not be discovered by parents on their gaming machine

As someone who was a teen during the dreamcast era, that was the first machine I had that allowed me to go alone and I def used it to look at porn pictures as a kid. I think there are a lot of younger users who are probably viewing pornography on their consoles for these reasons, they don't necessarily have a better alternative might also be a reason why "mom" is such a highly searched category. Food for thought.

I and many other members want to know cheapy, why you dont care about this site anymore? You dont do as much as you used to and frankly its showing. We need you to step back up and be the leader of the website not just the dude behind the scenes making money. I really want you to acknowledge whats going on around here. Recently the only thing you really have posted is the surface deal. Which for one doesnt belong in the gaming section and also wasnt much of a deal. I hope my views on this are not shut down, I feel we need to address this. So my question is as stated, why do you not care about the site?
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A lot of indie game devs use pixel art because it's cheap and easy enough for non artistic people to make. If it wasn't for that option, I feel like a lot of great games wouldn't see the light of day. Just wanted to point that out that it's not always because it's trendy. It does get tiresome to see everywhere, but I don't think some devs have a choice. And personally, I like it way more than cheap looking flash animation.

Beatles, I would like to defend cheapy he helped me register as a new user within minutes of an email. Just because he's not active in the parts you are active doesn't mean he's not active at all.
Are you and Wombat going to the NYC Microsoft Store grand opening? Maybe Major Nelson can get you press passes.

My submissions for a future CAG cast opening track. Does anyone like Twin Peaks?

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bread's done