Not sure if this counts as a question, but I thought I'd copy-paste it here and in the regular CAGcast 415 thread:
Hey guys, this is Nathan from the CAG Meet-up at Barcade.
Thanks for a kickass night and for being such humble and gracious hosts. It really means a lot when your heroes measure up to how you picture them and it was totally the case this time. You were all really polite and inviting to me and the other CAGs who showed up. After following the CAGcast for the past 8 years (and retroactively going through the first 2 years), it's just been a natural habit to listen to your weekly conversations in my commute to work.
So, as a fan of the great dynamic you all have on the show (and in true Wombat-fashion), I thought I'd share the cool "swag" I got from tonight's event with the rest of the CAG community:
First off, I had to get each host to sign the cover of what I thought was their appropriate "favorite" game:
They'll look great on top of my 360 collection:
CheapyD, Wombat, and Shipwreck were nice enough to each take a photo:
And of course I got to play some awesome arcade games (a ton only a quarter, which was crazy!) while drinking a great draft beer. The CAGs that showed up that I talked with were really cool dudes, too. Talk about a top-notch community. Cheapy was even buying rounds for everyone.
To sum up: Great night, great friends, great hosts. Thanks again!
Oh, and since this is the CAGbag question thread, I guess I'll submit a token question for the podcast: What were some of your favorite arcade games at Barcade and did they hold up to your memories?