CAGbag: Get your questions answered on CAGcast

I'm really confused with Sony's pricing of the PS3.

Given that Japan hasn't shown much interest in a Microsoft console, what was the point of having that huge price drop in Japan and nowhere else? It seems like a $50 price drop in the U.S. would have a much bigger effect on the number of people who would want the console.

While I'm at it, will anyone in Japan really pay the $250 price gap between PS3 models to get a lousy WiFi nic and a card reader???

In all of the PS3 coverage online, I hardly ever see mention of the fact that Japan for some reason gets the basic model PS3 (which has all the features I would need) for a whole 80 bucks less than the rest of us.
I have a nutty idea for a future CAG cast, why not have somebody animate the cartoon CheapyD and Wombat in Flash?

The animation should be simple due to just moving the mouth circles and bending the arms and the legs of the two characters. I do have an older form of Flash (came with Studio MX 2004) but I know nothing about animation. If some brave soul in the CAG community knows a bit about animation, I am sure that you have the high quality source files the cartoon Cheapy and Wombat to make it happen.

Besides, when I listen to it in the car, I imagine a cartoon Wombat talking to the stylized CheapyD while I watch the road ahead of me.
Do you guys think that the DS will act as a handwriting or shorthand device for the wii?


What interactivity do you guys guess will be present with the ds and the wii?
An hours woth of flash would take forever and a day to throw together. This is coming from someone that does animation for a living. By the time the animation was done, the episode would be old news.

[quote name='Matarick']I have a nutty idea for a future CAG cast, why not have somebody animate the cartoon CheapyD and Wombat in Flash?

The animation should be simple due to just moving the mouth circles and bending the arms and the legs of the two characters. I do have an older form of Flash (came with Studio MX 2004) but I know nothing about animation. If some brave soul in the CAG community knows a bit about animation, I am sure that you have the high quality source files the cartoon Cheapy and Wombat to make it happen.

Besides, when I listen to it in the car, I imagine a cartoon Wombat talking to the stylized CheapyD while I watch the road ahead of me.[/quote]
Hey Cheapy and Wombat, great shows so far, even though sometimes Wombat's mooching can get so annoying to the point that I fast forward a little bit. Anyways are you guys getting as tired as me with all these posts about the price justification of the PS3? Everytime I go to gamespot or even here on CAG I see some posts here and there with people trying to justify the $600 price tag, which to me is just ridiculous. I don't need people who have probably have money flowing out of their ass to show me that the PS3 is worth that amount of money. The price drop in Japan alone is another thing that I would like to vent on but I'll save that for another time. For now I'm fine with my XBOX360 and its OPTIONAL add ons. Maybe a Wii wouldn't hurt also.
Long time listener, first time CAGBagger.

1. who does the graphics for the official CAG icons/logos, such as Cheapy and Wombat's avatars and the logo for the CAGcast?

2. Will we see more traditional-style RPGs coming for the 360? Preferably ones that do not involve prepubescent boy-girl puppy love nonsense.

What does 'traditional-style RPGs' really mean to Wombat and Cheapy? Does it mean JRPG-style? turn-based? I personally prefer the more static, laid back turn-based RPGs ('cause I'm old-school) to more modern hack-n-slash RPGs like Oblivion, Baldur's Gate or Diablo. Where is the Ultima IV and the Fallout of this generation?

3. D&D/Fantasy-theme RPGs, involving mages/magic, elves, dragons, etc, are all the rage. Will there ever be another popular RPG with an alternative themes? Post-Apocalyptic theme (Wasteland, Fallout) have been done and proved that they can also be successful. Any thoughts?
This question is specifically for Cheapy, Mrs. Cheapy, and Mrs. Wombat. We already know what animal Wombat looks like (obviously), but what about the rest of you? Come on. Everyone looks like some kind of animal. Be honest.
A couple of 51st episode things:

1. I say you have a short segment on Favorite CAG Moments. Definitely, my favorite is the $10,000 shit eating guy (I made my wife listen to that as well as some co-workers).

2. A question: with the console launches around the corner, what's the Japanese vibe on the PS3 and Wii? It seems like here in the US there was a lot of negativity towards it but now I see a lot of a "wait and see" attitude. Similarly with the Wii, there was a lot of hype that seems to have cooled down at least a little.
Cheapy & Wombat - Do you guys think that the site's name has limited its appeal with a Mass Market audience? Is the Ass in really keeping you "Assed out?"
Hey Cheapy & Wombat, great work on all the shows so far. Cheapy, I wanted to ask if u could announce the Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 Tournament that I'm hosting on the next CAGcast. We have 22 participants and we've got a couple matches out of the way but there are still a lot of people who need to play. I know this week and next are big new release weeks but I think I can still manage, with a little of your assitance. Here is a list of everyone that still needs to play. If you could read it that would be a huge help. Also, I was thinking that if this tourny goes off without a hitch maybe we could have monthly online CAG tournys for a different game every month, or maybe even a game we play every month plus 1 different game a month. I'm not sure if you would want to throw prizes in the mix, that would of course be up to you, but it's just a suggestion.

BTW, thanks for trying to cut back on the burping. It was pretty annoying. :)

dman1869 VS Never4ever

sonicfreak5 VS jer7583

RelentlessRolento VS valor19

zewone VS lilboo

CaseyRyback VS 2Fast

Jek Porkins VS jimfoley16

RobotSimp VS y2jrevolution

thamaster 24 VS Apossum
This question is for Wombat. Should I feel guilty about sending you a friend request on Xbox Live, even though I don't know you at all, besides what I hear of in the CAGcast? You accepted, but I fear it's out of kindness (since we all know you have a kind, wombattish heart) and not out of actually wanting to be my friend. :)
November 7th bump (completely unncessary since it is a stickied)

not particularly gaming related

did either of you vote (absentee or going to the polls)?

and does a candidate's stance on gaming figure into your voting patterns (aka. Hillary Clinton)?

sorry to be a drag...but I figured cause both of you guys are new yorkers, I just wanted to find out.
To Cheapy and/or Wombat:

I was wondering when the CAGschwag store will be updated with new colors and designs (preferably black for the hoodies; or any other color besides white and gray)? I have held back from purchasing anything from the store because the colors that are available now will most likely get dirty way too easily. Winter is closing in, and I'd like to display my CAG spirit. In addition, if you do update the store, any chance for a new coupon code to go along with the update?

Love the show, keep up the good work, and thanks in advance.
First Off, good luck on getting a PS3 as I hear Kaz Hirai's son isn't even getting one. My question is for both of you... what are your thoughts on the up coming game Viva Pinata and would you recomend someone the Xbox 360 for this Christmas etc. Thanks and keep up the good work!
This is more a question to bring to Peter Moore from Wombat. Any word on MS working out some download agreement with Mark Cuban and HDNet?
Also, any word on Music Video's or content? I myself would LOVE to be able to get ahold of some BoA M/V's and concerts as well as Seo Taiji stuff in HD as well.
Do you guys think Zelda Twilight Princess will also work for the SNES style controller? All this arm waving around and laser arrow shooting crap seems like a big hassle to me. I really don't want to have to buy the GC version!
To Wombat:

I feel your pain! In college I rented a studio apartment built on top of a bunch of storage garages located convienently near an open water run off cesspool. This studio apartment became infested with rats and mice. I would hear them at night when trying to go to sleep, and I would have to cover my girlfriends ears when they were scampering overhead in my cealing. Willard ruined my sex life! Eventually, I got so fed up I drove to the property management office and slept outside the office until morning and told them I would be living in their office until they fixed the problem. This got me a new apartment located next to the bum hangout, which I was ok with because Bums are easier to shoo away than rats. Long and Short - force your landlord to fix your rat problem by threatening them with your constant presence.
To wombat:
Why wasn't you, Wombat, or CheapyD invited to one of the 48 hour zelda events. Did you try, do you not care? I can understand CheapyD since Nintendo won't pay to fly him out, like they did Mat C. from IGN, and they might not have something comperable in Japan but seriously whats up? If Wombats good enough for Microsoft then he should be good enough for Nintendo?

J.Elles from Dallas
Do your cheap/deal hunting habits transcend your gaming habits? If so can you give some examples where your cheapness has perhaps gotten you into akward/hilarious scenarios? Or is your penny-pinching in gaming only a means to splurge in other parts of your life?
In previous CAGcasts we have learned that wombat is a fan of comic books.
What titles are you currently reading? Favorite characters/writers/artists? Do you wait for the trades or do you stop by your local store every week? Are there any story arcs that you feel would translate well into video game form?
Great show guys. CheapyD, do you ever feel that the ass in cheapassgamer holds you back at all. Do you feel that legitimate websites/advertising/news venues may be reluctant to plug the website or take you seriously due to the mild profanity. If so have you ever considered changing the name to be more "media friendly" or would you rather keep it and run with it making sites like,, etc.

I don't personally have any problem with the name just wanted to know how non-CAGs felt about it.
If you could only purchase either the PS3 or the Wii, which would you choose and why? (The 360 doesn't exist in this scenario.)
Wait, I forget (so much buzz on PS3 the last couple of episodes): what Wii games are you folks going to get at launch, and will you be getting any of the VC games immediately to review on the CAGCast as well? I'm most interested in what Cheapy will be getting VC-wise, since Japan will have more titles available initially.

Also for Cheapy, what did you think about the Japan launch of PS3 and the sudden spotlight shone on the secondary game sales market there? Do you think the Japanese media (or the majority of Japanese consumers in general) care about the same kinds of issues we are concerned with as far as the scalping of new consoles?
For Cheapy - (sorry this is kind of long)

This question stems from watching your video review of the Microsoft Wireless 360 Headset, I noticed you seem to have a very nice gaming set up, chiefly the large flat panel HDTV. Besides that, on various CAGCasts, you often mention what games you've recently purchased, Wombat is constantly asking you to purchase games for him, and you seem to talk alot about how much you sit on your cheap ass while your wife works. And now, you possess a PS3. My question is this: Just how loaded are you? Or rather, are you truly a cheap ass gamer? Or are your pockets burning with so much money, everything seems cheap to you?
To either Cheapy or Wombat, I got a question about FPS games. Mrs. Cheapy mentioned that she gets motion sickness when watching them and I know it happens to a lot of people especially in Asia.
As an Asian American myself, why do you think its harder for us to adapt to the fps games? I remember that I couldn't play Halo for more than half an hour before I felt sick. However, Goldeneye never made me dizzy.
Cheapy, I don't know if you are into Pride fighting (I thought I remembered you posting a link to their page in one of th YMIJ threads), but if you are have you thought of going to an event? If so how much do tickets usually run? and How far away from the Saitama Super Arena do you live?
Most video game guides are around $14.99 but then drop to a penny, ripped to hell and thrown away. Why can't stores or companies have a universal price drop after its been out awhile to $6.99 or $3.99 and salvage some cash instead of chucking them into the dumpster?
Not necessarily CAG-bag material, but I'd like you guys to pull your strings at Microsoft (if you have strings there) to see if we'll get support for 16:10 resolutions in the spring XBL update.
Okay, here's my question... it's about the Xbox Live Arcade.

What would you guys rather see the Xbox Live Arcade doing? Bringing back all of these older classics and ports, like it seems to be doing now... or would you rather have it be a home for new and fresh ideas, like Cloning Clyde, Small Arms, and Roboblitz? Or maybe a balance of both?

I'm personally tired of all of these old rehashed games, like Defender and all that, bring on the Small Arms!
So, in CAGcast #51, Wombat said he played around with face-mapping in Project 8 at some event. I had been following this game, and my bullshit senses started tingling because I had never heard this mentioned anywhere until then. So P8 ships-no camera support. What's the deal? Was this a one-time feature for the event? Should I be anxiously awaiting downloadable camera support? Does Wombat just happen to look like one of the pre-rendered characters?
[quote name='peztrip']So, in CAGcast #51, Wombat said he played around with face-mapping in Project 8 at some event. I had been following this game, and my bullshit senses started tingling because I had never heard this mentioned anywhere until then. So P8 ships-no camera support. What's the deal? Was this a one-time feature for the event? Should I be anxiously awaiting downloadable camera support? Does Wombat just happen to look like one of the pre-rendered characters?[/QUOTE]

This is why I needed a camera there to prove that I'm not insane, well at least not about that.
Episode #52 was a fantastic show for reviewing the PS3 and it brought a couple of things to my attention. Do you feel that Sony is putting out an incomplete/not well thought out product? From the CagCast you pointed out several things
- The controller isn't instinctual when it comes to playing games required to shoot a weapon. (R1/R2 buttons)
- You have to charge the controller before use and the cord provided is extremely short so you have to sit in front of the TV like a two year old or wait.
- Menu system is not impressive
- HDMI issues
- 200 PS2 games won't work!
- Browser is good
I can't get over that fact that Sony would want so much money for an unfinished product. Your thoughts?
Hey Cheapy, whats the point of going on Bloomberg if there not gonna give you proper plugs?(ex: ceo of cagcast/owner of videogame retailer in Japan) Is it just for the bragging rights/thrill of being on tv? Also, if I was in Wombats shoes I too would be a free game whore.
Philosophical question of the day:

If a 6'4" bald gamer with a gun is alone in a mausoleum and gets chain-sawed by a wombat, does he make a noise? ;)
My question is: What do you Cheapy and Wombat think of Game Spots score of Zelda: Twilight Princess? As they seemed to go against every other gaming site and rate it lower. Do you think it was a good well written review?
With the Wii finally launching this past weekend and Miis being a big feature that goes along with the pack-in Wii Sports, what are the chances that we could see official Wombat and CheapyD Miis being released for CAGs to download and enjoy on their Wiis? All you'd have to do is when you create your own Mii is set the "mingle" option on and those in your friends list would be able to see it in the Mii Parade and put it in on their own Wii to enjoy.

Also, what kind of applications or games would you like to see the Miis be used for? I liked Wombat's suggestion before about getting items for beating games, such as Link's hat for beating Twilight Princess.

What kinds of Channels would you like Nintendo to offer for free or at a price to download in the future from the Wii Shop?
I'm a little new to the CAGcast, show #50 was my first, but i have to say this is the best thing to happen to my PC since CAG itself.

Question, So in the past two CAGcasts you've been showing your disapointment for the PS3 and Sony alike. I've been a sony hater now since the first pushback on the PS3. Dose it seem like Sony is making a lot of wrong moves?
Cheapy & Wombat:

I know Wombat was pursuing free Wiis for each of you. How'd that work out? If it didn't, did you guys go out and try and pick them up? What was your experience like? What are your first impressions of the system and the games?
Here is a question for you: What the devil is wrong with me that I have zero interest in Gears of War, but am enjoying the hell out of the three Burger King games? Is there an Enzyte-esque pill for this?

Okay, I'm not really into the whole FPS genre, and it was amusing for half a second to see 75% of my friends list playing GoW, but now I'm starting to catch flak from them.

Being a CAG, I feel that was $12 well spent, versus $60 on a game that isn't my thing...
bread's done