CAGbag: Get your questions answered on CAGcast

Great show guys.

I've been listening to the CagCast for a while now, my iPod's storgae space is pretty much taken up soley by Cagcasts!

Though I have been listening for a while, I'm afraid to say I do not frequent the site that often. In fact I just had to create a new profile- it seems my old one was deleted (which is why I now have 1 or 2 posts on this profile- I'm not a total 'noob' though!)
BUT I have a valid reason for not posting much on the site- I live in the UK, and was directed to your lovely site by my friends over at SegaNerds -graveaddiction (aka Wivil) and Psyclerk in particular. But CheapAss Gamer is pretty much directed towards the US audience, as none of the deals posted up would apply to me I do not post much.

So here comes one of my questions;

-Have you ever considered branching the site out or creating sister sites- that focus on deals from other major gaming countries? In particular Britian and Japan.
From what I gather, even though Britian is a relatively small population compared to the US, we are still quite big in the gaming scene. And it would certainly be handy to have a site like CAG for us foreigners ;)

Question two:
In a more recent CagCast you guys were talking about the Wii and the pros and cons.
You guys mentioned how having Wireless only connection for the Wii is more of a pain than a help and it would have been easier to have a wired connection like the 360.
I disagree. Sure its a pain if your router doesn't support wireless. But over here, at least, Wireless routers are easier to buy than wired ones. Most Internet providers now give away wireless routers in their packages or offer them for a marginal extra cost.
It seems to be that companies are going for a 'wireless future' and I think will soon be the norm.
-So surely Nintendo are just looking to the future with the Wii? Imagine in about 4 years if everybody had wireless routers and the Wii was wired? People would be complaining that Nintendo hadn't predicted this change.

-I'm glad they had it wireless, because my router supports wired lan connections- but all my slots are full up- from various PCs and my 360- so connectiong my Wii was damn easy.
-I know you mentioned that you had to change a load of settings for your router to get it to work with the Wii - what kind of router are you using? Because I literally turned my Wii on and it connected - so for me it felt as though Nintendo had kept with the idea of keeping the Wii simple to use. And if other people have the same experience as me, then surely it would be mission accomplished for Nintendo?

-Thanks for such a great podcast guys, it really keeps me sane at work, and I can quite happily listen to shows more than once- the sign of true entertainment! :D
So I have a PS3 and a 360, and I am wondering about the Wii. When I first saw the DS I thought that it was pathetic, then I bought it and hated it (ya I am an idiot). I love both the PS3 and 360 and am wondering if I should get a Wii. Every game that I have seen for the Wii seems like DS games on a bigger screen. Your thoughts?
Cheapy and Wombat,

Because the two main competitors in this console war are the 360 and PS3, and each one is supporting an opposing HD format, if one becomes the absolute winner in this generation’s life, do you see the possibilities for a possible accessory?

To better explain this question…

If HD-DVD becomes the dominant format, do you think Sony will swallow their pride and possibly release a HD-DVD assessory for their console?

If Blu-Ray comes out on top, do you see Microsoft releasing a USB accessory to play BR disks on the 360?

If asked this a few different places, and I was just curious what you guys think about this.

Keep on KAGcast’n guys… they keep getting better and better.
I have been interested in blue dragon from a distance for a while now. I think the game was long overdue for the 360 and its great to finally get some japanese games for it. Having been released in japan now you get news of sales figures for it.
But I was hoping that CheapyD could try and play the game and give us an idea what its like to play.
Hey Guys,
Great show. Now that the holiday frenzy is over, what do you think will happen with console prices and availability. Some CAGers in the Wii forum have been speculating that the Wii will drop in price within the year, as what happened with the GameCube. Some are speculating that with a drop in price, Wii Sports may not be included with the console (as in Japan, right?). I tend to think that the Wii will not drop in price unless the shelves become glutted with systems.
On the other hand, do you think Microsoft will, with the new 65 nm CPU and the cheaper manufacturing costs of the cooler XBox 360, pass the savings on to the consumers (or do they have a lot of coffins to pay for)?
What about the PS3? How much of a debacle has the holiday season been for Sony? Will they be able to compete with the Wii or the 360? OUCH.
So now that you've played Zelda:TP Cheapy, would you agree that Wombat was a tard when it came to the fishing in it? Also why are you going on 50 hours Wombat? I just now beat the game at around 33 hours and I dicked around looking for heart pieces for about 2 hours worth.
This one is for CheapyD--You've mentioned that you watch the 1UP show. I just finished watching the 12/22/06 episode which covers Motorstorm. Assuming you've seen it, what do you think about their comments? It's certainly a very different take than your review. Is it an honest difference of opinion, or is something else at work?
So obviously you want more users on the site to boost popularity, traffic, and money for CAG. However, CAG isn't a site that every CAGer would like to spread the word due to the fact that it would lower their chance of getting cheap stuff around their area (from hoarders for example). What's your view on this?

Edit the question anyway you'd like to make it more understandable since I'm about to fall asleep.
Today I turned on my 360 and when I looked at my friends list, lo behold Wombat is playing oblivion. So wombat here is my question: Why are you playing oblivion when you have a wii, gears of war, viva pinata, and probably a few other recent titles as well? Does oblivion really hold up to these games?
Cheapy, I think you are on to something here. In the last cast you mentioned how you don't like to assign games a numbered score, and I've noticed when you finish your reviews, you say a game is "easy to recommend" or "difficult to recommend." Rather than focusing on a single number that represents graphics, gameplay, presentation, and other aspects of a game, would you instead say that a game should be rated based on how easily recommendable it is? For example, the best games would have a rating of "Very Easily Recommended," while the worst games would receive a rating of "Absolutely Not Recommended." If CAG were to have a dedicated reviews section, can you see using this type of ratings system?
Here's a simple question for a change, guys:

What celebrities would you like to see (well, hear) do voice-over work on future games?
Consoles, Consoles, Consoles.....What about a little love for the PC?

Just wondering why you guys don't play any computer games or talk about any news for them on the CAG cast.

Heres a few News articles in the PC world:

Goldeneye Source Beta released
Sam and Max Episode 2 being released on Jan. 5th (without having to have gametap)
Mod of the Year going on over at

See we're not so scary or are we all WoW fanatics ;)
Ok, some New Year's questions for the first Cagcast of the New Year:

1) What are your gaming-related Resolutions?
2) What upcoming releases are you looking forward to playing in the first half of 2007?
3) What do you predict will be the biggest gaming news stories of 2007?

And some general discussion questions:

1) Are either of you going to get the HD-DVD add-on for 360? And, if not:
2) Blu-Ray or HD-DVD?
and finally a bonus question for Cheapy--do you have any Blu-Ray movies yet, and how are Blu-Ray movies selling in Japan?
As someone who was very excited over the TV and movie downloads over Xbox Live Cheapy, what has happened? Have you downloaded more content, forgot all about it or would you rather just get the shit much cheaper like a true CAG?
Well, it's the beginning of a New Year. What's your most anticipated game of 2007?

(You guys aren't really PC gamers, but I'm thinking Spore may be mine)

From what I've read/heard, it is common (or at least not unheard of) in Japan for a gamer to buy a system just to play one game, only to sell it back after they finish it.

Have you noticed any of this happening with the recent release of Blue Dragon? I imagine the game sold a good amount of 360s in Japan, but I wonder how many were sold to a game shop right after completing the game.
CheapyD recently made a solid point when he opined that Brian Crecente's "review" of Motorstorm was less stringent based on the fact that Brian did not pay for the game. My question is this, with retail costs on the rise should game reviewers start purchasing the games they review to provide a more "accurate" assessment of a games value to consumers? (If I recall correctly, Consumer Reports magazine has been doing this for years.)
[quote name='daphatty'](If I recall correctly, Consumer Reports magazine has been doing this for years.)[/quote]

Yes, it's one of the selling points of their magazine and consumer information services. I tend to trust Cheapy's reviews more since he bought it as Joe Average consumer, rather than schwag-addled, smarmy game journalist.
Ok his Cheapness of Deepness and Wombat, you said 360 and DS Lite as console and portable of the year. It's a bit of a cop-out not to say which is the system of the year between those two so who do you got?

Also, Cheapy D. How do you feel about all of the heat you've taken from fellow CAGers about your negative Motorstorm review?
Cheapy, have you seen this video?

That guy says the fix for the wireless headset is to buy a 'newer' non-launch wireless controller. Would it be worth it to get the wireless headset to perform better?
I'm not sure if people know you can digg the CAGcast episodes individually and digg the CAGcast itself overall .

Here's the overall Games And Hobbies link -

Be sure to do both if you haven't already !

[quote name='Trakan']Cheapy, have you seen this video?
That guy says the fix for the wireless headset is to buy a 'newer' non-launch wireless controller. Would it be worth it to get the wireless headset to perform better?[/QUOTE]

The original controller has painted gray metallic where you plug in the corded headset , the new one just gray colored plastic where you plug in the corded headset.
Yo! I got a mad question for the CheapMastahD: What is the origin of the Shaq-Fu censor's namesake, and its associated Icon:whistle2:-> fuck ???
[quote name='blaiwesd']Yo! I got a mad question for the CheapMastahD: What is the origin of the Shaq-Fu censor's namesake, and its associated Icon:whistle2:-> fuck ???[/QUOTE]

I'm pretty sure this is a non-question and someone trying to be cute, but I'll bite.

Shaq-Fu was the name of a very poor fighting game for the Sega Genesis and Super Nintendo made by EA in 1994. It featured pro athlete Shaquille O'Neal doing battle with characters from ancient Egypt. The Genesis version also came with part of Shaq's rap album making it perhaps the most toxic substance on Earth.
[quote name='furyk']I'm pretty sure this is a non-question and someone trying to be cute, but I'll bite.

Shaq-Fu was the name of a very poor fighting game for the Sega Genesis and Super Nintendo made by EA in 1994. It featured pro athlete Shaquille O'Neal doing battle with characters from ancient Egypt. The Genesis version also came with part of Shaq's rap album making it perhaps the most toxic substance on Earth.[/QUOTE]

LOL wow, I seriously hope they release this on the Virtual Console! that'd really give cheapy n' wombat something to bash paying 6 bucks for.
Quick Question for you guys:

With the releases of the next gen systems, how often are you guys finding yourselves playing your older systems? Seeing as the 360 isn't fully BC, The Wii VC titles are somewhat expensive, and the PS2 games don't look too pretty in HD, do you find yourself unplugging your next gen systems and going old school? By old I'm talking like current gen, ps2 and below.

[quote name='blaiwesd']LOL wow, I seriously hope they release this on the Virtual Console! that'd really give cheapy n' wombat something to bash paying 6 bucks for.[/QUOTE]

Probably was already asked, but just in case it wasn't. Do they care about New Years in Japan? Is it even the same as ours, i know China's isn't?
In your opinion(s) What effect will the shrinking amount of "exclusive" titles for NextGen Systems have on sales this year? For example With most titles going multiplatform, what is the incentive to buy a PS3 when you already have a 360? Same goes the other way around.
Hey Wombat and CheapyD I just purchased an Xbox 360 I used the gamestop trade your xbox get $80 off and I got GRAW and a 1 year warranty free. My first question is if my console is messed up...
1st is it normal to mess after about 5 mins into a DVD 2nd is the weird burning smell normal? 3rd is it really supposed to be as loud as it is lol? And last What are your top 5 arcade games?
Thanks Alot

EDIT: I switched mine out for a new one :)
A question for the Man in Japan:

I was spinning my globe in the Wii Forecast channel a while back and noticed that for some reason Japan cannot take the realistic looking weather icons the rest of the world gets. They have cartoony weather icons. Suns, umbrellas, everything looks like it's out of a cartoon. Only in Japan though. Cheapy, does your Japanese Wii show the same thing? Why is Japan singled out on our American Wiis?
Hey Wombat and CheapyD,
I have some recent concerns about the Podcast. I am fairly new to the site and have been listening to the Podcast since the PS3's release. CheapyD's criticism of the PS3 has become unbearable in CAGcast #57. I have found you ranting and raving about the 360 time and again. I hold your opinion at high standards and have started thinking about getting One for myself from your comments. However the review on PS3's free grand Turismo game graphics did not hold up. Though the game is not very exciting without other cars to race with, the replay and in game graphics are hard to surpass. Hearing this innaccurate review has tarnished your reputation of all consoles in my mind. Please be aware that there are good things about the PS3 which you have not ever mentioned a positive thing about it since it's release. Please stop stomping on One Console and gloriying the rest. Thanks for a place where gamers can gather.

[quote name='dannyv79']Hey Wombat and CheapyD,
I have some recent concerns about the Podcast. I am fairly new to the site and have been listening to the Podcast since the PS3's release. CheapyD's criticism of the PS3 has become unbearable in CAGcast #57. I have found you ranting and raving about the 360 time and again. I hold your opinion at high standards and have started thinking about getting One for myself from your comments. However the review on PS3's free grand Turismo game graphics did not hold up. Though the game is not very exciting without other cars to race with, the replay and in game graphics are hard to surpass. Hearing this innaccurate review has tarnished your reputation of all consoles in my mind. Please be aware that there are good things about the PS3 which you have not ever mentioned a positive thing about it since it's release. Please stop stomping on One Console and gloriying the rest. Thanks for a place where gamers can gather.


Cheapy D's opinion is an opinion , it can't be wrong , you just don't agree with it .
I discovered a few years ago and immediately was hooked by all the great video game deals included on the front page and in the forums. I enjoyed getting games for 50-80% less than retail and now have amassed a collection that makes my wife roll her eyes.

Here is my question: It seems like with the next-gen console releases, the "deals" I jump on don't seem as incredible as they once were. Being able to snag a $59.99 360 game for a mere $39.99 is sometimes enough to make me jump in the car and head down to the local Best Buy. Do you think the cheapassgamer community at-large has loosened its collective wallet in the midst of all the next-gen hype? From listening to the Cagcast, I know you, Cheapy, have spent quite a bit of money in the last year keeping up with the systems — 360, PS3. And you even admitted to paying above retail for your Wii. Should someone take away your nickname?
Being interested in these "deals" that have been popping up in everyones sig on the CAG board that say "get a free xbox 360 or wii" these are obvious referral deals. But are they legit?..I was wondering if you guys beleive all the hype that these have generated and what are your guys opinions on these so called promotions.
I've got a few "your man in Japan" questions:

1. Cheapy you said got a couple of DS Lites for the fam as presents. How did that go over? (Was it "Thank you very much, David" or "OMFG!") What's the fam playing on the DS?
2. How many New Year's cards did you get? Any cash in them? (as opposed to the wife) Did you send any?
3. What did you and he fam do for New Year's? Did you go to a shrine?
[quote name='dannyv79']Hey Wombat and CheapyD,
I have some recent concerns about the Podcast. I am fairly new to the site and have been listening to the Podcast since the PS3's release. CheapyD's criticism of the PS3 has become unbearable in CAGcast #57. I have found you ranting and raving about the 360 time and again. I hold your opinion at high standards and have started thinking about getting One for myself from your comments. However the review on PS3's free grand Turismo game graphics did not hold up. Though the game is not very exciting without other cars to race with, the replay and in game graphics are hard to surpass. Hearing this innaccurate review has tarnished your reputation of all consoles in my mind. Please be aware that there are good things about the PS3 which you have not ever mentioned a positive thing about it since it's release. Please stop stomping on One Console and gloriying the rest. Thanks for a place where gamers can gather.

Do you happen to be apart of the

[quote name='anomynous']Do you happen to be apart of the



Also Cheapy just a question not for the show and a statement. I just got R6 Vegas and sent your a Friend invite and your list is full; is it ever not full, should I try again? And the statement is about the lag on R6 Vegas
I have figured out why it happens! It is due to the fact that your guys mouth moves when you talk. So if there is any background noises your guys mouth will always be moving and making a bit of lag so tell ppl that are lagging to mute there mic s when not talking :)
Thnx for wasting time reading this
Dear CheepyD , what ever happened to the prizes from a while back the ones with the sound effect toys you were suppost to send out? I check my mail box everyday hoping for that magical package from Japan to come , but I'm yet to receive this special gift from Cheapy land any information will be nice.

Thank You
Sam (won from show #45)
A quick question for cheapy, do you design/manage this website yourself or did you hire a company to do if for you.
Cheapy, I noticed you did indeed download Tekken 5: Dark Resurrection. So what do you think of the game on your display? Before you complain about lag, I suggest you to change the mode to 720p because the game runs faster, unless you got 1080p, compared to interlaced mode.

Also, did you and Mrs. Cheapy had fun playing each other or you only have one controller?

Keep up the good work, hope you had plenty of rest, and I will hear you at the next CAGcast.
You mentioned on a previous CAGcast that you've run into quite a lot of Engrish since you've moved to Japan. I think at this point the phenomenon is relatively well known (with and all), so why does it continue show up? Are the Japanese not aware of the issue or do they get a kick out of it too?

I would think this problem could turn out to be a good job opportunity for a native English speaker in Japan, English Sanity Checker. The job would consist of simply reading English translations on signs and packaging and giving a thumbs up or thumbs down and best of all, it could be done from the comfort of home. Whattia think? A little supplementary income and a few laughs...

Edit: Never mind... I just read the faq at They explain the reasons and apparently there are English consultants.
Been listening for about 2 months, first time CAGbagger:

Not sure if this has been asked yet, but:

There's a zombie plague. Mass chaos ensues. SWAT teams move in. Order is restored. Only ONE video game publisher survives. Which one would you want it to be?
Based on the announced specs of Apple's new iPhone, how would you rate the chances of apple releasing an actual gaming handheld in the future?

As is, this seems like an ideal device for casual, touchscreen games like you see in bars these days. But let's say they add an analog stick and a couple buttons at the bottom... could this be the next DS?
So now that the voting for the first ever Casual Game Awards, the Zeebys, is underway, do you have any thoughts on who you think should win, and why Bookworm Adventure cost 3/4 of a million to make?
First let me say I love the CAGCast more each time I listen to it.

Now I think what you didn't say or didn't take into account when you and Wombat talked about Zelda is different people like different genres of video games.

I for instance don't like shooters that much. I think the games are good and kind of fun to play but I don't think there great. I've played GRAW, Rainbow 6, Gears of War, Resistance, etc... as I am an avid gamer with lots of friends who are the same.

I play most games but the games I like the most are Adventure, Strategy, RPG generally story driven games with lots of exploration and things to do.

I didn't think Resident Evil 4, GRAW, Gears of War, Rainbow 6, and games like that in general are above an 8 at extreme best. Thats me though.

I think Zelda is fun because it mixes genres and appeals to lots of people. Adventure, Puzzle, Action, Dungeon Crawler, Flight elements with that dragon thing, and RPG. A number of people who like all kinds of different games are fans of Zelda and love it.

Now as a PC gamer I know lots of people who think Halo and Halo 2 are average FPS at best. And thats them being nice. Does that mean people who gave Halo and Halo 2 9's and 10's are crazy fanboys. No of course not.

It's not that Zelda TP is the best game ever. Its that so many people who are fanboys of this game are people who love all kinds of different genres as well. Except for fans of shooter games or games where the story is skipable or unimportant. People like that I just don't understand.

In the end I think its that people play games for different reasons. I personally think theres to much to do in Elder Scrolls: Oblivian and it detracts from the game as it can be hard to find or get to the parts of the game that I like. I've played the series since Elder Scrolls 2 Daggerfall. And I think the game also is to much of the same. Except for better graphics and a few small additions its the same game as all the previous ones.

I think so many people expected Zelda to be the Best Game Ever that it hurt the game a lot.

Can you contact me? I'd like to be on the next CAGCast or something. I think I have a bit to contribute.
bread's done