CAGbag: Get your questions answered on CAGcast

To Wombat.

I remember you saying in a much earlier CAGCast that you play the guitar. What type of music do you enjoy playing? And what is your favorite song to play?
I know you guys mostly do console gaming. But I wanted to ask about the PC realm. Do you guys think that with Microsoft pushing the "Games for Windows" and the fact that the PC is going to have DX10 with Vista will help to revive PC gaming out of it lull (besides MMOs) during the next generation or do you think that PC Gaming will remain more of a niche market?
And just to add to my previous post. LIVE Everywhere. I think that could get huge. What do you guys think? the XBLA has been extremely successful on the 360 among people that are already into games. Do you think that Microsoft will be able to convince the average PC to play more than just Solitaire with the arcade games?
here's a Gears of War question.

who is really to blame for the online ranked versus mess? Microsoft or Epic. naturally, Microsoft blames Epic and Epic blames Microsoft. I can sort of see both sides, but Halo 2 has decent matchmaking, why is Gears so jacked up?
Cheapy, I know Japan shows movies that were popular in the USA and I wonder if they showed Borat: Cultural Learnings of America for Make Benefit Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan?

Wombat, did you see Borat: Cultural Learnings of America for Make Benefit Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan when it was out in the theaters as well?

The character actor, Sasha Baron Cohen uses his alter ego Borat Sagdiyev to able to expose people's prejudices and vulnerabilities while claiming to be a telejournalist from Kazakhstan. The humor is not the character's bigoted jokes but the concept behind prejudice creates the amazing ironic humor while the people being interviewed not understand the irony.

Besides, I saw Sasha Baron Cohen accept a golden globe while talking about a scene in the movie and how he risked his life in that scene. I just hope people learned the message about how being prejudiced makes you look like an ass in the end of the day.

I regret this cagbag was a little to long but good luck to the Cagcast and thank you for responding to my previous Tekken question.
i got just a couple of questions....

1) that you live in japan, have you and Mrs.Cheapy joined in on any wild japanese orgy fests?

2) Wombat and many hours a day do you usually spend playing video games? how do you find the time to play having a job and a wife....

3) wombat or cheapyd...why dont you guys ever talk about pc games?? and no i dont mean WoW...enough has been said about that game...
I mean games like RF Online, Archlord, or upcoming games like SUN

4) wombat and you guys like anime?

by the guys are hilarious...time flies when i'm listening to you guys while at work...keep up the good work...
CheapyD and Wombat:

Have either of you ever gotten into a game SO MUCH that you neglected your bathroom duties until you had an unfortunate accident?

This question is COMPLETELY hypothetical, as I have never, ever, in my younger years played Turok 2 on N64 while holding back a huge loaf by sitting in a kneeling postition with my anus pressed directly on my heel, until (the pressure becoming more than I can bear) I stand up to run to the bathroom upstairs, and realize I have no more buttock strength, finding my underwear filling up with a very unwelcome brown substance, now finding myself needing a shower rather than a toilet.

I heard you mention the ridiculous fee that Nintendo charges for downloading games via the Virtual Console, but you made no argument against the often equally exorbitant prices of some Microsoft titles from the Live Arcade. $10 for titles like "Heavy Weapon" and "Assault Heroes" (which, by the way can't even be played co-op over Live so Microsoft actually makes $20 in that regard)?! What gives, man? If Burger King can market games that cost a mere $3.99, and come with an actual case and (I'm assuming) instruction guides, then why the hell can't Nintendo and Microsoft lower their pricing strategies for games developed by smaller studios?

Do you think that any Marketplace content will ever go down in price? I'm personally boycotting any content in the hopes that price reductions do occur, but I feel that I'm setting myself up for disappointment. With lower pricing, it would seem that more people would be willing to pony up for this content.
Hello gentlemen,

I was drawn today to to check out his recent NES controller/system. It's pretty impressive. Anyway, it led me to a discovery to his own podcast that he has on his site (2nd article from the top for links to his latest one). His latest podcast talks about his impressions of all three next gen consoles. Of course, I was interested obviously, so I listened to the whole thing. Personally, I was a little bit surprised because I feel like there was a good amount of biased opinions and/or lack of exposure to some of the systems. I could be wrong, of course, and it could have been my own bias. I was wondering what you guys think of it overall. Or rather, to put it in question form: What do you guys think of it? (note: it will take about an hour of time investment, understandably, it would be easier for Cheapy to check out it than Wombat. But I'm sure both of you and perhaps the rest of CAG would be interested in hearing it for comparison.)

Thanks in advance!
Dear Wombat

Why are you so tight lipped about your life? Cheapy mentions almost everything interesting he has done that week while you just sit there and talk about what you've played, what event you went to thanks to CAG or your dog when she barks. Surely some interesting stuff has happened at your job (which we don't know about) or where you live. You do live in New York City, home of crazy hobos correct?
Excluding Cheapy's very first post, this means I am asking CAGbag question number ONE THOUSAND.

Reflecting on the CAGbag, what are some of your favorite CAGbag moments? Are there any questions you just get tired of hearing? Likewise, are there any questions you never get tired of answering?

EDIT: Crud. Beaten out by thorbahn!
Hey Cheapy and Wombat,

I've got a couple of questions about game difficulty and on-line playing :

1) I think games have gotten steadily easier over the years, but this kind of suits me as I don't have time to repeat sections in games over and over and am looking for a fun experience in my gaming, not a lesson in frustration.

Do you gents thinks games are getting easier and if so, is that a good thing?

2) How in the hell do people who play online get so good at games so damn fast?? I seem to get hammered on most on-line games as do most people I know, to the extent where I'll only really play online with friends. Maybe I'm just rubbish but I can't understand how these people get so good so damn fast.

Is that how you guys feel about online play, or should I just prep for pwnage and stop whining :)

Thanks Guys.
Dear Wombat & Cheapy D

Is this the Posters Wombat was talking about having made for lost planet?

They look pretty cool. If I saw em, I'd take a look at em instead of ignoring them like all other advertisments I see on the street.
P.S. I think I could smell through the speakers the last fart cheapy ripped at the end of the episode. After almost 60 podcasts, I need a guest farter for an episode, beause all of ya'lls has gotten stale.
Ok cheapy, Since Wombat's reply will sound something like "Well it dosen't matter to me, because I buy my game consoles to play games, nothing else." This one is for you.

Due to the fact that the PS3 and Wii both have web browsers, where is the 360 browser? Do you think that they will come out with one? (Really, how hard could it be?) Why hasn't Microsoft come out with this earlier?
hello cheapy

im a big howard stern fan and have noticed a lot of howard stern quotes and references. do you listen to the sirius show in japan, has anyone heard of howard in japan?

love the show, i listen to you guys on digg and have dugg everyone of your shows.

Have you heard if the Nintendo Wii is going to have a NEW Mario Kart anytime soon? I haven't heard this discussion anywhere! Mario Kart, plus a few friends and beer equals a hell of a good time!
I have more of a suggestion for nintendo than a question. I rescently played the GBA original zelda on my DS. I also picked up castlevania and plan on playing it next.

So my suggestion to nintendo is this. Nintendo needs to rerelease some of the old games with a level editor. How awesome would it be to make your own Zelda dungeons or world screens? Better yet, what if one could place the created dungeons anywhere in the world they chose. Also tied to this idea would be the ability to download and play other peoples Zelda variants with the ability to edit othe peoples work.

So my suggestion for Nintendo is a create your own Zelda/metroid/castlevania etc VC title. I think it would be a very popular addition to their virtual console, and very fun to play and make.
[quote name='Qslugs']I have more of a suggestion for nintendo than a question. I rescently played the GBA original zelda on my DS. I also picked up castlevania and plan on playing it next.

So my suggestion to nintendo is this. Nintendo needs to rerelease some of the old games with a level editor. How awesome would it be to make your own Zelda dungeons or world screens? Better yet, what if one could place the created dungeons anywhere in the world they chose. Also tied to this idea would be the ability to download and play other peoples Zelda variants with the ability to edit othe peoples work.

So my suggestion for Nintendo is a create your own Zelda/metroid/castlevania etc VC title. I think it would be a very popular addition to their virtual console, and very fun to play and make.[/quote]
The CAGbag is for Questions...
Hey Cheapy D,

Can I be your Major Nelson? You know, since Larry snubbed you. I'm pretty good with a chainsaw bayonet. I won't make fun of you if you get zero kills in ranked matches.
Cheapy and Wombat,

I recently find out that I am going to be getting a personalized next gen system. Yes, a little Plague is on the way. This means I probably won't be getting a Wii or PS3 to go with my 360. Do you guys think I am missing out on much?
Hi Cheapy and Wombat,

There have been an influx of great deals on last gen titles, but is anyone interested? Do you foresee yourselves (or others) buying any more "last-gen" games?

Lately, I've been playing Sneak King over some of the best last gen games, which are sitting, shrink wrapped, on a nearby shelf. It's great that you can now purchase the best of last gen for a very reduced price, but do you think anyone would chose the cream of last gen's crop over a next gen game?

I'm certainly choosing to inhale the cream of this gen's crap (I'm playing Sneak King and I just bought Ninety Nine Nights) over the best the PS2, GC, and Xbox have to offer.

Keep up the excellent work on the podcast!
Just a comment on the sound test done with the three consoles. Yes, this test was inaccurate. The problem was that he was considering peak value and not average level. The Wii probably IS the loudest machine when you look at the peak volume (i.e. the absolute loudest sound it emits). I have heard the Wii make a little mechanical drive noise while loading a disc and it's rather loud. But what this "researcher" did not consider is the fact that this sound, while loud, is very quick.

The 360, on the other hand, is slightly less loud than that click. But the sound is constant, which is why it is the noisier machine when you look at it in terms of average

The other mistakes in this "study" include the placement of the SPL meter (on the shelf with the machine, which allowed for transmission of low end frequencies through the shelf), the inconsistent position of the SPL meter in relation to the consoles tested, etc.

You were right in calling it a joke. Just figured I'd tell you why.
Dr Mr Cheapy, I would like to comment on the fact that you haven't, IIRC, burped, farted, or released any sort of gas on the CAGcast recently.:applause::applause:

I also have a question, In your opinion, which game is more of a system seller; Wii sports or Halo 3? IMO, I think Wii sports becasue of the curiosity of everyone about how hte new control scheme works.

PS: the name is pop3-1-1 (not "pop three eleven")

I love your's, and Wombat's, shows and can't wait for # 100
hey cheapy and wombat do you think developers now sein g that ppl keep on buying sequels upon sequels qill keep realsing them as much as possible i mean look at graw and graw 2its almost not even a year that the game has been realeasd and theres already a sequel i hope developers stop this o and cheapy look at the game heavy rain it looks good watch the you tube one
Love the show, been listening since episode 45

Couple questions for you guys.

As we all grow older do you find it harder to get deep into video like we all used to when we were kids? I find that I am getting shorter on time as I get older because of both other hobbies, job, girlfriend, and other random personal things. There will never be another time where FF7 captivated me for weeks, or where I had the time to beat every single thing in GTA Vice City. My gf got me an Xbox 360 for christmas, and while I enjoy it very much I am finding that it is always getting harder to find a time to sit down and play some games, or get my friends together to play gears of war. Its not like the good old days anymore where after my day of classes were done in college, me and my old buddies would get together, drink a couple beers, and play some Tekken Tag ;)

Keep up the good work, I do a whole bunch of traveling for my job throughout the week and always look forward to a new cagcast. \\:D/
Here is a crazy question out of left field from my wife. This is something you probably have to research. Do you know if in Japan when a woman is pregnent do they advise the woman to stop eating fish and seafood. My wife loves sushi, and was wondering if this was advised in japan or if it was just a United States thing. Also something i was wondering, is buying sushi in japan cheap? I heard there are more sushi restaurants than any other type of restaurant in Japan. Is buying sushi like going to McDonald's there?

PS- I would love a copy of resistence.
Ok, I've been to Japan once, and have some Japanese friends too, I wonder if you have noticed that Japanese people tend to have pretty crooked teeth. Now I was wondering if you could get a comment from Mrs. Cheapy about why that is. Do they not put as much emphasis on going to the dentist? I didn't go to the dentist often when i was growing up but when it became obvious that my baby teeth were about to be replaced with regular teeth my parents encouraged me to wiggle my teeth with my hand and loosen them so they wouldn't get in the way and cause my new teeth to come out crooked.

You should checkout they have a free podcast which you can subscribe to through itunes or whatever and get your learn on when you're on the train.

You should checkout they let you do live podcasts and take live calls from listeners so you can do a live audience cagcast! Also, I listen to gamespot's podcast and they have a phone number setup where people can call in and leave voicemail and they answer and listen to them on the podcast, maybe you guys can try that out too.
Do or have either of you ever written off your gaming expenses as business expenses on you tax returns? Does Japan even have a income tax or sales tax system?

Cheapy, do you feel pressure to play more new releases now that you have a popular cagcast? Wombat obviously doesn't, but it seems like your vg spending tab is really off to a healthy start this year.
This one is for Wombat, since Cheapy isn't as obsessed (I mean that in a good way). This is a 2 parter. I've recently become addicted to Oblivion, and have put in about 45 hours in the last week or so. My question is, how worth it are the various expansions, such as Knights of the Nine, and even the smaller ones. I downloaded the free one and it was quite lengthy, so I could see that being worth the price, but what about the others? Worth the money?

Secondly, should I wait until I've finished up all the quest lines before I download the expansions if I choose to purchase them, or should I download them right away and just explore them as I continue the rest of the game?
Cheapy and Wombat:

With so many game deals out there, do either of you run into the problem of having a backlog of cheapass games to play through? If so, at what point do you decide that a game isn't worth the price no matter how cheap it is because you know you simply would never get around to playing it?
Question directed to Wombat..has nothing whatsoever to do with Gaming

Out of intrest what qualifcations did you get for your job..

'cause i would like to know, I am 17 currently in College
[in the U.K, things are a bit different] and if you could get a job that easily after leaving your job.

Sign Me Up!

Hope i get an answer [eventually]:)
[quote name='Milkyman']Ok, I've been to Japan once, and have some Japanese friends too, I wonder if you have noticed that Japanese people tend to have pretty crooked teeth. Now I was wondering if you could get a comment from Mrs. Cheapy about why that is. Do they not put as much emphasis on going to the dentist?

the short answer to this is

in Japan

crooked teeth= cute
Dear Cheapy (and wombat),

I've been a listener to the Cagcast for quite awhile now but probably for different reasons than most of your listeners.

Like most of your listeners I am a total game freak with all the systems (except PS3, but just on principle ) I even work on and off for Activision as an Animator so I really enjoy your discussions about games and gaming. I also think your personalities work very nicely together, I used to do a radio show in Berkeley for 8 years and I know how hard it can be to be amusing on-air without being cheesy (ie. Morning Zoo crap). Kudos to both you and your New York compatriot.

However one of the main reasons I listen is to hear your tales of everyday life in Japan. I'm dating a japanese national and we are moving to Japan (tokyo) in the next 6 months to spend time closer to her family. So when I hear about your exploits it's kind of like getting a preview of my future.

I'd like to ask you what you miss most living in Japan. Is it some food? Some activity? TV in English? are you able to make friends easily there? I've been to Japan twice (just short vacations) and have taken the language to an intermediate level but I don't really know what to expect living there full time.
Questions: Cheapy have you used your PS3 to watch video's and whatnot? I personally feel like this feature is fantastic as people can download and transcode video's from their PC to PS3 quickly (but unfortunetly not that easily.) This is a great feature on the PSP that is often overlooked aswell.
Also, are you guys looking foreward to Mass Effect? I have noticed that this game has not been getting very much hype to the surprising fact that it looks like it could be the best game of 2007.

"Scooty Puff Jr. sucks!" - Fry, Futurama
Cheapy & Wombat:

Did you ever frequent video game arcades in back in the days when they were popular, and if so, what was your favorite game? My favorite old school arcade game during my youth was Time Pilot.
I was looking at the PS3 games release dates and I was thinking to myself (which is dangerous) besides the first party games from Sony slowly coming out...why the hell would I want to buy a PS3 version of a third party game when I have a 360 and can't quit those damn gamerscore points? Your thought's on GS points and why Sony or Nintendo has not done anything with this even though it seems pretty damn popular? It seems to add some extra life to certain games.
I've wanted to ask this question for a while. With the new generation it seems as if PS3 and the 360 keep trying to sell their consoles based on how realistic everything is graphically, hence the whole HD era. Do you think video games will ever reach a point where the graphics will be so realistic and so advanced that companies will actually try to sell consoles on innovation? In a way the Wii and the DS have already started doing this. Their main goal isn't graphics anymore but actual gameplay. At some point the main 3 competitors will have to reach a technological max regarding graphical capabilities. I guess what my real question is, do you think MS and Sony start taking the Nintendo route with the whole innovation aspect of video games.

It just seems that you can only intice people with graphics for so long before companies will want to advance beyond the whole realism issue.
well this question has been on my mind for awhile now and since you two seem to be the last real gaming podcast that acctually cares abut its listeners I thought it was time to let it loose. this idea might seem far out but give it a chance... mabey in games, you can have fun as somebody that is not white.gasp.

now look ive got no problem with playing as a blonde haired blue eyed protagonist but when I can count on my hand the number of games that had a non white lead (not even going into a positive one) I think there is a bit of under representation going on.

so what do you think? problem of the past that was due to tech limits or a serious attempt to make all black characters the cole train?:cry:
Hey CheapyD and Wombat.

I'm Outlaw, from sunny Durban in South Africa. I started listening to the Cagcast in the latter part of last year. Starting with CagCast53, I became instantly hooked with the non-chalant and easy going banter between you guys. From then, I have never looked back.

My questions - For other guys like me who are relatively new to cheapassgamer, How did the idea of the Cagcast come about ? and How did you guys meet ?

Thanks for the awesome show, looking forward to the next CagCast :)
Cheapy and Wombat,
This question isn't directly related to the CAGcast, nor is it directly targeted at the both of you. But, I wanted to address it here to see if you could maybe get a listener poll on the matter. I was wondering if it would be possible, and appealing to other CAGs, to add a sub-forum to the Video Game Deals section where users could post availability of systems and games. I just feel like the Video Games Deals section should be limited to actual deals and the "Find a Wii HERE!" and "Such and such game available NOW!" threads need to find another place to reside.

Anyway, I love the CAGcast. Keep up the great work!
Dear Wombat and Cheapy,

I'm back with another question. At times you report the number of listeners you have for the CAGcast. Where does this information come from? With the CAGcast available from so many different outlets (iTunes, direct download, RSS, Google, Yahoo, MySpace, etc.), how is it possible to obtain an accurate number of listeners? Are some listeners disregarded in this count?
bread's done