CAGbag: Get your questions answered on CAGcast

Dear Cheapy and Wombat,

It is the age old question, what kind of game is better: one that is very fun but short, or a much longer game that becomes pretty repetitive around the end (disregard multiplayer, crazy unlockables that no one ever actually complete, and other "filler")

Also, now that the current genertaion is over, name the three cheapass games (each system) that every CAG needs

Thanks for the question, I love the show guys!
This isn't an exciting question at all, but would be interesting to hear both of your views on it (and should probably take like 45 seconds to kill on the air!)

The News channel just came out on Friday, your thoughts on it?
I'm going to ask a question that I asked in the Xbox 360 forum awhile back but got little response, which makes me think I maybe the only one concerned....

I noticed that it is becoming more common for games to include experience/leveling systems for online multiplayer (R6 Vegas, Lost Planet, Battlefield 2142...). These systems allow players to gain experience points while playing online and, as the player gains experience, they level up, allowing the player to unlock new abilities, weapons, etc.

On the surface, it seems like a great idea. You get rewarded as you play the game. Not a problem as long as the reward doesn't affect gameplay. On the other hand, if the reward does affect gameplay, I see problems; the last thing an experienced player needs is another advantage over newcomers. Experienced players already know the levels, know strategies that work and have a keen grasp on the controls and weapons. These advantages alone make it difficult for a new player to jump into a game as it is. Now on top of these natural advantages, experience players will also have access to better weapons and new abilities.

It feels increasingly important to get in on the ground level with these games because catching up with the crowd later on may just be too overwhelming. This means buying the game on or around release, not something all CAGs like to do. If new players avoid multiplayer because they cannot get up to speed fast enough, I think it can hurt a games following in the long run.

What's your take on these experience/leveling systems for competitive online mulitplayer games?
hey yall do u relly think the ps3 ios going to fail or is it just right now there arent good games and wat about the wii look at it the only games that are exclusive right now are only wario ware and wii sport well the games that really matter i can play zelda on the game cube and as wombat has stated it probably plays better on the gamecube and cheapy next time ur in the City(akihabara) can u find how much $ the vf arcade stick is the one for the ps3 thank you and keep up the good shows o and cheapy and wombat the question is for both of.

Ps what do u guys think of the heavenly star lumines download i tohught that was the best thing ever
Wombat, You may have answered this question in the past, but all i've heard really is "I watched football over the weekend." How big of a sports fan would you rate yourself as? (1-10). What sports do you like to watch, and what are your favorite teams?

One improvement I would like to see for the 360. Is some sort of jukebox system for the automatic viewing of download movies. I discovered this when I download a season of The Ventures Bros. What pain it is to have to setup each episode to watch. What do you think?

Keep up the good work.


Give me some Killzone.
In the promised CAG site overhaul, will new features such as personal game lists and collections be included for registered CAGs like IGN and 1up? Or will the user ability settings still go only as far as they do for the forum preferences?
On the topic of show length - I tend to burn my copy to CD and play it for the morning drive time (and various other times). I tend to listen to each show 2 or 3 times that way.

So I vote for keeping the show at 80 minutes or less... cause that's how big a CD is.

I'd certainly love to get a copy of Phoenix Wright. I've actually purchased 3 copies of the original (one for myself and two for my friends) and would love to get ahold of one of the ones Wombat is getting.

Love the show, though my questions don't get asked.
Cheapy, it sounds like CheapyMom listens to most of the CAGcasts, so my question is: does she ever say anything about you talking about your most recent happy ending from Mrs. Cheapy or how your mom has nothing to do all day but ship out your stuff?
Do you guys know what's the deal with the labeling on the Wii discs? They are all one color and make the games look very cheap. They remind me of the pirated games you find in Asia. I assume this is some cost cutting feature to lower disc manufacturing costs?
You definitely quoted Tombstone (Val Kilmer's version of Doc Holiday to be specific) in the latest great episode of the CAGCast. This was quite commendable, as Tombstone is the greatest western film ever made. What is your general opinion on the movie? Better than Robocop...?

On a similar topic: how come there has yet to be a truly excellent game made in a Western setting? Rockstar's Red Dead Revolver was subpar and Gun was way too easy and nothing more than mediocre.

Lastly, I am an aspiring game journalist in Alaska who has recently set up a website and podcast with a friend and colleague of mine who lives in North Carolina. The podcast is called Last Frontier Gaming ( and is on the iTunes Music Store but we're still working some kinks out. For example, we record our podcast over Gizmo Project, a VoIP application similar to Skype but the quality is pretty weak.

So my question is: how do you guys record long-distance with such high quality?

Thanks for rocking so hard, guys. You don't have to answer the last one on the podcast if you were to choose a question from this post to answer, but I'd still really love to know how you guys record.

Seth Boyer

XBL Gamertag: AlasskaGrpwn

Co-Host of Last Frontier Gaming
I noticed the Masterpiece Prime on the desk and the Quiksilver shirt...

My CAGcast question: Did you surf when you were here in NY? If you come back to visit I'll take you surfing in Jersey. I've been surfing jersey since I was 8. Manasquan inlet is an incredible break and deceptively good for our area.
Cheapy and Wombat,

The topic of VC/XBLA prices seems to continuously come up, and with good reason. It is offensive to just about anyone listening to a CAGCast to know that Nintendo/Sega expect gamers to pay $8 for an old Genesis title that's available on compilation discs that are easily and--even at their standard MSRP--cheaply attainable. I'm not saying that every downloadable game is a ripoff, but many do seem to be overpriced.

That said, my question concerns the points themselves. If the idea is to get the gamer to not think about points as money (hence Microsoft's 100 points-to-$1.25 conversion rate), why not give consumers motivation to buy points in greater quantities, i.e. why not have points 'bulk prices'?

I realize that Microsoft and Nintendo don't want to throw potential money away, and I'm not saying that spending $100 at once on points should get you twice the points-per-dollar that spending $50 will, but to me, a small break at higher quantities would benefit the console manufacturers and game publishers in the long run. One, they would have your non-refundable money that much longer to collect interest on, and two, most gamers would get the itch to spend those extra points 'lying around' on 'borderline' content, as opposed to just buying enough to get what they absolutely need (which, of course, means you'd buy that many more points over the course of the console's lifespan).

I know iTunes doesn't give consumers breaks on buying the higher-priced prepaid cards, but then again, that's just dollar-for-dollar credit on Apple's store. Is it really a bad idea for Microsoft to get me to buy 3500 points for $40 (that's like $3.75 worth for 'free'), as opposed to having me just get 1600 for $20, only when I need them? Would I buy 7500 for $80 right now? You bet. Even limited-time, promotionally-priced 'bulk rates' would be an 'everyone wins' scenario, I think.
Whats the Japanese take on Westerner food,Cheapy?I heard they put mayonnaise on pizzas.What other odd things do they put on food?
I have been listening to the ol' CAGcast for a couple weeks and I have a question for you fellas.....I recently obtained a 360 and I am amassing a decent collection of games (thanks in no small part to CAG) for it but this being my first next-gen experience I am not yet online. I am at best mediocre at most games, and I only have a couple of friends on Live. I am apprehensive about diving in and joining public games and getting destroyed only to become disinterested with online play...what is your adivce, how can I get the best online experience given my limited finger dexterity????
Hello cheappy and wombat, love the show, digg it every week. Do either of you watch the bonus round on if you havent the show is a pannel of industry experts that talk about the gaming buisness and where it is heading. if you havent give it a try, its very interesting.

If you were able to give a game endless levels, then told to play that game for the rest of your life, with no pauses, no nookie-nookie (sex), and nothing to eat but bread, balogna/baloney, and Mountain Dew, what game would it be?
First off, love the show.

With the recent release of the Wii, it seems that a lot of game developers and publishers are taking the half assed approach to the Wii and that is re releasing average last generation games with Wiimote control. Do you see this as a continuing trend with the Wii within the next few years, or do you think it will die when the developers move on from the PS2 to the 360 and PS3 and there will be no reason to port games since the Wii's hardware isn't comparable to the 360 or PS3? Also why do you think some of last genenerations AAA titles like Okami for example, are not planned for getting a Wii makeover when they would be more suited for a makeover than games like Scarface?
Dear Cheapy,

I was wondering why you don't use some of that affiliate cash at play-asia to get wombat a ps3? That way you both can discuss it even if he doesn't particularly want one. I mean, considering that you guys have done so many podcasts, it would be like paying him less than 10 bucks each, and i think that might work out to about the new minimum wage or less here if you break it down by hour. Maybe you can make him smell some milk (not me) next time you're back in new york.
Do you guys record the podcast all in 1 take? How often do you end up editing or removing segments of the podcast that you feel might drag on?

BTW, I want to win Killzone.
Cheapy, I was a little surprised to hear that you don't listen to other video game podcasts--especially since I think shows like 1UP Yours and Player One Podcast would be right up your alley. Is it because you don't want to be influenced by them, you view them as competition, or do you just not find other shows interesting? It sounds like Wombat partakes of a few, so just curious why you steer clear.
Sorry if these questions were already asked before.

Cheapy I was wondering if you played any of the ufo catcher games in the Japanese arcades. If so, have you won anything interesting? That or are there some interesting things you have seen in them for prizes?

Cheapy and wombat, with all rehashing or straight ports of games to newer consoles i.e. the virtual console and Xbox live arcade, what’s the game that you think you have purchased the most copies of in your lifetime?

For me its probably Tetris and I was wondering what your answers might be
I loved that you speculated over improvments for XBox Live when Major Nelson announced they were looking for help from gamers. Any chance Nintendo will do the same? What changes would you like from the Wii interface? I'll say this: having to enter my gotdamned credit card information (number and address) everytime I buy more Wii points is pissing me off. The XBox has all that info tied to my gamertag, why doesn't Nintendo link that information to my friend code? Also, I'd love an option of changing, or disabling the menu music. What an annoying ass little 'tune'.

Love the show, yada yada, cliche cliche, Killzone.
Cheapy, like you, I seem to have sunk many, many hours into Viva Pinata. Currently, I'm at level 106. Only two more levels to go.

Anyway, what are the chances of seeing future content for the game despite lackluster sales? Kameo wasn't a homerun either, yet they supported that long after release. I'd love to see new species, new achievements, higher leveling and such. Seems like a no brainer to me.
Two quickies, since I'm new here:

1.) What's your opinion on the Dragon Quest series moving to DS?

2.) How's living in Tokyo, if you're not completely fluent in Japanese?

If I was a winner...I'd pick Killzone.
Don't know if this has been asked before, but here goes...

Do you guys think games are getting too easy? Do you think difficult games take away from the enjoyment of the game?

I think it was discussed in the forums at some point with people pretty much split in the decision. I actually prefer the "easier" games since I have to juggle work and home responsibilities. I get easily frustrated if a game makes me repeat a level multiple times just to get through it. Take Zelda:TP for example, I haven't died once or spent too much time on any one temple but am throughly enjoying it. If there's a temple like the water temple from Ocarina of Time though, I think I would become very frustrated and would stop playing it. Thoughts?

Anyway, keep up the great work and all that good stuff!
Hey Cheapy and Wombat, love the show!

I have a similar question for both of you. Living in such big cities what happens when your Nature side kicks in? what do you do to get in contact with Natures gifts?

Do you ever find yourself wanting to get in contact with the trees or hiking trails?
I think there some beautiful patches of nature near Tokyo, have you ever hit them up?

P.S Stop the PS3 hate YO YO!!!!!!!


I have been a game developer for some time, and the PS3 dev was much delayed, as Sony provided early dev boxes Hardware only at first. There were no code libraries to work with. It was all guess work, developers could not get the hardware to do anything, and it was just too complex. Several developers just did NOTHING with it, as Sony seemed (very early on...!) was not taking the next gen very seriously, or was very arrogant. Even by the time the Xbox360 was on the market most developers still had nothing running on the dev systems, plus the specs were still changing up to the release date. Cheapy is correct as all early PS3 dev was only smoke and mirrors.

God of war 2 was probably started even BEFORE the first one was done, since the PS2 has a HUGE market, the PS3 is still new, GOW is a huge hit, it would be easy to the developers to release another title as all the tools and technology wouild be working already.

IMHO, in the end PS3 will still be the better console than XB360, as the Xbox360 support is so poor in Japan; however it may take much more time to mature than what the PS2 did.

I agree with Wombat's comment about Doors that DON"T BEHAVE LIKE DOORS. It drives me nuts too. I would also prefer a well laid out game levels that have consistent elements and player friendly clues or icons, as it is much more enjoyable than a "sandbox" game with invisible walls, and environmental features that are inconsistent with player expectations.

I agree with Ashesofwake(?)/Wombats comments that I too am dissapointed with the lack of gameplay innovation, so far most we have seen only higher rez textures and more polys, it seems to me that all the current and future PS3/XB360 games that have already been done before....yawn. Wii is leading the way in innovation (bravo Nintendo!), but I am concerned that the lack of processor power might limit it with some possible innovation directions.

Great show guys!
Cheapy & Wombat, why dont you have a European representative?, we are a significant market for video games, although you wouldnt think so from the way we are treated, but nonetheless we are here and should be heard. Let me know if you want some help! Im a 27 year old Phd student from England and I know my stuff. Dont be a stranger catfeesh?
Hey cheapy and wombat, im a new listener From Strong Island and a veteran of the Oceanside Nathans Arcade, i've become a diehard fan since i strated listening and I have one question, In the three episodes ive heard I've heard very little about ANY RPG's, My question is, are you guys into RPG's, and if so What are Your favorite's , mines the Suikoden Series.
Hello CheapyD & Wombat Great show! Well after playing Tons of PGR3 online there has been many times when i been ran out the road or a 10 year old kid will do the P.I.T maneuver on me TONS of times or ill almost finish a race and some little kid will brake right in front of me just for laughs My question is , Do you guys think little kids are taking over Xbox Live? iv gone through 3 X360 controllers cause of the rage the little midgets get me into.

:]]]]]....SOCOM:FTB2.... :]]]]]]
Dear Cheapy and Wombat,

As you both probably know, GTA IV, the 11th Grand Theft Auto game, is scheduled for an October 19th, 07 release. So far, all we've really received preview wise is a name, release consoles, and a logo; and that was in 2006. Me and a few of my friends we talking and we've been starting to sort of lose faith in Rockstar. Yeah, we've gotten special features for the PS3 and 360, but what about an announced storyline? Just one screenshot. Nothing! What are your views/thoughts on how the game is going so far, and do you think it'll live up to the hype?

PS: If you have issues pronouncing the last word of my username; it's Crack.

I have been playing video games since I was 6 years old, and that was 30 years ago. I have owned everything from the Atari 2600 to the PS2. I play games more now, that I have a Wii, than I ever did. My room mate and I have lived together for seven years and he NEVER liked playing games with me. Every now and then he would play a fighting game just to mash buttons, but he never really enjoyed it.

Wii Sports has opened up a whole new form of entertainment for us. We have played tennis, golf, and bowling almost everyday since I got my Wii back at launch. One day I walked in and he was playing Tennis against the computer. This would never have happened with the 360 or PS3. The game is so much fun to play with another person. It is like playing the sport in real life. I think if you or Wombat had a person to play with, you might appreciate what Nintendon has done. I failed to mention how much he likes Excite Truck.

They made a gamer out of someone who found gaming boring with a standard controller. The new Godfather and Tiger Woods that are coming out in March look to be promising. If oyu haven't watched the latest episode of "On The Spot" you should. Both games look like they take great advantage of the Wii remote.

My point is, you would proably play your Wii more if you had someonme to play it with. It is the best multiplayer system I have ever owned.
Question for Cheapy: We've all heard about the things you miss, living in Japan, and how hard it is to get a decent burger. What are some of the positives of living there? Are there any cool foods, products, t.v. shows or experiences that take some of the sting out of being a stranger in a strange land?
Dear Cheapy and Wombat, with Valentines Day around the corner and romance in the air, I was wondering how you two met your wives and if you have any advice on picking up chicks.
Hey CheapyD and Wombat!:bouncy:

I was curious did you guys feel like suffering and watch the Xplay Musical? Yes its as amazing as it sounds... G4 has been running it more times then should be allowed. Maybe you should check it out...

...Unless you enjoy your eyes...
This is really geared more torward Cheapy since Wombat doesn't have a psp, but have you considered downgrading your psp and updating with the new custom firmware so you can have ps1 games on your psp? Or have you pretty much lost any and all interest in the psp?

out of curiosity, do you ever encounter or hear about weird payola scams happening in various sects of the industry? It's understandable if you don't want to answer. I just ask because there's an interesting thread discussing an article that talks about people getting paid to troll on forums.

on a similar note, do you ever notice those people who are paid to hang out at big box stores in Japan? I hear places will do things like hire black people if they want to portray a genuinely "urban" vibe to their store. just randomly wondering if those hired faces can tell you they were paid or if they have to pretend like they are just hanging out or something.
With Valentines Day approaching and love in the air I was wondering how you met your wives, what you're gonna get them for Valentines Day, and any advice you have for picking up the ladies.
In the spirit of Valentines....If Mrs Cheapy ever got tired of your cheapass gaming ways and kicked ur cheapass out for good, would u take the first plane back to Mama Cheapie or would u try to make it in Japan on your own?
Dear cheapy and the bat,
I have a couple of questions actually 1st...
There is lots of talk about games becoming moves (Halo) but, What about Game MAKERS making moves? well the Medal of Honor guys did and made a 1/2 decant move winning 7 best picture awards at 7 film conventions.
Whats your opinions on that.
Have you ever made a friend through XBL (or PSOnline)?
3rd... (kinda with 2nd)
Have you ever known some one on XBL that died? I recently found out a guy I became friends with died the day after his 21st B-day (Laggyduck)
Thnx for any reply tehehe ;(
Cheapy, I’m not sure if you keep up with such trivialities, but the re-launched 2008 Scion xB was previewed last week, and it totally looks like Robocop fucked a Sherman tank. But I digress. This did get me wondering, however; seeing as you’re a New Yorker (a city renowned for its robust, if smelly, mass transit system), how different is the commuter culture between NYC and Tokyo? Are the Tokyo trains cleaner, better maintained, and timelier in their arrivals/departures? Would you say that significantly fewer of your Japanese friends, associates, and acquaintances own their own cars than their American counterparts?
I just wondered one thing, and this is for Cheapy. Is there any way you can import X-Box 360 Games and play them on american X-BOX's? i want to play The new tenchu since, i love that series. of so, please TELL!!!

Wario Master Of Disguise Please
Lofl at Wombat's Whip Creme on the Genitals!

Great show guys.

Also, Wombat, you ever think of hummin Take On Me by A-Ha the whooooooooole podcast just to see what Cheapy'd do?

What the hell games are you playing right now? You said in the last episode that you have been playing some Rainbow Six:LV, but other than that, every single time Cheapy mentions a new (or somewhat new) game you say you have yet to play it.

And now you even hate XBLA?!?!? So, Wombat, how are you spending your gaming time? Or are you just gaming less now that you are a big-shot, "I wear a suit to work" type guy? (note that this is sarcastic)

As always, love the show.
I have a suggestion for Nintendo. Nintendo needs to add a hardware emulation layer for Gamecube and other backwards compatible games, to work with the wii remote.

I can imagine the wii community creating custom wii-mote templates for all the GC games, and if you didnt like them you could create your own.

Hopefully that brief explanation gets my point across.
bread's done