CAGbag: Get your questions answered on CAGcast

[quote name='Brainwave0']Cheapy,

I know you want as many registered CAGs as possible. However, with so many deals being reported on other sites (SD, FT, Digg, etc.) have you ever considered banning those that leak deals?

Love the podcast! Listen to every episode!


I have a Follow up to this one, Do you care if Sales are "leaked" to other sites as long as CAG gets credit? Also do you guys think that this is even big deal?

From what I have seen CAG has become more mainstream and keeping big deals a secret is next to imposable on the interwebs.
Dear CheapyD and Wombat,

Is it me or does America always gets the shaft when it comes to receiving 2D fighting games. For example, games like Samurai Shodown 6 (Samurai Spirits Tenkaichi Kenkakuden in Japan), King of Fighters XI, Neo Geo Battle Coliseum, and the upcoming Hokuto No Ken ( Fist of the North Star to Americans) have all had both Japanese and even European releases but no US ones in sight. Importing is out of the question for me since I can not order anything online and to be honest, its really expensive. What are your views as to why we will probably never see these games in the US.
Here's my questions du jour:

1) Cheapy, we know you're a Railfan fanatic...but what about the Densha de GO! Shinkansen game for the Wii? Tried that out yet? If not, do you plan to, or have any other thoughts on the game?

2) On the same subject...are you a railroad aficionado in real life, or do you just like playing games that feature them?

And for the record...I caught your Flo from Alice reference right away. Guess I'm one of those two people who'd know it. Scary!
heres a suggestion.
Because of me, my girlfriend listens to cagcast now. I'm pretty sure she's not the only female who listens to cagcast, so why not cater to the female gamers/audience and have maybe a special episode of Cagcast with Mrs CheapyD and Mrs. Wombat give their reviews of games (games that the female gamers would like) i think that might help win over the female listeners and well as helping guys find games to play with their girlfriends.
This is not really a question but I just wanted to tell you that there is also a Battle Damaged ED-209 coming out.

I know you have the regular edition but this one looks awesome as well!

Hot Toys is a japanese company so it should be cheaper over there.....

They also have a Robocop 3 12" figure that costs a little more but includes a lot more.....detachable jet pack and machine gun hand...

Anyway...just telling you....keep up the great cagcasts!
On Cagcast 65 neither of you had an opinon on the hd-dvd vs bluray argument. I just would like to point out that as of right now bluray appears to be on top. It currently has roughly about 80 more titles than the hd-dvd. Also Hd-dvd currently doesnt support 1.3 version of hdmi. I would also like to say that sony just dropped the price of their standalone bluray player to $600(same as the ps3). I beleive this will help boost the sales of the ps3. I just wanted to throw out my opinons and i LOVE the show...

I've been listening to the Cagcast for about a year and it has become my favorite video game podcast.

My question is about your size inconviences living in Japan. My wife is about to graduate and we plan on traveling more. I'm 6'10" (also with a shaved head) and I'm wondering, if I go to Japan will it be uncomfortable for me being I am so much taller than most Japanese? Will I just be cramped the whole time or will I be able to enjoy a trip to the land of the rising son? I'm really concerned with leg room since I wear a size 16 shoe and have a 38" inseam.

Thanks in advance

Hi guys,
Thanks for helping to wake me up in the morning as I drive to work. My question is, Now that we're in the age of achievements, at what point do you think a person has truly beaten a 360 game? Is it when you get to the end credits or when you've gotten all 1000 (or in the case of Crackdown, 900) points? What about different modes, like Normal and Hardcore? At what point should one be satisifed to say that, "Yes, that game has been defeated."?
Take it easy Wombat! I know people must always ask about how and why Cheapy ended up in Japan. Ive only been on board with you guys since episode 55/56, so could you just recommend an earlier episode to download that might shed some light on your situations. Ill try episode 1 but maybe you can remember a certain episode in which you guys talk alot about yourselves and not so much about games.
Hi guys,

First, i want to thank Cheapy-d for founding this site. i must have gotten about 30 games that i could never afford at regular price, if not more. I really appreciate it. And thanks to both of you for very entertaining pod-casts. i do not listen as much as i would like, as i don't have a Ipod, but i listen at work when i can. (I read on the bus, as libraries are cheaper than ipods.)

My question is kinda tough, and i doubt you will read it over the air, as it is long.
Essentially, i have nothing to look forward to in gaming. Any thoughts you would have would be helpful.

I have a PS2, and absolutely love it. I really want to like the PS3, but i simply am not going to buy one, and lose the vibration functionality i enjoy with PS1 and PS2 games. Thanks to CAG site, i have about 30 unopened PS2 games i still look forward to playing. I have about 10 PS1 games that i also look forward to playing at some point

How often would i really play those games? Well, actually, i still play a particular PS1 game, Fisherman's Bait 2, Big ol' Bass, every other wedsday. I have a friend who visits every wedsday, and this is the one game we have been playing for over 10 years. As she is not very good at games, it allows us to compete for the best fish, while still playing cooperatively, as any fish caught adds to the time limit. If we tried to play this game on the PS3, we would not know when we hooked a fish, as it gives vibration feedback. (okay, maybe we could see on screen, but the game would be much less enjoyable.)

Realistically, all my ps1 and ps2 games would be much less enjoyable. Why would i willingly lose this functionality, AND spend 600 dollars.

Worse, the statements from Sony are even more depressing, and the structure of the responses reminds me of the xbox responses to critizisems. For instance, when people complained the origianal xbox controller was too big, microsoft explained to the gamers that it actually wasnt' too big, as their focus groups told them it was fine. So the customers were wrong.

Now we have Sony's response to losing the rumble. In the last issue of EGM, Harrison said essentially It is a past technology, and if there is enough interest, a third party can make a rumble controller. Harrison said he didn't think it added much to the game. This is especially interesting, as sony previously had said they were working on incorporating vibration in a motion-sensitive controller, but it just couldn't be done. They also totally ignored Immersion Technolgies, who has figured it out, wants to license the technology, but sony just refuses. Even if they do figure it out on their own, i doubt that it could be done without trampling the existiing immersion patents.

This is really annoying, as i remember sony, when introducing the PS2, said that their focus groups had emphazised that backward compatiblity was extremely important to their customers, sony proudly made sure virtually all ps1 games played on PS2. Now sony just doesn't want to listen to their customers. (Indeed, Mr. Harrison said that european gamers are just "overreacting" to even less compatiblity.)

When a company starts justifying it's actions by blaming it's own customers, i believe it is time to leave them. I don't think Phil Harrison realizes we still have another option, which based on hardware sales, is quite compelling. Either don't buy a PS3, or just buy another PS2, which many people seem to be doing.

Myself, i have pretty much resigned myself to not picking up a PS3, and most likely waiting for a PS4, hoping they correct their error, or picking up the ps3 2.0. I pass the PS3 in bestbuy now, and still initially think to myself, "just pick it up." then the impluse is immediately overriden by the realization that i will be LOSING functionality if i spend 600 dollars, and the decision is made.

Am i wrong? is Sony wrong? I don't want to get a xbox or wii just yet, and start a whole new library. Am i going to be an old fart, insisting on playing 10 year old games?

Essentially, I am wondering how much you miss the rumble feature, and the whole issue of backward compatilibity, and if this is the real reason the PS3 is failing.

thanks for your time.
Hey guys, quick question for you guys:

Why is the wii still so hard to find? On the same lines, why is the DS sold out nearly everywhere? Did Nintendo think the demand wouldn't be so high? What games are people buying these systems for?
I have a fairly odd question, but bear with me. Is Mrs. Cheapy proud of her giant white man-child? I ask after viewing your segway riding video, one of the many narrated by Mrs. Cheapy. Is she ever embarrassed by your bumbling, ignorant western ways? Or is she proud that her husband towers over all in Japan (and probably has a larger penis)?
Dear Cheapy and Wombat I have it on good authority that Sony is so confident that it has enough stock for the European release of the PS3 that it is supplying stores by the amount of pre orders they get and is not giving them an up front allocation with which to deal out to customers. In the U.S I have seen that the availabilty of PS3s has been perceived as a negative point indicating a lack of demand, my question is should this ultimately be seen as good thing? We all bitched about the lack of 360s at launch and the continual lack of Wiis but now people are bitching about the availabilty of PS3s, will gamers ever be happy?
Gentlemen, my question for you is what are your video game confessions? Is their a great game you never played , a well received console or game you hated, a poorly received game that you loved or any other video game related habit that you're ashamed of?

In my case, I'd probably have to admit to being unable to play hand held games anywhere but when I'm away from home. I've enjoyed tons of Gameboy and DS games over the years but I've never been able to convince myself to play them over readily available home consoles.
I was wondering if you guys had any info on who pulls the trigger on what games get the nod on being backwards compatible on the 360. There are some titles like castlevania: curse of darkness, and painkiller that i recently purchased that are not BC. Is this a developers decision or is microsoft putting all these shitty titles on there themselves. Please Cheapy and Wombat let me know who to be pissed at.
Hello cheapy and or wombat,

I discovered CAG by your channel on youtube. I just want to say thank you so much for all of the help this site gives me. Its such a cool place to voice your own opinion on stuff. No one cares about shit like post count, so long as you arent a spammer :roll:. So I recently started listening to the CAGcast and I love it. Great gaming discussion and im one for smartass humor or whatever you want to call it.

My actual question is,

How do you guys choose winners for the contest?

Just saw a commercial for MLB 2k7 with "Breed" by Nirvana playing in the background. Nirvana is my favorite band. I was a little pissed off when I heard the song playing. I love video games, but for some reason I do not want to associate Nirvana with a video game. What is your thought of your favorite bands being sold out or selling out to video games? Who are your favorite bands?
For Cheapy &/or Wombat:
I read about the 5 new maps coming to Rainbow Six Vegas X360 @ the end of March. Killhouse and Bordertown are getting a complete face-lift, with edition of three new maps Doscala Restaurant, Marshalling Yard, & the Roof, in a player pack called "Red Edition". But I also read in a recent EGM magazine, it's 10 maps total instead.

[note]: EGM mentioned maps called: Red Lotus Casino & Neon GraveYard

Can we expect two different map packs released over time, or will all DLC be released at once? And what can we expect to pay for this?

Also, I was wondering, for the sake of conversation, what are your favorite Simpson quote(s) from the contest thread and personally?
Cheapy and Wombat, now that the playstation home videos have been played are you any more interested in the PS3? I know wombat hates all things non-gaming on consoles but it actually sounds a lot like what the Wii was supposed to have, except with child molestors!
2 part question:

1. Is there any satisfying the Wombat?

The last Cagcast I was listening to Wombat complain as usual about pricing and XBLA and other downloadable content on all the consoles. The thing that blew me away was when you were STILL on the fence when it came to the TMNT for $5.00. I mean the price couldn't get any fucking lower. In the same sentence or just after/before you were praising that it was one of the best games of its time.

2. Who complains more your Grandparents or Wombat?
You guys should call your podcast "A little disappointed." It seems like everything you talk about doesn't meet up to your expectations. The Wii software releases are disappointing, the new PS3 Gundam and Motorstorm are disappointing, GRAW 2 is disappointing, what gives? Perhaps your expectations are too high, or maybe you are both jaded.

Cheappy, you couldn't get into Zelda because you couldn't understand any of the Japanese text. It may be the same old Zelda, but at least that franchise is good. Wombat doesn't even seem to play games anymore. All you guys do is gripe about what things "should be."

SSX Blur just came out for the Wii. It may have gotten mixed reviews for the controls, but at least it something different to play besides Wii Sports. Hell I actually like the game. VF5 was just released in the US, and I know it has a big following. The game was barely talked about on your show. If memory serves me, Crackdown failed to hold your attention too.

Maybe if someone would release an Oblivion/FPS you both would have something positive to say.

The Cag Cast is starting to become a real bore. Maybe you should both look into getting a new hobby.
Comic book question for Wombat:

I'm gonna try REALLY hard not to spoil anything with this question, even though it's in all the newspapers:

There's been a VERY BIG TRAGIC occurance that has happened at Marvel this week as a result of Civil War. And I'm not talking about Spider-Man.

It seems that when a LIFE CHANGING event happens to a comic character, it never sticks. This has always bothered me.

Hal Jordan became a villain, became the Spectre, and now he's Hal Jordan again.

Superman's died and come back.

Batman's back was broken, he quit being Batman, then got better.

Jason Todd/Robin is back.

Spider-Man's been a clone all this time. Oh wait, the fans don't like that. He's the original again.

BUCKY'S back for crying out loud.

Why can't comic creators have the balls to stick with their changes? It sucks all the impact out of these events. We all know the characters will get better/ be back.

Do you think the latest Civil War "Tragedy" will even last a year?
[quote name='Trusty Mutsi']Comic book question for Wombat:

I'm gonna try REALLY hard not to spoil anything with this question, even though it's in all the newspapers:

There's been a VERY BIG TRAGIC occurance that has happened at Marvel this week as a result of Civil War. And I'm not talking about Spider-Man.

It seems that when a LIFE CHANGING event happens to a comic character, it never sticks. This has always bothered me.

Hal Jordan became a villain, became the Spectre, and now he's Hal Jordan again.

Superman's died and come back.

Batman's back was broken, he quit being Batman, then got better.

Jason Todd/Robin is back.

Spider-Man's been a clone all this time. Oh wait, the fans don't like that. He's the original again.

BUCKY'S back for crying out loud.

Why can't comic creators have the balls to stick with their changes? It sucks all the impact out of these events. We all know the characters will get better/ be back.

Do you think the latest Civil War "Tragedy" will even last a year?[/QUOTE]

they made that guy from alpha flight gay and gave him AIDS... i dont think they took that back.. but he was canadian so you have a point.
Hey CheapyD and Wombat, keep up the great work on the podcast.

I was wondering CheapyD, have you ever thought about or met up with Ryan Payton of Kojima Productions? If I remember correctly, he lives in Roppongi, so if you guys haven't met up and have free time, go for it. I'm sure you'd both become fast friends. Both of you have several things in common, such as being into gaming, both foreigners living in Japan, and the both of you do podcasts.
CheapyD and Wombaticus:

In regards to your comments about playing crackdown just because it was in the console, I echo your sentiments. I, and others as lazy as myself, seem to be afflicted with a cancer that may run rampant throughout the xbox360 community. I get home after a hard days work, plop myself into the couch, pick up a wireless controller, hit that very tactile and pleasantly centralized button to fire up the ol game machine. At this point, I am forced into a dilemma regarding the lazyness inherent in myself which forces me to remain in the reclined position: do I play a game which is already in the DVD tray, which I may not be in the mood for Vs. the alternative of getting off the couch to have to interact with the console itself in a manner that requires great exertion, such as pushing the open tray button and switching out a game disc.
This might seem trivial to many a young whipper snapper, but the lazyness I have become accustomed to with wireless starting of the console has led me to ask: would either of you purchase a Game/DVD changer peripherial for the 360 if they made one? How much would you be willing to pay for one? I'd pay $75-100 dollars. Imagine never changing discs out again, buy it, put it in once, never expend any energy again. Am I just too lazy?
Hey guys,

What is your proudest gaming accomplishment? That moment you look back on with great pride and think, "I still can't believe I pulled that off." For me, it's beating Ninja Gaiden on the NES. It took me about 15 years to do it, but when it finally happened a couple of years ago, I yelled out an orgasmic "Yeah!" and danced around like a crazy man. Any similar experiences from you guys?

Have you ever cried while playing a video game before? And not because someone called and told you Mr/Mrs XXXX just died or something and you happened to be playing a video game at the time, I mean has a game ever caused you to cry?

Or more generally, what other, equally as embarrassing emotions, have video games caused you to have?

For me, I was playing RE (the original one) and had some friends come over right when I was pushing that box (you know that one box you push...oh wait that is like every video game now) where the tentacle or whatever pops out at you. I jumped so high and screamed like a little girl and my friends got to see it all...still give me a hard time about it.
Cheapy, a few of your comments in the past few CAGcasts have made me curious. Over the past 4 or 5 shows, you've made comments about mediocre sex, masturbation, and wondering what you'd do if you were ever kicked out. It sounds like your marriage to Mrs. Cheapy is on the rocks. That being said, is your stint in Japan a permanent thing or do you see yourself moving back to the US for good one day? And do you own one of those creepy Japanese love pillows for the lonely nights when Mrs. Cheapy comes home late? :)
Cheapy, if you were to suddenly die... lets say, from an overconsumption of sausage meats. Who would you want to take over the CAG Empire? Your wife? Wombat? Or perhaps one of the mods?

It might be a good idea to get something like this in writing.
When it comes to the current Gen games, you see some great looking games but with very little in features (motorstorm, Table Tennis, Madden, etc). What would you rather have if you could only choose one (graphics or features)?
Hello, CheapyD, and Wombat too!

Excellent podcast! I just have a question to ask of you.

Do you think that the whole violent video games debacle is a result of a generation gap (akin to rock and roll), or just out of the ignorance of the mass media? After all, there's a difference between a ratings system (which most parents pay little attention to) and an outright ban on these games. Is a middle ground even possible to achieve?
Hey Cheapy and Wombat,

How bout a game of Marry, fuck , or Kill cheap ass gamer style? (stolen from Howard Stern of course ;))

Who would you marry, fuck, or Kill?
1)Nintendo Wii, Xbox 360, PS3?
2)Lara Croft, Princess Toadstool, Mrs Pacman?
3)Mario, Master Chief, Kratos?
4), Gamestop/EB, Bestbuy?
(Thats the limit of my creativity..I'm sure you guys can come up with some better choices)
Great Podcast. How much roughly you guys spend on a video games/accessories per month or year? Does Mrs. Cheapy or Mrs. Wombat give you some angry looks when you guys buy games/accessories over your budget?
Hey Cheapy 2 questions,
1. Would you ever think of have guest CAGS on the show not like me but much more active users like shipwreck
2. i remember awhile back you said you were going to redisign the website are you still in the process of that?

Great show as always and speaking of sasuges have you both been to Katz's Deli in N.Y. good food there for Wombat to go to if not or if Cheapy comes back to the US any time soon
Viva Pinata is a game that has been talked about in many of the shows with reccomendations from both of you.

You mentioned that this game has not sold well at all and maybe the reason is that it didn't have a proper demo for people to try out this niche title. It was posted on that a demo has been posted

Do you guys think this is too little too late? or will this help it at all. Judging that Wombat hasn't played the game since two weeks since it launched, it doesn't appear that it kept his attention for very long.
Hey CheapyD,

I've gotten quite used to never paying retail price for a game (largely thanks to your site), and having recently purchased a 360, the XBox Live Arcade games seem a bit expensive to me. A good number of the games have been on Live Arcade for quite some time, and it's hard to justify spending the same number of points now as when they were originally released. No one is spending $50 now for any of the launch 360 titles, so why don't they ever drop the prices on older Arcade games to try to increase sales?

Or, why not give a 20% discount for new games during their first week of release to try to drive up sales, and get a lot of people to take the plunge rather than remain sitting on the fence.

Wombat - If the Oblivion expansion (or any other XBLA game you're on the fence about) was on sale the week of release, would you buy it rather than holding off? How many other games would you pick up that you haven't purchased yet?

Hey Cheapy and Wombat,

Have either of you completed the 360's reward program (the one where you earn some prizes for increasing your gamer score by 1500)?

I just completed it and now I'm hesitant to play any more 360 games because I'd rather just wait until earning points will actually get me something. Have either you had this problem? I'll be playing my PS2 while I wait for your reply.

Great show! Keep up the excellent work.
Since Wombat has bitched enough about how Insomniac should've dove into another Ratchet and Clank game for the fifth year in a row to shovel something out for launch instead of trying something new like Resistance, what are your thoughts on the EGM unveiling of Ratchet and Clank Future: Tools of Destruction for the PS3? Does this increase your need of a PS3 or do you pass on this game?

And so you don't have to do any actual work to find the corresponding info:

First set of pics
Second set of pics

Hi guys,

I have a cheap-ass question I'm hoping you could help me out with. So right now I have $100 worth of Best Buy gift cards. I really want to get Oblivion, but unfortunately it's still $60, and I have not yet paid full-price for a 360 game. The funny thing is that I wouldn't mind at all if somebody paid $60 for Oblivion and then gave it to me, but now that I have the choice of whether to buy now or wait for a price drop/deal, I'm not sure what to do. What do you think? Should I just use the gift cards, or should I wait until it goes on sale and be satisfied with XBox Live and my DS until then?

Since you guys dont seem to be big PSP fans, but big Oblivion fans what are your thoughts on the new Oblivion game coming out for the PSP?

I havent touched my PSP in over a year but I'm thinking of picking up this game.
bread's done