CAGbag: Get your questions answered on CAGcast

My question is aimed more towards the community, but some on air attention would be great:

I've recently sent in my Xbox 360 for the RROD and had it sent right back denying my repair.

There was a list of terms and conditions that COULD apply to my Xbox, however on the side of the box they wrote "TAMPER" in Sharpie marker.

I have never tampered or done anything to my Xbox to break the warranty, but Microsoft insists they have "Conclusive evidence." They will not tell me what this evidence is.

My question is this: Of the CAGS that have had to send in their systems for the RROD, has anyone else had there's sent back without a valid reason given? And if so, was this their first time sending in an Xbox?

I'm trying to find out if this is some sort of epidemic. This was my second time sending in my system and I get the feeling they won't fix it because of that reason. Either that or perhaps they look at my "Games played" list and deem me "Not worth fixing." I made a blog on it at and will transfer the story to my blog here soon.
Cheapy, was there any coverage in Japan about a guy skinny dipping in the Imperial Palace's moat? Does stuff like this happen all that often in Japan? Link below, in spoiler tag.

WARNING: there is a picture and a video on the site linked in the spoiler tag that are not safe for work!!

Hey guys, what is your take on COD:World at War? Do you think it'll be better than COD4 in terms of going from Automatic guns to Semi-Auto? It'd feel weird for sure.
Cheapy, I first heard about your LittleBigPlanet face-decorating story on last week's Joystiq Podcast. Were you playing with Chris Grant/Richard Mitchell?

Wombat, you appear to know your marketing. Have you ever considered getting into gaming marketing? Boom Blox could have used your help.
I'm sick of Wombat playing the "bad guy" role on the podcast. Every story, game, etc Cheapy brings up Wombat always takes the negative side. If Wombat wants a job in PR or marketing in the gaming field, it helps to list games and marketing campaigns that he thought where affective. No one is going to hire you if you do nothing but bash PR and marketing complanies all the awhile asking for a job and hand outs of free games. Games are not marketed to a crotchety old jew(Being a fellow jew im allowed) that has ADD and only has good things to say about free games he gets (generalization).

For the next CAG cast, I would like Wombat to list 2 to 3 games that where great games along with smart marketing.
I couldn't help but notice that on CAGcast 136 you went from disappointed in Nintendo to downright disgusted by them. What does Nintendo have to do in order to get you back? Is it too late?
Why doesn't the Wii have playable demos in disc form? Couldn't they just distribute it through their magazine.
This probably isn't the best place to ask this, but at least Cheapy will read it so...
Cheapy, you should do a video with the giantbomb guys tasting strange Japanese foods/drinks while they're in Japan for TGS.
Hey Cheapy and Wombat,

With the announcement of the Nintendo DSi, it seems that Nintendo actually considers the DSi its "Third Pillar" system. Looking at what it's offering as far as gameplay possibilities, there's not much there that differentiates it from the normal DS, so I'm wondering if you believe that claim or is it just PR hype making the new system announcement out to be more significant than it really is?

For Mega Man 9's big release, Capcom sent out PR kits with an NES replica box and cartridge that contained a CD with press info, screens, and artwork along with a T-shirt with the Mega Man 9 box art on it. Somebody that got one of these rare kits, put it up on eBay, and at this moment, it's selling for $750 after 31 bids. Do you think the winner is just insane for being willing to pay $750 for a T-shirt and a CD and should this person be deported to another country if they actually pay the seller?
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To Cheapy and Wombat:

What do you guys do with the games after you play them? Do you guys just keep them on your shelves and kind of "collect" them? How often do you guys replay your old games? If you decide to trade in the games, how do you choose which ones to trade and which ones to keep in you "collection?"

Also, any new movie recommendations Cheapy? What about you Wombat?

Hey guys,

I love the Cagcast. Recently you guys overtook over the top spot from 1UP Yours in the coveted LimpDaddy Monday Morning Commute Extravaganza!

I'm looking at getting a new HD camcorder. Cheapy, I know that you recently bought the new Sanyo Xacti 1010, would you recommend it? What do you use for editing software? Any pros or cons? It seems pretty small is it too small?

Wombat, you must have a some sort of camcorder to post your videos, care to talk about it?

thanks guys!
Hey guys,
Looks like Guitar Hero is finally revising their DLC strategy to compete with Rock Band. They are apparently bringing bands like Foreigner, Boston, and Jimi Hendrix, along with allowing people to finally pick singles instead of bulk-song packs. Do you think that this will halt the number of disc-only games like Aerosmith if the strategy goes well? If the value is decent, would you guys consider purchases of the DLC if you get the game? Thanks.
Dear CheapyD

since u got married to a japenese girl, are you going to let Tai (CheapyT) marry a japenese or an american woman????
Hey Cheapy & Wombat,

I've been contemplating all the games that are coming out this fall, and one in particular has kinda dubbed itself "Sleeper Hit" to me. Far Cry 2, this game looks absolutely amazing. As well the game includes a very in-depth map editor which is available on all platforms, and appears to be extremely easy to pick-up and use.

I was wondering if either of you have had a hands-on experience with this game and what your opinions of Far Cry 2 may be? Even if you haven't had a hands-on experience I'd still like to know what your thoughts are of this game.
Hey CheapyD and Wombat! Cheapy, what's with all of the Mighty Muggs hate a few shows ago? Wombat, what Mighy Muggs have you collected so far?
Hey Cheapy, I don't get it.....You picked Little Big Planet as your Best Game at E3 for 2 years in a row. Now that you've played the beta you seem skeptical and genuinely not excited about it anymore. Did you not play it before now or what has changed your mind?
Hey Cheapy and Wombat,

Today I was listening to CAGcast 136. I was returning from a doctor's appointment and my bus transfer was at a dount shop next to a catholic girls high school. I walked in to a) get a diet coke and b) smell the sweet donuts (a pleasure I can no longer enjoy due to diabetes). I took my ear buds out and turned up the volumn, so I could still listen while placing my order. There were several of the CATHOLIC HIGH SCHOOL GIRLS in the shop. And when I raised the volumn, you two fuckers started talking about Wombat's PSA. Next thing I hear is "sperm, semen, masturbation" and other terms within the earshot of these CATHOLIC HIGH SCHOOL GIRLS!!!! I was mortified and embarassed. Thanks to the two of you, I cannot go within 1000 ft. of that high school ever again. THANKS A LOT, GUYS. And fuck the both of you!!!

a faithful CAGer'

RobbyH aka syvyn11

PS. the name of the donut shop? YOU GUESSED IT! Krispy Kreme.
Cheapy and Wombat:
As you probably know, Fallout 3 was recently leaked onto the internets, nearly three full weeks before it's release date. Nearly all of the gaming outlets I follow have commented on the leak in some way. It seems that whenever game piracy is brought up, the majority of writers mention that they prefer to support the developers of games by purchasing the games they enjoy. Personally, I feel the same way. The writers also usually infer that piracy is bad because it doesn't support game development. Using this rationale (and ignoring legality for a moment), isn't buying a used copy of a game just as bad as downloading it for free? What are your thoughts?

Keep up the great work,
[quote name='robbyH']Hey Cheapy and Wombat,

Today I was listening to CAGcast 136. I was returning from a doctor's appointment and my bus transfer was at a dount shop next to a catholic girls high school. I walked in to a) get a diet coke and b) smell the sweet donuts (a pleasure I can no longer enjoy due to diabetes). I took my ear buds out and turned up the volumn, so I could still listen while placing my order. There were several of the CATHOLIC HIGH SCHOOL GIRLS in the shop. And when I raised the volumn, you two fuckers started talking about Wombat's PSA. Next thing I hear is "sperm, semen, masturbation" and other terms within the earshot of these CATHOLIC HIGH SCHOOL GIRLS!!!! I was mortified and embarassed. Thanks to the two of you, I cannot go within 1000 ft. of that high school ever again. THANKS A LOT, GUYS. And fuck the both of you!!!

a faithful CAGer'

RobbyH aka syvyn11

PS. the name of the donut shop? YOU GUESSED IT! Krispy Kreme.[/quote]

Um theres a reason why you buy headphones smartass instead of using earplugs.
1) If you could only get 1 game this holiday season, what game would it be and why?

2) When are you guys gonna get some guests on the show?

3) What have you been playing while taking a dump lately, Cheapy?
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Hey CheapyD and Wombat, with the world wide economy in shambles would you still agree with analysts who said a year ago that the video game industry is recession proof or do you think that will eventually see game sales drop?

PS: Cheapy can we see more pictures of your apartment i.e. your kitchen and bedroom. Just wanna see what a typical Japanese apartment looks like, Thanks.
Fellas quick question for you. As far back as you can remember, what has been the absolute best video game deal either one of you has gotten. Happy new year to both of you and may it be a happy and healthy one.
Dear Cheapy and Wombat this is my first post as I am a new listener and of course it would be a question. I play MMO's and havent touched an xbox or ps in quite some time. I was wondering what your thoughts are on why game systems arent making mmo's? I was also wondering if you have heard any news on the Marvel universe game that was supposed to come out for the 360?
Love the show and its really making me want another 360 or ps3, keep up the great work!
Hey Cheapy and Wombat,

What do you guys think of the news from Microsoft that the new Xbox 360 dashboard update will not work on Arcades without a storage device attached to it? The update will need 128 MB of space and Arcade units right now only come with a 256 MB memory card, meaning that Arcade owners need to give up half of their space just for the update and there's no word what may happen if you were to turn on the system without the memory card in the slot. Microsoft says that they'll be offering storage solutions, so I'm wondering what you two think will be the solution and what should be the solution they offer to the unfortunate owners of an Xbox 360 Arcade? Is this the fault of the update being so big or the fact that Microsoft decided to release a hard drive-less 360 coming back to bite them in the ass once again?
Hey Guys,

I've been thinking about the types of games comming out this holiday. I can't help but notice that a large amount of the highlights from Q4 focus on the single player portions rather than the multiplayer. When deciding what to get this season, games that focus on the online aspect like Little Big Planet, GOW2 and extremely long single player experiences like Fallout 3 are must buys. But when looking at other games including Dead Space, Mirror's Edge, Prince of Persia, etc., I feel that I can get the full experience just by renting them. Do you guys think that re-opening my Gamefly account to take care of the shorter, but high quality games is a good idea? It's stilll at around $16 a month but would save me the money that I would have paid on the shorter games that I would probably never play after their completion. Thanks.
With more and more games coming out only partially complete and plans for add-ons in the future (The announcement that starcraft 2 will be 2 parts, fable having limited/no multiplayer, penny arcade as a series, etc...). I was wondering how you feel about it? On one hand, you get the games sooner, and if the add-ons are free, there is little downside. Yes paying for the extras suck, but thats business. During a course on software engineering, I learned about a development method, called iterative development, where the core product is released with plans to add onto in the future. This newly popular method of releasing games in parts seems to be iterative development, and has been common in other software areas, and seems to finally be spreading to the gaming industry, for better or worse.
When you click on the link for the buy 2 get 1 free toy's r us link, it says Fallout 3 CE applies. If you search for eligible games on the site it doesn't show up! Can you confirm this? Also does it have to be the CE?
I'm not sure I understand why you guys put so much stock in the opinions of your listeners. Every few weeks Wombat says something inflammatory, the forums light up, and you've got to spend a good chunk of the next show explaining your way out of it.

I like that Wombat says things that piss people off. Or begs for money and free games. Or doesn't get on board the hype wagon about some bloated game release.

I like that Cheapy thinks that everything is controversial, even when it's really not. Or says that something is gay. Or doesn't like black people. Or talks about politics.

I'm afraid that the more people call you out on this kind of stuff (and the more you promise to work on being more considerate), the weaker the show will get. It's already NOT as much fun listening to the CAGcast as it was in the first year or so...what's the podcast going to be like after another year of test-marketing and focus-grouping?

At some point can't you be content with the loyal listeners you have instead of trying to water down the formula in order to appeal to the unwashed masses?

Don't get me wrong: I think you guys are a hoot. I've listening to the CAGcast since episode 10 or so and will continue to listen as long as I'm entertained by it.

I'm just worried.
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Hey Cheapy and Wombat, as young Jewish guys who are pro-Obama are you going to be participating in the Great Schlep?

From the site:
The Great Schlep aims to have Jewish grandchildren visit their grandparents in Florida, educate them about Obama, and therefore swing the crucial Florida vote in his favor. Don’t have grandparents in Florida? Not Jewish? No problem! You can still become a schlepper and make change happen in 2008, simply by talking to your relatives about Obama.
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TGS sounded too much like E3; most of the games you mentioned were playable at the Los Angeles show, which begs the question, what were some of the differences between the two shows? Besides toilets that wash your ass.

Also, did you see/play/taste: White Knight and Halo 3: Recon

Ok, and a few last questions: I heard that many arcade machines in Japan feature emulation, why is that? Is that a cost cutting measure? Why do you think arcades aren't feasible in the US?

And someone tell Wombat that while firing a handgun while running toward an enemy is typically bad news (it makes you a bigger target), it is standard procedure for SWAT officers who use aggressive forward movement coupled with room clearing techniques. Here's some drill to improve your accuracy, Wombat:
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Why do you think game companies are trying so hard to kill off the used game market? Where the counter parts of other industries are not bringing up the "used" issue. You don't see Ford trying toget a piece from everyone that sells a car, same with builders of a house that are sold years later. People have always sold off items they dont use anymore. Excuse my internet speak but dont you think gaming companies need to STFU and be happy with the record porfits they are already getting, with out trying to there hands into used games profits.
Wombat, do you find it just a little sad that you still use the WLA logo in your sig? Get with the times and throw up some naked pizza guy pics or an animated gif of tai tossing his cookies on Cheapy in there instead.
hey cheapy rember when you talked about the used game sales and how company's add extra features and content that you could only get it if you buy the game new and not used well get this if you dont buy gears of war 2 new you wont be able to get the flash back maps you could only get them if you buy the game new and you wont get them if you buy the game used :bomb:

*EDIT* the maps are free but only if gotten on launch day after that there gone
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Hi guys just want to tell you the the CAGcast is awesome!

My Question is to wombat: I just got Lego batman ( i live in sweden so we are a bit behind) and they say that clayface is a actor by some name i don recognize. the name i am used to is "matt hagen" since i watched the animated cartoon from the early 90`s. so since you are a coomic "guru" can you sort this out? is the name used in the game from the comics or another source?

have a great week! // Jonny
hey cheapy rember when you talked about the used game sales and how company's add extra features and content that you could only get it if you buy the game new and not used well get this if you dont buy gears of war 2 new you wont be able to get the flash back maps you could only get them if you buy the game new and you wont get them if you buy the game used :bomb:

*EDIT* the maps are free but only if gotten on launch day after that there gone
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hey Cheapy and Wombat, what do you think about the whole LittleBigPlanet delay because one song had Quran lyrics in the game?
Hey Cheapy and Wombat, outside of the internet do you two still refer to each other by your nicknames or are you on a first name basis? Also, are there any other people such as friends, other people in the gaming industry etc who still call you by your nickname?
Greetings gents! Do you think multi-platform gaming is important for those who write about games on a general gaming website? For example, Joystiq or 1UP. I could see how it would be acceptable for platform-dedicated website writers, like Xbox360Fanboy, to own and play one specific console. But, for those who write for multi-platform gaming websites and partake in multi-platform gaming podcasts, I think they should play a variety of games for all three present consoles. I bring this up because over the past two weeks two notable personalities in Internet gaming journalism admitted to owning only one console of this generation. It makes me wonder if their past opinions were honest and not just paid by the highest bidder.
So, after listening to show #137 today, when Cheapy was talking about the awkwardly friendly brown man I was wondering if Wombat has had to deal with any awkwardly friendly brown men at his gay job?
okay here it is Fall the nirvana of gamers world wide, but here I am complaining. In my opinion the amount of games released in fall is way to much. We have games that vary from Fallout 3, Saints Row 2, Guitar Hero World Tour, Fable 2, Gears of War 2, Rock Band, Pure, Midnight Club LA and I am sure I am forgetting a few others. In your opinion cheapy and wombot is it fair for publishers to do this. I mean sure it is their choice and option for them to release their games whenever, but is it too much on the gamers wallet and the overall fun a gamer can have with a game. I know I am currently rushing to finish pure and saints row so that I can move on to gears.

So my question: what is your opnion on the release of all these game so close together. I mean we have sumemr when it is a dry season where good games brarely are released.

I am sure wombot will point out you can just wait later and buy them later at probably a cheaper price, but lets admit as gamers we all hate to be behind the rest of the others when the hype and online community has died down.
bread's done