CAGbag: Get your questions answered on CAGcast

Cheapy & Wombat:

You are stranded on a desert island, living by eating one french fry a day for a year. What sauce do you use for dipping?
I am a 13 year old and I disagree with your 2 audience idea. Besides the casual and hardcore there is the school group. I don't know 1 guy in my school who doesn't have cod5. But of those guys almost all of them love to play their wii. Every Friday we all make several games in cod5 and play the shit out of it. So why don't you guys break out of the standard and start talking about the new audience... The school audience. Love the show. Your unyielding servent supermidget.
[quote name='supermidget']I am a 13 year old and I disagree with your 2 audience idea. Besides the casual and hardcore there is the school group. I don't know 1 guy in my school who doesn't have cod5. But of those guys almost all of them love to play their wii. Every Friday we all make several games in cod5 and play the shit out of it. So why don't you guys break out of the standard and start talking about the new audience... The school audience. Love the show. Your unyielding servent supermidget.[/quote]

Majority of gamers are in the 20's age range, and we don't call that "school" audience, it is called mainstream.

Anyways, Wombat, nice interview and all, but you need to relax a bit more. You seemed fake and too energetic, no offense, just constructive criticism. :lol:
mostly for cheapy when tai gets to school age what will his main language be, english or japanesse? and if japanesse do you think this would make you want to finally learn japanesse fluently or will you say screw it and move back to america with the family.
Hey Cheapy,

with the whole Circuit City vs. Speedy thing in the dust, it reminded me of the crazy Japanese dude who wanted your address so he could sue you. If I recall correctly it was over the CAG 2.0 redesign. You never mentioned if anything ever came from that (I'm guess not). Did he eventually just stop harassing you?
A while back, Stephen Totilo got bashed on the NeoGAF forums for not being any good at Street Fighter 2 ( The argument was that a game journalist should be good at games of all genres. That is like expecting all football journalists to be good at playing football, which is rediculous. CheapyD and Wombat, what skill level, if any, would you like the people who cover video games to have with games?
For the Cheapy Awards, how come you didn't create an entry for best CAG blog? That's a new feature of the site that has really taken off.
Hey Cheapy and Wombat- I've started listening to the RebelFM podcast after listening to Nick Suttner's interview with you guys and while its understandable that they are in need of cash to eat and such, their talk of charging a subscription fee to download doesn't seem right to me. The number of successful podcasts that use that model are very small and are failing more and more each day, or going free. Since your podcast is more of a support media for CAG rather than your main feature, its probably not in your best interest to charge, but what do you think about the pay-to-listen podcast model when there are so many other options to monetize a podcast?

Thanks in advance.
i know this is completely off the topic of gaming, but this one is for you cheapy, i've always wanted to know what the music scene in japan, cuz i'm an unknown musician looking for an outlet
The Wii is not a bad console and I think it get's a bad rap. The problem with the wii is that is just does not have the games that many of today's gamers are looking for.

I'm 30. I grew up with Atari, Nintendo and the like. I can remember when Pitfall was a revolutionary game. Or Pac Man for that matter. But while gaming was about graphics and still is, a true gamer was based on the excitement of the overall product. You played a game based solely on the whole composition of the game, not just how great the graphics are.

While the PS3 has excellent graphics, best of all, why is it doing so poorly? There is a huge lack of 3rd party support, and an entirely too inflated price point. The X-Box is probably the top of the 3. You get everything you could want in one package. Then there is the Wii. When has Nintendo really done anything on the safe side? They have always ruined their 3rd party support and always presented a product that while it may not be cutting edge, ie 64, GC and Wii, it was always something that appeals to a larger market and fan base than just 2 markets.

A true player in the Console market is a console that can appeal to the masses. SO why the hard knocks? Because you can't find a shooter that looks even more realistic? I will grant the whole issue of lacking better games.

So why do you guys knock the Wii so much?

I would rather be playing a 360, but when you have 2 little kids, one teen and a woman who "doesn't understand what you like" about video games it's just not in the cards at this point. Once your married, you all know you must bow to the true Master of the House.
Hey Cheapy & Wombat, what is your guys' opinion on the ridiculous amount of money Hard drives still cost for Xbox 360? Seriously, you can get a 120 gb hard drive for $140 (not even going to compare it an off the shelf notebook drive) OR you could buy an entire Xbox 360 system WITH 60 gb hdd, wireless controller, a few games, headset and av cable for $100 more?! I'm an Xbox 360 owner and I'm not bashing, I just can't comprehend how MS gets off justifying this cost for an upgrade...
Hey guys, wondered what you thought abut Rocksolidaudio's new gig at Sony? Also,do you think Rebel FM will take a hit in listeners losing its biggest personality?

Cheapy, what are you using for a joystick for Street Fighter IV? and are you playing it on 360 or PS3? Wombat can answer that too, but I assumed he doesn't care too much about Street Fighter, when he called T-Hawk "T-Wolf".

Lastly, now that Street Fighter IV and Killzone 2 are both here, I don't think there are any new games to get excited about until next Christmas. Can you think of any?
After listening to CAG 150 I have now realized that episodes with Shipwreck on are slowly becoming my favourite. He doesn't talk as much as you too but its nice having him on and the three of you work well.

Now I have mentioned this a couple of times to members on here but now I am going to pursue it until it becomes a reality. Every month or so there should be a "Super CAG Cast" where the Shipwrecks join the show. I understand its a tad harder to record with more than two people, and it adds more time on mixing the show but I think it'll be a great addition. Surely over skype Cheapy and Wombat record themselves then the Ships can share a mic.

Just an idea, keep up the good work.

- Saunders.
Hi guys, I just noticed that there's a game collection page in the profiles. Will you be enabling a CSV upload for people to update their collections? That would make it so much easier, since I use Gamepedia and can get a CSV, among other formats, from that.
Also, have you ever used Gamepedia or something similar? I freaking love it. It makes keeping track of my stuff easy, is very customizable, and even has statistics. Neat! :)
I completely agree with Cheapy's observation of Street Fighter 4's lackluster online modes and how it seems how nearly every one missed that issue in their reviews. My question is do you believe if the fan community rallies, this is an issue Capcom can remedy?
This is my follow up question to my previous question of the the iphone being a viable gaming platform. Do you guys believe that some of the major publishers are missing the gravy train by not having more products on the iplatforms?
It seems as if Seth Killian from Capcom is use to imbelishing things. On the Top Secret Bionic Commanda podcast, file 28, Seth is asked if the Boss of SF IV was named after him and he said that yes, according to the producer Ono son he is. But on podcast 32, the assistant producer David Crislip explained that he was named Seth because Seth is the name of Kane and Abel's obscure brother. They were gonna name him Kane but this boss name was already in Mark Of The Wolves. Keep in mind that after David says this he says that the added factor that Seth worked at Capcom and was huge into Street Fighter was an added bonus to the name.

So Seth, give credit where credit is due.
Hi guys first time long time here. Love the show. Cheapy and Wombat you make us old gamers feel like kids again please keep up the good work. I had some general questions: I recently bought an xbox and was wondering what your gamer tags are, although i'm sure you dont want random people sending an invite I would love to get my butt kicked by you in Street Fighter 4. My tag is greatdark1 please feel free to shoot an invite. Do either of you enjoy RPG's I was a big MMORPG fan but it seems I dont have the time to keep up with them now. My problem is it seems other than Final Fantasy, and I dont feel like playing a prepubescent girl to kill people, there are no decent RPG's and certainly no multiplayer ones. Thanks again hope to hear from you both.
Hey guys,

Is the DSi this generation's version of the GameBoy Micro? Both were higher priced versions of their own generation's handhelds but with few differences. Also, is keeping the DS Lite around alongside the DSi a bad decision in a bad economy where people are looking for less expensive things, especially when there aren't many people looking to play portable games who don't already have a DS system of some kind? I'm personally predicting disappointment in Nintendo's eyes.

EDIT: And...

Now that Rock Band Unplugged is being developed for the PSP, does this satisfy your desire for a Frequency/Amplitude game? A recent post on Joystiq/Primotech suggests that the game plays just like the two previously mentioned games. My question for you about this game is, would you prefer the typical rock songs like those found in Rock Band or would you rather have seen a game with more pop/techno oriented songs like the ones found in Frequency and Amplitude?
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Hey Cheapy, not to be mean or anything, but are you dyslexic? It just seems like in the last episode I heard you mix some stuff up, or put words in that didn't seem to fit. It's ok, I'm dyslexic...
Ok, I was listening to ep 150, and here's my question. Referring to Wombat's rant about there being so few PS3 games that sold over 2 million, it got me thinking about the pressure companies and publishers put on making such a big splash on release day and release week on the sales chart, and not focusing on a game's longevity. Wombat, you like to tout your game analyst abilities, riddle me could a company market a game to sell over time, like so many first party Nintendo titles sell? What could a game company do? Does Valve have the only answer with titles and support like TF2 and L4D, or is there more? Personally, I never buy games at launch, I only pre-ordered one game last year, but I made TONS of $10 purchases last year for great PC titles, many of which were collector's editions, also Crysis Collector's Ed. for $20. It seems all of the effort is lost on making a big release week splash, when games that blow out like Gears and Halo 3 are really really few and far between. Love to hear your thoughts, good show guys, always enjoy hearing Ship on th cast.
Keep the good shows coming
Cheapy I was listening to one of the older podcasts, the 101 episode
Are you ever planning to bring your wives or your parents back on?
Whatever happened to the Cheapassgamer clothing?
How about some more contests that we can call into in?
Whatever happened to the little "CAGs on News" song? I didn't notice that it disappeared at first, but now every time I don't hear it, I grow a little more sad than the previous time. Sure, it's a small thing, but I miss it.
[quote name='Schmackledorf']Whatever happened to the little "CAGs on News" song? I didn't notice that it disappeared at first, but now every time I don't hear it, I grow a little more sad than the previous time. Sure, it's a small thing, but I miss it.[/quote]

I was wondering the same thing, Maybe Simon Le Bon sent him a cease and desist order for the parody?
Cheapy D and Wombat,

I saw Wombat canceled cable and netflix this week via his Twitter feed. What gives? Did the recession bite into his job? Do we need to have a "Save the Wombat" fundraiser?
I just got done renting sf iv on the PS3 and I had the same connection issues that cheapy reported on episode 151. Personally I feel that this is the biggest week upcoming with killzone 2 out on Friday. MLB 09 the show, halo wars next week are what is on my radar to pick up. Other games like hawx and sonic are solid gamefly rentals for me that I look forward to. After this I only have re5 on my radar of other games to play till the summer. Thanks for the heads up for little big planet for psp. My 5 year old is the biggest lbp player in our house and loves the online content. I guess we shall see more content as the year progresses dependin on the features of multiplayer I might be buying a psp for the kids because of the enjoyment they have in this game but I find it is critical to have user made levels. Another excellent show. Gotta love xbox vista, very appropriate name.
Since Cheapy was talking about Burnout Paradise, how's about playing that game for the 1st Game Night? listener...great 'casts...keep it up!
hey cheapy this one is for you, my little bro wonders if u had to learn fluent japanese before moving to japan?
Hey I just wanted to say i've just been promoted to a Moderator on an Xbox 360 site I use called Achieve360Points

Not sure if you've heard of it, but I am pretty happy. A read out of this from my favourite podcast would extra cool.
Cheapy and Wombat: You are both to race from the Mexican border to the Canadian border. Wombat is driving something with 4 wheels, and Cheapy is riding an animal with 4 legs. What are your mounts?
Hey guys Nick Suttner coming on your show turned me on to you guys and I haven't missed an episode since. I would speak to your issues with the 360 Dashboard. I am not sure why you guys are having such latency issues with the 360 UI. I have not had anything close to the experience you two talk about. Rarely it freezes and I have to shut it off and back on but no where near the 45 second latency when trying to just open your friends list. In fact it has been faster for me than the old interface. May it be due to my geographic position in comparison to Microsoft? I wouldn't think so since isn't all that dashboard crap just on the hard drive of the 360? One final thing, you know if you push the center button on the controller the old style blades come up and for me at least they are significantly snappier than the rest of the dashboard and are less polluted with a bunch of shit I'd rather not look at. My main issue is there is all that advertisement bullshit on the Dashboard yet it still costs me 50 dollars a year. Ads should equal free. I don't care how much better it is than Sony or Nintendo's online. This would never happen, but I think it would be cool to make it like "igoogle." Being able to have that much control over what you see when you turn the 360 on would be amazing. But I can't expect that from a company whose motto is not, "Don't be evil." Love the show, and your chemistry. Hope the kids are doing well!
I had a quick question about your headphone setup as you've both got Surround Sound headphones now.

Do you find they are significantly different than a pair good quality standard headphones? E.g. Sennhieser
Hey Cheapy-san,

I was wondering how you're making out with 'My Japanese Coach' on the DS? I'm guessing it's been forgotten since you haven't mentioned it in a while. You should hit us with some CheapyD Japanese talk each CAGCast so we can see how you're progressing (or regressing I suppose).

My wife is Chinese, so I picked up 'My Chinese Coach' to supplement my mandarin vocabulary and I've been finding my 'Coach' to be mildly helpful when I remember to fire the 'game' up.

Zai jian wo de pung yo
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Hey Cheapy, don't feel bad for losing to Craig from SA. Sagat is the only character alot of pros consider "broken", and there is even a movement to try to get him banned from tournament play.

Anyway my question is SF4 related. How do you feel about the new characters now that you have a chance to play with/against them? I find them mostly underwhelming, but have seen a few good Rufus players around.
Hey Cheapy, due to the exchange rate, and any other problems, would you suggest to people from the U.S. to take vacations to Japan? Why or why not?
This is more of a discussion point but I have been rocking Kiilzone 2 and really really enjoying the multiplayer. And it worked from day one ... which given Sony's track record is pretty extraordinary. I mean when was the last time that a Sony game worked from day one?
You guys always talk about the new games, and we get a great deal of info on your current collections, but what about the retro stuff? Are either of you guys avid collectors of old systems?
Hey Cheapy,
Have you ever had to edit something out of the CAGCast? For example, you were about to play Stump the retailer and you accidentally rolled the clip of your upgrading memberships on the Megarotic Paid Support line. Please share.
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What will Tai's primary language be? Since it's probably Japanese, how do you plan on thoroughly communicating with him? When would you plan on teaching him his second language?
This is for Cheapy and Wombat although I guess it more relevant towards Cheapy since he is the one who appears on Hard News.

As I'm sure you know ScrewAttack is holding their first convention in July. I was wondering if either of you plan on attending? I know it's a long trip for both of you but as a CAG and g1 it would be awesome to see you guys there.
This is a question for
Wombat, do you think lbp portable will really be able to follow up to the ps3 version? Better controls? Different concept? Please answer because I am deciding to get a psp or not...
bread's done