CAGcast #148: The Show That Almost Wasn't

[quote name='XTommyDonX']Wombat, you are DAMN right about the false advertising in the Guitar Hero commercials. This whole system of advertising songs that don't come with the actual games all started with Guitar Hero 3's commercial featuring "Slither" by Velvet Revolver, which also was only available in an additional paid content pack which was released ON THE SAME DAY as GH3. It is complete nonsense and they also used the same song with the DS game's commercial but is not found on the game and doesn't even support DLC. It is complete bull and Activision's similar schemes have been going on for over a year now.

Thank you Wombat for shedding some light on this. I was actually going to ask a CAGbag question about this. I'm glad that we're in agreement on this.[/quote]
Joker & the thief wasn't in Rock band 1 or 2. But there was a tiny sentence stating that it was DLC.
I'm pro-Ron Workman and I'd probably give his podcast a few shots to catch my interest.

Also, I appretiate Speedy's efforts over the years. He probably influenced THOUSANDS of my purchase dollars. Thanks, Speedy and godspeed on your new job hunt!
Hey Cheapy, I have been married for 9 1/2 years and I am pretty sure my wife has never said the word "anus." I was just wondering in what context Shima used it.
Great show guys im interested in the ron workman show I mean ill give it a shot. Also good on you cheapy for not giving a fuck what anyone says. I love this show and like howard stern I could be the only one that listens and that would be fine with me, this show is perfect. And wombat is right howard sucks.
Let me get this straight Wombat. You are fine with a game that wont let you move while firing a gun, but if you want to mix herbs in a room full of bad guys, you want them to leave you alone?
I don't know Ron Workman, but if his podcast has the CAG seal of approval, I'd give it a shot. I'm expanding my base of podcasts I listen to and would be glad to try something new. I'm in the process of starting my own, and I'm always looking for inspiration.

As for the college memories, I know what it's like to have the foreign professors and TAs. My first semester, I took Engineering Calculus 2, and the professor was from Russia and spoke very little English.

Glad you guys recovered the podcast. Viva la Cagcast!
So I was listening to the CAGcast at work, and I was at the part where Cheapy was talking about his wife's shitbag. I rolled my chair over to the filing cabinet to get something, and the chair's wheel rolled over the headphone cord and pulled it out of my computer! So the speakers kick in and everyone in the office can hear "blah blah blah, my wife shitting in a bag, blah blah". So naturally I freak and start frantically trying to plug my headphones back in. Long story short, if you fumble and jam the headphones into a USB port, you'll crash the computer....luckily, no damage done, and I don't think anyone could hear outside of my cubicle well enough to understand the shitbagginess. I guess I should invest in some new wireless headphones for work...
If you get the voting going soon, you could present the Cheapy awards for episode 150.

You are so fucking lucky re. the ATM, Cheapy!
All I know about Ron Workman is the "MGS4 is coming to 360" rant...

Sounds like that isn't a good way to judge him, but that (along with that cheesy "topless Halo" stunt) turned me off from reading Destructoid ever. The rant was really classless before the edits.

That said, I don't care, I would download the first ep of a podcast. Would this be the start of multiple personalities and multi-angle game reporting on CAG? I imagine that it would be heavily featured and different from something like the Foreplay podcast, which a CAG regular created. I worry about the Itchy and Scratchy and Poochie effect (Cheapy and Wombat and....Ron Workman, the guy who had nothing to do with CAG before) but Cheapy, it's your what you want.


and wow, poop, Saint's Row 2, and responses to idiots who have no forethought (critics of the podcast, critics of CAG) are all recurring themes since I re-started listening to the CAGcast again a few weeks ago. I haven't heard this much talk and close concern about bowel movements since I hung out with hippies. and I'm thinking of giving Saint's Row 2 a try on the the talk is working Cheapy.

Critic responses are getting old though...either stop doing it or start being belligerent and sarcastic with your responses so its at least entertaining. Shit about why there aren't any good deals anymore or why wombat and cheapy are 360 fanboys is probably written by teens or man-babies. If Howard Stern's only fan was Cheapy and Cheapy started complaining about Howard Stern, do you think he would spend 10 minutes talking about it on his show? no, he'd stick to talking with porn star midgets or something.
I would be fine with there being another podcast, I don't see why people would bitch about it, its not like they have to listen to it if they don't want to.
[quote name='morph3us']I would be fine with there being another podcast, I don't see why people would bitch about it, its not like they have to listen to it if they don't want to.[/quote]

I agree. Destructoid has never interested me, and therefore to say Ron Workman is from there isn't much of a sell. I'll be the first to say before today I didn't realize he was a poster on CAG, but then I lurk a lot so who am I to talk? I guess that at the very least, by having a Workman podcast on CAG, Cheapy might get more visitors to the site, which can only be good for him, so why not? I guess I'd rather it be someone I've actually heard of (you know, maybe Tanuki should get his own show hahah ;)), but just because there's an extra podcast doesn't mean CAGcast regulars HAVE to care or listen. I don't see a downside for Cheapy.

There was some discussion over whether or not things like the DS and the Wii are really "hardcore" systems, and to that, I think that they are more....widely-appealing systems. I don't play too many casual games (though when Peggle DS comes out, I'm all there) but my DS has been my most played system this past year. With all the remakes of classic JRPG's, many of which I didn't play when they originally came out, it's been where I've spent most of my time (and I'm a sucker for JRPGs). Plus, with lots of travel, it's the easiest system for me to have at all times. Don't get me wrong, I have a PSP, but the moving media on that is a real battery drain, and the Sony Store didn't recognize my credit card until I bought a house and moved out of my apartment (Sony has really screwed that up). And I like my 360 and my PS3, but the DS has definitely been where I've been spending most of my time this last year...

What are the chances that Cheapy D can record his wife trying to catch the pooh with the chopsticks and putting it in the bag. I'll subscribe to his youtube channel for that, than maybe he could auction off the chopsticks for child's play. Wow, sounds like that epic scene from the Karate Kid....
[quote name='ninja dog']All I know about Ron Workman is the "MGS4 is coming to 360" rant...

Sounds like that isn't a good way to judge him, but that (along with that cheesy "topless Halo" stunt) turned me off from reading Destructoid ever. The rant was really classless before the edits.

That said, I don't care, I would download the first ep of a podcast. Would this be the start of multiple personalities and multi-angle game reporting on CAG? I imagine that it would be heavily featured and different from something like the Foreplay podcast, which a CAG regular created. I worry about the Itchy and Scratchy and Poochie effect (Cheapy and Wombat and....Ron Workman, the guy who had nothing to do with CAG before) but Cheapy, it's your what you want.


and wow, poop, Saint's Row 2, and responses to idiots who have no forethought (critics of the podcast, critics of CAG) are all recurring themes since I re-started listening to the CAGcast again a few weeks ago. I haven't heard this much talk and close concern about bowel movements since I hung out with hippies. and I'm thinking of giving Saint's Row 2 a try on the the talk is working Cheapy.

Critic responses are getting old though...either stop doing it or start being belligerent and sarcastic with your responses so its at least entertaining. Shit about why there aren't any good deals anymore or why wombat and cheapy are 360 fanboys is probably written by teens or man-babies. If Howard Stern's only fan was Cheapy and Cheapy started complaining about Howard Stern, do you think he would spend 10 minutes talking about it on his show? no, he'd stick to talking with porn star midgets or something.[/quote]

You know. you are right about this. One of the mistakes I made was lashing out too much in that post. You have to understand that sometimes I get access to info early and often get to check out dev. builds and engines. Where I should have laid that out, I couldn't so instead I took a knock at fanboys. I was dumb for doing it. I let passion and frustration guide my choice on that. I'm sure you understand that often I have a copy of games before they are released and often before they are announced even. So it becomes frustrating listening to people are forums telling you that you are wrong about a game you are playing. Thats the one thing that I hated about writing on Dtoid. I was never cut out to be a journalist and have made no claims to be one. The perception is that I am though. Im an analyst, a consultant, an asshole maybe, but Im not a journalist because my heart gets in the way of what I write. As an analyst I assure you, my heart has nothing to do with business.

On the naked Halo thing, Not to push buttons, but that was not Dtoid. You might be confused because is was EG and had Rob Summa (Former editor of Dtoid on it)

As far as being a part of CAG. I have lurked since 2006. You have been around 1 year. Granted I don't interact as much as I should, but thats the whole reason I asked Cheapy to ask the community what they thought of it. It is important to me. I think you earn things. I agree that I havent 100% earned it with the community but I hope to do so.
[quote name='RonWorkman']You know. you are right about this. One of the mistakes I made was lashing out too much in that post. You have to understand that sometimes I get access to info early and often get to check out dev. builds and engines. Where I should have laid that out, I couldn't so instead I took a knock at fanboys. I was dumb for doing it. I let passion and frustration guide my choice on that. I'm sure you understand that often I have a copy of games before they are released and often before they are announced even. So it becomes frustrating listening to people are forums telling you that you are wrong about a game you are playing. Thats the one thing that I hated about writing on Dtoid. I was never cut out to be a journalist and have made no claims to be one. The perception is that I am though. Im an analyst, a consultant, an asshole maybe, but Im not a journalist because my heart gets in the way of what I write. As an analyst I assure you, my heart has nothing to do with business.

On the naked Halo thing, Not to push buttons, but that was not Dtoid. You might be confused because is was EG and had Rob Summa (Former editor of Dtoid on it)

As far as being a part of CAG. I have lurked since 2006. You have been around 1 year. Granted I don't interact as much as I should, but thats the whole reason I asked Cheapy to ask the community what they thought of it. It is important to me. I think you earn things. I agree that I havent 100% earned it with the community but I hope to do so.[/QUOTE]

I figured I wouldn't vote a flat out no! based on that one thing and you seem pretty cool. I'd also be a complete hypocrite to blast you for trolling Sony fans (they ask for it a lot.) As for MGS4 360, tell them to keep it unless they add an actual game's worth of stealth play :)

I had no idea you were a member of the site, so I'll shut up about that now. But for the record, I had a name change since I was dumbass and revealed too much personal info on my other account (and am now paranoid about employers)....I've actually been around since 2004-ish.

Hey, I'm looking forward to the 'cast now.
1) Cheapy destroyed a bunch of us Destructoid people in HD Remix, couldn't beat him once. Props to him for using them sticks.

2) Ron Workman will deliver. If not, it will scar him for life. In the butt.
I had never heard of Workman until Cheapy mentioned his blog on a recent 'cast. Someone give this man a podcast quick, like a bunny.

And for Christ not your lord and savior, if you are going to be playing so much Street Fighter, buy a friggin' stick! Keep a switch handy for when the young'un gets close to the cords.
i dont know who ron workman is, but it sounds like a good idea to have another podcast added to support the site. cheapy, is he a supporter of cag at least or do you just know him?

and i agree with wombat on resident evil 5 controls. i have a problem with it as well. i dont like the fact that i have to look out for someone other than myself while playing the game. i dont mind the co-op play but the AI co-op seems to get lost every now and then and she runs out of bullets very quickly. instead of giving her ammunition, i just shoot the ones trying to attack her. which is also annoying.
With all this talk of thanking Speedy1961 so much, is there going to be a Speedy1961 donations page soon, as I and probably many other CAGs would to like to donate to the guy who has saved us so much money over all these years, especially after he has lost his job.
[quote name='phear3d']i dont know who ron workman is, but it sounds like a good idea to have another podcast added to support the site. cheapy, is he a supporter of cag at least or do you just know him?

and i agree with wombat on resident evil 5 controls. i have a problem with it as well. i dont like the fact that i have to look out for someone other than myself while playing the game. i dont mind the co-op play but the AI co-op seems to get lost every now and then and she runs out of bullets very quickly. instead of giving her ammunition, i just shoot the ones trying to attack her. which is also annoying.[/QUOTE]

also agreed about the co-op thing...they did 2 scenarios in RE 1 and 2--why not do separate single/co-op scenarios in RE5? Forcing it in there is lame. I liked the demo, but bullet rationing could be a HUGE pain in the ass in the full game.
Just in reply to what you said Cheapy, about being jealous of other podcasts: Well you definately shouldn't be. The others may be more popular, but the CAGCast has so much more energy and fun than others, that I have completly unsubscribed to any other gaming podcasts except this one. I can't stand listening to people just go on about a subject they supposedly care about, but sound like they're half asleep.
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just finished the show. good thing this show wasn't lost cuz there were sooooo many great stories. it would've been a tragedy if this wasn't posted. glad you got your money back Cheapy. great show guys! :)

btw, no love for FriskyTanuki? lol, give him a break. ;)
[quote name='as50193']With all this talk of thanking Speedy1961 so much, is there going to be a Speedy1961 donations page soon, as I and probably many other CAGs would to like to donate to the guy who has saved us so much money over all these years, especially after he has lost his job.[/QUOTE]

I agree.
Dude, Cheapy, back pain and stress are totally related. When some people stress out, they involuntarily tense up certain muscles. in your case, your back.

Everyone experiences stress. You need to consciously try to relax yourself when you do.
I actually haven't seen a lot of fat people in GameStop, but I suppose having the GameStop workers dressing up in fat suits in order to convince you that gamers are too fat is like trying to buy crack from the dealer on the corner and having him tell you have a problem.

It sucks that speedy1961 lost his job. For next year's Cheapy Awards, I think we should rename the Community Award the "Speedy1961" Community Award. It'll be like the Cecil B. DeMille Award for Lifetime Directoral Achievement, but for CAGs.
I would love to see Ron Workman do a CAG podcast! Please make it happen Ron and Cheapy (and John) ! Pwetty Pleassseeee.
What the fuck is up with the AWFUL music lately. I think we've had enough crappy video game remixes, or "hilarious" (note quotations) pop culture mixes. Why not just run some Queen or The Who over the into. Motherfucker how about some Beatles? I am really suspicious that Cheapy has awful taste in music and likes to bob his head up and down all day to some shitty "gangsta" rap.
Great show guys (as always)...glad it got recovered etc!

Now ive gotta trench through the 3 and half hour 1UP Yours podcast lol :)...i dont mind really, ive got alot of work to do :cry:
Great show guys. I think Frisky just needs to lay off the caffeine. And also, Ron would make a great podcast. We will all miss Speedy.
[quote name='sotc1988']What the fuck is up with the AWFUL music lately. I think we've had enough crappy video game remixes, or "hilarious" (note quotations) pop culture mixes. Why not just run some Queen or The Who over the into. Motherfucker how about some Beatles? I am really suspicious that Cheapy has awful taste in music and likes to bob his head up and down all day to some shitty "gangsta" rap.[/quote]
What is your peoples' problems? He has pretty much always done remixes, and I think they're great. If you don't like it, skip the intro.
[quote name='Gamer SDP']cheapy, you need to put a notice on the front page for new podcasts (CAGcast and CAGforeplaay). I always get to it late nowadays[/quote]

He always puts it on the front page. Do you have the "Deals Only" tab clicked? Also, isnt today the day that the beta goes live? I have not received an email with a code or anything about it in the help forum. Is it still going live today?
I'm all for another podcast. I don't know who this Workman guy is but what's it hurt having another podcast on the site? As long as the shows aren't stepping on each other by covering similar things it'll be fine.

I'm a total podcast junkie though. I listen to like 20 a week and want MORE
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I just can't shut up in this thread. I was playing Rock Band 2 and it occurred to me that its pretty much the perfect rock music game, so I wholeheartedly agree with Wombat that its good they didn't make Rock Band 3 this year. If they do anything, it should be some greatest hits trackpack from the DLC.

I think they realize that they have a "music game atom bomb" in their pockets with the Beatles game, so they don't care to go head to head with Guitar DJ Hero: Super Metallica Billy Crystal Edition or whatever abomination Activision will cough up this year.

[quote name='sotc1988']What the fuck is up with the AWFUL music lately. I think we've had enough crappy video game remixes, or "hilarious" (note quotations) pop culture mixes. Why not just run some Queen or The Who over the into. Motherfucker how about some Beatles? I am really suspicious that Cheapy has awful taste in music and likes to bob his head up and down all day to some shitty "gangsta" rap.[/QUOTE]

That inspector gadget/christina aguilera mash up is incredible and had nothing to do with gangsta rap (where the hell did that comment come from...)

When you turn on the podcast, just turn it down and play the Who or Zeppelin or Yanni or w/e you want to listen to until they start talking.
Sheesh! Too bad to hear about Speedy's job, friends. This is the kind of effort that should be rewarded and recognized by all.

Thanks Speedy for all your contributions, and hope you get your situation solved ASAP. God bless you.
Wombat said that you don't run an ad for a game the month before it comes out. I thought that was funny since there have been banner ads on site they were talking about during this section of the podcast) for Star Ocean: The Last Hope since early January and the game comes out in North America on Feb. 24th.
I fully support the idea of Ron Workman doing his own podcast as I thoroughly enjoyed the man's repertoire on Podtoid. Would it be a solo show or have some sort of co-host/s?
bread's done