***one thing i'd like to say is cheapy, i love your brand of humor and all but i have to agree with that one afro-american guy. you are a little on the offensive side sometimes. in reference to the Fish sandwich story, there was no reason to inquire about the poor person's race. and expressly asking if she was black is EXTREMELY offensive. it make you seem like a closed-minded prick who thinks if someone is poor they MUST be black cuz only black people are poor. shame on you cheapy.
***also, enough f*cking weed talk already! we all know you don't get to smoke that often, but us "straight edges" don't partake, care to partake, or want to know about your illegal (in some states) drug escapades. shipwreck sounded really annoyed, too.
***on a completely separate note, holy F***K shipwreck! how the hell can you forget about Last Guardian?! that game looks amazing!! it's made by the same guy who did Ico and Shadow of the Colossus! that game is gonna be so boss! i was sure you mentioned it on your first E3 podcast...***