Wombat- enough with the jealousy. You are a critical player in the CAGCast. You make the show great. But if you left, there would still be CAG, there would still be a CAGCast. On air, can you please reckon with the fact that you didn't start the website, Cheapy did. And he has give you a great opportunity to discuss one of your passions publicly, one you would have been unlikely to have had otherwise. You are the Jackie Martling of the show. A critical player, and nobody (umm, not me at least) wants to see you leave. But if you left, the show would go on. Yes, you helped start the show, credit is due. From there, you have to have the humility to accept that it's Cheap's coat tails you're riding, and your opportunity. I hope that something good in the gaming industry comes of it for you- again.
And why do you have to call Cheapy out on the friends thing? Seriously, Cheapy is the professional here, not getting pissed about that. I would have been furious that you brought that up on air, even if it rings true.
Enough Wombashing.
Who turns off the CAGCast to turn on 1up (see above post)? I can't listen to any other gaming podcast, if just because the production values suck. A travesty for companies or divisions of companies 10-20x larger than CAG. Not to mention the content is rambling and dull.
I do sometimes get sick of some CAGCast topics. I heard enough about Lobster munching this episode.