CAGcast #170: Wombat is Trash: The Trilogy Concludes

Great podcast. Ship's mic or voice was too low so it was hard to hear him. It was interesting to hear from someone at Xbox like Stephen T. Anyone here on CAG that we can maybe contact and ask questions?

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I felt bad (yet lol'd) when Shipwreck asked (yet was ignored) "What about me?" when Cheapy mentioned that Wombat would be going along to Howard Stern show. It's always great when Ship's on but it seems like he's treated like shit at times, especially when Wombat makes all these fvcked up comments and just ends up being an asshole to him. I know it's all in good taste and fun, but it really is fvcked up at times.

I can understand why Cheapy was pissed about not receiving a code for Shadow Complex. Now some users were probably thinking:

"Cheapy is just being a fvcking bitch and needs to suck a dick so he can shut-the-fvck-up. He doesn't need to get free shit, just a dick in his mouth."

"N1gga think he be ballin. droppin 10Gs on sum stupid ass tickets for tha radio faq right after his first class or whateva-the-hell-them-rich-whitebois-be-flying trip. You aint shit. N1ggas get shot fo frontin. Microsoft should b sendin me tha code. help a brotha out ya dig"

"Cheapy, enough of your bull poop! I got Shadow Complex as a late graduation gift (from middle/jrhigh school) and it is one of the bestest games, better than that old bad Metroid stuff that my stupid brother use to play. You are so much trash that you do not even deserve garbage trash let alone Shadow Complex. Why, because you suck at games. Yes you do. :p Go play some girl games with your parents on the Wii. I'll be playing hardcore games like Halo and SC!

Stop your yappin you fvcking-devil-worshipppin-redneck. We don't want ya unamerican kind back here in the U-S-of-A. Stay on that barbarian island Jay-pan and kill them rats so you can put their skin on top your head. As God as my witness, you aint gettin no game from America.

Well baldy Cheapy here is rightfully pissed.

The reason is simple. Microsoft [Studios] is disrespecting this Internet Spacepimp. It's not about the Gs (this time). It's the fact that he, Cheapy-fvcking-D, did not get something when Wombat... no wait...hell even that Ginger got some while this infamous C-Lister did not. CheapyD is The Shit. He should get whatever he wants.
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It's really sad at how people can be so fucking inconsiderate and disrespectful as long as they think they are anonymous. But it's good to hear that there seems to be a pretty thorough mechanism in place at least to try to bring accountability to the worst offenders.
I think Shipwreck should seriously get his own little section* of the show whenever he's on, similar to Wombat's News and Stuff. His banter fits in well with everyone else, but he tends to fade into the background a bit and go for long stretches without talking. Get him out there some more!

*Yeah, I realize he does the new releases, but give me a break, that's not exactly engaging communication.
Please ignore the long, impassioned dissections of why the show "just ain't as good as it used to be." There are always going to be people who stop liking a show and think it's because it's something on the show has changed (or hasn't changed), when in reality, it's the listener himself whose tastes have moved on. It happens.

The discussion of A-list games being intimidating was so full of fucking truth that my head almost exploded. At last, someone has gotten to the heart of an issue that has long bothered me as a gamer: Whether it’s because I feel like I need to clear my schedule before taking it on or I’m just overwhelmed by the thought of trying to finish these massive games, I invariably find myself reticent to start marquee games. Instead, I polish off an XBLA title, play something on the DS, or pop in a B-list title rather than delve into the stack of acclaimed backlog titles I have waiting for me. This is a real issue for a lot of gamers, and I’m glad someone finally brought it up.

While I disagree with Wombat’s overall assessment of District 9, I think some of his critiques are accurate. The film is good, not great, and has been somewhat overhyped by FPS fans who finally have a movie that speaks directly to them and is not complete and utter dogshit. It’s not Citizen Kane, but it is original and has its merits, and as long as you don’t focus on the battleship-sized plot holes, you will have a good time. I will say that I saw Ponyo the same weekend and walked out of the theater considerably more satisfied by that film. But to each their own. And incidentally, G.I. Joe and BOTH Transformers movies are steaming piles of shit. I'm glad at least Cheapy has the sense to recognize that.

Finally, $10k is a ridiculous amount of scratch just to sit in Stern’s presence, but hopefully you’ll get your dick sucked or get to ride a Sybian or something.
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Holy shit that was a great fucking Cagcast. I was really fucking expecting the Microsoft moderator to be a lot more uptight and be a cock. But I guess with all the fucked up shit he has to hear it probably takes a fucking lot to offend that son of a bitchin' bastard. Is that enough swearing for Blood in the Sand? I feel dirty.
uh lookie here how am you? i just found a mutha fucking copy of 50 cent blood in the sand at target for $19.99. so if yall dont win dis game den fallow all the white women to target and buy it. fuck mutha fuckers.
That what I am talkin about big bawler soylentgreen. Yo you gots to keep these real mutha fuckers in the know dog. I'm gonna bounce to target and scoop me copy of that dope 50 shit. Keep it real gangster. And don't worry when I go I'll be wearing my tag backwards incase in these punk bitches gets out of line.
[quote name='Xninja']Where is my fucking cagcast this week![/QUOTE]

Must be back to fucking fortnights.:roll:
One reason why I don't go to the movies at night anymore is because all the damn teenagers hanging out and talking during the fucking movie. Their parents just drop them off them as if this place is a fucking babysitter.
I always go to the very first show or the last show and never had that problem. It is only when I go crazy and go in the middle of day do I get the rude people.
I was expecting the Toulouse part to be pretty fucking boring, but that actually wasn't too bad. Always enjoy it when Ship is on the show though. He always adds some damn good parts to the show.
[quote name='serenitygod']I just wanted to inform you of your epic fail. Not posting the Sunday ads with Batman on sale screw you Cheapy[/QUOTE]

this just comes to show not to fuck with anyone on xbox live but people should not also do it on the Playstation network or on Nintendo Wi-Fi. the people that insulted wombat really need to get a fucking life if they could just time out of their little pathetic fucking lives and harm someone on a community and saying that to everyone that has also been affected online as well because I am sure Wombat is not alone...
bread's done