CAGcast #191: Motion Fighters

Great show guys! I laughed my ass off when driving to school when you guys were talking about PS Move, or whatever its called. Keep up the good work!
Is it just me, or are both Microsoft and Sony more reactive than proactive when it comes to gaming. They are both basically stealing from the Wii instead of developing something special of their own. I would love the Natal to be great and innovative but shouldn't we be beyond the motion control gimmicks by now?
Good luck on eliminating the interference. Sounds like they hookwinked you with the "it's considered desirable to live next to the Tokyo Tower" line. Probably use that on all the whities.

Wrap your end connections in aluminum foil perhaps. And talk to the other suckers, er i mean other renters in the building.

btw, here's a comment from that ferrite core at Radio Shack website that another guy recommended you:

"These chokes work just fine for the purpose for which they are meant. If you're getting RF interference that is coming in via a wire or cable, these chokes will help cut it down or eliminate it. If the interference is coming from somewhere else, you can't expect these chokes to eliminate it. *******And if you have a multi-thousand-watt commercial broadcast station located just down the street, you can't expect an inexpensive ferrite choke to eliminate interference from a source like that!"**********
You can't have a CagCast without Wombat.

Plus I have to thank Wombat for a certain thing: Whenever I see the game Wheelman, I immediately think of Saul Wheelman. lol!
I think Cheapy needs to get monster cables. For everything. Including his water pipes. Or maybe just a tin foil hat to keep the government from sending subliminal messages into his head through radio signals.
PS Move is apparently for that segment of the Wii audience who feel their games just aren't generic enough.
good show overall. i will have to try out just cause 2 since it sounded pretty good.

as for the audio interference, look up something about balance and unbalance cables. they are pricey though and im not sure if its something entirely related to it.
Another great show! As a CAG that has been listening to the show since early 2006, I have really enjoy the addition of Shipwreck to the show. This has nothing to do against Wombat (Who I think is much smarter then everybody gives him credit for) but having somebody that plays almost every game with a completely unbiassed opinion is great to have.

After listening to last weeks show it really wants me wanting more "round tables" of games. I know it would be hard because you would need to all play and finish it, but I still think it would be a great idea to continue doing them.

Cheapy, thanks for making me never want to visit the Tokyo Tower.

And I was laughing to hard with the entire "sub-controller" topic. Great show guys! Keep it up
I love the "pre-game" talk about your guys' lives in the first minutes of the show. It really shows how you guys are just regular people and always has something hilarious to laugh at.
I think Wombat should buy 3 copies of Dark Sector with his $25 Amazon credit!

Also, I remember a long time ago, Cheapy was checking out some terrible Japanese Wii boxing game. He was disappointed that it didn't have 1:1 accuracy that mimicked his motions, because the Wii couldn't do that. Fast forward to now, and you have a game just like that (the terribly-named Motion Fighters), and all he does is make fun of it. Isn't this the great dream finally realized? If they can do a good game where you can fight semi-realistically, and it tracks your movements perfectly, that would be awesome. If not, then Playstation Move can lick my balls. I've wanted to do some swordfighting on one of these things, but I'm not laying down all that money for a Wii and Resort 2 just to do it. A hundred bucks is expensive, but better than having to buy a Wii.
Great show gentlemen! I couldn't agree more with Cheapy's reaction to the Bowel Movement. This whole motion-sensing-Wii direction that the industry is heading in really makes me sick to my stomach.

P.S. Thanks to Mrs. Wombat! Nutella+Pretzels = MOUTH PARTY.
Great show guys. I listen to a ton of podcasts and whenever CAGcast drops I move it to the front of my listening queue every time. Keep up the good work.
tip for the show... make me the winner of the gift card.
hookup w/ djWheat more ofter, it was great to see you on there a few weeks ago.
Another great show as always gentlemen. As for critiques I think that the addition of Mr. Boat Crash has taken the show to a whole new level. Wombat's angry rant about the Sony BM needing batteries had me laughing out loud while driving home from work. Keep up the great work guys.
Ways to improve the show: bye bye wombat. Just kidding, "Wombat Forever" with his stupid jokes and his uncomfortable interuptions. Actually, me and wombat are like kin in that we are annoying. Luv ya wombat, keep eating right.
Cheapy, about your Tokyo Tower reception problem, have you asked any of your neighbors? They've lived there for years and probably have shared solutions.
Great Show guys. It has been more enjoyable since Boat Crash (love that nickname) became a regular. The dynamic between the 3 of you seems more lively and funny, especially during the off topic tangents.

Keep it up.
I've been trying to figure out a subtle way to mention that I should mention that I have nothing to comment about but I still want a prize. But right after I wrote this I remembered that I kept on tuning out during this show, and that I thought it seemed dull compared to the last few weeks. So yeah, that's my legitimate comment.
This is the first CAGcast I've downloaded and I thought it was great. I'm definitely going to subscribe to it from now on. I think you guys are doing a great job with the format and I can't think of any suggestions for improvements.

I do have to say I rather enjoyed the thrashing on the Sony Move especially what you said about the journalists having to write that they like it even though they really think it's a joke.
The CAG cast is one of the better parts of my podcast listening during the week its in the TOP 5 i do a lot of driving everyday so podcasts are always playing. I don't see why everyone has to hate on Wombat in my opinion he is one of the best additions to the cag cast he has good jokes and he is really opinionated which is fine almost every gamer is Cheapy D its tempting to go to tokyo just to see your ass from the tower just kidding loving the show only about half way through and would love to see more Spoiler sessions added to the ends of the show. Shipwreck you are also a great addition to the crew as well always love to hear what you have to say.
CheapyD's not so subtle hints at getting laid within the first five minutes of the show is all the evidence needed to prove the CAGCAST is basically the best podcast in existance.
why does it seem that Kotaku is always mentioned on the cagcast. the other two major game blog sites don't get nearly as much mention.

several dozen cagcasts ago (or maybe foreplays) I remember ship mentioning his faqs on gamefaqs. I was actually surprised since I would have thought he would have had more than 3 submitted. I think ship should start a blog series detailing his spreadsheets and etc that he does while playing games. he also seems like the type to have made his own charts/graphs/maps for some games too (and even draw up scenarios if it's some strategy game).
Great show guys. I think you should really give Final Fantasy XIII a try. I don't usually care for JRPGs, but I find myself having a great time.
Great podcast, looking forward to the next one. I hope you guys can start talking about PC games in the future. anyway keep t up.
Whoa wombat dropped a couple of f bombs, oh man that made me laugh outloud during class, everyone just looked at me
Good CAGcast as always. I'm also a guy who likes spreadsheets. I have a spreadsheet detailing all of my Xbox items including a bunch of formulas calculating pretty much anything about them that can be expressed numerically. I can tell you the total number of games I own. I can tell you how many of them are XBLA games, retail games, or indie games. I can tell you the exact number of free games I've got and the number I've paid for. I can tell you the total value of all of my stuff at the time it was purchase. I can tell you how many XBLA games I have that were 800 points. I can tell you the total achievement points to be had in the games I have yet to play. I could go on, but you get the point. Spreadsheets are fun.
That Playstation Move segment was fantastic, topped off with Wombat losing it and throwing out the expletives.

I can't believe the fodder available for out of context soundbites this episode. Wombat admits his sexual orientation, and Cheapy proclaims his love for certain male body parts and a specific type of sex. Good stuff...
Count me in as a passenger for the "Sony Move looks stupid as hell but I hope it works out" boat.

It all just feels so gimmicky and forced. Maybe I'm just afraid of change.
Great show guys, I really enjoyed this episode. One of the things that makes the CAGcast special, besides Wombat of course, is the fact that you guys are not part of the gaming "journalism" media. You don't have to respect those ridiculous embargoes or kiss anybody's ass. You say what you feel as gamers, and don't hold back to point out all the bull crap that many game journalists ignore because they don't want to lose their job.Thanks for the show, and Keep up the good work guys.

first post ever.. LOVE your podcast. Been listening for a long time now. Just continue as you are DONT change anything.
Nice to have Boat Crash being a regular now..

btw.. you should give me the xbox live voucher.. because Im australian and we've helped you in your lame ass wars all over the world.

btw... your country is pissing some people off... stop it, let em duke it out themselves.
I'm sad that you guys don't like Final Fantasy games but to each their own, right?

I also think its pretty amazing that all of us think we get to tell you how to do your jobs, after all, its your podcast and its amazing how you try to please everyone when its an impossible task.

Love the show and I agree that I would like to listen to more "round table" discussions like your Mass Effect 2 conversation. FF13 review? Time to start listening to other podcasts like Wombat recommended.
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nice CAGcast it was my first and i am now subscribed to it on itunes. you guys keep a nice mix of funny and info cant wait for the next one.and cheapy no anus no one needs to see that lol.
"Gaaaaaymer tag... Straaaaayter tag..." lol

Is it just me, or was the audio quality a little iffy on this one? Tokyo Tower doesn't eat microphones too does it?

I agree with all those who've posted above me, if Boat Crash is staying for good on the CAGcast, he'll need to be wedged in the art too. There should be plenty of room now that Wombat is sticking to that diet, lol. You can do it!
bread's done