CAGcast #192: Mustering a Modicum of Nape

ive listened to this episode about 3 times because ive been very sick for the past 4 or 5 days and the part that always makes me laugh is right in the first couple of seconds where shipwreck says he's celebrating ginger day in ohio and cheapy just yells out "OHIOOOO-ginger day?" because he doesn't realize the ginger day thing for like 2sec and ive had those moments before. loltacular
It's really great to have Shipwreck on the show all the time now. I like his well thought out opinions on all topics.

As far as project shitbox and dildo are concerned I could care less about the playstation move. I am going to get Natal not to play games with, but to control the dashboard. I use my Xbox a lot for viewing media like movies over my network and netflix, and its normally while I'm doing something on my computer. Sometimes its a pain in the ass to walk across the room to get the Xbox controller or remote when I realize I left it on my nightstand. Natal will cover me for that.
Enjoyed the show, what are if any plans do you guys have for doing episode 200 besides putting together a "clip" show? Hope Wombat does good at PAX East, why is he the only relevant speaker in his panel?
Great show!

Even though the PS3 "Move" is basically a "Wii HD" I do think it'll appeal to gamers who were on the fence about a Wii because it wasn't HD. I'm really interested, however, in what Natal will bring because at this point it has to be something other than a "Wii HD" to stand out.
Great show again, and I think Boatcrash really is the third heat!

I really don't want to see shitbox/ BM do well. I want them to fail so we can all go back to playing games the old fashioned way. 3D can L my B's also.
Hey guys, thanks for the very brief coverage of Bioshock 2. I've been on the fence for a while on that one and after hearing you guys talk about it, I'm thinking I'll pass.
It is good to hear about Battlefield: Bad Company 2 single player. Battlefield 2: Modern Combat had one of the worst single player campaigns ever and I wrote off the series for single player gaming.
[quote name='spoo']It is good to hear about Battlefield: Bad Company 2 single player. Battlefield 2: Modern Combat had one of the worst single player campaigns ever and I wrote off the series for single player gaming.[/QUOTE]

Wood for Sheep? How about my Brick for your Ore?
Fantastic show, hilarious stuff. Ship, keep playin FFXIII. I thought at first it was gonna suck too with the overly simple battle system, but it does get more fast paced once you unlock more classes and paradigm shifting. While it's not the best JRPG, it's at least the prettiest. HAHA.
Hey Cheapy I have that receiver you were talking about on the show and I love it so far. I got it for Christmas and for what isn't the highest of line receivers I think it works great.

Thanks for the great show as always.
Love the show. Voltron reference is classic, "and I will form the head" LOL!!!

General comment, I don't understand why Cheapy has such a problem with the word karaoke when he can't even say Steve Ballmer's name correctly. He keeps saying it like its spelled "Balimer".
[quote name='superman1180']Great show!

Even though the PS3 "Move" is basically a "Wii HD" I do think it'll appeal to gamers who were on the fence about a Wii because it wasn't HD. I'm really interested, however, in what Natal will bring because at this point it has to be something other than a "Wii HD" to stand out.[/QUOTE]

Yeah those are my thoughts too. As it stands It's tough for me to be interested in any shooters or games trying for "realistic" graphics on the Wii. It feels like someone releasing a new game on the PS2 -- if the gameplay isn't really something special I'm not interested. So if new games get released for both I would definitely be on board w/ the move.

Enjoyable show as usual! Just listened to the first show and was impressed that you guys had basically the same confidence/comfort level from day 1.

I must say: the podcast increases my goodwill towards the site, which makes me more likely to come to the site and click through for my purchases, even if I found the deal elsewhere. So you should probably split my referral bucks w/ Wombat & Ship!
Sometimes one forgets that Wombat seems to have a good grasp of business (or at least gay business) and market fundamentals. Another fake radio show where Wombat reminded me.

While catching up on Pardon the Interruption podcasts, it struck me that Shipwreck is the Wilbon of the cagcast.
Yeh the cast keeps getting better and better... Maybe its because of Woombet is losing all that weight
[quote name='ninju D']Great show again, and I think Boatcrash really is the third heat!

I really don't want to see shitbox/ BM do well. I want them to fail so we can all go back to playing games the old fashioned way. 3D can L my B's also.[/QUOTE]
Great show...when are you going to take CAG Foreplay off the front page? I think Shipwreck is an essential part of the CAG Cast now and it doesn't seem like Foreplay will be having any new episodes.
[quote name='ZForce915']Really? Do you really care that much if Wombat tries to snag a copy of a free game? really?[/QUOTE]

I do care because it bothers me. I find it pathetic quite frankly. And it's not a free game, it's a free copy that someone else in the community paid for.
[quote name='wayno187']I do care because it bothers me. I find it pathetic quite frankly. And it's not a free game, it's a free copy that someone else in the community paid for.[/QUOTE]

that's a big assumption, I don't want a copy from someone in the comminity, in fact I turned one down just this week. Hope that makes you feel better about me.
[quote name='Wombat']that's a big assumption, I don't want a copy from someone in the comminity, in fact I turned one down just this week. Hope that makes you feel better about me.[/QUOTE]
Haven't changed the CAG avatar to match your twitter avatar yet?
Hmm, since you guys are supposed to be playing God of War 3 now, you cal all see if I was just imagining at least two references to Kratos' brother. If Santa Monica Studio is really done with Kratos' story arc, I can see his twin picking up the mantle and fighting who we all know the next bad guy will be.
[quote name='ZForce915']Really? Do you really care that much if Wombat tries to snag a copy of a free game? really?[/QUOTE]
Cheapy and Wombat flaunt Jack Tretton's three year old statement as proof that it's their right to share games, when nobody else at Sony has supported that viewpoint lately and the TOS may say otherwise. Also, Wombat's said on the show that he feels really guilty when just accepting a download code from PR people, so why would it be any different to get those games from Cheapy or Shipwreck?
[quote name='polly']Wombat drop those lean pockets and go with fruit, yogurt & granola. Congrats on the weight loss![/QUOTE]
Agreed! You deserve better than those shitty lean pockets.
I just wonder how many people who are ragging on Wombat and Cheapy for this have downloaded Illegal music or something of that nature before?

maybe none but just a thought as I know no one would be foolish enough to admit that anyway
Another great show guys. Shipwreck's humor is great. I hope Wombat is reading this comment while eating a lean pocket and drinking coffee at work.
I want to know what "Naufragio" is like when he is mad. I can picture Cheapy and Wombat going off because you guys get ruffled a little on the show from time to time. But whatever you guys say to nudge him, it usually rolls off of him to easily.

I think he might have a secret life... Didn't Dexter the friendly neighborhood serial killer have red hair too?

Great show. My favorite part was Cheapy's impression of Wombat's co-workers getting all excited about how good he looks with his weight loss. (By the way, congrats on that, Wombat) Cheapy's gay voice is so bad it's awesome.
[quote name='Wombat']that's a big assumption, I don't want a copy from someone in the comminity, in fact I turned one down just this week. Hope that makes you feel better about me.[/QUOTE]

It helps, Wombat. But I have to wonder where those comments are directed towards then.
Hey guys!
I just found you and thought I would let you know how much I enjoyed the podcast. I'll favorite you and keep tabs on the latest news. I would also love to be included in the contest for the Amazon gift card.
Thanks and keep up the good work-
Great Show guys, hopes that makes Wombat's day!
I also loved the Wombat's ferret impression, maybe he's really a ferret?
[quote name='condensed']OK, if that help's you sleep at night. It's still playing games you didn't pay for. Jack Tretton made a comment three years ago about game sharing, doesn't mean the Sony legal team or the developers agree with it. Unless you are Cheapy's offspring from a previous life, it's still not legal.

"Except as stated in this Agreement, all content and software provided through PSN are licensed non-exclusively and revocably to you, your children and children for whom you are a legal guardian (collectively for purposes of this section, “You” or “Your”), solely for Your personal, private, non-transferable, non-commercial, limited use on a limited number of activated PLAYSTATION®3 computer entertainment systems, PSP® (PlayStation®Portable) systems, and any other hardware devices authorized by SCEA in the United States or Canada (where permitted)."[/QUOTE]

If Sony is so against game sharing they would of implemented a system similar to what XBLA does.

Even if it is "illegal" there's a big difference between sharing a $10 game with only 5 downloads that's been payed for and torrenting a $60 that nobody payed for.

Also it's a proven fact that nobody reads those user agreements.
bread's done