CAGcast #196: A Piece of Junket

I agreed with everything that was said on the cagcast about the junkets. All the journalists can pretend like it won't influence their opinions, but it really is something that can affect you subconsciously. Maybe you had such a great time at the event that you give the game the benefit of the doubt, or maybe you overcompensate negatively to prove you weren't affected by the event. I think it's a bit disingenuous of Giantbomb to play it down like it wasn't a big deal, and they just spent the whole time in the hotel.

I also agree with Wombat about these junkets being somewhat of a waste of money. Why do I care about a cg trailer for a game that's coming out in a year or more. At least show me some actual game footage. But really if a game is a year out, it doesn't exist to me. I'm not going to salivate over what's not out, when there is so many other games I can play right now.
I don't know why people have a problem with Justin. You want an example of a terrible podcast guest host? I point you to this week's One of Swords podcast. ATVI_Bernard talked non-stop how he lifts weights playing games, how the kinds of girls he dates wouldn't be caught dead playing games, and how pumped he got while playing World of Warcarft. In other words, "I play games but I'm really too cool to be playing games." Doouuuch!!!!
I hate to criticize the guest host but man Justin was absolutely terrible, made the podcast almost unlistenable, it was if a 15 year old listener got to be the guest host.
[quote name='m3gatr0nx']I'm going to agree with some others around here. I liked Justin on the show, but his voice was a bit tough to get through. Was it just a bad connection from him and/or lower quality? Or are we so spoiled with the great voices and quality from Cheapy and Wombat?[/QUOTE]

His podcasting setup needs a bit of improvement. I offered him some tips for future recordings.
Just wanted to thank Wombat for turning my attention to Kick-Ass. Went to see it last night and it was a big surprise to me. Nicolas Cage redeemed himself in this one.
You guys rocked it out. If you ever have another host not there see if you can have Justin back. Always love the show.
Is there a transcript available for your podcast? You briefly mentioned a couple of game I would like to look into. BTW Pokemon ROCKS! Wombat should have bit the bullet and got it for his trip to FL. I have played every version since I first bought red and blue for my son in 1998.
Justin was awesome! Having the hosts from my two favorite podcasts on one show was the highlight of my week. No offense Shipwreck.

Hey Wombat, if I tell you to go fuck yourself will you read my comment in your nerdrage voice on the next podcast?

Great show guys!
I agree with a few of the previous posts about Justin. I think he is a good guy and has some entertaining comments, but his voice is a bit off-putting. I know its kinda mean, its not something you can really do anything about.
A little while ago I had tried to listen to the Joystiq podcast due to Wombat talking about it so much so I thought i would give it a shot. Unfortunately, I couldn't get through one episode because his voice bothered me that much.

Otherwise Good episode guys
[quote name='banodyne']I don't know why people have a problem with Justin. [/QUOTE]

I agree; he was a good guest. People just seem to resent any guest; the only one I ever found annoying was JimmieMac.
[quote name='LiK']Best line of the show is from Justin. "Ebert bit off more than he can chew." HAHAHA.[/QUOTE]

Funny, but a little cruel. I always liked Ebert and he has apparently helped a lot of young journalists get started, so I'm just going to ignore what he says about games.
it was a surprise hearing justin on the podcast.. i just don't understand how him and wombat didn't start talking about blueberry muffin tops. i'm from canada.. and as far as i know [or care to remember], we don't have bbmt here. but being a truck driver, i found myself in the US often and was able to pick some up. i am now a 350 pound grizzly bearded man. thanks, and wombat if you ever see the above described man driving a big rig through new york interstates with a grin on my face.. it's probably me listening to the cagcast.
The people who seem to dislike like Justin are:

A. Sony fanboys pissed that he tells it like it is about Heavy Rain (also known as telling the truth about that shitty game).

B. Kotaku readers (that is an embarrassment in itself)

The dream podcast would consist of CheapyD, Justin, and someone that isn't Shipwreck or wombat.

One of the better shows in quite some time.
this is the first time ive ever read the comments on a podcast post, and im not saying that i read them all.. but why the hate against shipwreck? there must be something i am missing cuz i like the show a lot more now with him on it all the time. maybe i have a boy crush i dunno.. i can see how wombat is sometimes douchey.. but it doesnt bug me cuz i know hes just being a smartass.

justin didnt seem himself on the show.
I always cringe whenever any videogame site brings up the are videogames art debate. Say what you will about ebert (I don't personally agree with him on this) but at least he offers a thoughtful argument. I thought his original argument was way better when he responded using his own definition of art, which focused much more on authorial control, which I think is a much more challenging pre-requisite for videogames to meet.

The argument for why videogames are art though almost always ends up being Cheapy D's reductivist argument of anything can be art. Or usually more colorfully expressed as something like, if shit on a wall can be art of course videogames are art too.

At that point though I think you have to answer Ebert's closing question of his recent article, and say why you care so much or even at all? If the only way you can think about videogames as art is by denigrating the label, than that seems to say a lot about how artistic the audience actually sees their games as.
[quote name='retromufc']I've never heard Justin McElroy but man he is entertaining. He was hilarious and a great addition to the show this week.[/QUOTE]

I quite liked him, I just hope he didn't take Cheapy's bad advice about skipping Bayonetta.

No offense, but I'd trust Cheapy's opinions on shampoo more than I would his opinions on action games.
Sure it's been mentioned several times already...

But Justin's line about Ebert biting off more than he can chew.. awesome!!
I haven't had a chance to listen to this one yet but I wanted to post a comment about the previous podcast, Toilet Crysis.

I thoroughly enjoy the addition of Shipwreck to the cast. He is a funny guy and most of the time he is very knowledgeable but I have to call him out on his comments about MLB 2k10.

He talked about how he loves the create-a-player mode and then someone asked him if the feature was also in The Show. He wasn't sure. Now I'm guessing Ship is not a baseball fan at all because if he was he would know that The Show INVENTED that feature and has had it in ebery iteration back to the PS2 days. 2K just instituted it and it can't hold a candle to that of The Show, let alone the entire game. Since he owns both a PS3 and 360 there is no reason for him to be wasting his time with 2k, except for maybe that he is scared to turn on his PS3.

I can only hope that he got 2K for free, which is probably the case.

Ship, check out The Show. You won't be disappointed.

And what is with all the Wombat hate. I think he's hilarious.
It was definitely cool having Justin on the show.

I started listening to the Joystiq pdocast a while ago based on Wombat's recommendations, and while I enjoy the show now, it did take me a while to warm up to Justin's voice. Voice aside tho, his commentary on games is really pretty good. The whole crossover thing really worked well.

Maybe a Giantbombcast guest in the future?

Strippers, Midgets and Duty.
Class act this week guys, Shipwreck can't leave two alone for a week?
But great show, u should have Justin as a 4th chair in more shows! :)
This is how the show went

Cheapy talks
Wombat talks
cheapy talks
wombat talks
justin hahahahahahahaahha
then serious talk happens
I never miss a CAGcast or a Joystiq podcast, so it was nice having the crossover of my two favorite weekly shows. I don't get all the hating on Justin's voice, but whatever. Dude's the funniest (and possibly nicest) guy in the world of videogame podcasting, and I'm thrilled that he's starting another podcast. MBMBAM is another must-listen for me.
Good show guys, Justin was a good guest and filled in nicely for Boat Crash. He did a great impression of him as well. Cheapy, have your wife clipper your back hair. There is no reason to be out in public with a Chia Pet farm on your back if you have a spouse or significant other. Hand her the clippers and say "clean me up honey".
as for the podcast I've started listening since the last 10 or 11 podcasts ago, I gotta say the CAGcast is awesome it is well balanced and since I am now a staff member for a community, listening to the podcast have given me some tips or techniques (if you will) to CheapyD, Wombat and Shipwreck keep up the good work! "Good Job, Soldier!"
I have to disagree with Justin that reviewers don't need to mention the graphics since there are HD videos available. That would be like car reviewers not commenting on the car's looks because there are pics available.
great show guys but 2 times you guys have gotten my hopes up so high thinking i won a contest because my username begins with gamer and the past maybe 2 weeks you've announced contest winners beginning with gamer and while im doing dishes or hw i stop with excitement that i might be the chosen one to finally receive an awesome prize but then im sent back to reality when i find out it was just someone else. thanks guys
Great show, really enjoyed Justin, he was a great guest with good insight into junkets and their potential influence in reviewers. The only thing that bugged me was that he could not pronounce endoscopy. It's "en-dos-co-pee."
You guys came off very jealous with all the whining about Capcom and their press event. Cheapy I'm a big fan because you are real, but on this podcast you and Wombat came over very angry bitter that you didn't get an invite. The big "story" was NOT how much it cost or how the trip went, this is a gaming event. You have proven time and time again when you go to gaming events you do everything BUT care about the games being shown. That is fine for your site, since you aren't really a real news site, you do what you do well, but I'd be pretty pissed if Kotaku, or Giantbomb went and talked about their hotel more than the game. Good show overall, Justin seems like a cool guy.
Been listening to the CAGcast for a few months now and decided to sign up. Great show as always, but I agree with some posts about Justin's voice being hard to listen to.
A couple of notes on the Capcom event:

1) They had their sales meeting at the same time. Assuming it was a global meeting, then they would have had ~100 people flying in from Japan, Vancouver, San Francisco, London, etc...

2) A normal sales meeting of this magnitude costs ~$240,000 (

3) The incremental cost to have this meeting in Hawaii probably wasn't that large, and it could have possibly even been cheaper than having it in San Francisco.

4) At least one journalist (Jeff G) said he had no free time at the event to enjoy Hawaii.

5) Sales meetings usually have full schedules from 8 AM to at least 9 PM, so there's not really any reason to be jealous of the Capcom sales force. After 9 PM a bar in Hawaii isn't that different from a bar in San Francisco.
The thing about the Roger Ebert thing that bugged me was that he ad this same opinion a few years ago, so we already knew about that.

There are pretty much no 7-11s anywhere close to me while I could probably find a half-dozen GameStops I could reach in 30 minutes, so them getting into the used game market doesn't affect me at all.

I don't get Justin's claim that you need to spend those extra XBL points that Microsoft sold you rather than wait until it may pile up into a useful amount of points. If they didn't want to sell it to us in useful amounts, we didn't have to spend it just because there were points left over.

It's weird that people that didn't like Heavy Rain tend to act like everybody should feel the same way and those that disagree are factually wrong. I guess the other side also does the same thing, but this game being so divisive that it's created two opposing, elitist groups is weird. I don't think I've seen this kind of thing since Dead Rising where some didn't like it due to the limited saves/forced restart mechanic supposedly didn't get what those that enjoyed the game liked most about the game.

Decent show.
Thanks for having Justin on the show this week I haven't laughed so hard in a long time.

P.S. I'm absolutely loving My Brother, My Brother, and Me!
This was a good podcast guys and Justin was a great guest I liked his discussion and opinion from the Capcom event. Ill be sure to follow him and check out his podcast and videos.
I thought this show was ok, Justins microphone sounded a bit busted, and his levels were inconsistent and most the time higher then everyone else so it got a bit annoying.

As for dexter cheapy, I just got done watching the first season and it was great. I dont remember him ever cutting into a body besides slashing people on the check thats about it. In the intro they zoom very close into him cutting a piece of ham, and that does look like flesh almost, but its him just cooking. You should definitely check it out.
doodies+strippers+midget+religion+video games= great cagcast.

cheapy, you should at least watch a few episodes of dexter. it's great!
[quote name='FriskyTanuki']It's weird that people that didn't like Heavy Rain tend to act like everybody should feel the same way and those that disagree are factually wrong. I guess the other side also does the same thing, but this game being so divisive that it's created two opposing, elitist groups is weird.[/QUOTE]

I didn't like Heavy Rain and am passionate about it because I wanted to like the game. I haven't been more disappointed in an entertainment experience outside of the Transformers 2 movie. It was made worse by the fact that the game was so engaging and showed so much potential in the first few hours.

I have no problem with people saying they love Heavy Rain as a game. There's a lot to like and if the story doesn't bother you I completely understand the love. It's when they defend the plot holes and laud the story as being mature thematically that I take issue. Having mature content is not the same as a mature theme. The story and theme are on par with a Saw movie or Phantasmagoria.
[quote name='ravens52bears54']I haven't had a chance to listen to this one yet but I wanted to post a comment about the previous podcast, Toilet Crysis.

I thoroughly enjoy the addition of Shipwreck to the cast. He is a funny guy and most of the time he is very knowledgeable but I have to call him out on his comments about MLB 2k10.

He talked about how he loves the create-a-player mode and then someone asked him if the feature was also in The Show. He wasn't sure. Now I'm guessing Ship is not a baseball fan at all because if he was he would know that The Show INVENTED that feature and has had it in ebery iteration back to the PS2 days. 2K just instituted it and it can't hold a candle to that of The Show, let alone the entire game. Since he owns both a PS3 and 360 there is no reason for him to be wasting his time with 2k, except for maybe that he is scared to turn on his PS3.

I can only hope that he got 2K for free, which is probably the case.

Ship, check out The Show. You won't be disappointed.

And what is with all the Wombat hate. I think he's hilarious.[/QUOTE]

*Patiently awaits wombat to read this in his Nerd Rage voice on the next episode*
[quote name='jkanownik']I didn't like Heavy Rain and am passionate about it because I wanted to like the game. I haven't been more disappointed in an entertainment experience outside of the Transformers 2 movie. It was made worse by the fact that the game was so engaging and showed so much potential in the first few hours.

I have no problem with people saying they love Heavy Rain as a game. There's a lot to like and if the story doesn't bother you I completely understand the love. It's when they defend the plot holes and laud the story as being mature thematically that I take issue. Having mature content is not the same as a mature theme. The story and theme are on par with a Saw movie or Phantasmagoria.[/QUOTE]
I think you missed the point of the post if you're telling me why you didn't like it.

I'm not challenging anybody's opinion, just saying there's no need to be a douche about it no matter what side of the fence you're on.
[quote name='MethodManFTW']:O friskyyanuka gets a shout out on like every cagcast... just agree with him!! :p

wheres my new cagcast... need it! :D[/QUOTE]

this is from cheapys twitter
"It's Golden Week time in Japan, which means CAGcast schedule is screwy. Look for the next show either on Friday or Monday."
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[quote name='FriskyTanuki']I think you missed the point of the post if you're telling me why you didn't like it.[/QUOTE]

I didn't miss the point of your post. I explained why I was so passionate about my dislike and pointed out that most anti-Heavy Rain people I've encountered (including myself) do not question why other people like it. We question why they defend a story that is so obviously flawed. I should also add that David Cage comes off as a major douche. The man talked shit about the story of other games and then tried to defend a plot device as a MacGuffin but he completely misunderstood the meaning of the term.

You can love something and still admit to its flaws. Saints Row is one of my favorite games but I still realize that you could spend a full day pointing out all of the problems it has. If I tried to argue that the graphics were awesome or that there aren't any glitches I would be wrong. One's enjoyment of Saints Row comes from how much you enjoy its gameplay and how easily you can overlook its flaws.

Here's a perfect example of a comment from someone that loved Heavy Rain that illustrates what I'm talking about:

You know, I love Heavy Rain and even Indigo Prophecy, despite their obvious flaws, but David Cage seriously doesn't know what he's talking about.

He cuts on the game industry for having bad writing, overly cartoonish characters, and not being in the same league with the movie industry. So he makes games which he believes are brilliant, but they end up being even MORE stupid and ridiculous and badly written than what's already out there!

I get the sense that Cage doesn't even really play or know much about video games. Because if he did, he'd know that there is a lot of stuff out there and it isn't all Gears of War and Grand Theft Auto. There's so many game I've played that have better voice acting, plots, character development, and are more believable and reasonable than Heavy Rain. These games don't just suddenly forget about a major plot point, and put you in the shoes of the villain, and be able to LISTEN TO HIS THOUGHTS, yet he still apparently lies to himself and doesn't accidentally think "Hm, I need to murder a kid today" just because it made it easier to fit into the game.

Ugh. i shouldn't even really care, because I DO love Heavy Rain. But I just don't like people like Cage who are up their own asses and criticizes others, despite having enormous, huge, gaping problems of their own.
CheapyD when talking about Dexter: "I dont want to watch something where a guy is on a surgery table getting cut open with a scalpel. I'll just watch Robocop" (not exact words but close enough)

Man what?

Robocop 2: Scene with a fully conscious police officer on a table getting cut open with a scalpel.
Holy crap the image of Cheapy's back hair seaweed/kelp infestation in the pool almost made me lose my lunch. As well as several lunches in the future.
[quote name='syd411']Holy crap the image of Cheapy's back hair seaweed/kelp infestation in the pool almost made me lose my lunch. As well as several lunches in the future.[/QUOTE] there an actual image of this or did you mean the mental image?

Cuz if there's a picture I wanna see it.:applause:
[quote name='jkanownik']I didn't miss the point of your post. I explained why I was so passionate about my dislike and pointed out that most anti-Heavy Rain people I've encountered (including myself) do not question why other people like it. We question why they defend a story that is so obviously flawed. I should also add that David Cage comes off as a major douche. The man talked shit about the story of other games and then tried to defend a plot device as a MacGuffin but he completely misunderstood the meaning of the term.

You can love something and still admit to its flaws. Saints Row is one of my favorite games but I still realize that you could spend a full day pointing out all of the problems it has. If I tried to argue that the graphics were awesome or that there aren't any glitches I would be wrong. One's enjoyment of Saints Row comes from how much you enjoy its gameplay and how easily you can overlook its flaws.

Here's a perfect example of a comment from someone that loved Heavy Rain that illustrates what I'm talking about:[/QUOTE]
I'm not saying that everybody that doesn't like it acts like a dick either, but that there are people in generally that do that about any game. As long as you're respectful of those that like it and aren't trying to convince them of why they should think it's a bad game, then I wasn't talking about you. There's no reason to treat an opinion like a fact that everybody has to accept as the final say and change their opinions accordingly or else they're morons.
bread's done