CAGcast #80: Rebooting Your Face


Head Cheap Ass
Staff member
14 (100%)
Our third live show, broadcast via Stickam!
We tackle the Manhunt 2 controversy, a lucky caller plays Stump the Retailer for valuable prizes, we take your calls and answer your live CAGbag questions, but wait, there's more!

Win a Turtle Beach Ear Force X1 Headset (360/PC) by participating in our new Karaoke contest.
Ear Force X1 Headset

Download - 92 minutes, 42MB

Past CAGcasts

Unedited show coming soon!

Show Linkage/Notes
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Quick turnaround with posting the new CAGCast after the live one. Nice job Cheapy. Anyway, the Cast, well atleast last night, was pretty good. I Enjoyed a lot of the jokes made by Wombat (As usual) and the same goes for you Cheapy. When Wombat asked the caller if he was on a tredmill, I could not stop laughing. I thought that it was an all around funny Cast, and I hope that you guys keep the ball rolling. Keep up the good work guys.

"Nothing like a little shocking pussy to get your Pokemon going, eh?"

Thank you Wombat.
I actually managed to call in last night, I was SirAlderan in the chatroom. I asked the question about Sony and Microsoft buying all the good games licenses up. I was actually pretty nervous but it worked out pretty well. How many other podcasts let you actually talk to the hosts? Fantastic stuff.
I tend to agree with Wombat on the HD-DVD/Bluray formats.

With people getting large screen TVs and stretching regular (4:3) standard definition video to fill it and calling it high-def, I don't think that they'll jump right on board with HDDVD/Bluray mainly because the regular DVDs still look really good on most DVD players and TVs and they're dirt-cheap at Walmart.

You can look at other similar formats and see a failure (S-VHS / LDs). S-VHS, even though some movies were available on it, never caught on even though it was higher quality. The same can be said for LDs though they had a little better market penetration than SVHS.

As it is, with Joe consumer looking at a DVD player for $50 with movies for $5-10 readily available or an HDDVD/Bluray player for much more (and, yes, the prices will come down) + the higher price of the media, I think most will say, "Well, I already have a DVD player and all of these DVDs.."

Ultimately, I think the real killer for DVD/HDDVD/Bluray will be just digital downloading (either AppleTV or some other similar service). It's not about quality but value and convenience.
While I agree the price differential between blu ray and DVD is nuts, give it a year and blu ray will really start to come in to its own. Costs will lower on producing blu ray discs, ps3 will be cheaper, more hi def TVs will be out in the market. Blu ray players in general will be cheaper as well. Once HD DVD is defeated (hopefully in the next year) they will have all major studios together supporting the new hi def format.

And while it may cost more to buy a blu ray disc, its exactly the same price to rent them from services such as netflix or blockbuster. Watching movies in hi def is a much better experience especially when you have a large 46 inch 1080p TV like I have. Addressing the downloadable movies, I really have better things to do than to leave my system for hours on end on to download a 4GB movie. Plus Ive read that movies on blu ray and HD DVD are way better quality than those on the marketplace because the movies are compressed to make them smaller downloads.
yo whatz happening

this be your boy willard hazin from the forums, formerly known as the "dental regurgitation"

I wanna know how ya got started in to all this monopolizin of the forums

and the amazing deal presentations with the cash money making

ya know what I'm saying?
I've got AppleTV.

When I say click, "get this show" (I haven't done movies yet) it takes about 10min and it's done.

I have been taking my DVDs and ripping them so that I can watch them on my AppleTV, though. Works pretty well.

I don't think the quality difference is that great between DVD and HDDVD/Blu ray. I know on paper you can show number of pixels, etc. but for most people they're watching the movie and it doesn't really matter.

With VHS you had crappy lines/poor video tracking/static/etc. to deal with. The difference between VHS was like the difference between a 5-story buiding and the Empire State Building. The difference between DVD and the new formats is (to the eye) more like the difference between the Empire State building and the Sears Tower. Yeah, it's taller but not *that* much taller.

It'll be interesting to see how it all plays out, though. The problem with digital distribution is that, outside of AppleTV, there really isn't much else in consumer-level/friendly way of getting content to your screen. Yeah, there are other ways but none that most non-tech people will screw with.
As for why the 360 doesn't have a web browser...MS can't make the system too much like a computer, otherwise they're in violation of antitrust laws. After all that monopoly trouble they got in, MS isn't permitted to make computer systems; there's a very fine line, and they have to be careful not to cross it. That's also why the 360 doesn't support open standards (USB HDs, headsets, mice, etc) like the PS3 does. (That, and the obvious fact that they want to make more money off of official MS peripherals.)
This one is easy Wombat, Retailers like wal mart wont carry a AO game for the same reasons they won't carry Porn DVD's . It's the whole Family friendly aspect and they think they have a moral obligation to tell you want you can and can't buy. But like the Supreme Court said under free speech they can make it but retailers have the right to refuse selling it.

I however think the is a big jump from SD/ED TV (480i/p) to any kind of HD. I can see a big difference in DVD to HD and blu ray it's not has big as VHS to DVD I grant you that but it's there.
"Stump the retailer" was one of the best segments ever imo! Being in retail myself, it made me cringe a bit but it was still funny as shit. "Are you on a treadmill" stand outs as one of Wombats best lines ever as well lol.

Btw, I disagree with Wombat, Blue-Ray will be around for the long haul. Just because the PS3 has one built into it......if it wasn't for that then I see it going the way of the beta-max. Just think in a few years when the PS3 has a lower price point, peeps are going to embrace Blue-Ray even more. HD-DVD on the other hand depends greatly if Wal-mart releases those cheap players. That could influence the format war a bit due to the size and power of Wally-World.

Great show as always guys, it make a crappy day a lot better :applause:
Cheapy, just an odd aside... "Beef Baloney"m the song you mentioned for big points, is an 80s punk song by the band FEAR. Surprisingly (or not), they're back together. Even more surprisingly, I was recently watching Monster Garage on Discovery HD, when they had a guest appearance from FEAR in the garage, and they played that very song!
Good show fellas,

I like when Cheapy makes jokes like how microsoft makes bongs out the broken 360's. Weed jokes are funny, and Ive never even listened to the podcast high, its always when im at work.

I think I recall you once saying that in college no one could beat you at Mortal Kombat or bong hits.

I laughed.

Do it again.

Peese CAGods.
I have Vista AND i love the CagCast!

Am i all alone out there?

Just give me shadow run, im the only CAG who can even play it.

I think the experiment is over.
The live callers have to go.
Either that or hire a screener.
It is so painful to hear some stoner stumble through his call to make some obvious point.
I can imagine how painful it is for the hosts.

Maybe to appease the CAGCast fans, have the proper show, then announce...

OK, now is the stoner call in portion.
This way we will know when to turn it off.

[quote name='Gregory_Tea']I have Vista AND i love the CagCast!

Am i all alone out there?

Just give me shadow run, im the only CAG who can even play it.


No I have Vista also, I like it a lot but I could live with out it.
Regarding "Stump the Retailer:"

You asked the retailer which systems allow you to surf the internet, and he responded:

"The only one I'm aware of is the PS3."

Technically he wasn't really wrong since he only speaks to his awareness of the topic, and never offers a definite answer. Now if you can prove that he was, in fact, aware that Wii also allows you to surf the internet, and somehow forgot he was aware - or attempts to disregard or hide his own awareness, then, yes, he would be wrong.

He was, however, stumped.
If people are buying hi-def tvs then they want BR players. Might not be today, but they will. Hard to imagine everyone is buying these 720p/1080p hi-def tvs and watching hi-def tv, and hi-def sports and playing hi-def games, but movies? Oh no we'll watch them at EDTV resolutions. It's good enough. Huh?

Makes little sense. Why are we buying these 1080p tvs for then? When not buy Plasma EDTVs if the resolution is good enough?

Nah like hi-def tvs themselves BR is expensive because it's a new tech. As prices fall more and more people will take a look at it. AS more movies are released that TRULY take advantage of the BR format people will take notice.

Sure if Sony and movie companies try to price BR too high then consumers won't bite, but I think the prices will come in line with DVD prices. I do acknowledge that movies companies will be able to price BR discs slightly above DVD prices and get away with it. I mean if a BR disc is $.50 more then which are you going to buy? The BR disc. So you can see the movie companies have some pricing leverage there.

The only thing competing against BR are hi-def downloads, but man no one really has the bandwidth to download that stuff. Sure you can highly compress hi-def movies and call it hi-def, but it's not the same.
Yeah MS wants to protect their Windows monopoly and that's why they have no internet browser. With an internet browser too, 3rd parties could rig up streaming of media and bypass the need for Vista or XP MediaCenter.
Reboot Your Face my new favorite catch phrase. That was a funny show.Wombat is wrong about Blu-Ray, In 2009 all Americans will have to either get a HD television set or a HD tuner. High Definition will have a bigger penetration and people will want high definition movies.

Prices of BD movies is going down as did DVDs.

PS CheapyD:"She don't like salami, she don't want pastrami, she don't want a chicken, she don't want a roast; she just wants a double dose of my beef, beef, beef, beef bologna!"
[quote name='Gregory_Tea']I have Vista AND i love the CagCast!

Am i all alone out there?

Just give me shadow run, im the only CAG who can even play it.


I have Vista too... I'll take that copy of Halo 2
Nice choice of title, Cheapy.

This pic made the Cast for me:
[quote name='Zimmy']I think the experiment is over.
The live callers have to go.
Either that or hire a screener.
It is so painful to hear some stoner stumble through his call to make some obvious point.
I can imagine how painful it is for the hosts.

A call screener would help. I think that even with a call-screener, though, the problem would still persist because you probably don't have a huge pool of choice callers to pick from.

Even on most local radio shows the callers are painful to listen to. They either think they're geniuses or comedians. Usually they're the opposite of both.
[quote name='Cambot']Regarding "Stump the Retailer:"

You asked the retailer which systems allow you to surf the internet, and he responded:

"The only one I'm aware of is the PS3."

Technically he wasn't really wrong since he only speaks to his awareness of the topic, and never offers a definite answer. Now if you can prove that he was, in fact, aware that Wii also allows you to surf the internet, and somehow forgot he was aware - or attempts to disregard or hide his own awareness, then, yes, he would be wrong.

He was, however, stumped.[/QUOTE]
No offense but you sound like my wife (that is offensive, but I prefaced it with no offense so you can't get mad)

If you are not right you are wrong no matter how you preface your answer.

And I am glad the other poster talked about the stoners who called in. I have listened and enjoyed the other live podcasts, but this was the worst as far as the callers. I have never heard such a mumbling, bumbling bunch in my life. Are me and the other guy who mentioned it earlier in this thread the only CAGs not high last night. Do some of you always get surprised when you call a phone number and somebody answers? And how can you people not know that you needed to turn down the volume, Cheapy said it 20 times and had it posted everywhere he listed the number to call in that you would need to turn down the volume on your computer. How some of you managed to figure out how to dial your phone without injuring yourselves yet can't follow the simple instructions of turning down the volume on your computer is stunning.

Cheapy and Wombat, you were excellent as always. I would say you were actually funnier this podcast than ever before, but when doing the next live show in 2 weeks, you might want to reconsider the timing and do it before the stoners get stoned or in the AM before they wake up. I know the time difference is significant for Cheapy but maybe AM in the states to weed out some callers might be the route to go.
It's a different show without the stickam issues, for sure. Actually, it's the same show, just not all wacked-out, stuttering john-like. Just curious why the edited pauses are soooo long with dead air? Throw in an Xbox Achievement sound bleep or something in between there, as the first time I couldn't tell if the cast was still streaming or not.

On to the kudos: I mentioned this in the "Live" thread, but "Stump the Retailer" is genius. I love it. I'm sure the next one will be "Stump the Xbox Warranty/Repair Center".

And I completely missed the whole Cheapy gets press credentials to Sony conference @ E3 news--congrats! Great job, Wombat! Bring back lots of shwag you can give away to CAG members please. ;)
[quote name='Brad Bishop']A call screener would help. I think that even with a call-screener, though, the problem would still persist because you probably don't have a huge pool of choice callers to pick from.

Even on most local radio shows the callers are painful to listen to. They either think they're geniuses or comedians. Usually they're the opposite of both.[/QUOTE]

Uh... me like cagcast!

Um... me like 360, should me get PS3?

Uh Uh Uh

The Cagcast has the stupidest fanbase of any podcast on the net. Besides, what question can Weapy and Cumbat possibly answer? They're not experts. We all know the same crap from being game fans and reading game "news."
[quote name='Jackal888']Reboot Your Face my new favorite catch phrase. That was a funny show.Wombat is wrong about Blu-Ray, In 2009 all Americans will have to either get a HD television set or a HD tuner. High Definition will have a bigger penetration and people will want high definition movies.

Prices of BD movies is going down as did DVDs.

PS CheapyD:"She don't like salami, she don't want pastrami, she don't want a chicken, she don't want a roast; she just wants a double dose of my beef, beef, beef, beef bologna!"[/QUOTE]

I can't wait until Weapy sends me the PS3 as my prize for getting that quote right! I'm going to do an unboxing video like Cumbat did! Only thing is that Weapy will jump out of the box, shipping himself to the USA so he can get the fuck outta japan!
Sound Voyager is one of the most relaxing games I've ever played. I've had it for about a month now and it's fantastic.

There's several modes as well, and it's awesome because it has a mode called

"Sound Cock".

What more could you want?
For the love of God Cheapy, please drop the Live calls. They're ruining an otherwise excellent show.

You and Wombat have really hit your stride with the CAGcast, but the calls just kill any momentum the show has, plus most of the people calling in sound like morons.

Honestly, listening to the calls is slightly more painful than pulling your own teeth out.
Oh, and though I said this about a thousand times in the chat, "Beef Balogna" is from The Decline of Western Civilization.
Oblivion. F-ing Oblivion. Again???

CheapyD: Have you heard of ____?
Wombat: No
CheapyD: Have you seen videos of ___?
Wombat: No
CheapyD: Have you anything worthwhile to contribute?
Wombat No. But lets talk about my 260th hour of Oblivion. I swear its almost relevant because its a near identical version that came out on another system 6 months ago.

I'm not kidding. Its ridiculous. Enough.
Yeah, Stump the Retailer really rocked.

It should definitely be a regular segment, at least on the Live Shows.
I wasnt stoned :(

GTA IV hype meter

I feel it was a bit relevant, i tried to call earlier in the show but it was busy and thats why i mentioned it in the cagbag. It was also a bit hard for me to hear cheapy on the phone(yes i did have my computer volume off >
People keep saying neither hd format will win, because of downloading, and I really don't see that happening for approx 10 years. Microsoft is charging almost $8 dollars to (500 something points) watch an HD movie ONE TIME. That is not affordable. If you are like me, and have a favourite movie you watch frequently then $8 a pop is going to brake the bank pretty quick. HD disc formats also tend to offer superior quality over any other HD format because there is less compression required. I like HD-DVDs better but, Blu-ray has the support.
[quote name='agapens']Oblivion. F-ing Oblivion. Again???

CheapyD: Have you heard of ____?
Wombat: No
CheapyD: Have you seen videos of ___?
Wombat: No
CheapyD: Have you anything worthwhile to contribute?
Wombat No. But lets talk about my 260th hour of Oblivion. I swear its almost relevant because its a near identical version that came out on another system 6 months ago.

I'm not kidding. Its ridiculous. Enough.[/QUOTE]

This has pretty much been the Cagcast for a while now. It's the reason why I think Cheapy should figure out a way to get ViolentLee on either as a replacement for Wombat or for a third guy.
lspear, you need to definitely take a time out from posting here or adjust your attitude. If you are unable to control yourself, I will do it for you.

Your posts are insulting and are adding nothing to the conversation.
CheapyD, you need more structure in when you accept calls. You should have a specific time when you allow people to call in and ask questions or discuss topics. Calls would only be taken during one segment, either at the beginning or the end. That way, you wouldn't have any of these dumb shits calling in and talking about things that you covered long ago.

I hate the live shows, but I know you like them so I'm just suggesting a way to make them better.
[quote name='CheapyD']lspear, you need to definitely take a time out from posting here or adjust your attitude. If you are unable to control yourself, I will do it for you.

Your posts are insulting and are adding nothing to the conversation.[/QUOTE]
You have to admit, "Weapy and Cumbat" was pretty damn clever.

.... :whistle2:|
Honestly, all kidding and baiting aside, I think Weapy is too good for the cagcast. The live show has what, 150-200 listeners? A podcast can only do so much. I think Weapy should shop his "Your Man in Japan" show idea to Spike TV. Who did he shop it to last time, G4? Screw G4. Weapy has got the voice and persona to make the show a great fish out of water affair, plus Japan is an interesting place. They'd totally buy into the show. Weapy's even been on tv before, and in the Wall Street Journal. Cumbat is talented as well, he's probably the perfect co-host, but i'm pissed at him for trading that Blu Ray copy of Superman II I bought him into Gamestop for $4 credit. And even more pissed that he bought the same game again for a different format!

Anyway, answering calls from clueless stoner-wrestling fan-live in my mom's basement losers can only be so good, which the live show completely proves. The highlight of the show was Cumbat asking the caller if he was on a treadmill. Now that was funny as hell.
[quote name='agapens']Oblivion. F-ing Oblivion. Again???

CheapyD: Have you heard of ____?
Wombat: No
CheapyD: Have you seen videos of ___?
Wombat: No
CheapyD: Have you anything worthwhile to contribute?
Wombat No. But lets talk about my 260th hour of Oblivion. I swear its almost relevant because its a near identical version that came out on another system 6 months ago.

I'm not kidding. Its ridiculous. Enough.[/QUOTE]

Thats a not an acurate representation of me, sometimes I say nope or Nah. OK now back to the realms of cyrodyl, I wonder where Mrs. Wombat hid my Wizard hat
[quote name='PyroGamer']You have to admit, "Weapy and Cumbat" was pretty damn clever.

.... :whistle2:|[/QUOTE]

Weapy must be on the rag today, lol. Come on dude lighten up, be a man for once. You did a live show, and it sucked. Now we're just discussing the suckage. If the show was great we'd discuss how it rocked. What do you expect? Your cohost calls Larry a "Vagina Clown" but you get all pissy at some joking. Imagine if you had a real job like Major Nelson, and had 100x the complaints. Could you handle that? Guess you can dish it out but can't take it. Put a smile on that face. Be professional, like Leon. Or a real hard worker, like Charles Ingalls. I love how power corrupts.

[quote name='lspear76']Weapy must be on the rag today, lol. Come on dude lighten up, be a man for once. You did a live show, and it sucked. Now we're just discussing the suckage. If the show was great we'd discuss how it rocked. What do you expect? Your cohost calls Larry a "Vagina Clown" but you get all pissy at some joking. Imagine if you had a real job like Major Nelson, and had 100x the complaints. Could you handle that? Guess you can dish it out but can't take it. Put a smile on that face. Be professional, like Leon. Or a real hard worker, like Charles Ingalls.

Again I highly advise Talkshoe over Stickam. Check the service out Cheapy, its way better.
EDIT: I bet lspear is major nelson. Hit em with the banhammer!
[quote name='shipwreck']Or a dick like lspear76 that doesn't understand when to stop.[/QUOTE]

I find it funny when people can talk bs about others, but can't take it when it's about them. You can call me a dick. I can take it. See? Nice and breezy. Cumbat took it like a man when I said his life is pathetic, he can't hold a job, he is broke, his apartment is small, his apartment is rat infested, etc. He took it like a man and went on playing his 360 that doesn't open or read discs, while getting up to swat the rats that were chewing his power brick. You see? And when he asked that 500 pound guy if he was "calling from a treadmill," he said it for all the right reasons, from the bottom of his heart, just as he did when he said Larry Hyrb is a "Vagina Clown" and "the Ronald McDonald of Microsoft."

There, I said what I wanted to say. I'm not posting in this neo-conservative, free speech rejectin', gun-totin forum until next week's show.

And one more thing. Your podcast persuaded me to buy every TG16 game released last week on the Virtual Console -- Bloody Wolf AND World Sports Competition. Hahahahahahahahahahaha! The joke is on you! Time to grab a Wii Points card and license Dead Moon for 600 more points!
I enjoyed the show, I thought most of it went well. I started to stop listening when Cheapy just made a mockery of the Playstation 3 - yet again.. First the clip of "bull shit" when Sony camp makes a comparison of their PSN vs the xbox live. The only difference is that there's more content available on xbox live, no one is taking that clear advantage away by saying the two are similar. After the first mockery, then the ridge racer clip... however when we get the xbox portion.. [talking about B.S. answers for a serious problem] a couple of jokes, and there's no mockery made there. Just swept all the mess from MS under a rug... And then on top of the PS3 mockery.. you don't even take calls from the PS3 portion of the show. We know you [cheapy] like the xbox better than PS3, and that's fine, but just don't short change the PS3 portion of the show because for some [well maybe just me...] PS3 portion of the show is what they want to hear.

Wombat, you know we still in the beginning stages of this Blu Ray stuff, so of course the prices of the movies are going to drop. Its always about who can get enough initial sales in order to price drop. I think that Best buy, and other retailers don't want Blu Ray to succeed right now, because they're doing so well in the DVD market. I find it funny that Best buy, and other retailers, charge so much for Blu Ray movies, when online you can get them almost 10 dollars cheaper. Terminator 2 best buy = 29.99; amazon 19.99; I think that retailers are slowing the progress of blu ray so that they can continue to make more money off of the DVD market... but that's just a theory.
bread's done