CAGFC (UFC 2009 League) - HW's Only! New Site! Details Inside!

What's the point of having people on your friend list, then?

So, let's set an exact time. I can play later today... Tomorrow night is real UFC... Sunday, I'm free, too.
^Its funny that you of all people is giving me a hard-time. I haven't missed any matches or games; you and that other guy are the only people who take it as their geeky responsibility to tell me I need to have notifications on or question my preference.
Um, what the fuck? First off, I never told you you need to have notifications on. Secondly, where's all the hostility coming from? I was never even rude to you; now you're being a dick. Nice comment about not missing any games by the way. The only games I've missed have been when others weren't available to play. And even though I didn't say anything before, it is stupid to have notifications off when you're using Live messages to communicate semi-daily with others in the league.

On the bright side, my friend list is no longer full!
Nate Lisa | Jackie Chan | Submission (RNC) | 3:25 of round 2
Tony Hawk | Fedor Emelianenko | KO | 3:57 of round 2

The two fights went pretty much the same way, so no use in typing the same thing twice lol.

In both fights, lots of standup, with both fighters picking their shots. In Lisa V Chan, Lisa reversed a Judo throw and put Chan in a rear naked choke for the win. Hawk V Emelianenko, Hawk caught Emelianenko with a right hook that somehow knocked him out cold. Great but goofy fights.
[quote name='moojuice']Nate Lisa | Jackie Chan | Submission (RNC) | 3:25 of round 2
Tony Hawk | Fedor Emelianenko | KO | 3:57 of round 2

The two fights went pretty much the same way, so no use in typing the same thing twice lol.

In both fights, lots of standup, with both fighters picking their shots. In Lisa V Chan, Lisa reversed a Judo throw and put Chan in a rear naked choke for the win. Hawk V Emelianenko, Hawk caught Emelianenko with a right hook that somehow knocked him out cold. Great but goofy fights.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, definitely great and crazy fights. I'd also like to highlight for everyone that when Emelianenko was KO'd, he only had 27% damage to the head. Alan and I tried to figure out how this was possible for several minutes, but couldn't really come up with anything solid.

Emelianenko's camp has voiced speculation that Hawk hit Fedor with a skateboard, which he kept concealed inside his trunks during the fight. As if to pay tribute to the skateboarding legend, Fedor did a 720 as he fell to the canvas.

The fights really went the opposite of what I was expecting. I didn't think I'd have a chance in the MW fight, but the reversal into a rear naked was really nice and sunk in deep. Chan seemed stunned and had no choice but to tap.
After the fight, the allegations of Hawk hiding a skateboard in his trunks was investigated. It is rumored that a skateboard similar to this one
was found in Hawk's trunks. Again, this is a rumor.

When asked about the pre-fight pat down, Herb Dean admitted to feeling a "long, thick, and hard bulge in Hawk's trunks. "He said he was really happy to see me," said Dean. "It was a bit awkward, but I let him go"

Stay tuned for developments.
Well, I really don't know what to say Matt, I sent you a pm at about 7:10EST asking if in an hour (now) you could play...
[quote name='Ultimate Matt X']RyanScarp, let me know when you'll be available this weekend. I could probably play tomorrow afternoon and I'll try to watch XBL to see if you're on any tonight.[/QUOTE]

I was fighting with my friends when you sent the request. I added you though. Tomorrow night is good for me.
[quote name='seen']Well, I really don't know what to say Matt, I sent you a pm at about 7:10EST asking if in an hour (now) you could play...[/QUOTE]

I was playing my Wii and didn't see the PM till 2 minutes ago. We never had any agreed time to play or anything of that nature.
[quote name='FowlBeast']Unfortunately I must retire. My 360 shot craps and I don't know when I can replace it. Thanks for great matches. See you guys soon. I hope[/QUOTE]

Wow, that sucks...and was sudden. I'm guessing it's out of warranty?
[quote name='CAGLeagueSports']Ya know what. I'm really sick of the lack of respect shown by several of the UOC guys and I'm going to make some executive decisions for the good of CAGFC. I know beforehand that they're not fair to everyone, but this is just how it's going to be. UOC guys, who through your own admission are only on CAG to "compete", I don't like the attitude you came over here with.

Yeah, it's nice that you're "really really good" at UFC 2009, but this league was created for far more than just to see how dominant one person can be. I know you can't seem to grasp this concept, or really don't care at all, but CAG is a community. The people here are here for reasons beyond the reach of one game. Many of us have known each other for years, and enjoy playing all kinds of games together.

Three of you guys (Mr Meaty28, Raysor, and ip0nder) have come over here and have been nothing but disrespectful to the members here and to CAG overall. Regardless of whether you care about CAG, you signed up to be a part of a league ON CAG. The OP is structured in a way for you to use CAG as the main method of contacting your opponent.

I've explained this numerous times, but the idea behind it is, some people might not get on Xbox Live every day. They might play their PS3, or Wii, or not even have time to game. But there's a 99% chance they'll still get on their computer at some point to check their email, which will show a notification if they've received a private message on CAG. By joining this league, you're expected to do the same. If you're not interested in doing that, you shouldn't be here.

And with that, I'm removing Mr Meaty28, Raysor, ip0nder, RyanScarp, and TehWellz (who retired on his own behalf, and honestly seemed like the only decent one of the're welcome back any time, man) from the league. I have a strong suspicion that the only reason any of you are here originated with Mr Meaty28 telling someone about a great place where the fighters suck and you can dominate, and then it just spread. And I'm sorry, but it's been poisoning our league ever since.

Just face facts. You guys crafted your fighters around the ideals of the UOC, and that's not what we're about. What guide did you use to learn how to maximize your points the most? If any of you actually care about fighting in a real league, redo your careers, put the difficulty on expert, and make a balanced fighter without redoing training sessions and minimizing/maximizing stats.

I completely get what TehWellz said about feeling like he HAD to make his fighter that way because that's the direction everyone else in UOC was going, but that's such a shitty way to play this game. It's too bad he didn't find CAGFC first. He probably would have gotten a lot more enjoyment out of the game.[/QUOTE]

Not to sure where you get off saying that I have been nothing but disrespectful. The only time I talked was when I had to report my fight, and than again when I retired. So really, don't associate me with Mr Meaty. I came here not knowing anything about this league and left a champ, regardless of stats, the fighters I faced were all trash. You want me to talk bad about your league? Okay.

You want to make a league for a game that you know people are going to be competitive in, yet you complain when it gets tough. You call the 110 and 115 stats cheating or an exploit, no, it's not. It's called taking the time to make the perfect fighter. If you don't like it, make it a insta-caf only league and tell people that before they enter. You have fighters from another league come in and dominate and show you what created fighters should be like, and you cry and bitch about it.

Don't blame others when you are the ones to blame. Quit bitching about our stats and learn to make a proper fighter.

[quote name='ip0nder']Not to sure where you get off saying that I have been nothing but disrespectful. The only time I talked was when I had to report my fight, and than again when I retired. So really, don't associate me with Mr Meaty. I came here not knowing anything about this league and left a champ, regardless of stats, the fighters I faced were all trash. You want me to talk bad about your league? Okay.

You want to make a league for a game that you know people are going to be competitive in, yet you complain when it gets tough. You call the 110 and 115 stats cheating or an exploit, no, it's not. It's called taking the time to make the perfect fighter. If you don't like it, make it a insta-caf only league and tell people that before they enter. You have fighters from another league come in and dominate and show you what created fighters should be like, and you cry and bitch about it.

Don't blame others when you are the ones to blame. Quit bitching about our stats and learn to make a proper fighter.


Ok, so you go into a league knowing that you are better statistically, wipe out a league, say that nobody is worth your time so you are leaving, and you assume that no one has issues and no one will take that as disrespect?

This league wasn't made to find the best-of-the-best. On the other hand, that's what the UOC was made for. This league is a community league, we don't go out to recruit non-members into this league. Nearly all the fighters minus the recent UOC additions have been on this site for a long time. We didn't join this league to pit fighters that we put hours upon hours into. Most these fighters were made when the game first came out, so we didn't know how to fully optimize our fighters. But, most of us also don't have the luxury of going through career again, and would rather fight these weekly cards.

What some of the "stacked" fighters have done is the equivalent of a High School baseball team joining an adult softball league, kicking everyone's asses, and trash talking in the process. Not all of us have the time to/want to put time into running the same routine over and over in Career just to have a fighting chance, so other community members stuck with their original fighters as well in the interest of competition.

If you want to show people what a proper fighter should be like, go stick with a competitive league. What have you proved here by coming in and dominating? That your stats make a difference, not that you are a better fighter. Hell, according to your sig over at UOC, you don't even have a winning record over there.

And we never considered non-career CAF's until now because stacked fighters weren't a problem until a few newcomers came in with stacked fighters, so now the problem is being addressed.

And why do you even care to begin with? You don't even care about being part of the community. In your own words, "The only time I talked was when I had to report my fight, and than again when I retired." You can do the same thing by playing random people online, and you can do it more often. Is coming in and beating people who you know are less skilled than you really that important?
[quote name='ip0nder']A bunch of dumb shit...


The game is far less realistic when using maxed out CAFs. This is a generally accepted fact among the community. You don't know jack shit about what you're talking about and have proven your lack of intelligence multiple times over.

I didn't start this league for people to do whatever it takes to win and act like jackasses. And I certainly didn't make it with the intent of drawing people in from other websites (although, I don't mind it...but things still need to be fair). This league was created for the members of the CAG community to play together and have fun. So, forgive me for my candor, but I could personally give a shit about being "fair" to you.

Regardless of whether exploiting the game and creating "the perfect" fighter is right or wrong, why the fuck would I just continue to allow you to beat on people who don't stand much of a chance due to the fact that this league was not created with intention of people going to those measures when making a CAF?

Did you even play on a difficulty higher than easy? If you think that's fun, you truly are a loser. I'm sure you also enjoy beating up your 6 year-old little brother. For as much as you want to say we've been crying about losing, look who's making all the noise, and trying to defend his juiced up fighter now. I thought you were done with this site, remember?
Wow, I leave the UFC league and it goes to shit.

Good job N8 way to keep rif raff out of the league for the benefit of CAG.
[quote name='Soodmeg']Wow, I leave the UFC league and it goes to shit.

Good job N8 way to keep rif raff out of the league for the benefit of CAG.[/QUOTE]

Thanks, Sood. Just trying to keep it real.

Oh, and the more I keep digging around Youtube, the greater the Bas material I find, haha. Check this one out, guys!
[quote name='Mr Meaty28']iponderthey blame us for having juiced guys while the whole WW has juiced guys and so does HW. Its just they are afraid of skill level not stats. CAGFC I hope you evolve im sorry i played this game alot and became good aand know how to reverse.[/QUOTE]
Are you fucking stupid? UOC pretty much was the WW division. Not one non-UOC HW guy is over 100 Overall. As a 97, I am the highest non-UOC HW, and not one of my stats are over 100. Tell yourself whatever it takes I guess...
[quote name='Mr Meaty28']lol.....IDC i just want to fight[/QUOTE]

Oh, Meaty. It's too bad your original post got quoted before you could change it. If that's really how you feel, and you're so worried about defending ip0nder, you can follow him out the door. If you guys had any confidence in your "skill", whatsoever, you would have no problem using balanced fighters. Maybe your loss to FowlBeast in the LH tournament made you doubt yourself.

Either way, keep holding onto your shitty attitude, and enjoy having nowhere to fight. That's the last I'm going to say about all this bullshit. If you continue posting garbage comments in the thread, I'll be contacting a CAG moderator.
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Dude, whats going on in here?
Most of the guys from UOC had pretty strong ranked records and played a lot to get good and competitive.
To come in with mini/maxed stats 1s and 115s on top of hundreds and hundreds of ranked matches was just super overkill. TehWellz was ranked 45 on XBL out of everyone!
I don't understand the urge to join a site like this and beat on casual players for no prizes and not take part in what else CAG has to offer.
But anyways I have only one thing to say about it....

[quote name='Tuffgong']Dude, whats going on in here?
Most of the guys from UOC had pretty strong ranked records and played a lot to get good and competitive.
To come in with mini/maxed stats 1s and 115s on top of hundreds and hundreds of ranked matches was just super overkill. TehWellz was ranked 45 on XBL out of everyone!
I don't understand the urge to join a site like this and beat on casual players for no prizes and not take part in what else CAG has to offer.
But anyways I have only one thing to say about it....

wieners.[/QUOTE] interesting perspective Tuffgong. Let's just try to let it go and move on though. I've requested that they stop the mudslinging. So, it's only fair that we do the same.

As a side note though to show how effective the mini/maxed method is (and something that THQ better find a way to fix for next year), I fought a guy earlier today whose CAF had a 71 overall rating. When I checked his individual stats, he had 90 strength, 90 speed, and 85 cardio. His striking o was 92, his ground striking o was 98, and his submission o and d were 105.

It's sad that the stats can be skewed that badly because anybody who didn't thoroughly look over his fighter beforehand would think they were in for an easy fight. I think I ended up losing that fight because he caught me a couple times with his gorilla punches and rocked me.

On the bright side, I finally got the 100 win achievement today. In the past 2 days, I've fought a guy with over 800 total fights, a guy with a 78-0 record (actually didn't fight him...he backed out of the matchup), and a guy with 200% DNF's (who "surprisingly" quit as soon as I gained the mount).

My record stands at 100-105. Considering all the quitters I ran into before the patch, I'm happy just to be close to .500. I'm also stuck at level 45 and don't know if I'll ever get up to 50. It just seems way too easy to lose points, and way too difficult to earn them.
[quote name='n8rockerasu'] interesting perspective Tuffgong. Let's just try to let it go and move on though. I've requested that they stop the mudslinging. So, it's only fair that we do the same.

As a side note though to show how effective the mini/maxed method is (and something that THQ better find a way to fix for next year), I fought a guy earlier today whose CAF had a 71 overall rating. When I checked his individual stats, he had 90 strength, 90 speed, and 85 cardio. His striking o was 92, his ground striking o was 98, and his submission o and d were 105.

It's sad that the stats can be skewed that badly because anybody who didn't thoroughly look over his fighter beforehand would think they were in for an easy fight. I think I ended up losing that fight because he caught me a couple times with his gorilla punches and rocked me.

On the bright side, I finally got the 100 win achievement today. In the past 2 days, I've fought a guy with over 800 total fights, a guy with a 78-0 record (actually didn't fight him...he backed out of the matchup), and a guy with 200% DNF's (who "surprisingly" quit as soon as I gained the mount).

My record stands at 100-105. Considering all the quitters I ran into before the patch, I'm happy just to be close to .500. I'm also stuck at level 45 and don't know if I'll ever get up to 50. It just seems way too easy to lose points, and way too difficult to earn them.[/QUOTE]

Yeah the stat system is strange sometimes, I only play ranked with UFC fighters to save on aggravation. Quitters suck when your trying to level up, I beat a level 79 and he dc'ed when I locked in the armbar so I didn't get any points.
the 200% DNFs make me laugh, I usually taunt them at the matchmaking screen for lulz, some of them have promised not to quit and have actually manned up and taken the loss.
I don't ever seem to get the trophy multiplier for the medals anymore, does this work for anyone now? without it it is too hard to get points against someone similar level to yourself.
[quote name='Tuffgong']Yeah the stat system is strange sometimes, I only play ranked with UFC fighters to save on aggravation. Quitters suck when your trying to level up, I beat a level 79 and he dc'ed when I locked in the armbar so I didn't get any points.
the 200% DNFs make me laugh, I usually taunt them at the matchmaking screen for lulz, some of them have promised not to quit and have actually manned up and taken the loss.
I don't ever seem to get the trophy multiplier for the medals anymore, does this work for anyone now? without it it is too hard to get points against someone similar level to yourself.[/QUOTE]

No, I don't ever get the trophy multipliers anymore either. A couple nights ago I had a 6 fight win streak, and moved my rank up like one level because I was beating people close to the same rank as me. I doubt I'll ever get the gold medals achievement or the million fans achievement either. I'm not a real big fan of online achievements in the first place, but this game has way too many.
Ryan, probably going to be away from the Xbox soon so it looks like we won't be able to do our fight tonight, but let me know if you can be around tomorrow evening. I should be free.
Yeah, so I'm bumping this off of page 2. Despite FowlBeast going down to the RRoD, there are still some fights guys. Everyone's not just giving up are they?
Im sorry but I am going to have to forfeit. I had to go out of town for a few days for family stuff and thought I would be back in time. Well I then toar my Rotator Cuff (well maybe) and will have to stay here and get an MRI which wont be till friday. Again I am sorry.
[quote name='MikeBike']Im sorry but I am going to have to forfeit. I had to go out of town for a few days for family stuff and thought I would be back in time. Well I then toar my Rotator Cuff (well maybe) and will have to stay here and get an MRI which wont be till friday. Again I am sorry.[/QUOTE]

Hey, it's cool, man. I'm sorry about your shoulder. You're not secretly Brett Favre, are you? haha. As I said, I think people are tiring of this game anyway. CAGFC15 will be the final weekly card. I've actually thought of starting a little side project to gear up for UFC2010...possibly to expand CAGFC even beyond the reach of CAG, to add a little more longevity to the game.

Basically, something similar to UOC, but with a well established rule set to keep things from getting out of hand (ie. setting a minimum for all stat categories at something like 40). Anybody who isn't intending on trading the game in can participate in a beta run, but that won't be for at least a month or two. Just something I'm thinking about to make for a better experience next year.

As for CAGFC14, geez, let's see...with FowlBeast and MikeBike both being out of commission, I guess that leaves us with 3 possible fights that could still be completed.

Matt Domoracki vs Ryan Scarp (HW)
Zippy D-Pinhead vs Johnny Chan (LH)
Gail Pennyfeather vs Kimbo Slice (HW)

I know there's not a whole lot of incentive to get these fights done, guys, but let's try to finish strong. The biggest problem standing out to me that's preventing these fights from happening seems to be communication. At least try to make an effort. Deadline's in less than 24 hours.
[quote name='MikeBike']Im sorry but I am going to have to forfeit. I had to go out of town for a few days for family stuff and thought I would be back in time. Well I then toar my Rotator Cuff (well maybe) and will have to stay here and get an MRI which wont be till friday. Again I am sorry.[/QUOTE]

Hey, it's cool, man. I'm sorry about your shoulder. You're not secretly Brett Favre, are you? haha. As I said, I think people are tiring of this game anyway. CAGFC15 will be the final weekly card. I've actually thought of starting a little side project to gear up for UFC2010...possibly to expand CAGFC even beyond the reach of CAG, to add a little more longevity to the game.

Basically, something similar to UOC, but with a well established rule set to keep things from getting out of hand (ie. setting a minimum for all stat categories at something like 40). Anybody who isn't intending on trading the game in can participate in a beta run, but that won't be for at least a month or two. Just something I'm thinking about to make for a better experience next year.

As for CAGFC14, geez, let's see...with FowlBeast and MikeBike both being out of commission, I guess that leaves us with 3 possible fights that could still be completed.

Matt Domoracki vs Ryan Scarp (HW)
Zippy D-Pinhead vs Johnny Chan (LH)
Gail Pennyfeather vs Kimbo Slice (HW)

I know there's not a whole lot of incentive to get these fights done, guys, but let's try to finish strong. The biggest problem standing out to me that's preventing these fights from happening seems to be communication. At least try to make an effort. Deadline's in less than 24 hours.
Alrighty guys did we go to insta cafs yet? an could you please take simeon lamhov off the suspended list and put him in retired fighters plz.

Im currently working on a HW with low stats at 50 instead of 1.
[quote name='n8rockerasu']Oh, Meaty. It's too bad your original post got quoted before you could change it. If that's really how you feel, and you're so worried about defending ip0nder, you can follow him out the door. If you guys had any confidence in your "skill", whatsoever, you would have no problem using balanced fighters. Maybe your loss to FowlBeast in the LH tournament made you doubt yourself.

Either way, keep holding onto your shitty attitude, and enjoy having nowhere to fight. That's the last I'm going to say about all this bullshit. If you continue posting garbage comments in the thread, I'll be contacting a CAG moderator.[/QUOTE]
Say what you will none of my stats for Simeon are over 100. Now you guys are turning on my i have a righ to still be pissed uoc members got me banned there and they are getting me suspended here. I beat all the WW members not from stats but from stratagy im not a 24/7 gamer but im good at video games. Im now out of to great leagues because people say stuff about me. I have not competed in the uoc in 2 months just to let you know. Im 2-0-0 in WW in the UOC, and 4-0-0 in ww the cagfc. I respect the players i beat send them a msg saying GF. Then guess what???? I say good fight on here to??? Im one of the best sports on this league.
Well I as in-love with this league of a bunch of chilll guys who dont start shit but now im seeing its true face. In the end you guys are like the UOC now willing to see the truth.

[EDIT]---- Im not like the other UOC'rs and frankly dont like them. And now im being portrayed as a bad person because i play a video game better tham some of you? And you guys who dont know me never even talked to me in person are judging me? I just have one more sentence, I get banned/suspended for other fighters actions, it just seems really funcked up.

[EDIT2]---In the LH tourny we stood up the whole time(i used MT for the first time then). Im no makng excuses he beat me fair and square he is a great opponent and a good rival. But i find it that your saying I doubt myself. We'll want to have a little friendly spar you use career caf and i will use insta in your division and mabye I can change you mind on how much I doubt myself. I thnk someone else is having a bad attitude. And I believe the cagfc is trying to make an uoc haulocost(not spelled right). hich i am not a member of. Im not trying to get back at the cagfc for injustices i just want my name cleared.
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iponder, should have a right to be angry even though he has a seriosly shitty attitude, he and other uoc'rs should be able to fight without people saying they cheat. This is a video game its ment to have fun not ubber drama packed. I should know because i caused alot of drama in the uoc and i was punished there even though I dislike all the members who joined this league i think they have a right to compete. I would feel the same if one of you joined the uoc an got banned for no reason.
Why are you still bothering to post? He said his mind was made up and you haven't given anyone a good reason to want you back based on your last postings (the opposite of what you want).
[quote name='seen']Don't know what happened with ya Matt Young, let me know when you might want to play.[/QUOTE]

The other day, you said you might be available at a certain time. I responded asking you to PM me when you new for sure if you'd be able to play, and you never did.

I was actually just getting on here to message you. Can you play anytime between 8-9:45 P.M. Eastern? I have a Madden game at 10 Eastern.
Meaty, what is it about you that makes you unable to comprehend anything? As I said, there's no personal vendetta against UOC fighters. Notice Ryan Scarp fighting on this very card (although he's hardly been in touch with his opponent or been on CAG, which was one of my main reasons for being skeptical of UOC guys in the first place). I'll spell it out for you.

1. Fighters were removed from the roster for being juiced.

2. Fighters were suspended for having poor attitudes and being generally belligerent toward others.

You've waivered back and forth between those two points. But if you can't see how making claims that you're "just better than everybody else" and that the people with juiced fighters were "just more skilled than everyone else", you clearly don't get it. YOU HAVING A JUICED FIGHTER WAS AN UNFAIR ADVANTAGE. You were actually doing yourself a disservice because whether you were better than anybody or not was virtually impossible to distinguish because of the fact that the fighters were so imbalanced.

And finally, how can your brain not comprehend that when you've stirred up trouble in a place and you're on thin ice, the BEST thing for you to do is just keep your mouth shut and move along. Your "need" to speak on ip0nder's behalf is what brought this last bit down on you. At this point, my decision is that you're not worth the trouble. Deal with it.
Matt your attitude sucks and I don't appreciate you not being truthful when making public posts. On 8-31 you sent me a pm asking if 8:30pm EST would work I responded via pm, thats fine I'll be online. You no-showed and didn't message me; now you post on the forums acting like I'm disorganized?

I will be available at 9pm EST, but your attitude of ignoring pm's and only posting here is juvenile.
Alright I understand juiced stats but just make the least stat 35 for a career fighter then. I solved the problem. I thought you banned all of them because tehwells exposed them nvm. Im gonna do some reading.

[EDit] Juiced fighter......I used the exact same points that fowl and other fighters at 100 used. Im not even done with simeon lamhovs career want me to bring everything up to 50 so im a lvl 111???

****I didnt read post after i was suspended i just came back today*****
Im currently working on a overal 100 with low stats 50. Can i still participate in this league o is that to juiced?

[edit2]- can you remove unsportsman like from my cafs name.(Just put juice stats)
Forget it iponder is an asshole i tell him and uoc'rs i stick up for them and i get im just as big a loser as they are i give up fuck the uoc......home of the biggest asshole...
[quote name='seen']Matt your attitude sucks and I don't appreciate you not being truthful when making public posts. On 8-31 you sent me a pm asking if 8:30pm EST would work I responded via pm, thats fine I'll be online. You no-showed and didn't message me; now you post on the forums acting like I'm disorganized?

I will be available at 9pm EST, but your attitude of ignoring pm's and only posting here is juvenile.[/QUOTE]

I don't appreciate you being a lying jackass. I asked you to play the other day and you said, "That should work." I responded saying, "Let me know once you know for sure if you can play at that time." You never responded to me, and you were not online during that time anyway. I can take a picture of the PM's if necessary.

I'm not the only one who you've annoyed. Others have had similar complaints, including one person in charge saying, "he's a nut job lol... he's kinda high strung. has lots of opinions about everything and generally thinks he's right. not a bad guy...but quirky and somewhat whiny haha"

I have proof of everything I've said. You never responded to my last PM, and I couldn't message you on Live because you've already said that your notifications were turned off.
[quote name='Mr Meaty28']Alright I understand juiced stats but just make the least stat 35 for a career fighter then. I solved the problem. I thought you banned all of them because tehwells exposed them nvm. Im gonna do some reading.

[EDit] Juiced fighter......I used the exact same points that fowl and other fighters at 100 used. Im not even done with simeon lamhovs career want me to bring everything up to 50 so im a lvl 111???

****I didnt read post after i was suspended i just came back today*****
Im currently working on a overal 100 with low stats 50. Can i still participate in this league o is that to juiced?

[edit2]- can you remove unsportsman like from my cafs name.(Just put juice stats)[/QUOTE]

Dude...just give it a rest. Obviously there are ways to improve the league for the better (in fact, the one you mentioned has already been brought up). If you haven't noticed, right now, there aren't a lot of fights happening anyway.

If the test league for next year happens in a month or two, you might be able to get in on that. But even with equal fighters, you'll still be expected to be decent to people. Talking shit and saying how you're "more skilled than everybody" isn't a great way to make friends. It's UNSPORTSMANLIKE. See where I'm going with this?
I know I haven't personally had time to even check this thread in forever because school is kicking my ass right now. I barely even have time to play anything for fun, let alone for the league.
bread's done