CAGLB - MLB 08 Online League - Congrats to BasketCase1080, CAGLB Champion!

Come on Runpuddrun. You complained about not being able to play any games for this league and now you've been AWOL this whole week when we are supposed to play.

I'm seriously going to make the playoffs without having to play many games if all of this keeps up.
I'm on now, lets play... if you don't get on in the next 5 min, I am going to run for a bit and then get back on and hopefully play then.

edit: going out for about 30 min, i'm leaving it on, and can/will play you then.
[quote name='runpuddrun']I have been on every day, Just never when you are. I can do it now if you want, don't get your panties in a wad:)[/quote]

Heh. They aren't. I was just bustin' your chops for saying you never get to play. I've been on quite a bit this week and haven't caught you. Glad we can get it in tonight. I'll go turn my PS3 on. Hopefully catch you in the next hour or so.
Don't know what the fuck was going on, but I would swing on time and my player either wouldn't swing at all, or like 2 sec later. YOu practically guessed every single pitch I threw, and I used all my pitches. I haven't played any games in 3 weeks (only play rtts now). Good game though, you demolished me, i usually play better, but my lag was obviously horrible.
[quote name='runpuddrun']Don't know what the fuck was going on, but I would swing on time and my player either wouldn't swing at all, or like 2 sec later. YOu practically guessed every single pitch I threw, and I used all my pitches. horrible.[/quote]

That's weird. I had zero lag problems. Honestly, I don't think you were lagged I just don't think you realized how hard Jurrjens is to hit. His 2-seamer is 96 and moves, his 4-seamer is 94-97, the slider is a very slow mover so if you are looking fastball you will WIFFFF. A guy in another league I'm in only had 5 hits of Jurrjens and this guy is one hell of a MLB player. He owned me both other games, but couldn't touch Jurrjens.

Overall I didn't think you played nearly as bad as the score said. In the first few innings you had a ton of baserunners but kept hitting into double plays. One single instead of a DP and it would've been a tie game.

Eaton was cashed in the 5th, but you never put in a reliever so I just went to town. I stopped in the 9th though because I didn't want to make it seem like I was running it up although it was 10-0. I didn't steal at all and played base-to-base baseball.

Good game though man. Better luck against other opponents. My only advice is to vary your pitch types and locations. You tend to throw certain pitches certain places that's why I guessed exactly what you were throwing about half the time. Good luck man.
Yeah, jurrgens was hard to hit, but I normally don't suck that bad. It wan't a matter of early swinging, I hardly ever strike out, and you did it to me 10 or 11 times, unreal. All my swings were late, and I was picking up on the speed later in the game. Yeah, by the 5th, eaton was toast, I didn't care by then, as you had the game won by then. I think it was the 6th or something where I was pretty pissed at myself and threw you 4 or 5 4sfb's straight down the middle after beaning 2 of your guys(not on purpose, eaton was just fucked by then)

Good game though, your very good, hope to see you again in the playoffs (if I make it, lol)
Great game, MrLogical. That was the best game I've had so far in terms of lag and such. Thanks for staying up late to play me. Best of luck with your next game.
Yeah good game, too bad my pitcher fell apart a little there in the 4th, but it was interesting the whole way through. Actually one of the worst games I've had in terms of lag (it wasn't that bad, I've just been pretty lucky so far), but definitely playable. I'm just glad my connection seems to have stabilized, for whatever reason, this is the first time in the last 3 weeks I didn't get a disconnect. Hooray.
[quote name='BasketCase1080']To MSU you started the game over an hr and a half late, hit 4 hrs which were balls in the dirt (check the ball locations) as well as many pitches that were out of the zone when checked on their locations yet still counted as strikes. Of course I am going to be a little peeved. Also, what is the point of putting in a closer in the 9th inning when I was already down 8 runs? Of course I just walked away when it took you like 2 mins to warm up a pitcher just to get 2 more outs?[/quote]


1. I apologized about starting late. My DVR went on the fritz right at 6:30 p.m. and I wanted to watch Smallville. I sent you a PM on here. I was on the PS3 and in the league lobby at 8:05 p.m. and sent you a message on there apologizing again. I waited until I got the challenge from you.

2. Those pitches were not in the dirt, they were just below the strike zone. If they were in the dirt, there would have been an animation of it with the strike zone disappearing and I wouldn't have hit them. I did get some borderline calls but that's just the game, neither of us can help it if we have the "realistic umpire" on.

3. Jason Isringhausen never left the bench to warm up, and for that matter, neither did Russ Springer or Ryan Franklin. Joel Pinero pitched 6 innings, then I had Kyle McClellan come in for the next 2. Since Kyle is a MR, he can't pitch more than 2 innings and he led off the 9th so I pinch hit and put in Brad Thompson for the 9th. Just because a team has a lead doesn't mean they go with their starter until their arm falls off, but they don't put their best relievers in. When I had multiple pitchers warming up, it was a lefty and a righty. I never touched my 3 best relievers because of the score.

Regardless, every though I did no wrong [edit other than being late which I tried to notify you about,] none of that excuses what you did. I would rather you have quit when it was 10-1 than to pause intentionally and time out with 1 out left and you throw at my guy's heads INTENTIONALLY 7 TIMES. You cannot dispute the facts as I have presented them and what arguments you do have I just rebutted on here so the case is closed in my book. Everyone knows what type of player you are now.
[quote name='fusionstyle']8PM PST?[/quote]

Could we play a little earlier than that? Even just an hour earlier would help.
I'm not sure when exactly the league flips for the next week, but Ryno..we play this week. Let me know when is good for you and I'll try to make it happen.
why when i log in to the league room and try to play my opponent it just says no opponent? I swear I play destro vega today....
[quote name='BasketCase1080']why when i log in to the league room and try to play my opponent it just says no opponent? I swear I play destro vega today....[/quote]

That means that you have already played your league game for this week and that the league hasn't flipped to the next week yet. I wish we had the set time for the league flip so that we would know when the next starts.
[quote name='FriskyTanuki']I'm not sure how, but it seems that the end of the week changed from aorund Tuesday at Noon to Wednesday at Noon.[/QUOTE]

either way... isnt it past wednesday at noon?
Here's the schedule and pitching matchups for the week:

Colorado Rockies (RynoZebz) at Atlanta Braves (cartman58)
Pitching Matchup: Jeff Francis at John Smoltz

Philiadelphia Phillies (runpuddrun) at Boston Red Sox (TheRock88)
Pitching Matchup: Corey Hamels at Josh Beckett

San Diego Padres (mrlogical) at Chicago White Sox (Supreme)
Pitching Matchup: Jake Peavy at Mark Buehrle

Chicago Cubs (RawisJericho) at Cleveland Indians (FriskyTanuki)
Pitching Matchup: Carlos Zambrano at C.C. Sabathia

Milwaukee Brewers (BasketCase1080) at New York Mets (DestroVega)
Pitching Matchup: Ben Sheets at Pedro Martinez

St. Louis Cardinals (MSUHitman) at LA Dodgers (fusionstyle)
Pitching Matchup: Adam Wainwright at Brad Penny

Off this week: Baltimore Orioles (DeskLaser), Detroit Tigers (ruffinra)

Also, check your pitching rotations as some of you have had changes in your rotations, so note those for upcoming games.
Wait a second...How is Pedro back in the rotation if he isn't playing again yet?... and this should be Santana's turn in any case...
My internet won't be on until Monday at my new place, and I'm recording a podcast that night, so the only time I could play would be Tuesday morning/afternoon (10 a.m. central to 4 p.m. central) or late on Tuesday night (like after 9:30 central) or Wednesday night after 7:30 p.m. central.

If I have to take the loss then that's fine. I have been trying to get internet for 2 weeks (since before I moved) and Monday is the earliest ATT could turn it on. I'm currently only getting online through IPhone edge or at work.

Good game man. You were handling me early, but I found the bats. You left Francis in too long and it cost you. Sorry for not being able to find the zone a lot. There was a subtle lag that I'm not that used to that was causing a lot of pitches that I would usually throw in to creep out of the zone. Some of them were intentionally way out, but I try to keep it near the dish usually.

After seeing you pitch the first 4-5 innings, I could never have predicted it would end 7-1.

Good luck for the rest of the season. Maybe I'll see you in the playoffs.
Yea, Cartman it was a great game until you had that huge 5th and I couldn't stop the bleeding! Ha! It seems like when I lose at this game it generally looks something like that. It stays very tight until one inning just blows the doors wide open. Heh.

You did great as well and I can see why you're 6-0! Wonderful pitching. You mix the ball up a lot and kept me on my toes. It's just sad that I'm not that great at batting. Especially when you pitch so well keeping me out of sync. Heh. But yea, best of luck to you as well and don't sweat the pitches outside. I always have the same problem. Early on in the game I was throwing a shit ton of strikes and it kept calling them balls which pissed me off. Oh well.

Hope I will see you on the other side of the season! Have fun tomorrow!
[quote name='RynoZebz'] Early on in the game I was throwing a shit ton of strikes and it kept calling them balls which pissed me off. Oh well.

Yea, that was just amazing how bad the game was screwing you. I mean I know I am patient at the dish, but you literally struck me out 3 times and it called it a ball. That one 4 pitch walk to Kelly Johnson was just out of this world. You had two balls that were inside the box completely that got called balls. You had to be patient as hell to deal with that.

You had a lot of hits off me, but I kept getting you into double plays. There must have been 5.
[quote name='TheRock88']Good game there runpud. Got really lucky there at the end with Man Ram.[/quote]
no shit, that was a splitter way outside the zone. no fucking way he would hit that out. I hardly pitched anywhere in the zone with my reliever, and you somehow were hitting everything. Oh well, it was a good game. 4 run lead in the 8th and you somehow managed to get bases juiced and blast one with manny.
[quote name='FriskyTanuki']Not sure, but Santana's been taken off the rotation for the Mets.[/quote]

Must be a mistake since Pedro is on the DL and Santana is off the roster... it should be fixed by today though in any case.
Supreme, we gonna get our game in this week? I think the week is running out and I haven't heard back from my PM about playing last night (obviously we're not) or tonight. Please shoot me a PM so we can get our game in. Thanks
I don't know who I'm up against this week but PM me and we'll discuss some time to meet up. It's a super busy week for me but we'll try to get it in ASAP.

Cartman.... glad I wasn't just seeing the balls on my end. That's my only quirk with the game. Sometimes it seems pretty unfair in terms of the umpire. Once in a while I'm cool with it. But it seems to happen pretty frequently. That was the most I had ever seen it tho. I'm no baby tho! I ain't cryin'! lol It was a great game no matter how it unfolded.
Anyone know when the week officially ends? Seems like it's changed around. Supreme, hopefully you'll get back in touch and we can do this tonight, PM me.
[quote name='mrlogical']Anyone know when the week officially ends? Seems like it's changed around. [/quote]

Yea. I'm running another league through another forum that I frequent and the week has changed a little.

Our league originally ran from Monday-Monday(flipped in the 6 o'clock hour). I checked our league this morning and it still hadn't flipped weeks as of 10 o'clock this morning. So there has been atleast a 15 hour change. I think this league runs wednesday to wednesday though?
9:30 p.m. central still sound ok? I may be a few minutes late as I'm coming back from something earlier in the evening but I should be there at or near that time.
Still have yet to hear from Supreme. I'll definitely be around tonight to play our game if you PM me. If I continue not to hear from Supreme, do I get a forfeit? Of course I'd rather play the game, but I want to make sure I don't get penalized if this game doesn't happen. Hopefully I'll just hear from Supreme tonight and it won't be an issue.
Ah crap, I forgot to get on today. It's been a busy week for me too, and I'm forgetting the smallest things. Excuse me.
The Rock,

We play this week. I'm heading out of town and will be back probably monday. Drop me a PM sometime this weekend telling me when you are available and we will get it on.

Should be a pretty good game.
Hey chief,

I got online because TheRock and I play. Yet, the week hasn't changed for me yet. I'm still showing "no opponent". Weird. Has the league changed for anyone else?
Yea, same thing here. Cant issue the challenge to cartman. I think the week hasnt flipped yet.

Want to try again later during the week?
Try again. I just checked the site and it should be working now.

Edit: It seems that the reason the day our weeks ends gets pushed back all the time is because of unresolved games, so each week doesn't begin until those are dealt with. So for your games, you have until next Sunday. If we have any for next week, I'll try to push them until Monday so that we have the week begin with the new rosters on Mondays.
[quote name='TheRock88']GG cartman. Most competitive game I've played so far.[/quote]

Yep. Good game. The lag kept you in it methinks, but it's cool. That RBI strikeout that Drew had was hilarious. God I said every word in the book when that happens.

Good luck for the rest of the season.
bread's done