CAGLS: Madden 13 Gentlemen's League - We Finished! Thanks for Playing!

[quote name='Dark Rider']My favorite was "The more angles I see, the more confused I get"[/QUOTE]

Yeah, I loved that one too. I at least have to credit his honesty. He could have been like an MLB umpire and kept mouthing off his opinion even when video evidence proves him wrong. It was definiitely comical though.

[quote name='DVO21']so i play the chargers do i need to wait to play my game or am i good to go just wanted to check since things have been a little crazy around here today i didnt want to add to anymore of the craziness so i thought i would ask first[/QUOTE]

About the same as before. I'm not super anxious to find a new owner. But if you want to wait a few days to play it, that's fine too. Basically, whenever you NEED to get it done, go ahead.
bleh. Wrong game to start a broadcast career. Couldn't stop the blitz and my guys just couldn't get open.

Packers - 20
Panthers - 7

I think this pretty much erases any attempt at sneaking into the playoffs with the lowly Panthers. Couldn't stop his passing attack in the first two quarters and a couple 3 and outs deep in my own territory setup the win for the Packers. GG man, hopefully next time my guys will remember to bring their hands and blocking skills.

Highlights are still processing, short video this time. I was too frustrated to take notes :p
Ok, well I guess the Dolphins are going to be open now too. Wpark just informed me that he's going to drop. He let me know that it's nothing personal against anybody. He's just had his fill of TE passes and the exercise in futility that it is to try to stop them (my words, not his). I can't really say that I blame him. It's unfortunate that TEs have become such a cheesy part of the game this year. Every year it feels like we have some formulaic crap of how to win at Madden. Kind of depressing.
[quote name='CAGLeagueSports']Ok, well I guess the Dolphins are going to be open now too. Wpark just informed me that he's going to drop. He let me know that it's nothing personal against anybody. He's just had his fill of TE passes and the exercise in futility that it is to try to stop them (my words, not his). I can't really say that I blame him. It's unfortunate that TEs have become such a cheesy part of the game this year. Every year it feels like we have some formulaic crap of how to win at Madden. Kind of depressing.[/QUOTE]

That is Disappointing. He was a good active member, and will be missedz

He played a good game, and easily shut down my run. Also, to be fair Jacob Tamme is a god among men, with his 92CTH and 89CIT.
[quote name='Dark Rider']That is Disappointing. He was a good active member, and will be missedz

He played a good game, and easily shut down my run. Also, to be fair Jacob Tamme is a god among men, with his 92CTH and 89CIT.[/QUOTE]

Yeah...but EA overdid it on TEs. You know this. I'm not saying his catch numbers shouldn't be good...but the route running and release and whatnot just get way out of hand with too many TEs. It's a broken part of the game.

You're not being called out for passing to your TE. It would be stupid to tell people they can't throw to their TE. It's a huge part of football. But you're also not above doing what Madden wants you to do to win a game. Lets at least be honest about that. You wouldn't have Reggie Bush and Jeff Demps if you were. You're playing Madden. We're all playing Madden. I just can't blame anybody for getting tired of the ratrace. I'm starting to reach the point myself where I feel like I need to retrain myself on how to not care if I lose. It was only when I got back to that point last year that I was actually able to enjoy the game for what it was. Having thoughts like "He SHOULD have caught that ball", "That SHOULDN'T have been intercepted", etc. just becomes infuriating. For the most part, we're playing a cheesy game because we all love football. That's the best you're gonna get, lol.
[quote name='staticz']bleh. Wrong game to start a broadcast career. Couldn't stop the blitz and my guys just couldn't get open.

Packers - 20
Panthers - 7

I think this pretty much erases any attempt at sneaking into the playoffs with the lowly Panthers. Couldn't stop his passing attack in the first two quarters and a couple 3 and outs deep in my own territory setup the win for the Packers. GG man, hopefully next time my guys will remember to bring their hands and blocking skills.

Highlights are still processing, short video this time. I was too frustrated to take notes :p[/QUOTE]

Yeah gg! After I was able to disrupt your game with the blitz I started to sell out a little more and it paid off.

First off I'd like to say that I've been in a LOT of leagues, I know I've only played three user games but this is definitely the best league I've ever been in. Thank you to whomever started this up and whomever is responsible for keeping it going, I'm glad I could eventually become apart of it. It's completely shocking to me that me and Staticz set up a game time for 915 and he was there RIGHT at 915, believe it or not that is the first time something like that has ever happened sans the first two user games I played, but those were both kind of set up on the fly.

I'll definitely be committing more time to doing the practices, fixing my audibles and things of that nature now that I've seen the level of dedication this league has. I definitely made the right choice in joining as this is the type of league I've been looking for, for quite some time. So again thanks to I assume Nate for doing most of the work here and to whomever is responsible for any other assistance. This seems to be a truly great league and am happy to be here.

SECONDLY, I hope that I have regained some of the respect of Packers fans. This is not a team that will play for the first pick in the draft, which I'm sure many thought after an 0-6 start. This is a team that will not give up and make every effort to grow into one of the top teams in the league. The defense has started to turn a corner, Russell Wilson is playing much better since his 2td, 10int start. The team has a TON of cap room and we plan to be big players in the off-season. Thank you for your patience Packers fans, I promise the product on the field recently is completely unacceptable to ownership, but even more important the fans who are putting their hard earn paychecks towards tickets to come see blowouts week in and week out.


Kobe Bryant...I mean Frank Thomas(yes Frank Thomas makes it into the hall of fame and buy a large stake in the Packers organization)
dont worry staticz, you play me next week! I'll make easy fodder for you to bounce back ;)

In other news Bucs-Colts probably going down tonight, we were gonna play last night but the late advance (thanks, Beyonce!) pushed it back.

Sorry to see wpark go. Having played in both the NHL league and this one, he seemed like a decent guy. Cant say I blame him on the TE front especially after giving up 189 yards and 4 TDs to Tamme.
[quote name='CAGLeagueSports']Ok, well I guess the Dolphins are going to be open now too. Wpark just informed me that he's going to drop. He let me know that it's nothing personal against anybody. He's just had his fill of TE passes and the exercise in futility that it is to try to stop them (my words, not his). I can't really say that I blame him. It's unfortunate that TEs have become such a cheesy part of the game this year. Every year it feels like we have some formulaic crap of how to win at Madden. Kind of depressing.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='GamerDude316']Sorry to see wpark go. Having played in both the NHL league and this one, he seemed like a decent guy. Cant say I blame him on the TE front especially after giving up 189 yards and 4 TDs to Tamme.[/QUOTE]

I am very sad to see him go, I thought he was a very good member and a fun person to play against and chat with. I agree with his assessment of the TE passing, I've personally tried to limit the amount I use my TE because I don't want anyone to think I'm cheesin it. It does suck when you get into a game where one guys TE is unstoppable so I completely understand his frustration. I'm not accusing anyone in the league of cheesing to their tight end, don't get me wrong. Just agreeing with the TE being incredibly flawed this year.

[quote name='FrankySox']
Yeah gg! After I was able to disrupt your game with the blitz I started to sell out a little more and it paid off.

First off I'd like to say that I've been in a LOT of leagues, I know I've only played three user games but this is definitely the best league I've ever been in. Thank you to whomever started this up and whomever is responsible for keeping it going, I'm glad I could eventually become apart of it. It's completely shocking to me that me and Staticz set up a game time for 915 and he was there RIGHT at 915, believe it or not that is the first time something like that has ever happened sans the first two user games I played, but those were both kind of set up on the fly.

I'll definitely be committing more time to doing the practices, fixing my audibles and things of that nature now that I've seen the level of dedication this league has. I definitely made the right choice in joining as this is the type of league I've been looking for, for quite some time. So again thanks to I assume Nate for doing most of the work here and to whomever is responsible for any other assistance. This seems to be a truly great league and am happy to be here.

SECONDLY, I hope that I have regained some of the respect of Packers fans. This is not a team that will play for the first pick in the draft, which I'm sure many thought after an 0-6 start. This is a team that will not give up and make every effort to grow into one of the top teams in the league. The defense has started to turn a corner, Russell Wilson is playing much better since his 2td, 10int start. The team has a TON of cap room and we plan to be big players in the off-season. Thank you for your patience Packers fans, I promise the product on the field recently is completely unacceptable to ownership, but even more important the fans who are putting their hard earn paychecks towards tickets to come see blowouts week in and week out.


Kobe Bryant...I mean Frank Thomas(yes Frank Thomas makes it into the hall of fame and buy a large stake in the Packers organization)

This is a fun league and I am glad to see another new member that is into it as much as the rest of us.
I also agree that Tight Ends are an over powered weapon, but not unbeatable. I have one of the best Linebacker cores in the league, and I would almost never put a Linebacker in man coverage with a Tight End. You have to put a Cornerback or Safety on them. If I see Tamme in man coverage with Johnathan Vilma, you better bet I am going to throw it to him.

Also, you guys better be hoping I get Bush back soon so I can stop passing. :D
if it would make things easier, I could switch to the dolphins (not sure if the Cardinals would be more appealing to someone to join) and then I could be closer to my Bills.
[quote name='billymcdugal']if it would make things easier, I could switch to the dolphins (not sure if the Cardinals would be more appealing to someone to join) and then I could be closer to my Bills.[/QUOTE]

I was under the impression users switching teams wasn't really allowed
[quote name='Wpark83']Eh, money's money, right? What else am I gonna do with it haha.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='DVO21']well as long as u stay around for more than 1 season it really shouldnt turn into an issue at all. but if u leave half way thru or right after people are going to be pretty mad.

but i do like the win now style ur bring to ur team. its kinda wut im gonig for with the bengals[/QUOTE]

[quote name='Wpark83']No, I certainly won't be jumping ship at all.[/QUOTE]

So much for that. How screwed are the Dolphins on those ridiculous FA contracts he gave to Jennings and Wallace?
[quote name='GamerDude316']I was under the impression users switching teams wasn't really allowed[/QUOTE]
oh i know under most circumstances, i guess its whether or not he would rather have me switch (if it even would make a difference) or if he'd rather stick with what we have and not worry about having 2 open teams. just figured I'd throw it out there since I'm an afc east guy myself. mostly im hoping to be able to hang out with lebron.
[quote name='pitfallharry219']So much for that. How screwed are the Dolphins on those ridiculous FA contracts he gave to Jennings and Wallace?[/QUOTE]

Guess he should have signed a TE :roll:
[quote name='Dark Rider']I also agree that Tight Ends are an over powered weapon, but not unbeatable. I have one of the best Linebacker cores in the league, and I would almost never put a Linebacker in man coverage with a Tight End. You have to put a Cornerback or Safety on them. If I see Tamme in man coverage with Johnathan Vilma, you better bet I am going to throw it to him.

Also, you guys better be hoping I get Bush back soon so I can stop passing. :D[/QUOTE]

I think even that is a stretch. Most safeties in the game don't even have the man coverage to stick with the TEs (especially when they do those cute little head fakes on zig zag patterns). This is where EA's stupidity of taking out defensive assignments comes in. The reason I went out and got the top CBs I did was so when I'm getting burned by pass happy teams, I can run a Quarters defense and blanket the hell out of them. If I'm playing "do anything to stop the pass" defense, you shouldn't be finding "open" guys with three defenders around them.

This worked against DVO and staticz (teams who have exceptional WRs)...but teams who want to milk the TEs, the game will either stick my 3rd safety on the TE (whose man coverage is terrible) while putting my 3rd or 4th CB on the RB. Sure, I can change it myself...but how much time before the snap are you going to give me? Trust me, I'm going to continue to work on it. But to pretend that it's not a stupid loophole that should have been able to be solved by pausing the game and assigning Cortland Finnegan to Tamme is absurd. The more limited your opponent's tool bag, the higher your chances for success. That's all it is. "Defensive coordinators" are gimped.

[quote name='billymcdugal']if it would make things easier, I could switch to the dolphins (not sure if the Cardinals would be more appealing to someone to join) and then I could be closer to my Bills.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, that's definitely not happening, lol. I appreciate the offer, but you've played too many games with the Cardinals to consider allowing it. The less shaking things up we have at this point, the better off we'll be.

[quote name='pitfallharry219']So much for that. How screwed are the Dolphins on those ridiculous FA contracts he gave to Jennings and Wallace?[/QUOTE]

Yeah...that part of it sucks. That's why sometimes I wish EA would have just left things the way they were. Adding finances just ramps up everyone's responsibility so much. It's not like I can force people to sign a contract to play for 5 seasons. And I can't blame people for getting burned out. It's just a lose-lose all the way around.

[quote name='staticz']Guess he should have signed a TE :roll:[/QUOTE]

Ha...sadly, there's a good amount of truth to that. That's why I got superstar Tom Crabtree. I had a reliable source tell me he was Michael Crabtree's brother, so it seemed like a sound investment. Then I saw his picture... I think I was duped.
Well if any kind of list of guys that could be restricted in free agency is made Alex Mack is probably the only guy on my team I'd like on it. The others I think are all up to me, but he was already not negotiating by the time I took over. There may be some others I have to check on though.
Yup...I'm definitely on a break from this game. Hopefully nobody needs jack shit for awhile, because I could seriously give a flying fuck right now.
[quote name='slofton']But what if I wanted a flying fuck? :D[/QUOTE]

My new business is actually a flying fuck cart. I can wheel it around cities and sell on corners. Very successful so far.

[quote name='n8rockerasu']Yup...I'm definitely on a break from this game. Hopefully nobody needs jack shit for awhile, because I could seriously give a flying fuck right now.[/QUOTE]

If it makes you feel any better, Cool I am regularly beats the crap out of me. Just be thankful he's not in your division.
[quote name='Dark Rider']My new business is actually a flying fuck cart. I can wheel it around cities and sell on corners. Very successful so far. .[/QUOTE]

[quote name='Dark Rider']If it makes you feel any better, Cool I am regularly beats the crap out of me. Just be thankful he's not in your division.[/QUOTE]

Well, I felt like the game was pretty even until I came up on the bad side of two pretty big plays. I had a 3rd and 10 when I found Kendall Wright wide open on the left side of the field. Locker throws a perfect pass and Wright just drops it. He probably could have ran at least 20 yards after the catch had he not been a damned idiot. Then, on my next drive, I run a play action, and Jared Cook just gets absolutely mauled by two defenders as he's running his route (definitely more than 5 yards down the field) and the ball ends up getting intercepted.

I swear, it looked like Cook was hip tossed a good 2-3 yards there was so much contact. I was so dumbstruck by the play, I messaged Cool I Am to comment on the lack of pass interference. It's just the same old Madden sometimes. When the game wants you to lose, you lose. There's no sense complaining about it. It's just the way this game is and I can at least recognize it for what it is. It just also makes me want to drastically cut back the amount of time I put into it. So, yeah...this is definitely the time of the year when I scale back and ask that people be more self-relient (ie. if you can't play your game, put yourself on autopilot). Hopefully, this will refresh me to keep things going in future seasons. Just right now, I'm frustrated beyond words.
ya you just have those games madden is out to get you. My last ranked game I play I had four fumbles in a half. FOUR. It was so stupid but I'm at the point where I know madden just likes to screw you over sometimes and you have to roll with it.
Colts over the Bucs 21-11. Couldnt get my offense going at all and couldnt stop the Colts WR's, my CBs apparently took the week off. Colts got a big lead in the 2nd quarter with a long passing TD and a Robert Mathis leaping INT for 6, and it was more than enough to hold on. On top of that, my starting OLB Erin Henderson got hurt for the year.

I do have a question about onside kicks though. How early in the 4th is too early for one? I was down 21-3 and scored a TD, converted the 2 to make it 21-11 with a little over 3 minutes left. I was really tempted to go for the on-side kick to try and keep momentum but didnt wanna come across as a dick. Was that too early or would I have been right to try for one there?
[quote name='GpNinja']Does the CPU beat anybody else in practice. Lol smh[/QUOTE]

Yes. And always by lob balls down the field that my defenders decide they just want to miss.
[quote name='scrub0bk']Yes. And always by lob balls down the field that my defenders decide they just want to miss.[/QUOTE]

I am not sure if everyone's practice teams are the same, but that 99SPD, high release wide receiver always gets me. It's not too bad though, I won my last one 65-9.
[quote name='Dark Rider']I am not sure if everyone's practice teams are the same, but that 99SPD, high release wide receiver always gets me. It's not too bad though, I won my last one 65-9.[/QUOTE]

my practice squad always has a beast RB but the QB is a bum he sucks
[quote name='GamerDude316']Colts over the Bucs 21-11. Couldnt get my offense going at all and couldnt stop the Colts WR's, my CBs apparently took the week off. Colts got a big lead in the 2nd quarter with a long passing TD and a Robert Mathis leaping INT for 6, and it was more than enough to hold on. On top of that, my starting OLB Erin Henderson got hurt for the year.

I do have a question about onside kicks though. How early in the 4th is too early for one? I was down 21-3 and scored a TD, converted the 2 to make it 21-11 with a little over 3 minutes left. I was really tempted to go for the on-side kick to try and keep momentum but didnt wanna come across as a dick. Was that too early or would I have been right to try for one there?[/QUOTE]

Well, since you were down by 2 scores, I don't think the onside kick would have been uncalled for there. It would basically just be "going for broke" right away. But alternatively, you'd be kicking it deep, trusting your defense to get the stop, and using your timeouts to keep as much time on the clock as possible. Then, when you get the ball back, you have to score (TD or FG) and THEN go for an onside kick. I don't know that you made the WRONG call, as the onside kick could have just as easily backfired. It seems it just didn't work out for you.
[quote name='n8rockerasu']Well, since you were down by 2 scores, I don't think the onside kick would have been uncalled for there. It would basically just be "going for broke" right away. But alternatively, you'd be kicking it deep, trusting your defense to get the stop, and using your timeouts to keep as much time on the clock as possible. Then, when you get the ball back, you have to score (TD or FG) and THEN go for an onside kick. I don't know that you made the WRONG call, as the onside kick could have just as easily backfired. It seems it just didn't work out for you.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, that was basically the thought. I was hoping ultimately that the D could keep Turner in check as they had done for the game until that drive, but it didn't work out. not doing the onside kick definitely wasn't the reason I lost but I wanted to ask for future situations as well.
[quote name='pitfallharry219']What happened?[/QUOTE]

Just general crap. Guys not tackling. Wide open drops. My team looking like they've never played this game before. That sort of thing.
[quote name='KasterDB']Just general crap. Guys not tackling. Wide open drops. My team looking like they've never played this game before. That sort of thing.[/QUOTE]
Oh, and lagging out of the first game where it looked even and now it's just all him.
Hey champ, I know you've got a thin 28 point lead, so passing it with 3:30 left in the game just so you can convert a crucial third down in my territory is totally awesome.

Oh hey, he caught a pass in the open field that should've gone for a touchdown, but oh happy day he ran out of bounds at the one so he could run it in with his running back! What a great player!!!11
[quote name='KasterDB']Just general crap. Guys not tackling. Wide open drops. My team looking like they've never played this game before. That sort of thing.[/QUOTE]

Past two games I've played have been the exact same way. So frustrating.
bread's done