CAGLS: Official NHL 14 Online Franchise - Random Rosters - Play ALL Human Opponents - Schedule Section #5 Due 4/9!

I'm worried about who I lost while I was out due to work.  With that said I'm back now unless no one wants to go in because of the weather in the St. Louis area.

Anyone that has to play St. Louis just play them.  I'm not sure what is going on with my internet, but with this winter storm we had it seems to randomly go out.  When it does it could be less than a minute or longer.

EDIT:  Thought I would try and get my games against the CPU done while I had a connection.  I don't know if it was from lag or what, but the controls were shit.  It seemed like nothing was working at all on the controller I was using yet every other game I have it works fine on.  RT was useless to try and pass or change players.  When I was able to changer players it would change 3 or 4 times and some times I wouldn't even press it and I would see the control change to players that didn't even have the puck.  Tarasenko seemed like he was out to kill people at times and was under the control of the CPU.  So is this just my connection or controller or did something change while I wasn't able to play?

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So, I just got on and noticed that there are lots of unplayed games. People know today's the deadline, right
Just been a busy week with all the cold weather chaos and things getting juggled. And I've been spending a lot of my free time trying to sync up my Wii remote to my PC to act as a mouse...which will then act as a gun when I play shooters on Oculus Rift. I've got it set up reasonably well now...and I imagine it works as well as the Delta 6 will (I've even got melee by swinging the gun).

I've been testing it in Team Fortress 2, and I'm not sure if it's the particular control setting or what, but it's still pretty damn tough. It keeps your look and aim separate, so you can kind of lose track of the reticle at times. And it's not a perfect one to one movement with the gun, so that adds to the confusion. I think I need to test it with a slower paced game or some target practice or something.

Anyway, yeah...way more interesting than NHL 14, lol. :lol:

That said, I should be on tonight around 11:30 EST if anybody needs to play me. If that's too late, no worries.

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Welp, didn't even know we advanced. I don't even know what my schedule looks like this week, but Ifeel free to play my AI if anyone has me scheduled.

Another reason I haven't been super motivated to play (I'll still slog through the season no matter what though...even if it's only out of curiosity about how the offseason stuff and player development works).

This led to a goal and ended up forcing OT and then a shootout...which I lost. I didn't even realize Klein got hurt. I was controlling the other d-man, trying to stop a 3 on 1, wondering "where the fuck is my other d?" They score, I pause to see what happened. And

I'm not sure in what world that isn't a late hit, but when the CPU does it and then services itself by not calling a penalty, it makes things feel pretty cheap. I swear, the people who programmed this game have to be some of the biggest assholes alive. You can just see it in the way the CPU plays.

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Oh, one more thing. The "invalid roster" problem is back. I couldn't play St. Louis's CPU because of that issue. It's just a shame to see the game this broken. So, sendme, if you can get on and fix your roster, that would be good. Otherwise, the only choice I have is to temporarily boot you from the league (to get the CPU to actually fix it), and then send you another invite.

EDIT - Now that I'm looking at the Blues team, I can see why this happened. sendme has 3 players injured...all of them RWs. Stewart, Cracknell, and Tarasenko are all injured. What's great is when this happens, the game doesn't know what to do. Yet, when those players come back from injury, it will automatically juggle your lines. Makes no sense.

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All right, we have advanced to the next section of the schedule. Injuries are really starting to run wild. There are only 2 teams with less than 2 injuries. And the majority of teams in the league have 4. I hope everybody is enjoying Demolition Derby 14, lol :lol:

The deadline for this next section will be 1/14.

Oh, one more thing. The "invalid roster" problem is back. I couldn't play St. Louis's CPU because of that issue. It's just a shame to see the game this broken. So, sendme, if you can get on and fix your roster, that would be good. Otherwise, the only choice I have is to temporarily boot you from the league (to get the CPU to actually fix it), and then send you another invite.

EDIT - Now that I'm looking at the Blues team, I can see why this happened. sendme has 3 players injured...all of them RWs. Stewart, Cracknell, and Tarasenko are all injured. What's great is when this happens, the game doesn't know what to do. Yet, when those players come back from injury, it will automatically juggle your lines. Makes no sense.
Damn it. I hate this game. I was on the other day and only had one player injured. Also I didn't even know Cracknell was on the roster. I thought he was with the AHL team. If you need to just kick me so it can get everything fixed and I can send a request when I get the chance. Internet seems to be working fine now for being charter, but I wont be able to play tonight.

Damn it. I hate this game. I was on the other day and only had one player injured. Also I didn't even know Cracknell was on the roster. I thought he was with the AHL team. If you need to just kick me so it can get everything fixed and I can send a request when I get the chance. Internet seems to be working fine now for being charter, but I wont be able to play tonight.
Well, there's no rush at the present moment since we just advanced the schedule. But if we get close to the deadline and somebody needs to play your CPU, yeah, I'll just do that. Hopefully you can play your games/fix your roster before we reach that point though.

I'm going to get on today.  I want to see if I'm still having the issues with the controls.  Before all this weather hit I had played some of Deadpool when I got a chance before work and had no issues with the controller at all other than the controller lighting up when the system was off, but it has been doing that for some time now.  Even the last of NHL 14 I played I had no issues then the other day I was able to get on to try and get the games against the CPU done and the controls all went to hell.  I could understand some delay if it was a wireless controller, but it's not.  Has anyone else noticed the controls going to shit?  All I'm really able to do is skate and hope like hell I can shoot.  That's how bad they have got.

EDIT:  I'm really hating this game now.  I only had CPU games so that's a good thing, but unless I'm reading things wrong I can't move anyone up without putting someone on the current roster out on waivers.  I also just noticed a good number of players are UFA or RAF at the end of the season.  So that is going to be fun trying to get them to stay with the cap.  In 13 I think I lost everyone that was up but one player.  I also have no idea as to how the scouting works as now everyone seems to show up with none for league interest when before I was seeing at least some marked with some interest.  Also the controls are back so I have no clue as to what was going on before.  However it does seem like I'm just playing on an electronic board just watching players do some of the dumbest shit at times.  I wonder if on next gen they can get all this fixed or if it will stay the same.

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I'm going to get on today. I want to see if I'm still having the issues with the controls. Before all this weather hit I had played some of Deadpool when I got a chance before work and had no issues with the controller at all other than the controller lighting up when the system was off, but it has been doing that for some time now. Even the last of NHL 14 I played I had no issues then the other day I was able to get on to try and get the games against the CPU done and the controls all went to hell. I could understand some delay if it was a wireless controller, but it's not. Has anyone else noticed the controls going to shit? All I'm really able to do is skate and hope like hell I can shoot. That's how bad they have got.

EDIT: I'm really hating this game now. I only had CPU games so that's a good thing, but unless I'm reading things wrong I can't move anyone up without putting someone on the current roster out on waivers. I also just noticed a good number of players are UFA or RAF at the end of the season. So that is going to be fun trying to get them to stay with the cap. In 13 I think I lost everyone that was up but one player. I also have no idea as to how the scouting works as now everyone seems to show up with none for league interest when before I was seeing at least some marked with some interest. Also the controls are back so I have no clue as to what was going on before. However it does seem like I'm just playing on an electronic board just watching players do some of the dumbest shit at times. I wonder if on next gen they can get all this fixed or if it will stay the same.
I think there's a button you can hit to switch to players on your NHL/AHL roster. The problem is, if you don't want a guy on your NHL roster to go through waivers, he has to have a 2-way contract. It definitely makes these injury situations even harder to handle...but there's not a whole lot of flexibility.

Well, all I have left are east coast games so they will just be simulated.  Maybe the game will take pity on me and no one else will be injured. I don't think Brandon and I should be allowed to play each other anymore, lol. He won the hitting battle 49 to 38. Multiple players were injured. Bodies...just bodies everywhere, lol. I somehow managed to win the game though (if you could call it that) 3-2. That's what's crazy. When you play this game hard (as we both do), it goes full arcade mode. Our first game of the year was the same way. Huge hits, injuries, and weird animations. And then the AI gets in on it too...just barrelling into people at full speed, getting penalties for no reason, etc. Bad game is bad.

The goals were silly too.  First goal of the game hits Varly in the glove and pops straight over his head into the net and then my first goal is just flipping the puck on net from the blue line before I get crushed and it goes right in. 

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All right, guys. We have advanced to the next...and FINAL section of the regular season schedule. That's right. We're on the verge of finishing one season. The bad news is...I have 4 players out...with the soonest returning in 7 games (which is Shea Weber). Hooray for depleted rosters!

Most of our human teams have clinched playoff spots already. The Rangers and Blues are the only two who haven't clinched...but they both currently hold spots, so if you guys can stand pat, I think everyone will be in. The deadline for this section will be 1/20. Good luck to us all.

EA does it again with their realistic puck physics.  Puck is blocked, hits off my D-man when he has all the time in the world to pick it up and goes right to the other team for a breakaway goal.

Really getting old when good solid play is useless but random bounces or clipping issues lead to goals.

Edit - Won the game 7-6 after outshooting them 27-19.  7 goals combined in the 3rd.  So hilarious that they claim to have "hardcore simulation" settings.

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I still think that the CPU decides the puck is going in no matter what the puck is then going in.  I have noticed against the CPU that when the controls all go to shit and the players on the other team seem super human and when you check them you bounce 10 feet away the puck tends to go in not long after all that BS starts.  Might not make it on today, but I will be on tomorrow so if you know you have to play St. Louis let me know.  If not then when I see it tomorrow I will send out a message.

Yeah, I had this gem last night.

Tied the game up 1-1 with 0:05 left in the 1st period. This accounted for their 3rd and 4th shots of the period. I had 12 shots. Fortunately, I came out and thrashed them in the 2nd period, causing them to pull Lundqvist. But at the time, I was pissed because "yeah, that's how they score." Weak wrist shot from the blue line that my 90 OVR goalie kicks right to their player in front. So damn stupid and happens way too often in this game.

Really thinking about saying the hell with this game.  I had a total of 2 periods tonight that the controls worked and after that they went to shit again.  Both were in hut and in one of them Halak let this in:

Just before they started working this happend:

Not sure if it is lag on my end that is causing the issues or not.  I'm really getting to the point I hate this game more than 13.  I really don't want to quite because I don't want to be the guy that comes in and plays one season then is done with it, but when no matter what controller I use I can only skate and shoot what fun is it.  Might just say the hell with it and play all rookies next season and let contracts go that are up.  I'm really hoping that I don't make the playoffs at this point.  My consumables in HUT are about full of nothing but contracts I can't sell because they are all from the free packs and I have sold all my players but the ones that come in the free packs.  

Really thinking about saying the hell with this game. I had a total of 2 periods tonight that the controls worked and after that they went to shit again. Both were in hut and in one of them Halak let this in:

Just before they started working this happend:

Not sure if it is lag on my end that is causing the issues or not. I'm really getting to the point I hate this game more than 13. I really don't want to quite because I don't want to be the guy that comes in and plays one season then is done with it, but when no matter what controller I use I can only skate and shoot what fun is it. Might just say the hell with it and play all rookies next season and let contracts go that are up. I'm really hoping that I don't make the playoffs at this point. My consumables in HUT are about full of nothing but contracts I can't sell because they are all from the free packs and I have sold all my players but the ones that come in the free packs.
Honestly, I don't understand the controller issues you're having. I don't think I've ever noticed lag in single player games (even online ones like GM Connected). I have been known to get a crapton of button lag in online team play...but I figure that's usually because you're connecting US players with Canadian players (and I've noticed the lag is the absolute worst when you play a team that has players on it from both the US and Canada).

But yeah, in a single player game, I cant' say that I've ever experienced that. Have you gone to to see what your connection is pulling? 99% of the time, EA servers are going to be to blame, but it's not bad to check every once in awhile just to make sure you're getting what you're paying for.

I just ran one myself, and this is mine for comparison purposes.

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It might just be lag that is causing it.  I know it isn't the controller because it works fine in everything else.  I had lag in 13 that made it unplayable in the league, but this year it was fine.  Well it was at the start.  I just ran and this is what I'm getting with Charter:

It might just be lag that is causing it. I know it isn't the controller because it works fine in everything else. I had lag in 13 that made it unplayable in the league, but this year it was fine. Well it was at the start. I just ran and this is what I'm getting with Charter:

Yeah, I would think that would be good enough. I don't really understand how EA's servers work, but in PC terms, it doesn't seem like they're optimized worth shit. You can have a beast of a computer, but if a game isn't coded very well, it can still run like ass and have framerate issues. I've never seen it playing against the computer though. Is it noticeably different than when you're playing offline? (like a Live the Life game or something)

I only play HUT against the computer and it is the same as in the league.  It doesn't do it all the time, but when it does it is annoying as hell.  I haven't played Live the Life since before it started.  I thought it was the controller at first, but it works fine for other game.  Could be that I'm just lagging some.

I only play HUT against the computer and it is the same as in the league. It doesn't do it all the time, but when it does it is annoying as hell. I haven't played Live the Life since before it started. I thought it was the controller at first, but it works fine for other game. Could be that I'm just lagging some.
You should just try a truly offline game (Play Now, Winter Classic, Live the Life, etc) and see if it's still the same. That would be one surefire way to tell if it's connection related.

I will give that a try when I know it is giving me issues.  Also seeing how it doesn't seem like anyone posts in the NHL tread anymore, why was the goal against the kings, the one that bounced off the net then off of Quick's back and in the net, not reviewable?  The video I saw that is all they were saying is that it couldn't be reviewed.  I didn't watch the game, but from what I read damn 177 penalty minutes handed out in 2 seconds in the Calgary VS Vancouver game.

I believe that, while goals are obviously reviewable, the determination of whether or not the puck went out of play is not. I was watching the game in the lounge at an ECHL game so I didn't get to hear the explanation given, but I think that's accurate.
Looks like all my issues are online modes.  I played a game of play it now against Detroit with no issues.  Hell I even saw a goal for Detroit get looked at and called a no goal.  I have never seen a goal in the game reviewed and called a no goal.  All of them have been ruled a good goal. 

We have advanced to the playoffs. I forgot how the NHL does their weird playoff seeding, so unfortunately, even in the Western conference, we've got some CPU vs CPU matchups right away...meanwhile, two of the matchups are human vs human. Although, with the way the CPU plays sometimes, maybe that's better. Who knows. Anyway...these are our human vs human matchups.

LA Kings (Matt Young) vs. St. Louis Blues (sendme)

Colorado Avalanche (DarkTower80) vs Nashville Predators (n8rockerasu)

These are best of 7 I guess we'll just keep rolling with the 5 day advancement. I don't really expect people to play them all in one sitting (especially if the series goes long). But hopefully getting it done over the course of a couple days is feasible. That would put our deadline at 1/25. Good luck to everyone!

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And of course, in the one game that is out of conference, I lose my best defenseman (Marc Staal) for the first round. I'm without Girardi as well for four games and lost Yakupov a long time ago, the only way I'd get him back would be to advance to at least the conference finals. Sigh.

I'm happy that I earned the #1 seed, but I would have been better off losing and playing Anaheim in round 1. At least sendme and I always seem to have really good games. Looking like out series will kick off tomorrow.
Wow, I admittedly didn't really pay attention the last few cycles, but holy crap, I lost the first seed? Dang, I thought I had a commanding lead lol. Nice job Matt!
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Thank you. I barely passed you by winning all 5 games in my last block (all CPU). I have had mostly good luck with beating the CPU, but I am probably closer to .500 in my games against actual people. And home ice doesn't mean anything in a video game, so all I really accomplished was to earn myself a tougher first round matchup.
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I was surprised to see that I not only made it to the playoffs but that I was also playing you Matt. I would rather be playing moojuice. Nothing against you matt but I don't think I can take seeing St. Louis be eliminated twice in one year by LA. However like I said in the pm the games will be fun.
At least online you can pass the puck.  Seems like now the connection to the servers for me is so bad passing isn't an option.  Hell to even be able to deke is hit and miss.  More hit thankfully than miss.  If I could trade the servers I'm connecting to I would gladly put them up for trade.

Seems like the longer the games Matt and I have the more penalties are called.  Also I think my controller is how shot.  Odd how it worked offline and in other games however I just tried to play another game and on the right side only x and y worked.  Guess it's suck it up and deal with the wireless controllers or see if I can't find a wired controller I like tomorrow before the Blues game.  With the one out and come March most my time going to Titanfall when I play games I don't know if I really want to even bother getting a new wired controller. 

Oddly, my black wireless controller keeps disconnecting, but only when playing this game online. Had to switch early on in the first game we played.
Maybe I should give my wired controller another chance then.  Could be something with the online because I tried it with Ascend: Hand of Kul.  If not then I need to get one today before the Blues game or like I said suck it up and go wireless.

bread's done