CAG's Black Friday Bonanza! Win a $200 Gift Card to the Retailer of Your Choice!

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The Mario Red DS Bundle at Walmart for $136 is looking good to me. I'd prefer a blue DS, but to get the New Super Mario Bros. game with this bundle is worth it.
I'm gunning for the gamestop buy 2 get 1 used deal... perfect opportunity to pick up Resistance 2, Valkyria Chronicles, and Call of Duty.

Now the fun part is getting there early :D
No surprise here, I'll be getting some cheap video games for both myself and for christmas gifts (such as Sims 2, Brothers in Arms, Lost Planet, etc.) and I'm looking for a new LCD monitor but I don't know if I'll actually be buying that.

I plan on getting most of my christmas shopping, the main purpose of black friday for me. This 200 dollar gift card would be awesome and would really help me out!
It's all my little one this year.... nothing for me.
The plan for the wife and I is to spoil her rotten this year.

My little girl's awesome :)
Hoping to see a good deal on Madden 09, for my brother, and it seems Wal-Mart leads the fray with a $30 tag.

However the notion of going there for Black Friday makes me shudder. ;)
Hoping to pick up a few games for gifts at the $9.99 range at either Best Buy, Target or Circuit City

but for myself want to find Brother in Arms: Hell's Highway and Rainbow Six Vegas 2

I'll also check my local GS if you can actually get in
Here is what I am wanting:
Left 4 Dead $10 off
Tetris Evolution $9.99
Dead Rising $9.99
Brother In Arms: Hell's Highway $20.00
Sonic and the Secret Rings

The best deal is the free 20gb HD and controller with the Xbox Arcade for 199
I'm hoping to get some good deals at Gamestop for used games like Boom Blox. It's a shame that the Sam's Wii deal turned out to be a fake/misprint. I was ready to camp out for that one.
I am so broke right now, so i'll just be picking up dead rising for 9.99. My zombie thirst is VERY high right now from all my left4dead playing! Here is hoping for the gift card, THANKS CAG!
Call of Duty 3, Need For Speed Carbon, Tetris Evolution and Dead Rising for the 360 at Circuit City. These are all games I haven't gotten yet. Now, all I need is the time to play all these great games!
Dead Space for $30 and Burnout for $20 from Target seem like the deals I'm the most interested in. Also, Simpsons for $10 from Best Buy seems about my speed. 3 new games for the price of 1? Yessiree.

I am all over House of the Dead 2 & 3 for the Wii and Assassin's Creed for the PC at Best Buy. I would consider Dead Space at Target, if not for the fact that the amount I'd save would be roughly equal to, or possibly even less, than the cost of the ferry I'd have to take across the lake to get to Target. We don't have one in Vermont, yet.

Hopefully these will be available through the web, too.
One of the 4GB MSPRo cards (from -somewhere-, really...), and Burnout paradise ($20, Target) as a gift for someone else, as I already have the game.

Was hoping for :ps3: Naruto and :ps3: Valkyria deals, but those are nonexistent.
Meh, none of these "deals" make me wanna wake up.

Guess I'll be headed to Target though...

Burnout Paradise $20.00
Guitar Hero III Legends of Rock $20.00
3 Month Xbox Live card $15

I was really hoping for a good deal on a full GH4/RB2 set... :cry:
I'll prob. stop by CC and pick up Dead Rising (will be getting an HDTV for Christmas, so I can finally pick it up and read the text), Bioshock (Sadly, never got to play this one), and Orange Box (have it for PC, love it, want it for Xbox).
I'm looking forward to see if the 80GB PS3 bundle is going to help get anymore people chip out the bucks for a PS3.
I missed out on the TRU $19.99 X360 Madden 09 deal, but Walmart's $29.99 deal seems pretty good. I wonder if there will be any online deals for Madden 09 or if Amazon will match so I can skip the crowds.
I would like to get the gamestop 4 gig pro duo for my psp, if it is there. I would also like to get the 360 bundle from Target, but my budget won't allow that.
I am actualy looking for a 32" or 37" HDTV and like the CC ad that has the 32" Toshiba 720p HDTV for $449. I just hope I can drag my lazy ass up early enough to get one.
Honestly nothing on the list looks particularly interesting at the moment save for the 14.99 Memory Stick at Office Depot, now that is a STEAL.
Wow looks like I'll be trying to hit all these places..

Dead Space for $30 at Target
PS3 Dual Shock for $30 at Radio Shack
Dead Rising for $10 at Circuit City
4GB ProDuo for $15 at Office Depot

I'm shopping around for an Arcade 360 as an X-Mas present. Might grab it from CC.
My only goal for BF is to get the Guitar Hero World Tour guitar bundle for Wii at Target for $59. If I get that, then when the drums are finally released separately (my guess is early next year - AKA after Christmas so Activision can sell as many band bundles as possible), I'll wind up spending less than if I bought the band bundle. Also, I think Boom Blox is $20 at Circuit City, so I might try for that afterward if possible.
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