Holy cow - insane. ima bust a nerdnut.
C Chilli2627 CAG Veteran Nov 22, 2010 #7,058 Awesome giveaway!!! I would never get off my couch again!!!!!
C Computersnacks CAGiversary! Feedback 4 (100%) Nov 22, 2010 #7,059 The real winner here is the savings.
S SiliconWarrior CAG Veteran Nov 22, 2010 #7,061 That's one hell of a prize package! Someone is going to be very happy.
kdnewton CAGiversary! Nov 22, 2010 #7,066 Look at me, commenting so I can get another ticket into the raffle! Thanks for the chance to win, CAG. Whoever gets this will have a very merry holiday, indeed!
Look at me, commenting so I can get another ticket into the raffle! Thanks for the chance to win, CAG. Whoever gets this will have a very merry holiday, indeed!
E erispie CAG Veteran Nov 22, 2010 #7,068 This is a ridiculously awesome list of prizes. I don't usually enter and retweet things, but I followed a friend's link here and just did!
This is a ridiculously awesome list of prizes. I don't usually enter and retweet things, but I followed a friend's link here and just did!
iamryanhello CAG Veteran Feedback 1 (100%) Nov 22, 2010 #7,071 gasp this is an amazing contest... *crosses fingers*
core238 CAG Veteran Nov 22, 2010 #7,072 Kevin Butler just came back from the future and told me that I won!!!:^o
S SOG Hollywood CAG Veteran Nov 22, 2010 #7,073 Holy crap. That's a lot of stuff. Would be amazing to win. An epic unboxing video!
AuchTober CAGiversary! Feedback 1 (100%) Nov 22, 2010 #7,079 Sweet! I've almost given up on the BK contest, maybe this one will have better odds!
S silvergamer88 CAGiversary! Nov 22, 2010 #7,081 That is a lot of prizes! Wish I didn't have awful luck when it comes to drawings.....
jaw707070 CAGiversary! Feedback 16 (100%) Nov 22, 2010 #7,082 Im glad that I still have an account that I made when I was 14. Yes fourth post!
V Vinco CAGiversary! Feedback 10 (100%) Nov 22, 2010 #7,084 Contest entered! Time to be beaten by the odds.
shadowfoxx21 CAGiversary! Feedback 1 (100%) Nov 22, 2010 #7,085 CAG always has great contests, but this beats all those by a long shot.
G GodspedEmperor CAGiversary! Nov 22, 2010 #7,086 Winning may not be everything, but it's enough for me!
P phantomofrussia CAG Veteran Nov 22, 2010 #7,088 if i win, I will be jumping up and down like a little kid.
T themacguy2k CAGiversary! Nov 22, 2010 #7,090 Winning isn't everything.. It's how you play the ga.. A SCREW IT!! Winning IS everything!! GRRR...
G ++GoodGames CAGiversary! Nov 22, 2010 #7,091 Seriously, you Cheap Ass Gamer folk are the best! I've saved on so much these last two holidays thanks to you. I will make sure that you get a shout out on next week's show.
Seriously, you Cheap Ass Gamer folk are the best! I've saved on so much these last two holidays thanks to you. I will make sure that you get a shout out on next week's show.
A Alamais CAGiversary! Nov 22, 2010 #7,092 Holy crapsicles. I registered simply for this contest. *fingers crossed*
A Accalon CAG Veteran Nov 22, 2010 #7,098 This would be sweet to win! I want to play that Kinect game with the animals.
M MissileCat CAG Veteran Nov 22, 2010 #7,100 Looking forward to not actually winning anything at all.