Wow. More than wow. What a happy black Friday that would be. I think a TV would go nice with all that, perhaps one that costs about $500. Or stock up on games? Hmm, choices choices.
I may not win, but regardless, thanks for the hope!
That prize package, the toilet chair from "Idiocracy" and intravenous Jamba Juice delivery and I wouldn't have to move during the Christmas break...except to play with the Kinect or the Move...I guess...curse you motion control games!
Good Gosh, this tops all the contests i've ever entered! Good Luck to all in becoming a glorified CAG! Thanks Cheapy for this opportunity!! GO GO luck of the draw!:lol:
What would I do to help achieve world peace...?
Yep, give everyone a 360/PS3 AND a Wii would be a good starting point. There'd be no real wars if everyone could just duke it out in COD.