CAG's Win Everything* Black Friday Bonanza! - Congratulations, thenewnumbertwo!

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It's a lot of swag for one person to handle. Here's hoping.

Oh, and does anyone else's ticket count not multiplying right? I have 6 of 22 even though it says I have the 2x multiplier and thus should have 12.

EDIT: Nevermind. Posting here for that 7th ticket fixed it to be 14.
This may be hard to believe but I don't like the "win everything" contest idea. I don't want half that stuff. I don't use the Wii or PS3 that I have. I just want the Kinect (or at least I think I do).
Damn I love CAG. Cheapy, your internet space pimp status has been reconfirmed (not that it was ever in jeopardy). It's cool to see this kind of generous contest.
this is a pretty unbelievable contest. only one way you'll convince me this is all real, "randomly" pick my ticket =P
holy cow, that's a lot of stuff. I'd probably donate at least some of it to charity though. (I already have some of the stuff on the list). Definately want the Ipad and the $500 though.
Wow. This is the biggest gaming giveaway I've ever heard of. I seriously love CAG for doing stuff like this!
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bread's done