CAG's Win Everything* Black Friday Bonanza! - Congratulations, thenewnumbertwo!

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I was gonna write something witty here, but I got distracted by Mary Elizabeth Winstead... Yeah... something... contest...
Amazing prize package...I haven't won anything on CAG yet and I've been here for ever...hopefully this will be the one!
This has got to be one of the best gaming/any-kind-of giveaway's ever! This is truly awesome of CAG to do this for it's community of Cheap Ass Gamer's. Proud to be a cheap ass,
This is a great promotion! I've gone and explored all around the site, though I've never visited before. It would be awesome to be able to get alerts when a game comes out for a new platform at below a certain price.
"This contest is like a dream come true" w/ lyrics

1 If I win it'll be a dream come true
2 I hate my PS2
3 its plain to see that I need to win a PS3
4 repeat steps one through 3
5 i'll even take a 250gb 360

If ever i belive My luck here is done So0o i start back at one!!!
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bread's done