Holy crap that's a lot of prizes. Good luck everyone.
DragoonKnight CAGiversary! Feedback 7 (100%) Nov 9, 2010 #951 Holy crap that's a lot of prizes. Good luck everyone.
Zmonkay CAGiversary! Feedback 36 (100%) Nov 9, 2010 #954 Well that is one hell of a prize. Nice going Cheapy!
P Protocol Snow CAGiversary! Nov 9, 2010 #960 Epic contest. If I win I would donate the prizes since I have already have everything
A Annerb CAG Veteran Nov 9, 2010 #965 This would be the best year of my life if I were to win this. I (like I'm sure everyone else here) really really want this!!!
This would be the best year of my life if I were to win this. I (like I'm sure everyone else here) really really want this!!!
W wonderdog CAGiversary! Nov 9, 2010 #969 Donate this if I win. Some kids who don't get much would get a pretty slick surprise. (Total disclosure: I'd keep something, maybe the PS3).
Donate this if I win. Some kids who don't get much would get a pretty slick surprise. (Total disclosure: I'd keep something, maybe the PS3).
W woodtrain54 CAGiversary! Feedback 3 (100%) Nov 9, 2010 #971 This'd be the best Christmas present in the history of Christmas and presents
RchrdJ CAGiversary! Nov 9, 2010 #975 This is without a doubt the biggest internet contest I have ever wanted to win. Sure some site may give away a car, but I'm too much of a geek.
This is without a doubt the biggest internet contest I have ever wanted to win. Sure some site may give away a car, but I'm too much of a geek.
T tshadow2312 CAGiversary! Nov 9, 2010 #976 Oh me can win so many prizes this is redonkouslous to the speed of master chief taking down the covenant
Oh me can win so many prizes this is redonkouslous to the speed of master chief taking down the covenant
Ch33pSh33p CAGiversary! Feedback 2 (100%) Nov 9, 2010 #977 It'd be awesome to even win just 1/5th of that BB gift card
K Korny CAGiversary! Feedback 1 (100%) Nov 9, 2010 #979 Wow... that's one heck of a contest. It should be a $500 gift card for the IRS so that you can pay the taxes on that prize package.
Wow... that's one heck of a contest. It should be a $500 gift card for the IRS so that you can pay the taxes on that prize package.
G Gamer SDP CAGiversary! Feedback 90 (98%) Nov 9, 2010 #981 I really really hope that an ACTIVE VETERAN CAG wins...not some noob or lurker (as with a decent amount of past content winners)
I really really hope that an ACTIVE VETERAN CAG wins...not some noob or lurker (as with a decent amount of past content winners)
D Deadlysin687 CAG Veteran Nov 9, 2010 #985 Wow! I'd be satisfied to have anything on this list. Great contest thanks for the generosity guys!
liquidcross CAGiversary! Feedback 3 (100%) Nov 9, 2010 #995 Are you kidding?! I need ALL of this stuff!
LaraCroftsLeftBoob CAGiversary! Feedback 55 (100%) Nov 9, 2010 #997 wow, gonna be a merry christmas for someone.