im not going to win
mrangrypants CAGiversary! Nov 10, 2010 #2,052 This is one of the most epic contests I've ever seen and I want in baaaaad.
Justme8800 CAGiversary! Feedback 3 (100%) Nov 10, 2010 #2,053 Truly the American Dream. Help, I'm drowning in a sea of comments!
luvmysegadc CAGiversary! Feedback 1 (100%) Nov 10, 2010 #2,054 I can never think of anything to write other than "thank you"?. Sooooo...thank you!
J jojo71384 CAGiversary! Nov 10, 2010 #2,056 what an amazing contest. thanks cheapy. good luck to everyone.
Redeema CAGiversary! Feedback 66 (100%) Nov 10, 2010 #2,060 Wow. I'd love to win this. I'd also settle for, as Randy Moss said so eloquently, 'straight cash, homey'.
Wow. I'd love to win this. I'd also settle for, as Randy Moss said so eloquently, 'straight cash, homey'.
popaloo CAGiversary! Feedback 2 (100%) Nov 10, 2010 #2,061 This is truly a Dream come true for the budget gamer, or any gamer for that matter. I really hope a family /w a low income be the one to win the giveaway.
This is truly a Dream come true for the budget gamer, or any gamer for that matter. I really hope a family /w a low income be the one to win the giveaway.
ThreeRandomWords CAGiversary! Feedback 1 (100%) Nov 10, 2010 #2,063 Wow, this is an awesome contest. Not only would it round off my wish list of stuff I want, it also let me give out awesome Christmas presents to family and friends.
Wow, this is an awesome contest. Not only would it round off my wish list of stuff I want, it also let me give out awesome Christmas presents to family and friends.
G Grayfox43 CAGiversary! Nov 10, 2010 #2,064 Holy wowoowowowwowowowowowowowo pleasemepleasemepleaseme
Hunter_Silver CAGiversary! Feedback 13 (100%) Nov 10, 2010 #2,065 Now that is what I call a prize. WOW.
Bigandtasty CAGiversary! Feedback 1 (100%) Nov 10, 2010 #2,066 Not everything, but it's close enough! Thanks for the contest!
ElektroDragon CAGiversary! Nov 10, 2010 #2,067 CAG has the best giveaways of any gaming site on the Internet!
S soumienchiem CAGiversary! Nov 10, 2010 #2,068 I couldn't win last time so hopefully this is a good chance!
bjork73 CAGiversary! Feedback 1 (100%) Nov 10, 2010 #2,069 Dang I would really like this; it would be nice to have something newer than a PS2 (again)
O Overklocked CAGiversary! Nov 10, 2010 #2,071 It sounds too good to be true, but there's nothing to lose! Why not?
prettycrazy CAGiversary! Nov 10, 2010 #2,074 Oh my. Someone will be VERY happy on Christmas. *crosses-fingers*
TruthinessFC CAGiversary! Feedback 4 (100%) Nov 10, 2010 #2,078 This would be an awesome early Christmas present. Thanks for the contest Cheapy.
ravenxl CAGiversary! Feedback 2 (100%) Nov 10, 2010 #2,083 A win here would certainly make for a cheery holiday. Thanks to CAG & Game Stop for throwing this together!
A win here would certainly make for a cheery holiday. Thanks to CAG & Game Stop for throwing this together!
J jms5118 CAGiversary! Nov 10, 2010 #2,086 WOW it would be insane to win all of that, thanks for the contest.
Rhett CAGiversary! Feedback 85 (100%) Nov 10, 2010 #2,087 *A good comment* ... Great, even! What a crazy giveaway!
S swanq CAGiversary! Nov 10, 2010 #2,088 Winning this contest would be really swell, considering my 60 gig. backwards compatible PS3 recently went kaput!
Winning this contest would be really swell, considering my 60 gig. backwards compatible PS3 recently went kaput!
htown01 CAGiversary! Feedback 5 (100%) Nov 10, 2010 #2,089 Damn, what an amazing giveaway Good luck to everyone
ZuKe11 CAGiversary! Feedback 38 (100%) Nov 10, 2010 #2,090 [quote name='Rhett']*A good comment* ... Great, even! What a crazy giveaway![/QUOTE] i 2nd this
bardockkun Eating Hot Dogs Horizontally Feedback 4 (100%) Nov 10, 2010 #2,091 I'm entering a contest I have no chance in winning!
ieatpoptarts CAGiversary! Nov 10, 2010 #2,094 I am nowhere near lucky enough to win this but it's worth a shot!
S slyn69 CAGiversary! Feedback 10 (100%) Nov 10, 2010 #2,095 couldnt you divy up the prizes to atleast give us a better than 0.00001% chance of winning?
DietCokeJunkey CAGiversary! Feedback 0 (50%) Nov 10, 2010 #2,098 [quote name='bardockkun']I'm entering a contest I have no chance in winning![/QUOTE] This pretty much sums it up really well.
[quote name='bardockkun']I'm entering a contest I have no chance in winning![/QUOTE] This pretty much sums it up really well.