CAG's Win Everything* Black Friday Bonanza! - Congratulations, thenewnumbertwo!

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This is epic. Was just about to post a Lowball thread soon, I need to get rid of some stuff for some money quick, so it would be awesome to gain some of it back!
Truly this is the contest of the Ancient Prophecy, the contest that will rend the Universe in twain and unleash the Elder Gods to render their terrible will unto the void....

But still, I hope I win!!
Someone is going to be very happy at the end of this contest. Who wants to bet the winner will complain about paying income taxes on the big prize. LOL.

Black Friday is my favorite Holiday now. Cheapassgamer has been a huge reason why I stay home during Black Friday - They have a live show, giveaway, random calls, fuckin love it!
Amazing contest, here hopes I win. Getting ready to send one to college, one to a "educational" school trip to Europe, and one into daycare/preschool. I am broke...I need to win this so everyone can get something for Christmas. Oh yeah totaled the van yesterday...75 miles an hour into 12 point full grown buck in the middle of the interstate.
Love your website, you guys have helped me get games i wanted for a good price plus I love your show its freaking hilarious. Plus winning would be really cool.:)
i never win any sort of sweepstakes; maybe i'm just unlucky. definitely won't win this, but it doesn't hurt to try!
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