I was using CAG for all my deals anyway so this is just a bonus!
X XUGrad CAGiversary! Nov 10, 2010 #3,751 I was using CAG for all my deals anyway so this is just a bonus!
Y YEEAHHBOYYY CAGiversary! Nov 10, 2010 #3,758 Good Lord, if I win this, I'm going to crap myself for a year. Cheapy: thou art the man.
dimsumx CAGiversary! Nov 10, 2010 #3,763 I don't usually participate in these things but the cheapass in me made it too hard to pass up.
darthmalice777 CAGiversary! Feedback 63 (100%) Nov 10, 2010 #3,766 Great contest, someone's getting an amazing package. Thanks Cheapy!
J jospade CAGiversary! Nov 10, 2010 #3,767 This is easily one of the best contests I have ever saw. Glad to be a part of it! Also, thanks CAG for always keeping me up with cheap games (i own too many to even play now).
This is easily one of the best contests I have ever saw. Glad to be a part of it! Also, thanks CAG for always keeping me up with cheap games (i own too many to even play now).
B Bluesman86 CAG Veteran Nov 10, 2010 #3,771 Whoa, that's one heck of a Christmas present for the person who wins.
H herri1lw CAG Veteran Nov 10, 2010 #3,779 This is the best prize pack a have ever seen! Would really like to win but the chances of that a very slim. Good luck anyways!
This is the best prize pack a have ever seen! Would really like to win but the chances of that a very slim. Good luck anyways!
vivafriend5 CAGiversary! Feedback 6 (100%) Nov 10, 2010 #3,780 Excellent contest and generous as always.
C carriage4higher CAGiversary! Nov 10, 2010 #3,782 I have been predetermined since ancient times to win CAG's Win Everything Black Friday Bonanza
fmz65 CAGiversary! Feedback 14 (100%) Nov 10, 2010 #3,785 No freaking way to get into the top 10 lists...
B bitterWolf CAG Veteran Nov 10, 2010 #3,787 Why it gotta be "Black"?! Awesome contest, but I already thought you guys ruled...
F floodgate CAGiversary! Nov 10, 2010 #3,796 190 pages worth of comments? I wonder if reading them all will increase my chances of winning... Probably not. But maybe. No, probably not.
190 pages worth of comments? I wonder if reading them all will increase my chances of winning... Probably not. But maybe. No, probably not.
blackdog60 CAGiversary! Feedback 109 (100%) Nov 10, 2010 #3,797 A great contest. I am not sure I would end up keeping it all. I would have to share the wealth with friends and charity....
A great contest. I am not sure I would end up keeping it all. I would have to share the wealth with friends and charity....
S Sound Ships CAG Veteran Nov 10, 2010 #3,800 Oh wow. This really is a feast of prizes; I'm hungry. Oh so hungry.