Call of Duty Black OPS

Yea... Same as W@W to an extent... 3 Map Packs except $30 instead and only 9 maps and 3 zombie maps.

Makes COD: Elite not look too bad if they do include the DLC in the cost of the subscription like some have speculated. You figure if they can actually get 3 map packs out for MW for once than it would be only $15 for the rest of the year (assuming it is only $5 a month like it has been implied by some of the various medias).
That seems pretty quick for another map pack. I skipped the first one and just bought the second one in the last couple of weeks so I will prob skip this one too.
I dont understand why my reticle is always blurry. They dont look anything like what they do when you are picking a new one. I picked the X, but during a game it just looks like a blurry diamond.

And whats annoying is when i leave a match, then search for a new game, i get put into the same match!
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Looks kind of good. not a big fan of hearing one map being huge. but a nuketown type map is good news imo. Might get this since i have an extra 1600 pts card laying around.
I think Black Ops may have run its course for me. I just prestiged for what will likely be the final time for me. I am not inclined to drop more points on a map pack that I will rarely get use out of. Zombie mode is not fun to me and I really only liked Zoo out of the last set of maps.
So $45 so far in DLC Map Packs....has there been any single player DLC's?

Haven't bought a CoD game in years because it's always only multiplayer dlc's they seem to offer up.
[quote name='praxus07']So $45 so far in DLC Map Packs....has there been any single player DLC's?

Haven't bought a CoD game in years because it's always only multiplayer dlc's they seem to offer up.[/QUOTE]

CoD (since CoD4) hasn't sold millions and millions of copies because people want to play the campaign. Out of a good majority of the different people I play with (25 or so) I would say that probably only half of us have even played the campaign. Out of that half, I would be willing to be that only 4-5 of us have actually finished it.

I would be willing to bet that a majority of the people that buy the game don't even touch the campaign until after a month or so. I know personally I didn't finish the campaign until December 30th and didn't even start it until the middle of December.
I agree that the majority buy it for the MP, but I am in the minority that actually enjoy the campaigns. I finally hopped into the MP for the first time last weekend and likely will play it every once in awhile. I just get bored quickly with competitive FPS MP.
[quote name='Yanksfan']I agree that the majority buy it for the MP, but I am in the minority that actually enjoy the campaigns.[/QUOTE]

Does that make me the "minority minority" since I only buy it for Zombies? Haven't touched MP or the campaign. :cool:
Really getting tired of shooting a guy, bullets go right through him, then he shoots me back, and i die. Though that could be from my fred flintstone dial up internet. I can only go on a long killstreak if i camp. If i try to duel with someone, i always lose because apparently they are 1-2 seconds ahead of me. Even in kill cams, ill shoot, but in the replay i dont do anything.
[quote name='The 7th Number']Really getting tired of shooting a guy, bullets go right through him, then he shoots me back, and i die. Though that could be from my fred flintstone dial up internet. I can only go on a long killstreak if i camp. If i try to duel with someone, i always lose because apparently they are 1-2 seconds ahead of me. Even in kill cams, ill shoot, but in the replay i dont do anything.[/QUOTE]

It's odd, but I only noticed this in Black Ops, never noticed any problems like this in MW2. Neither have dedicated servers, so idk whats wrong with Treyarchs servers.
I'll be buying the map pack. I guess I'm also one of the few people who really likes the Zombie mode.

[quote name='timesplitt']the flak jacket shouldnt let you live a rocket to the face[/QUOTE]

It's tricky like that. I've had an RC drive right up to me and detonate point-blank and not kill me but then another time blow up a foot or two away and kill me (maybe I got injured with bullets at the same time). Although, I've always been killed by point-blank Valkyrie rockets and exploding cars in the environment I'm standing next to while wearing Flak Jacket. Also, if you get a semtex stuck to you, you do die.
I have to vent...

I put this game away for a couple of days. I figured I needed a break from it because it was pissing me off to no end. I came back to it today only to find that it's somehow gotten worse. The game is broken. Anyone who says otherwise is fooling themselves. I was on Hotel with the Famas, saw a guy shooting a teammate, aimed down the sites, and let it fly. I got multiple hit markers, only for him to look straight at me, shoot, and I'm dead. I looked at the kill cam, and he has the same setup. So what you're telling me is that I unloaded into a guy first, and he killed me quicker than I could kill him while using the same gun? No. Doesn't happen. I'm officially done with this game. It might be the first CoD that I trade in. It's terrible. I'll wait for BF3 to come out and finally take down the CoD franchise. /rant Thanks.
Saw a twitter message from David Vonderhaar and couldn't help but commenting on it.

Serious question. Put yourself in my shoes. Don't you think if I nerf the Famas I am going to get more h8 than love? Popular gun is popular.

Wow. What an asinine thing to say. I wish I was in his shoes just so he was never allowed near a COD game again. fuck the next Treyarch COD game.
[quote name='timesplitt']the flak jacket shouldnt let you live a rocket to the face[/QUOTE]

HAHA Amen! I was just thinking that yesterday when I blasted someone dead on with an M72.
[quote name='Yanksfan']I agree that the majority buy it for the MP, but I am in the minority that actually enjoy the campaigns. I finally hopped into the MP for the first time last weekend and likely will play it every once in awhile. I just get bored quickly with competitive FPS MP.[/QUOTE]

I enjoy the COD campaigns, but I play through them first to knock out all of the achievements because if I don't my friends will never leave me alone enough to get them done.
I actually hate zombies maybe its because it takes about 30 min to find a game, or when it is finally all loaded up we are ready up it drops everyone from the lobby or lost connection to host. It is stupid too its the only achievements I am missing. I think treyarch just has shit servers on picking hosts for games. And for map packs I enjoy buying them for wow gold haha. Haven't spent my money on a map pack yet.
I think flak jacket is funny because you can survive RPGs, RC cars, nades, and other big ass explosions. Yet you can get hit directly onto your body with a flashbang can and die instantly.
Wow i really cant stand second chance. Just played a game where i was close to getting SR71 and possible Chopper Gunner and Gun Ship TWICE! But both times i died from a guy who went into second chance and killed me. SO glad MW3 wont have this shit.
[quote name='The 7th Number']Wow i really cant stand second chance. Just played a game where i was close to getting SR71 and possible Chopper Gunner and Gun Ship TWICE! But both times i died from a guy who went into second chance and killed me. SO glad MW3 wont have this shit.[/QUOTE]

Use a shotgun, since it cancels Second Chance.

Of course, be prepared to be called a noob and a camper, since that's all I seem to hear whenever I use a shotgun. Because it's so easy to use a gun that has a 15 foot range (And I don't use the pussy SPAS either.), and I shouldn't be going into buildings, I should be fighting in the open, out of my range.

This game doesn't piss me off, it's the people that play it.
[quote name='Pck21'] I'll wait for BF3 to come out and finally take down the CoD franchise. /rant Thanks.[/QUOTE]

You do realize that the two multiplayer games are completely different in terms of how they play. One is a slower, objective type of game, and the other is a faster, go for kills type. Im sure it will stay the same, the kill whores stick completely to COD and the objective players go to BF3.
I wish people would quit with the Battlefield VS COD crap. Well said, Vash.

I'm going to be getting both BF3 and MW3, I like the way both of them play. I'll probably get irritated more easily with MW3 than BF3, since that seems to be what always happens, but that doesn't mean COD is a bad franchise. They're just both different.
What is up with idiots who play objective games and don't want to capture the objective?

I was playing some hardcore HQ last night and as I'm about to cap the last HQ to get our last 10 points to win the game, my teammate kills me and says there's 5 minutes left don't cap it. He wasn't even good at killing. He was terrible. He was also the lowest ranked player in the lobby.

Now I'm not the most serious player out there, but I've found I'm pretty good at hardcore HQ. I want to be a high ranked player. The ranking systems places you according to score per minute. So you want to win as fast as possible. He's trying to ruin my fun by sucking and not bent a team player.

Arrrgh. Agravating. If you want to just kill people, go play TDM. If you suck, get better or go play a different game. Sorry for the rant.
[quote name='vashtheowner']You do realize that the two multiplayer games are completely different in terms of how they play. One is a slower, objective type of game, and the other is a faster, go for kills type. Im sure it will stay the same, the kill whores stick completely to COD and the objective players go to BF3.[/QUOTE]

I understand that completely. I'm not comparing the two franchises in terms of anything other than my own personal fun factor. COD4 was awesome. I had a blast with it every single time. WaW was crap. MW2 was ok until all of the glitches. BLOPs was very fun at first. I mean it was the game my friends and I played every night. As of this writing, I am the only one who plays it. The more I play it, the less fun I have with it. I'm hoping both MW3 and BF3 will be more fun to play. That's what it's all about, right? :)
[quote name='Ziv']Arrrgh. Agravating. If you want to just kill people, go play TDM. If you suck, get better or go play a different game. Sorry for the rant.[/QUOTE]

Maybe they play objective games because....

a. people arent always looking to get kills, and its easier to get kills knowing where people will be at.

b. you can go way over the 7500 limit that a TDM game ends at.

I went 72-21 or something on nuketown in a objective game. Sometimes its fun to get a ton of kills and forget the objectives. Winning the match isnt really a big deal to me. The only thing that gets me mad is when i shot first and i die. Otherwise i dont care if we win or lose, or how good or bad my K/D is. I just want to have fun, but not be screwed over in getting a kill i deserve.
[quote name='Ziv']What is up with idiots who play objective games and don't want to capture the objective?

I was playing some hardcore HQ last night and as I'm about to cap the last HQ to get our last 10 points to win the game, my teammate kills me and says there's 5 minutes left don't cap it. He wasn't even good at killing. He was terrible. He was also the lowest ranked player in the lobby.

Now I'm not the most serious player out there, but I've found I'm pretty good at hardcore HQ. I want to be a high ranked player. The ranking systems places you according to score per minute. So you want to win as fast as possible. He's trying to ruin my fun by sucking and not bent a team player.

Arrrgh. Agravating. If you want to just kill people, go play TDM. If you suck, get better or go play a different game. Sorry for the rant.[/QUOTE]

imagine playing bad company with teammates like that who just ignore the objectives. at least in cod you and a buddy or two can carry a team while everyone else ignores the objective. sometimes their mindless killing does aid a team though, but ignoring an objective to make the game longer is just stupid.
[quote name='The 7th Number']Maybe they play objective games because....

a. people arent always looking to get kills, and its easier to get kills knowing where people will be at.

b. you can go way over the 7500 limit that a TDM game ends at.

I went 72-21 or something on nuketown in a objective game. Sometimes its fun to get a ton of kills and forget the objectives. Winning the match isnt really a big deal to me. The only thing that gets me mad is when i shot first and i die. Otherwise i dont care if we win or lose, or how good or bad my K/D is. I just want to have fun, but not be screwed over in getting a kill i deserve.[/QUOTE]

Then you are the kind of player I hate. If you're gonna play an objective game mode, play the damn objective. If you just wanna kill people, you've got plenty of flavors of playlists to play where that's all you do. Don't ruin the objective playlists with your selfish nonsense.
[quote name='JasonTerminator']Then you are the kind of player I hate. If you're gonna play an objective game mode, play the damn objective. If you just wanna kill people, you've got plenty of flavors of playlists to play where that's all you do. Don't ruin the objective playlists with your selfish nonsense.[/QUOTE]

Oh dont get me wrong, most of the time id try to get the objective, especially when i was ranking up because capturing a point and getting bonus points every 5-10 seconds helped a lot. But whenever i got nuketown id just go for kills instead. I rarely ever play a objective type anymore now that im 15th prestige. I mainly play hardcore TDM. But i just gave my thoughts on why someone would play an objective game only to go for kills.
He sucked at killing though. He had hardly any kills. I checked his CoD card and he had a horrible .4 K/D ratio. Now, my K/D ratio isn't great by any means because I'm more concerned about winning more than killing, but it's still a 1.1 lifetime.

After we each team killed him, we started running in front of him the next match and forced him to team kill and get kicked. He was just being an asshat.
[quote name='Ziv']He sucked at killing though. He had hardly any kills. I checked his CoD card and he had a horrible .4 K/D ratio. Now, my K/D ratio isn't great by any means because I'm more concerned about winning more than killing, but it's still a 1.1 lifetime.

After we each team killed him, we started running in front of him the next match and forced him to team kill and get kicked. He was just being an asshat.[/QUOTE]

are you exaggerating? i've never seen a kd that low before....LOL no wonder he needed those extra points.
Tried playing MW2 tonight, and I don't know why you guys still can stand that damn game. Everybody playing it is quickscoping, or noobtubing, or commando knifing, or boosting, or modding, or some other form of bullshit. I encountered it all in an hour of play.

Second Chance and overuse of Ghost is nothing compared to that nonsense.
[quote name='JasonTerminator']Tried playing MW2 tonight, and I don't know why you guys still can stand that damn game. Everybody playing it is quickscoping, or noobtubing, or commando knifing, or boosting, or modding, or some other form of bullshit. I encountered it all in an hour of play.

Second Chance and overuse of Ghost is nothing compared to that nonsense.[/QUOTE]

Definitely have to agree with you here... I went back a couple weeks ago for a few days, and whoever says MW2 is better than BO at "balancing" must have some really high strength shit-stained rosed-colored glasses on.
Im trying to get tactical mask pro, why does it take 4+ hit markers to kill someone with nova gas? I know i can gas them then shoot them, but i play hardcore, it should take 2-3 hits max to kill someone with nova gas. Right now they just keep walking out of it.
Absolutely. The Nova gas takes the same number of "hits" in both regular and hardcore. I only use it to let me know when someone is coming from that direction. Claymore one side gas the other. Lasts long enough to to cap a headquarters with a couple people on it. I have very few outright kills with the gas though.
When I play MW2 now and then, I feel like I'm in a Michael Bay movie simply because at the very least, some thing is blowing up...all.the.time.
Gas can be very, very effective in objective modes. When used on Dom you can effectively stop anybody not with Tac Mask from capping flags, or on Demo to stop bomb planters. Good to defend small choke points too.

If only Flak Jacket and Scavenger weren't in the same slot, if I could get rid of SoH and have Scav, you could defend exceptionally well in Dom or Demo.

Nuketown 24/7 was especially awesome on Dom with Tac Mask and Nova Gas. Play it right, and nobody can cap B unless they have Tac Mask as a perk.
bread's done