Call of Duty Black OPS

[quote name='JohnBoy1280']Care to elaborate on that?[/QUOTE]

[quote name='Trakan']Sure.

Ghost is super overpowered. In COD4, the UAV couldn't be shot down. UAV Jammer was a viable perk, and I didn't have a problem with it. You also had to get rid of stopping power to use it. In MW2, IW made it so the UAV could be shot down. This alone should have warranted the elimination of the UAV Jammer/Cold Blooded perk. I'd still let it slide in that game because of the fact that Stopping Power dominated and you had to get rid of it to use Cold Blooded. In Black Ops, Stopping Power is gone. There's no reason to have Ghost as a perk anymore. Honestly, what is the counter for it? There isn't one. Getting killed by a guy camping in a corner prone while wearing Ghost is extremely frustrating. It's akin to Commando/Tubes to me personally.[/QUOTE]What he said.

It's a tool for shitty players to gain a huge advantage over everyone else, without fear of a solid counter. Not to mention the fact that over 50% of the Ghost-users I play against have at least one of the following: a mystical Sniper Rifle that can one-shot me every time, Grenade Launcher attachment, Rocket Launcher secondary, Last Stand/Second Chance, and, most importantly, a huge boner for camping the most obscure parts of the maps.

When an entire team uses that Perk, it turns the game into the biggest carnival sideshow I've ever seen.


[quote name='Trakan']Just the theater feature being wonky. It's still in beta. The clip is in my file share and plays correctly in game if someone wants to see it. I just reload one cartridge in the Spas and finish off the second chance guy.

More bullshit, this time featuring the knife:

Take notice as to how I die at the end. He somehow knifes me through my claymore without even doing a swinging animation.[/QUOTE]Pausing that video at the 0:10 mark still makes my skin crawl.

(not sure if you can read it in the video but that's me getting Force-pushed to my death at the beginning - from the same guy that "stabs" Trakan through the claymore)
So...Black Ops has built-in Commando and everyone has The Force. Wonderful.

Never really noticed it was that bad until that video. Why do you think it's like that?
Some prick turned me off to S&D forever man. I thought I'd have a lot of fun like in Team Fortress 2's Arena (two totally different games, but the same general concept), boy was I wrong.

Not only was everyone b***hing and whining about tiny little things (apparently only elitists touch that mode) , but as soon as one round in particular started, some guy started following me. I didn't know what his game was, but he kept following me. I see gunfire in the radar so I go to this corner; for whenever the guy comes out. Then this happens:
Are there any CAG squads on Black Ops? Wouldn't mind getting into some group games with some friendlies.
[quote name='Trakan']Sure.

Ghost is super overpowered. In COD4, the UAV couldn't be shot down. UAV Jammer was a viable perk, and I didn't have a problem with it. You also had to get rid of stopping power to use it. In MW2, IW made it so the UAV could be shot down. This alone should have warranted the elimination of the UAV Jammer/Cold Blooded perk. I'd still let it slide in that game because of the fact that Stopping Power dominated and you had to get rid of it to use Cold Blooded. In Black Ops, Stopping Power is gone. There's no reason to have Ghost as a perk anymore. Honestly, what is the counter for it? There isn't one. Getting killed by a guy camping in a corner prone while wearing Ghost is extremely frustrating. It's akin to Commando/Tubes to me personally.[/QUOTE]
Personally I agree with you there I think Ghost should have been a tier 2 perk and switched with maybe scout or something nobody uses that perk anyway. I dont use ghost maybe its because I dont really have a camping style or maybe its because I like my hardline too much, but yes ghost should have definitely been in the tier 2 category. Maybe then it would force people to use something else besides SOH.
So to go off topic a bit since we all agree on balance issues: What do you think is the best most balanced FPS on the market right now in the last ten or so years?
[quote name='Monsta Mack']So to go off topic a bit since we all agree on balance issues: What do you think is the best most balanced FPS on the market right now in the last ten or so years?[/QUOTE]

As ashamed as I am to even mention it, I HEAR Medal of Honor got a lot of work done to it since it came out but I also hear the snipers are now dominating it as they are all 1HK. Every game is going to have its bullshit but I think Black Ops is held to a higher standard because of that fat bald fuck with glasses who touted all the problems would be fixed and blah blah blah.

Regarding Ghost, I use ghost 1 or 2 of my kits, the other 3 it's either Scavenger or Lightweight which I alternate. I haven't bought a 203 attachment for any weapons and just recently bought the claymore to get Hacker pro which I'm liking because EVERYONE places claymores in arbitrary spots which I'd never look for if I wasn't using hacker.

I'd consider 203s being more of a problem in my opinion than ghost, but I also play like there's someone around every corner so I'm constantly paranoid and watching my back, thanks to not only ghost but these god awful spawns. But the occasional corner camper with ghost does kill me and it's mildly irritating because like others have said, is that fun? Sitting in a corner for 10 minutes? You know someone's going to come kill you.
[quote name='WKD']Are there any CAG squads on Black Ops? Wouldn't mind getting into some group games with some friendlies.[/QUOTE]

Hmm, wondering this too. I'm up for some Black Ops all this week.
God I'm trying, but I shoot someone 5 times, then don't get a kill I'm thinking did he run wtf is going on? When really I guess I should have known better, he's in last stand, so I see him lying down there as I go in to the room he's in to pursue/finish him off, he guns me down with a pistol while I'm firing at him with the AKS from 3 feet away. I threw my controller and turned my 360 off.

I'll be playing a lot after today, no more class, and I'm done playing by myself, it's not fun, so for those going to be on it all week hollar.
I am not sure if I'll buy the next Call of Duty that comes out if they don't change the knife. I'm so sick of getting killed by Scrubby McScrubberson freaking out and mashing out the knife to kill me.
That booby trap video is awesome. But you know how often i steal someones care package? hardly ever, so i cant see myself using hacker pro. Half the time i cant even see claymores while using hacker, idk if its because im color blind or just running too fast.
[quote name='The 7th Number']That booby trap video is awesome. But you know how often i steal someones care package? hardly ever, so i cant see myself using hacker pro. Half the time i cant even see claymores while using hacker, idk if its because im color blind or just running too fast.[/QUOTE]

Hacking sentry guns and sam turrets is the most useful part of hacker pro. Trapping care packages is just an added bonus.

Trakan should have cut off that video sooner. The griefer was redeemed when he got the kill.

I played all weekend and I don't remember any kills from knives, second chance or people hiding with ghost. That's not to say it didn't happen, but I don't know why people are complaining about it so much. The only thing I do remember is a lot games where I had multiple teammates going like 2-15 each and causing me to lose TDM matches.

My boss told me he broke two controllers after throwing them last week out of frustration with this game, but then he also told me took his computer into Best Buy's geek squad to get it repaired. I've lost all respect for him and now have a very low opinion of people getting frustrated with this game. If you're having issues maybe you should take your router into Best Buy's geek squad and have them fix it for you.
[quote name='The 7th Number']That booby trap video is awesome. But you know how often i steal someones care package? hardly ever, so i cant see myself using hacker pro. Half the time i cant even see claymores while using hacker, idk if its because im color blind or just running too fast.[/QUOTE]
7th I think you might be onto something, I had a much easier time seeing the bouncing betties in WaW with sitrep then I do seeing these red claymores in BO.

I guess the only advantage is that you can see them through the environment from across the map.

Btw let me just say that a good player with host is like god mode enabled. I had host today and I had my killstreak setup at UAV, chopper gunner, and attack dogs. Wow I had a ton of chopper gunners and a couple of attack dog streaks going. Hopefully I'll get host more often lol.
[quote name='jkanownik']My boss told me he broke two controllers after throwing them last week out of frustration with this game, but then he also told me took his computer into Best Buy's geek squad to get it repaired. I've lost all respect for him and now have a very low opinion of people getting frustrated with this game. If you're having issues maybe you should take your router into Best Buy's geek squad and have them fix it for you.[/QUOTE]

I would to see how you did on the analogies section of the SATs. You clearly are a man that can identify correlations.
[quote name='JohnBoy1280']7th I think you might be onto something, I had a much easier time seeing the bouncing betties in WaW with sitrep then I do seeing these red claymores in BO.

I guess the only advantage is that you can see them through the environment from across the map.

Btw let me just say that a good player with host is like god mode enabled. I had host today and I had my killstreak setup at UAV, chopper gunner, and attack dogs. Wow I had a ton of chopper gunners and a couple of attack dog streaks going. Hopefully I'll get host more often lol.[/QUOTE]

You reminded me of a hardcore TDM game i was in, where one of my teammates was 11-0, got a chopper gunner, a few seconds later ice cube said get that son of a bitch out of here! LOL Too bad he killed a couple of his own guys with that chopper gunner.
[quote name='Jimbo Slice']I would to see how you did on the analogies section of the SATs. You clearly are a man that can identify correlations.[/QUOTE]

I send you friend request. I suspect correlation between quality of your response and quality of blops skill. I join game and trounce you.
[quote name='jkanownik']I send you friend request. I suspect correlation between quality of your response and quality of blops skill. I join game and trounce you.[/QUOTE]

Sure thing, just get your team together and I will be more than happy to accommodate you with a stomping from mine. Oh and the correlation between the two is of extremely high quality, because that was a sick burn.

[quote name='Jimbo Slice']Sure thing, just get your team together and I will be more than happy to accommodate you with a stomping from mine. Oh and the correlation between the two is of extremely high quality, because that was a sick burn.


I would to see how good you are. You clearly cunning linquist. Burn hurts. Still trying to research how analogies on SAT related to the differentiation between correlation and causation but it is difficult with tears in my eyes.
[quote name='jkanownik']I would to see how good you are. You clearly cunning linquist. Burn hurts. Still trying to research how analogies on SAT related to the differentiation between correlation and causation but it is difficult with tears in my eyes.[/QUOTE]

I'll give you a little help here, despite the fact that you seem to have an excellent grasp on the English language. A correlation is defined as a mutual relationship between two things. When identifying an analogy, you determine the relationship between a pair of items presented, and then replicate that relationship when answering the question.
[quote name='hustletron']God I'm trying, but I shoot someone 5 times, then don't get a kill I'm thinking did he run wtf is going on? When really I guess I should have known better, he's in last stand, so I see him lying down there as I go in to the room he's in to pursue/finish him off, he guns me down with a pistol while I'm firing at him with the AKS from 3 feet away. I threw my controller and turned my 360 off.

I'll be playing a lot after today, no more class, and I'm done playing by myself, it's not fun, so for those going to be on it all week hollar.[/QUOTE]

I used to rage pretty hard at these FPS', but recently quit. I realized that if I'm absolutely calm, I do even better. If you let one death or failed kill get you angry, you spend the rest of the match running around looking for a fight, which leads to people who look like they're camping (who subsequently kill you), leading to more RAYGE.

If I'm on, I'll play with you. Dunno who else I could get, though. The one guy and his friends that I was playing with, won't be back until next weekend. :whistle2:# Just please don't rage my ear off!
[quote name='Jimbo Slice']I'll give you a little help here, despite the fact that you seem to have an excellent grasp on the English language. A correlation is defined as a mutual relationship between two things. When identifying an analogy, you determine the relationship between a pair of items presented, and then replicate that relationship when answering the question.[/QUOTE]

I think I got it. Whiny COD bitches:poor skills & bad connections::Jimbo Slice posts:mom drinking while pregnant.
[quote name='jkanownik']I think I got it. Whiny COD bitches:poor skills & bad connections::Jimbo Slice posts:mom drinking while pregnant.[/QUOTE]

I sent you the offer to play, my friend. 6 on 6, TDM or Domination. Any time, just give me a bit of a heads up so I can round my team up.

Also, if you are so good at the game, feel free to post your stats up.
[quote name='The 7th Number']You reminded me of a hardcore TDM game i was in, where one of my teammates was 11-0, got a chopper gunner, a few seconds later ice cube said get that son of a bitch out of here! LOL Too bad he killed a couple of his own guys with that chopper gunner.[/QUOTE]
hahaha oh man wish I was in that match when that happened. That dude must have raged something fierce lol.
[quote name='jkanownik']I played all weekend and I don't remember any kills from knives, second chance or people hiding with ghost.[/quote]This made me wish that I had bought the same version of the game you did, as bullshit knife-kills, full teams of people using Last Stand, and Ghosts camping in corners of the map are things my group and I run into every single day - almost every single game, actually.

[quote name='jkanownik']Trakan should have cut off that video sooner. The griefer was redeemed when he got the kill.[/QUOTE]*whoooooosh*

That was the sound of Trakan's (along with many others, including myself) complaint about the knife soaring way, way over your head.

[quote name='jkanownik']My boss told me he broke two controllers after throwing them last week out of frustration with this game, but then he also told me took his computer into Best Buy's geek squad to get it repaired. I've lost all respect for him and now have a very low opinion of people getting frustrated with this game. If you're having issues maybe you should take your router into Best Buy's geek squad and have them fix it for you.[/quote]That brain's gotta hurt.

[quote name='jkanownik']I send you friend request. I suspect correlation between quality of your response and quality of blops skill. I join game and trounce you.[/QUOTE]:rofl:

Clearly, sir, you are both a gentleman and a scholar.
I had an awesome across-the-map double grenade kill and when I went to review the footage after the match, the footage cut off halfway through the round. :(
[quote name='Tha Xecutioner']This made me wish that I had bought the same version of the game you did, as bullshit knife-kills, full teams of people using Last Stand, and Ghosts camping in corners of the map are things my group and I run into every single day - almost every single game, actually. [/quote]

There's only one version of the game, so there are only three explanations for this:

1)You and all of your friends suck so it causes you to notice this stuff more.
2)You have your matchmaking set to local and live near New York City.
3)You have a huge cock and your friends are agreeing with everything you say to try and get a piece of it.

[quote name='Tha Xecutioner']

That was the sound of Trakan's (along with many others, including myself) complaint about the knife soaring way, way over your head.
I got confused by some other guy's stupid comment. I meant the Holy Pretzle's video. It was an easy mistake to make since my head hurts.

[quote name='Tha Xecutioner']
That brain's gotta hurt.

I just took some acetomenanonetaphin. It's better now.

[quote name='Tha Xecutioner']Clearly, sir, you are both a gentleman and a scholar.[/QUOTE]
Thank you.

My K/D is 1.79 mostly playing TDM with randoms. I don't think I'm awesome at this game. I'm just sick of all of the complaining.
[quote name='jkanownik']There's only one version of the game, so there are only three explanations for this:

1)You and all of your friends suck so it causes you to notice this stuff more.
2)You have your matchmaking set to local and live near New York City.
3)You have a huge cock and your friends are agreeing with everything you say to try and get a piece of it.

Anyways, I'm a part of Jimbo's group and I'm down to play you. I'm guessing you're one of those casual guys and that's why you don't pay attention to that stuff. 1.7 K/D with like a 1:1 win ratio I'm guessing?

I'm at a 2.78 K/D and a 10:1 win ratio. I'm clearly worse than you.
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[quote name='Trakan']Anyways, I'm a part of Jimbo's group and I'm down to play you. I'm guessing you're one of those casual guys and that's why you don't pay attention to that stuff. 1.7 K/D with like a 1:1 win ratio I'm guessing?

I'm at a 2.78 K/D and a 10:1 win ratio. I'm clearly worse than you.[/QUOTE]

You are correct. I have my Xbox Live profile set to recreational for a reason.

But let's make this interesting. Let's arrange a time to play on Saturday or Sunday and the losing team donates $100 to Child's Play.
I have no problem with that, but one person I play with is in the Navy, so I'd have to find out if he can definitely make it. It will depend on who can make it on what date at what time.

Who are you going to get for your team of 6 if you're playing with randoms?
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[quote name='jkanownik']You are correct. I have my Xbox Live profile set to recreational for a reason.

But let's make this interesting. Let's arrange a time to play on Saturday or Sunday and the losing team donates $100 to Child's Play.[/QUOTE]

I am also down for this.
[quote name='Trakan']I have no problem with that, but one person I play with is in the Navy, so I'd have to find out if he can definitely make it. It will depend on who can make it on what date at what time.

Who are you going to get for your team of 6 if you're playing with randoms?[/QUOTE]

I'll get a team one way or the other. I'm going to start building a dream team of knife users with laggy connections over the next five days. And I promise that I don't know anyone at Treyarch that can adjust knife lunge distance by gamertag ;)
this is really just a joke
The only problem I see arising is getting 12 people together at one time, plus it's Thanksgiving weekend.

What time do we want to make it for right now to see if we can get people together at that time?

9pm central on Saturday?
[quote name='Trakan']The only problem I see arising is getting 12 people together at one time, plus it's Thanksgiving weekend.

What time do we want to make it for right now to see if we can get people together at that time?

9pm central on Saturday?[/QUOTE]

This time works for me.
Here's my emblem. I did it for teh lulz.

[quote name='Trakan']The only problem I see arising is getting 12 people together at one time, plus it's Thanksgiving weekend.

What time do we want to make it for right now to see if we can get people together at that time?

9pm central on Saturday?[/QUOTE]

Done. We can do 4 on 4 or 5 on 5 if we can't get the full 12.
[quote name='Trakan']Are you the guy who works for Activision? I can't remember.

Anyways, I'm a part of Jimbo's group and I'm down to play you. I'm guessing you're one of those casual guys and that's why you don't pay attention to that stuff. 1.7 K/D with like a 1:1 win ratio I'm guessing?

I'm at a 2.78 K/D and a 10:1 win ratio. I'm clearly worse than you.[/QUOTE]

Can I pleassssseeeeee watch this game? Or at least be on your team?

On another note... Why does this seem like it happened once before... Oh wait it did.

Trust me shit talker... They will wreck you.
[quote name='Scorch']I had an awesome across-the-map double grenade kill and when I went to review the footage after the match, the footage cut off halfway through the round. :([/QUOTE]

Did the host get migrated at some point Scorch? If so there would be two videos for that one match.

[quote name='Trakan']The only problem I see arising is getting 12 people together at one time, plus it's Thanksgiving weekend.

What time do we want to make it for right now to see if we can get people together at that time?

9pm central on Saturday?[/QUOTE]

Can I pleassssseeeeee watch this game? Or be a fill in...

On another note... Why does this seem like it happened once before... Oh wait it did.

[quote name='jkanownik']Done. We can do 4 on 4 or 5 on 5 if we can't get the full 12.[/QUOTE]

Trust me shit talker... They will wreck you no matter what the number.
Assuming once again we can put this together, what do we want to do, a best 2 out of 3?

We pick one gametype, you pick one gametype, and agree on a third?
[quote name='mvp828']Can I pleassssseeeeee watch this game?[/QUOTE]

I will for sure throw it up in my file share, win or lose. Nothing like a little competition for a great cause.
[quote name='Trakan']Assuming once again we can put this together, what do we want to do, a best 2 out of 3?

We pick one gametype, you pick one gametype, and agree on a third?[/QUOTE]

My vote would be for 2 out of 3 matches in each game type.

So say best 2 out of 3 in TDM, best 2 out of 3 in Domination and then best 2 out of 3 in a third gametype (if required).
[quote name='Trakan']Assuming once again we can put this together, what do we want to do, a best 2 out of 3?

We pick one gametype, you pick one gametype, and agree on a third?[/QUOTE]

Definitely 2 out of 3. I'm flexible on gametypes and will do anything needed to speed up the time commitment required on Saturday, so agreeing ahead of time would be preferable.
Urgh? Whats is going on here.

I really wanted to be a shotgun champion in this game but I just can not wrap my head around how shotguns work in this game.
[quote name='Soodmeg']Urgh? Whats is going on here.

I really wanted to be a shotgun champion in this game but I just can not wrap my head around how shotguns work in this game.[/QUOTE]

I have a lot of luck with the stakeout when using lightweight marathon and slight of hand.
bread's done