Can Wii function as your only system for a hardcore gamer?


Just curious if anyone thinks Wii can be an only system (along with DS) for a hardcore gamer. There's a part of me last night that was thinking of swearing off non-Nintendo hardware after I got an (apparently) partially defective PS3 (and I've been through three 360s).

I love how NIntendo hardware is over engineered to just WORK. Problem is, I don't like mini games or non-game games like Brain Age, Raving Rabids, Monkey Ball, etc. I'm really in gaming for the big, deep games, RPGs and adventures and the like. Wii will certainly have some (Zelda is obviously the first great example), but I wonder if it will have enough to satiate a hardcore gamer into experiences like that? (At least when supplemented with DS games.)
Hell no. Wii to me at best is a great secondary system. Actually I don't even consider it a secondary system. I consider it as a required Nintendo system while PS3 or 360 would be my main system.
No. I don't think it's enough. As I love the gameplay from the Wii, I would rather have my 360. They both have there uses but the 360 offers a bit more right now that the Wii doesn't ATM or will never ( Online, Great Graphic's, Awesome Marketplace, etc. )
It's going to have to be for me since I am not biting the bullet on a 360 yet after all of the hardware problems I have read about on this forum and others, and I'm not shelling out $500 or $600 for a PS3 which has absolutely no games that I currently want.

I figure that my Wii, DS, and PS2 will keep my busy for quite a long time.
I don't see why it couldn't, unless you don't like the games on it, or you want games on other systems.

Is there really more to this question than that?
I love the Wii... but I couldn't handle it as my only system. That would be like when I had just my gamecube for two years, it just... didn't feel right.

It's funny though because Nintendo is definitely my favorite company out of the three, and have the best games, but I wouldn't want just a Wii.
i would think it is too early to tell...we need to see how quick nintendo can get games out of there first party lineup, and to see if third party games are worth buying. If they are worth buying, will the nintendo loyalist buy them so that 3rd party support will continue to give AAA titles.
Just like gaming companies moved from gimicky mini games for the DS and began getting a feel for the system, making it the next Gameboy, it should be no problem with the Wii.

Squarenix support for the DS by bringing DQIX will most definitely bring even more support to Wii. Games like Madden being succesful, means EA shall continue support. Once we get over the beginning batch of mostly mini-games I believe the Wii will definitely function on its own for a hardcore gamer.
Personally, I don't think just a wii would be enough to satisfy me hence why I also have a 360 and PS3. It is an amazing system and I haven't been able to put it down since I finally found one on monday, but MS and Sony also offer gaming experiences that I do not want to miss. I am the same way with handhelds. The DS is awesome, but it just doesnt satisfy my gaming wants 100% so I have a PSP. Each system will always have its ups and downs.
If you havent played any or many PS2 or GC games from last gen then you should be good with a PS2/GC games and the Wii. But ya ... I highly doubt you'll get your full supply of deep adventure/rpg games from the Wii. I think much of it will be minigames, and more fun type games with not much replay unless you don't play very often or play a lot with friends. This gen I'll probably just get a Wii and play my PS2, then maybe get a PS3 or 360 depending on which has the better games once theres a price drop. But ya... right now you'll probably find like 1 game (Zelda) Thats even over 10 hours of gameplay...

And I used the GC for 2 years ONLY and had lots of fun. But once the 3rd year came I just got bored and played on consoles very little, only getting a PS2 this year. I was a lot younger than most of you though so that makes it a bit different...
[quote name='Strell']I don't see why it couldn't, unless you don't like the games on it, or you want games on other systems.

Is there really more to this question than that?[/quote]
Pretty much. If you like the games, and there are enough to satisfy your gaming needs/budget, then why could it NOT be your sole next-gen console? Especially when you'll also have a portable system, as the OP mentioned (DS - same for me). The same logic applies to PS3 or 360 - if you enjoy the games for it and there are enough to satisfy you, then you would probably be just fine only having that console...but if Wii were to have games you enjoy, you'd need the Wii. So Wii is really no less capable of being a sole next-gen console than 360 or PS3 are. If you only want one console, Wii could certainly fill that role...looks like a lot of great software is headed our way, along with a strong launch-window library thus far.
[quote name='6669']A hardcore gamer would own all 3 systems, IMO.[/quote]

I guess I'll have to settle for softcore then ;)

On a serious note, I'd consider myself a hardcore gamer and I have never owned "all" systems out at a given time...
I simply cannot afford the other systems at this point, so the Wii and DS will do me for long time. If there are no games out at the moment that interest me, well, I probably have other things to do with my time than play games.

I would get a 360 if I had the cash, as I'd like to play Gears, the next Project Gotham, Dead Rising, and I'd like to believe that Halo 3 will be good like the original was. Sony's attitude, fumbles, and lack of interesting software even announced at this point will likely keep me away from their system for years. Oh yeah, and it's insanely expensive.

It's far too early to tell at this point though how the game saturation will be with the Wii. I have a feeling once developers settle on the control method for FPS games, the Wii will be the system for them. The potential is there in Red Steel, but not fully realized yet.

The DS is my favorite gaming platform, ever, period. The Wii has the potential to be the same way. We'll just have to see.

If I were you, I'd stick with the 360, get rid of the PS3 and see what the Wii has to offer. I'm guessing that the 360 will be almost the same in terms of software as the PS3 at the end of the day, as game companies are going to be able to afford to secure exclusives or allow their games to be exclusive.

EDIT: The Wii remote screams "One handed RPG controller" and with Zelda's success, I could see the platform looking viable to many 3rd parties for RPGs and Adventure games. And with as close as Nintendo and SE have been recently, who knows what's coming.
[quote name='6669']A hardcore gamer would own all 3 systems, IMO.[/QUOTE]

Not that I'm going after 6669 with this, and god knows I don't want to bring this up for discussion (as it always degenerates into complete stupidity), but let's put the "hardcore gamer" term to rest. Prz? It can mean a million different things. You're hardcore if you cosplay characters, if you own everything, if you import everything, if you own everything but still import the same things, if you only play FPS games, if you were once nationally ranked, etc etc etc.

The only thing hardcore about myself is my hot, sexy body. And that's all really anyone around here cares about, and should care about.
Until proven otherwise, yes. Definitions of hardcore varies though, so I guess the answer will vary with that. I consider myself a hardcore gamer, but time constraints mean it will take me over a month to finish Zelda, when it's the only thing I'm playing. Can the Wii supply me with a few games a month? I've already bought enough to keep me busy for 6 months at that rate.

It will be just like last gen. I only had a GameCube. Boo hoo, poor me. I missed out on awesome games, yes. I also played awesome games. And everything I play I enjoy. And I still have a ton of games for it that I have yet to play for any reasonable time.

Most likely I will get a 360 at some point, when it's pricepoint makes it reasonable to have two consoles.
Wow! Great responses, thanks everyone.

I've typically owned all three consoles every generation (usually selling one of them part way through, or storing it as it dies out). But I was just SO frustrated last night by my PS3 experience (static-y audio) and of course by all the 360's I've been through that it made me want to just go Nintendo (seriously considered trading in all my other games!) I'm calmed down a bit since then, but still wanted your thoughts.

I suppose it'll just depend on third party support. I'm not sure the DS doing well will having anything to do with Wii support, as the GBA had great support when the Gamecube didn't. And the Gamecube I think made an okay sole system for several years, but the last couple of years it's just been deadish. So I guess there's no real answer until we see what happens.

I'm not willing to rule anything out, because I thought the PSP would slaughter the DS, and here the DS has not only held it's own, but actually outsold the PSP by quite a bit...and now even had Dragon Quest 9! If Nintendo gets Wii into as many homes, it'll probably start snowballing like that too.
[quote name='Strell']Not that I'm going after 6669 with this, and god knows I don't want to bring this up for discussion (as it always degenerates into complete stupidity), but let's put the "hardcore gamer" term to rest. Prz? It can mean a million different things. You're hardcore if you cosplay characters, if you own everything, if you import everything, if you own everything but still import the same things, if you only play FPS games, if you were once nationally ranked, etc etc etc.[/QUOTE]

True, though 6669 sort of has the traditional definition ala Next Generation. Practically speaking though we all have limited time and money, so I think you can be hardcore owning just one, or certainly two of three platforms.

Regarding someone's thing that they can always do stuff besides play games if they run out of games for a system...not me! I have no life :D I'm not sure what I'd be doing if not exploring Ivalice ;)
The Wii and DS pretty much will be my main gaming consoles. Its not a money issue, I just don't really care for the other two consoles.

I have absolutely no interest in the PS3 or it's games. I do have a slight interest in the 360, and probably will get one far down the road. As it stands now, the only game I care to look at on the 360 is Gears of War. But that isn't enough to make my buy a 360.

For me, Nintendo's first-party games are more than enough fun and deep gaming for me. Couple that with unique exclusives that I'm sure the Wii will get further down the line, and I'm fine.
Wii60 is the only way to go. I love the Wii, and right now it is pretty much the only thing we are playing, but there are some pretty awesome games on the 360 that you'd be missing out on if a Wii were your only console. This may change in the future depending on how development goes on the wii, but for now the combination of the two makes for some pretty good times.
If you don't have an HDTV and you hate shooters, sports games, and racing games, absolutely. If this is only partially true, maybe.
Probably not for MOST hardcore gamers, but I think it could be the only system for some - depending on what types of games interest you.

I've been playing since Atari and Colecovision and I have five consoles currently hooked up (plus DS and PSP) but Wii will be my only 'next-gen' system, at least for a while.

I have nothing against the other systems (other than PS3's price) but I haven't seen enough that I personally want to play to justify the cost at this point. Plus, these days half of my game time is spent playing with my kids, and the Wii is very family friendly.

I may pick up a second system somewhere down the line depending on price drops and game releases, but if Wii gets enough support from 1st and 3rd parties it could stand as my only system this time around.

It all comes down to whether or not any system has enough games for your individual taste.
Last gen I had two(Cube and PS2) consoles but this gen I think it's going to be one and done. The Wii will be the only one I get.

There is no way I am paying $600 for a system that I want to play games on. I don't care about the blu-ray crap. I doubt the 360 will bring out anything that I want unless they go heavy into RPG's. I am so sick of seeing games about war or FPS which I hate.

I have a huge backlog of games for the PS2 and GC as it is now anyway. Once I get a Wii it will put me even further behind.
[quote name='Ikohn4ever']hardcore gamer is a myth, there are people who play games, and people who dont[/QUOTE]

I disagree with that, because lots of people just occasionally play something (or play solitare-esque games on PC). Which is really different from those of us that are up until 1 am because we can't bring ourselves to quit until we hit the next save point, etc.

My worry with Wii too is that the hardware won't support certain types of games I love. BioShock and Oblivion and Mass Effect are all a type of open ended RPG that I adore. I think technically Wii could do a lot of that gameplay with worse graphics (I'd think something like Morrowind could probably run on Wii...right?) but it seems like publishers would be more likely to put those games on the other two systems.
The correct answer is: no, because Metal Gear Solid 4 will not be on it.

"Yes, because Solid Snake is going to be in Brawl" will win you partial credit, though.
[quote name='Wolfpup']My worry with Wii too is that the hardware won't support certain types of games I love. BioShock and Oblivion and Mass Effect are all a type of open ended RPG that I adore. I think technically Wii could do a lot of that gameplay with worse graphics (I'd think something like Morrowind could probably run on Wii...right?) but it seems like publishers would be more likely to put those games on the other two systems.[/quote]

Anything on the PS3 or 360, the Wii is certainly capable of. Will it look as pretty as their high-powered counterparts on the PS3/360? No.

Overall though, this 'only system' question can really only be answered by you.

If you look at the 360 and PS3, and see games there that you like and that will most likely not appear on Wii (traditional Final Fantasies, Metal Gear, Halo, etc.) then the Wii won't and can't be your only system.

Regardless of control schemes or graphical power on any system, if it does not have the games you want to play, then why in the world would you get the system?
[quote name='Wolfpup']I disagree with that, because lots of people just occasionally play something (or play solitare-esque games on PC). Which is really different from those of us that are up until 1 am because we can't bring ourselves to quit until we hit the next save point, etc.

My worry with Wii too is that the hardware won't support certain types of games I love. BioShock and Oblivion and Mass Effect are all a type of open ended RPG that I adore. I think technically Wii could do a lot of that gameplay with worse graphics (I'd think something like Morrowind could probably run on Wii...right?) but it seems like publishers would be more likely to put those games on the other two systems.[/QUOTE]

you could play Solitaire non stop everyday, and you could be a hardcore gamer. You could play madden all the time and be a hardcore gamer. Gamer is someone who plays games, and hardcore could mean several things.
I have a Cube and a PS2 from last gen. This gen I think I am going for a Wii (which I have) and a 360.

I was considering only going with a Wii this gen but I know once games like Resident Evil 5 and Assasin's Creed start showing up I would want another system.
[quote name='Wolfpup']I disagree with that, because lots of people just occasionally play something (or play solitare-esque games on PC). Which is really different from those of us that are up until 1 am because we can't bring ourselves to quit until we hit the next save point, etc.

My worry with Wii too is that the hardware won't support certain types of games I love. BioShock and Oblivion and Mass Effect are all a type of open ended RPG that I adore. I think technically Wii could do a lot of that gameplay with worse graphics (I'd think something like Morrowind could probably run on Wii...right?) but it seems like publishers would be more likely to put those games on the other two systems.[/QUOTE]

Again, I aint goin' after ya with malice or aggression here, but a lot of your points are really subject to opinion.

Some people who are casual gamers might consider someone who can play Solitaire nontsop hardcore.

Someone who levels up all their characters in a game like Disgaea so that they can kill the uber badass bosses might be hardcore. (I have a friend who does this shit, and that motherf*cker is goddamn insane. He'll sit there and level up people for literally HOURS. He did this same shit in games like Secret of Mana, where you could have all 3 characters master every weapon to a level of 9, and then do the same for their magic. Insane, I tell you! Insane!)

Someone who can do the hardest songs in DDR at the arcade, and work in shit like flips and other acrobatics can be hardcore.

It's really a dated term. Back when gaming was reserved to a smaller subset of humanity, hardcore-ness could be better applied, simply because there were less avenues to achieve that. Could you sit down at beat Punch-Out without continues? Never die in Contra? Beat Metroid in less than an hour? Congrats, you're hardcore.

Nowadays we have too many pathways to accomplish this, that applying "hardcore" as a blanket term diminishes its effectiveness. Kinda like in The Incredibles - "When everyone is special, no one is."

There are people who still play Counter Strike religiously for multiple hours a day. Are they not hardcore for playing a 7-8 year old game STILL, and not giving a shit about graphics?

What about the people who still haul around the original Gameboy version of Tetris, denying the newer, flashier versions?

What about people like me who have some 12 systems all set up and ready to go, so that if I want to play some NES Ice Hockey, I damn well can?

That's really all I'm getting at. The term needs to be put to rest. Some journalist somewhere was ranting about in a few months ago in an attempt to slam Nintendo, and he threw out the term. A lot of people called him out on it, and all he could say was "hardcore gamers play exceedingly hard games and excel at them." Well the only game these days that fits that category are bullet hell shoot-em-ups, and let's face it - if I went up to a Halo gamer and asked him for a round of Ikaruga, he wouldn't know what the f*ck I was talking about. (Note: You can replace Halo with any assortment of the bigger franchises and probably get similar results. I can't imagine someone who is only into GTA knowing what Ikaruga is.)

But Ikaruga is a hard f*cking game, and I'd wager you'd have to be hardcore to attempt to play it and not want to tear your eyes out.

But it's a genre that is basically dead and doesn't contain the flash of huge 3D epic games.

I think I've kinda gone overboard in my point here.

As for the Wii hardware holding out, I think it can do so, but that is predicated on a bunch of things. A good game engine will be scalable and be able to be ported, so you could argue that. But Epic came out and said not only could GoW not be run on the PS3, but that the engine couldn't be on the Wii period. Which is fine - that certainly hurts my argument here, but it doesn't change the fact that you could get similar results by cranking the graphics down a little with a scalable engine. Will it be the same game? Hard to say.

As far as publishers are concerned, they just want money. If the Wii sells 10 million systems in 6 months, publishers will follow. And they will find a way to cash in on that userbase. That's really as simple as the equation needs to be - have cash, will travel. This is one of those things that can be argued either way - do you say the Wii is underpowered and won't get cross-platform titles, or do you say it is unique enough that it gets exclusives? You can really argue that either way competently.

Anyway, I think I've said enough for the times-a-bein, so I'll stop for now.
I guess it all depends on what kind of franchises/games you want to follow. I have a PS2 and GC from last gen along with a shelf of too many games (many unplayed) for each. This gen, I only have a Wii and I only want a Wii.

If anything, this system has brought back the "hardcore gamer" in me. I was never interested or liked console FPS games, but found myself thoroughly enjoying Red Steel, what it considered by many to be mediocre. Now, I'm looking forward to more FPS's on Wii.

I was completely turned off by turn-based RPGs, or any game that was a huge time sink. Now after a few days, I'm 20+ hours into Zelda, and I can't wait for DQ Swords.

And good God they killed Sonic with "Sonic the Hedgehog." I've been a Sonic fan since day one, and I'm glad to see that Sonic and the Secret Rings is actually showing promise.
The Xbox 360 = the main system for gamers
The Wii = a secondary system for people who have already owned a 360 for a few months
[quote name='Rozz']The Xbox 360 = the main system for gamers
The Wii = a secondary system for people who have already owned a 360 for a few months[/QUOTE]

For you, you mean.
That's cool.

For me:
Wii = main gaming system
360 = something I may get at some point if enough games show up that I want to play
It's enough.

I'm a hardcore gamer, and therefore I demand quality GAMEPLAY. The Wii, so far, has delivered.

Proprietary game consoles will never be able to compete graphically with non-proprietary PC gaming machines. Graphics being the main selling point for those two systems (or a disadvantage for the Wii, which is therefore a selling point for a PS3 or 360), they will always be underpowered to those in the know.
I would have to say that No, Nintendo can't be enough of a system for a hard core gamer. For one, a hard core gamer will have HD, and, anything less is just not hard core. That said, the Nintendo can provide a lot of fun, but in my opinion that mostly in terms of party games, and cool "different" games like Trauma Center. I wouldn't call that a non game, but you obviously couldn't do it as well somewhere else. There will be cool games that will statisfy the hard core gamer like Zelda, but I'm guessing these will be few and far between. Also, to me Zelda just feels a little old school, based on lack of graphical power and such. It's still a great game though.

And honestly I don't know what the deal is with the hardware problems. I realize that there will be some defective units, but how can you have three in a row? (assuming they were each replaced and not each just repaired). I've had my day one 360, and I've put it through it's paces. It's probably on 4+ hours a day and 12+ on the weekend. Still I've had no problems with it. I also still have my day one PS1 and day one PS2 and have never had a problem. My PS3 is only 2 days old, so I can't comment on that one yet. The only system that had a problem for me was the GameCube.

Still, if you are still having re-occuring problems with a system, I would examine your entertainment set up. Something must be out of wack.
To me, the term "HARDCORE" means someone I can't fucking stand because everything out of their mouth is some kind of bullshit that relates to whatever they're "Hardcore" about. It's like those "hardcore" anime people, like you can't have a fucking conversation with them without them throwing out some stupid catchphrase or something they saw on an Anime.

I guess what I'm saying is that maybe you can't be HARDfuckINGCORE with just a Wii, but you sure as hell can be a normal gamer. The term "hardcore" needs to be dumped, right quick.
I've never been able to have just one system and function.

2600, NES
SNES, Genny
N64, PS, DC
GC, PS2, Xbox
Wii, 360

I'm sure some people could/would do just fine with only having a Wii, but they're guaranteed to miss out on a lot of good games.

Same goes if you were to go without having a Wii.
Okay, maybe I am biased because I got a 360 for $100 and right now I am in love with my 360 and making hot passionate love to it every night..[okay..not really..but I have not been able to put down Sonic the Hedgehog and started playing Halo last night for about three hours]

But anyone who says the 360 is just too expensive compared to the Wii has to be kidding me. The Overstock near $300 premium set ups, the Micro Center $100 rebate, the Vonage $200 deal, the bundles at stores with free games, controllers, even gift cards, and the larger amount of under $30 next gen titles makes the 360 just as "affordable" as a Wii, with the added convenience of a DVD player, true online service, virtual console done right [live arcade plus the free demos] and multimedia services [on console and also online]

I would like to applaud an earlier comment here about how the term hardcore needs to disappear entirely. I am pretty good at DDR and RPG's: I could say I am hardcore, because I excel at one style of game, or one specific game, or because I enjoy Japanese games, or because I love fighting games. I can't say that I'm hardcore though, because I suck at FPS games, and though I really like racing games, I'm never that great at them, just good enough to get by. The term just..useless these days...because it can't apply to everyone. Who does it really define? Not the mainstream? Not the niche gamer? It definse no one.

I will add though, that what I mean by the typical gamer, is a person who enjoys video games as a whole, is familiar with their history, and plays them on a regular basis. I don't think the Wii can satisfy the needs of a typical gamer because it can't fufill the role the 360 or PS3 will. It's pretty much self evident: there will be no huge RPG, no huge block buster, no huge racer, no huge shooter: it will come down to the same line up of first party games starring the same mascots as always, with a nice little variety of third party games that attempt to be innovative and fun. Sad thing is though, the PS3 and 360 will also have that nice little variety of innovative games, but at the same time, will have the big titles and important genre that actually matter.

Simply said, the typical gamer has seen enough games, knows what he likes, and enjoys more than one type of game. Most people will confirm the Wii's prupose by saying "Zelda" or "Smash Brothers". The typical gamer doesn't define an entire medium with just two games. Gaming would be a pretty sad state of affair if Zelda and Smash Brothers were the bar by which everything is measured.
[quote name='sarausagi']But anyone who says the 360 is just too expensive compared to the Wii has to be kidding me.[/quote]
My point wasn't that its too expensive compared to the Wii, it was rather that it's too expensive when paired with the Wii (hence, the overall topic of this thread).

I could've gotten a 360 and a game or two via CAG for the amount I paid for the Wii, but the Wii is my primary gaming machine, and the 360 would have to be secondary. $400, or $300 is too hard to swallow for a secondary machine.
^ Agreed, daroga. Said it better than I tried to.

Wii appears that it will likely have more than enough games to satisfy me. Couple that with the DS' library of games, along with the games still yet to be released, and I can see how ANY like-minded gamer (similar gaming tastes) would find more than enough pleasure with Wii as the primary/sole next-gen console. I don't plan to buy a secondary console for that much cash, no way.
bread's done