Cause nobody else did OTT

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[quote name='JimmieMac']So me and Trak are gonna play PGR3, anyone else want in?[/QUOTE]

Yea, in a week, whenever MS sends me my damn copy :mad:

Tell Trak to add me on XBL.

We need to play some Uno sometime.
[quote name='seanr1221']Roufuss, what happened to you while we were playing DOA4?[/QUOTE]

I took the disc out and tossed it against the wall, that game frustrates me like you wouldn't believe.

I have like a 9% win percentage and I think that win against you was the first win I've had in the last 40 matches.

It's frustrating as hell watching my grade slip from a C - all the way down to almost a D -.

I'll be back online later, maybe, the game still works fine, I'm debating selling it or not.
I wish you had a mic, Id do some training with you and give you some tips. I really don't care about my rank, so I'd go easy on you and let you win and all to get practice.
my new computer has spyware up the ass.

I've ran spyware, adaware, and virus protection all about 20 times in the last 24 hours. and I still can't get rid of it all!! :bomb:
[quote name='Eviltude']Your out of your fucking element donny!

I wish I had an Xbox 360.[/quote]
I don't even have an original xbox.

I can't believe I'm actually considering buying a GBM even though I already own a SP2 and a DS lite. What the hell is wrong with me?
[quote name='dcfox']I don't even have an original xbox.

I can't believe I'm actually considering buying a GBM even though I already own a SP2 and a DS lite. What the hell is wrong with me?[/QUOTE]
What the hell is a GBM?
[quote name='JimmieMac']So me and Trak are gonna play PGR3, anyone else want in?[/QUOTE]
Thursday, I get DSL back, but MS suspended my zewone account yesterday. So I have to use my Japanese account for now. Wack.
[quote name='zewone']Thursday, I get DSL back, but MS suspended my zewone account yesterday. So I have to use my Japanese account for now. Wack.[/quote]
Why did they suspend your account?
[quote name='dcfox']I don't even have an original xbox.

I can't believe I'm actually considering buying a GBM even though I already own a SP2 and a DS lite. What the hell is wrong with me?[/QUOTE]

Everytime I go somewhere where I think there will be a wait - post office for example - my Micro goes with me. It is the absolute best for getting through annoying lines.
So I bought a shirt that has this on it


I'd say it fits my personality nicely
[quote name='zewone']Thursday, I get DSL back, but MS suspended my zewone account yesterday. So I have to use my Japanese account for now. Wack.[/quote]

You need to rig that shit up like Pimp said until Thursday. At least for tonight anyways so we can get some Halo 2 going.
Can't today. My cousin and his wife are staying at my house tonight and I'm going to a "going-away" party for my friend now.
[quote name='mr ryles']sean that shirt would be better if it pointed towards your balls.[/QUOTE]

:rofl:!! I guess my arms will have to do for now.
[quote name='Strell']Everytime I go somewhere where I think there will be a wait - post office for example - my Micro goes with me. It is the absolute best for getting through annoying lines.[/quote] That's what I was thinking to use the micro for. But would you say that convenience is worth $60, especially when I already have a SP? That's the hump I'm trying to get over.
[quote name='Eviltude']i wish I had the shit to make margaritas. And not those b.s. "Mike-aritas" either. I like to go 50-50, not 11% alcohol.[/QUOTE]

make sum gin and juice, or a rum and coke.
[quote name='dcfox']That's what I was thinking to use the micro for. But would you say that convenience is worth $60, especially when I already have a SP? That's the hump I'm trying to get over.[/QUOTE]
Even the DSL is small enough to take anywhere, so you don't need a GBM. :shame: :lol:
[quote name='sblymnlcrymnl']Even the DSL is small enough to take anywhere, so you don't need a GBM. :shame: :lol:[/quote]
Of course I don't need it. The question is do I want it for $60? :lol:
[quote name='dcfox']Of course I don't need it. The question is do I want it for $60? :lol:[/QUOTE]

I would rather spend the $60 on like 60 tacos from the taco truck.
[quote name='seanr1221']Imagine how much food 60.00 at Taco Bell could get you :drool:[/QUOTE]

most I spent at taco bell was about $25 and that got me 20 soft tacos and 10 hard shell tacos.
[quote name='dcfox']That's what I was thinking to use the micro for. But would you say that convenience is worth $60, especially when I already have a SP? That's the hump I'm trying to get over.[/QUOTE]

The post office I used to go to was a 15-20 minute wait routinely.

Warioware ahoy = salvation.

After 2-3 trips, the 60 I spent on it back around Christmas from the sale was more than worth it.
I think that whole scene they showed of Miami Vice turned me off from seeing it for awhile. I just enjoy the show to can't replace Don Johnson with a cocky Irish guy (though I like Farrell in some movies).
[quote name='Eviltude']So I am bored enough to watch Erin Brokovich on TBS right What a fun night it's been.[/QUOTE]

Atleast you're watching a whore.
That Nip Tuck with the crazy whore with stigmata is on. Its great if you get off on giant gaping wrist wounds. And really who doesn't.
[quote name='seanr1221']I wish you had a mic, Id do some training with you and give you some tips. I really don't care about my rank, so I'd go easy on you and let you win and all to get practice.[/QUOTE]

The sad part is that I was awesome at DoA 3 + Ultimate but haven't played in years... I've got a mic, sometimes I just don't feel like using it ;)

Nah, it's good practice just playing, my Bayman is slowly coming back to me, I just have to get the timing down and everything, and the only people I can find online to play are all fucking rank B's and SS's.

I was pretty stressed already today, and DoA 4 just threw my anger management out the window.
[quote name='Roufuss']The sad part is that I was awesome at DoA 3 + Ultimate but haven't played in years... I've got a mic, sometimes I just don't feel like using it ;)

Nah, it's good practice just playing, my Bayman is slowly coming back to me, I just have to get the timing down and everything, and the only people I can find online to play are all fucking rank B's and SS's.

I was pretty stressed already today, and DoA 4 just threw my anger management out the window.[/QUOTE]

Yea I can imagine the people playing now are high ranked. When the game first came out, because there wasn't much else on the 360, there were noobs everywhere so wins came pretty easy.
[quote name='seanr1221']Yea I can imagine the people playing now are high ranked. When the game first came out, because there wasn't much else on the 360, there were noobs everywhere so wins came pretty easy.[/QUOTE]

That and all I can find are tag matches, as well.

We'll play some more this weekend though, probably tonight or tommorrow if you're on. The only reason I go without a mic at night is for my girlfriend's sake, since the 360 is in our bedroom.

I just played you at a bad time after some rank A's + SS's just abused me in tag matches :(

Plus I unlocked Leon which is another character I really like.
[quote name='Roufuss']That and all I can find are tag matches, as well.

We'll play some more this weekend though, probably tonight or tommorrow if you're on. The only reason I go without a mic at night is for my girlfriend's sake, since the 360 is in our bedroom.

I just played you at a bad time after some rank A's + SS's just abused me in tag matches :(

Plus I unlocked Leon which is another character I really like.[/QUOTE]

yea I'd be up for some more, or one of the other 360 games you bought like CoD2 or Cloning Clyde.
I really wish I either had some of the crap I ordered or a single player game worth playing at the moment. It needs to hurry up and rain too. They've been saying it was going to rain all day and not a drop.
[quote name='Predator21281']Anyone planning on seeing Talladega Nights? To me looks to be the best movie of the year, which isn't saying much.[/QUOTE]

Definetly seeing it. I loved Anchorman and if this is even half as funny as that it should still be great. I can't see it being better than Clerks II, though :)
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