Cheap energy drinks, do they exist?


So umm yeah, any CAGs know of any stores with cheap Red Bull, Rockstar, and Bawls? Hell, pretty much any energy drink, as long as it is decent/drinkable (meaning no Joker and a few other energy drinks I've tried which elude me at the moment). Are there coupons, online retailers, brands only found in certain areas but that can be bought online, etc.?
[quote name='hiccupleftovers']So umm yeah, any CAGs know of any stores with cheap Red Bull, Rockstar, and Bawls? Hell, pretty much any energy drink, as long as it is decent/drinkable (meaning no Joker and a few other energy drinks I've tried which elude me at the moment). Are there coupons, online retailers, brands only found in certain areas but that can be bought online, etc.?[/quote]

Kool-Aid with a crushed Flintstone vitamin? :lol:

All kidding aside, the cheapest would probably be Vault, the Coca-Cola Energy soda.
[quote name='Layziebones']I use superpump 250. If you workout, TAKE THIS. It tastes nasty, but I can go much longer and stronger at the gym. Plus you get CRAZY vein pumps from it.[/quote]

SP250 was the biggest waste of money. Left me with terrible gas and bloating and gave me absolutely no pumps and did nothing for my work outs. I would yawn minutes into any kind of regimen.

As for cheap energy drinks, you could buy them by the case at Costco or a place like that. Otherwise the Cheetah at Albertons works. I also noticed my local Albertsons selling the Amp energy shots for $0.50 ea.
Monster is fucking terrible.

Red Bull is too expensive.

Rockstar is the way to go. I will usually buy a can from a campus vending machine for $2 when I have an 8AM class; not really a deal, but a but it beats the $2.39 or whatever it costs in a store after tax.

I know the local On the Run has the giant 32 oz cans for the same price, maybe you could check there? Not good if you're trying to stock the fridge, but picking one up on the way to work or something, it's not bad
I've gone the Big Lots route but highly encourage you to buy one, try it and then buy more (even if you try it warm).
My goodness, I've spit out some disgusting (but cheap!) flavors.
I'm a Red Bull diet fan but it is costly.
IF you have Aldi's discount grocery stores (alas I do not) they carry a generic Red Thunder that mimiks the Red Bull taste...
Can't find anything other than Full Throttle/Monster/Red Bull where I live in Washington.

Normally just stick with Full Throttle, like the taste a lot better than Monster.
Well, I totally bit on the 3 cases of Head Shot for $30, splitting them with my bro. $0.40 per shot is too good of a deal to pass up for an energy drink junkie like myself.

I'll keep you all, my fellow cheapasses, posted on the results.
Just let you guys know, do not buy "Steven Seagals Lightning Bolt Energy Drink".

yes it cheap, but it taste bad like motor oil.
Yeah, there are a couple of flavors of Seagal Energy Drinks, and all of them that I've tried have been horrible. One of the big lot deals gone bad I'm afraid.

I've heard decent things about Wired. Also, another good 99 cent energy drink is Rip-It (made by Faygo, so I don't know its market penetration outside of Michigan); I think it's a 16 ouncer as well. There are a couple of flavors, and all are at least tolerable. The green one is downright tasty.
RIP-ITs are a big hit here in the desert...mostly because they're free from the various dining facilities. However, they're the "short" cans. If you're interested, just enlist with your local recruiter and you can help yourself!

If you decide to pay for them, however, I'd go for the red pomengranate flavor...still, 99 cents may be a stretch.
[quote name='TheHairyDrummer']Yeah, there are a couple of flavors of Seagal Energy Drinks, and all of them that I've tried have been horrible. One of the big lot deals gone bad I'm afraid.[/quote]

You should seen the B1G1 sale they have at walmart. It was a bad scene at front store, they have to pull the sell down on the next day.

i agree on Mrfossey and TheHairyDrummer, Rip-It are the Best (cheap) Energy Drink out there. You should try A'tomic Pom flavor, it taste really good. i need to try there new one that just came out.
Monster's arn't that good...from what I've heard. But Rockstars's are awesome! And they're not that much.

Red Bull is good too, only if you have a couple of dollars to spare...
Monsters are fantastic, especially the blue, sugar free ones. My training class and I would drink these by the case, especially when we were doing field work...maybe not the smartest thing, but they kept us going.
I picked up some Guru Energy drinks the other day at Big Lots for 60 cents each. Has anyone tried them? The Tangerine and Green Tea taste pretty good, no vile aftertaste like pretty much every other drink I've had. I don't drink very many "energy supplements", but I may have to buy some more of these.
[quote name='rickyff7']Just let you guys know, do not buy "Steven Seagals Lightning Bolt Energy Drink".

yes it cheap, but it taste bad like motor oil.[/quote]

Is this for real? Steven Seagal has an energy drink? LOL!
If you are in a bar or restaurant and they serve you Red Bull from a tap it is actually something called Roaring Lion. Red Bull does not come in syrup form. They sell their bottles in bulk through their website but the shipping costs make it not worth it. The powder form costs a little less than half of what Red Bull costs and can be snorted. And yes, people do snort it.
Energy drinks from a tap in a bar? Madness I say! They need some of that around here.

Also on a side note, I received my expiry-shorted Headshot (as mentioned before) on Friday and got around to drinking some today. Was pleasantly surprised, quite tasty. It got here pretty darn quick too, since I only ordered it Monday night.
[quote name='Jack McSmack']If you are in a bar or restaurant and they serve you Red Bull from a tap it is actually something called Roaring Lion. Red Bull does not come in syrup form. They sell their bottles in bulk through their website but the shipping costs make it not worth it. The powder form costs a little less than half of what Red Bull costs and can be snorted. And yes, people do snort it.[/quote]

Oh. My. God.

This sounds like a horrible, horrible idea that I'm nevertheless going to try.
Bacchus-D. Korean energy drink that comes in a 100ml glass bottle. According to my non-Korean friends, the taste gets a little getting used to but it's pretty good in my opinion. I always drink one when I wake up and it actually keeps me going for the good part of the morning and early afternoons on early school days. You can get a box of 10 for like $3.99 at your local Korean market and what not. Try it out.

Actually found an article on it.. check it out:
Heads up to Costco folks: the latest coupon book has I think a $6 or $7 coupon off a 30 pack of ZipFizz. I know I'll be stocking up since my husband is a big fan of them. :)
Saw something that was called RadioActive yesterday at Drug mart for .75 (marked 2 for $1.50) and Joker cans were 1.50 (2 for $3).
[quote name='doodle777_98']here in texas we have Red Jak. It's made by the big red company(which i think coca-cola owns). anyways Big Red is a huge thing here. It's .99 cents for a 16 oz. great stuff.

i usually buy the 4 pack of monster at target for $5.98.[/quote]

Ooooooh ooooooooooh, this reminds me. I was staying at my mom's in Kansas this past summer. I had some Red Jak. I wasn't expecting anything great but it was good, especially since it costs 1 dollar. However here in ND I can't find it :/

Also, I used to drink the occasional energy drink(and still do, I dont drink them all the time) and I would get jones energy at walmart. My walmart doesn't carry them anymore and the others are too expensive for me. I can't justify 2 dollars an energy drink.
Just tried the "cheetah brand". It's not that bad, wouldn't mind getting more. Gave me that "boost"/focused feeling after a few mins of drinking it.
Fun thread the fact it is still going. Thanks guys.

I would love to try a Jones Energy drink, but I've never seen them around anywhere, and this was the first I had heard of them. Also, Cheetah really is great. I'll have to try and find a Red Jak when I drive through Texas on the way home.
I don't know if it's been mentioned but Aldi's has "Red Thunder." As far as I can tell this is the exact same as Red Bull. They even have it in the sugar free variety. I think it is $3 for 4 of them.
Just drank the cheetah brand (Max Velocity [name of cheetah brand] Uncaged [flavor]. It's not bad either, I think I prefer this flavor over the other one (red can one), this one is the yellow/orange can. Taste like grape soda without the grape taste...not sure if that made sense. I guess you can compare it to white sparking grape juice without the bubbling feeling.
[quote name='chicagoz']I second the Jones Energy. Cheap and tastes ok, but it's very hard to find now (at least for me).[/QUOTE]

can you actually get this anywhere? I've been searching all over for it, but haven't found any.

[quote name='mike.m']Is this for real? Steven Seagal has an energy drink? LOL![/QUOTE]

Yup, and every flavor is disgusting.

[quote name='Loveable Sha']Monster's arn't that good...from what I've heard. But Rockstars's are awesome! And they're not that much.

Red Bull is good too, only if you have a couple of dollars to spare...[/QUOTE]

Totally agree with you there.

[quote name='ZerotypeX']Just tried the "cheetah brand". It's not that bad, wouldn't mind getting more. Gave me that "boost"/focused feeling after a few mins of drinking it.[/QUOTE]


[quote name='ZerotypeX']Just drank the cheetah brand (Max Velocity [name of cheetah brand] Uncaged [flavor]. It's not bad either, I think I prefer this flavor over the other one (red can one), this one is the yellow/orange can. Taste like grape soda without the grape taste...not sure if that made sense. I guess you can compare it to white sparking grape juice without the bubbling feeling.[/QUOTE]

Time to return to this thread, as I'm still (or always have been) on the search for the elusive cheap energy drink. I'm truly a fan of Max Velocity (Cheetah Brand) energy drink now. If it weren't sold only at Albertson's (I'm back home so now I can buy them), then I'm sure this would be a huge hit, as it tastes nearly identical to Red Bull, maybe a just a slight difference in taste or a hint of cherry in it. What's great as well is that Albertson's, as part of their current economy savings promotion, has discounted the cans to .79 here. I've been stocking up. Great, great price!! for an actual great energy drink.

By the way, is the uncaged flavor sugar free or something? I only saw them in the big cans, which were $1 each, but I don't like Diet/sugar-free drinks.
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[quote name='sendme']What is wrong with Joker. I have bought it and didn't think it was all that bad. I only go after the sugar free/low carb ones now, most of the time that is Monster. However Quick Trip does have some good ones that are cheap. The thing is now I try to stay away from them but if I do drink one it is before work and is the only caffeine I have all day.


From what I remember, Joker tasted like a shitty carrot juice energy drink. I thought it was disgusting. One of the few energy drinks where I didn't finish it all the way, but instead dumped 3/4s of the can.

What is wrong with coffee? I drink maybe one cup a day if that. Some times I dont drink any at all. I use the no sugar creamer in it only.

Nothing wrong with coffee, though. I love coffee, but I was just trying to make a point when that guy earlier in the thread was harping on me.
[quote name='TheHairyDrummer']Yeah, there are a couple of flavors of Seagal Energy Drinks, and all of them that I've tried have been horrible. One of the big lot deals gone bad I'm afraid.

I've heard decent things about Wired. Also, another good 99 cent energy drink is Rip-It (made by Faygo, so I don't know its market penetration outside of Michigan); I think it's a 16 ouncer as well. There are a couple of flavors, and all are at least tolerable. The green one is downright tasty.[/QUOTE]

I've had Rip-It a few times in its various incarnations/flavors. It's not bad, but nothing I can truly say I would be gunning for. The taste just seemed acceptable/passable; something you can't really say for a lot of energy drinks I guess.
"Rip It" used to be sold at my local Wal-Mart, but they don't have it anymore, or I can't find it because they maybe moved it, but it might be at your local Wal-Mart. It's really good stuff, and they have Sugar Free variations of it.
damn just cut all the middlemen out... buy a bottle of nodoz.

And switch to 5 hour energy shots, they aren't loaded with sugar and do work, not much in caffine either. And I don't think one can build up a tollerance to it like caffine, since majority of it is B vitamins.
[quote name='yukine']I found an energy drink called "Ace" at my Big Lots for $0.60 per a 16 ounce can. I like it quite a bit, but it's nothing special, it has your typical "energy drink flavor", although the can is pretty awesome.

I bought some cans of this from Big Lots. It's actually pretty good and has a very high energy blend too (2500mg I think), so it packs quite a punch.

Another good one I got from BL was Unbound. Has kind of a fuity-pineappley energy drink taste but it wasn't bad and had a nice kick like the Ace drink.

My favorite of the Big Lots drinks is Lost though. Designed by the people that created Monster so it has a really good & unique taste + energy blend. I could only find the lo-carb 'Perfect 10' version though (just 10 calories per serving, get it?) but that drink is so good, the lo-carb version tastes like a regular drink. Try it!
[quote name='xycury']damn just cut all the middlemen out... buy a bottle of nodoz.

And switch to 5 hour energy shots, they aren't loaded with sugar and do work, not much in caffine either. And I don't think one can build up a tollerance to it like caffine, since majority of it is B vitamins.[/QUOTE]

I can only speak for myself, but I don't drink energy drinks just for the energy. I also like the taste of them.

[quote name='norkusa']I bought some cans of this from Big Lots. It's actually pretty good and has a very high energy blend too (2500mg I think), so it packs quite a punch.

Another good one I got from BL was Unbound. Has kind of a fuity-pineappley energy drink taste but it wasn't bad and had a nice kick like the Ace drink.

My favorite of the Big Lots drinks is Lost though. Designed by the people that created Monster so it has a really good & unique taste + energy blend. I could only find the lo-carb 'Perfect 10' version though (just 10 calories per serving, get it?) but that drink is so good, the lo-carb version tastes like a regular drink. Try it![/QUOTE]
Yeah, I love Ace. I'm completely out now though so I need to go back to Big Lots and pick up some more.

I'll check out the Lost brand since I've never had it. I have had the lo-carb Monster and I thought that tasted fine.
I get flats of Full Throttle (best e-drink EVER) for like $23 at costco. It comes with four 6-packs, so you do the math. It's about 1$ per drink. Pretty good deal for a high end energy drink. Funny cause the Red Bull flats go for $32... Red Bull is the biggest rip off ever and it isn't even that great.
[quote name='Darknuke']I get flats of Full Throttle (best e-drink EVER) for like $23 at costco. It comes with four 6-packs, so you do the math. It's about 1$ per drink. Pretty good deal for a high end energy drink. Funny cause the Red Bull flats go for $32... Red Bull is the biggest rip off ever and it isn't even that great.[/QUOTE]
Red Bull is so expensive because they live off their reputation (aren't they one of the first energy drinks?) and they gotta pay for all that advertising they do. And I agree it's not that great, but they can get away with it for the reasons I just stated.
5 hr energy shots suck

I do enjoy the Monster coffee flavors over the Rockstar ones

Anyone ever bought Xcess? Its sold through Amway global, my wife's parents are big into that. (that's a story for another day)

Anyways it comes in 8-12oz cans, most of the flavors are pretty good and they are low carb. I usually get the 12 mixed case. The citrius one is the only flavor that tastes awful, like bad lemonade
[quote name='kube00']5 hr energy shots suck


Ever had one?

Grant it they won't bring you back from the dead, but a lull in the day, take a shot and you are awake, you won't feel like you can run a mile, but you wont' feel like you just want to sleep either.

I've often mix with alcohol and the depressants in the hard stuff puts me to sleep, but 5 hour does work when used.
[quote name='hiccupleftovers']
Time to return to this thread, as I'm still (or always have been) on the search for the elusive cheap energy drink. I'm truly a fan of Max Velocity (Cheetah Brand) energy drink now. If it weren't sold only at Albertson's (I'm back home so now I can buy them), then I'm sure this would be a huge hit, as it tastes nearly identical to Red Bull, maybe a just a slight difference in taste or a hint of cherry in it. What's great as well is that Albertson's, as part of their current economy savings promotion, has discounted the cans to .79 here. I've been stocking up. Great, great price!! for an actual great energy drink.

By the way, is the uncaged flavor sugar free or something? I only saw them in the big cans, which were $1 each, but I don't like Diet/sugar-free drinks.[/QUOTE]

The big cans of the uncaged flavor didn't say sugar free on them. Not sure about the little red bull size cans though since they were out of them. On the tag it had "SF" on it, could possibly mean sugar free.

Are the big cans $0.79 at your store hiccupleftovers? The big cans here are $1.99 while the small ones are $0.79
bread's done