CheapyD at E3 2007 - Day 4: Bloomberg TV Interview from Day 3

[quote name='Apossum']CAG representation in all 3 conferences = win[/quote]

What do you mean all three, There was CheapyD at Nintendo's, a brief mention of the PS3 price cut early leak (speedy1961)...what happened at MS?
[quote name='LinkinPrime']What do you mean all three, There was CheapyD at Nintendo's, a brief mention of the PS3 price cut early leak (speedy1961)...what happened at MS?[/QUOTE]

supposedly his gamertag was shown in the pre-event video
They should just rename e3 to Cheapy 3 since the man is in all 3........

edit: just watched the Nintendo News conference. Nice cameo good sir! I think this conference was the best so excited to see these games come out and good call cheapy on flash sold!
[quote name='RelentlessRolento']supposedly his gamertag was shown in the pre-event video[/quote]

Ah...Was that what CheapyD said, or did someone here catch it?
[quote name='LinkinPrime']Ah...Was that what CheapyD said, or did someone here catch it?[/QUOTE]

cheapy said that...he said that he was late by 10 minutes and missed that his gamertag was shown on M$'s screen.
Thanks for the updates Cheapy, I'm going to have a busy weekend in front of me so these 5-7 minute vids should help me out a bit instead of having to look for info everywhere.
Great job despite being uber jetlagged, Cheapy! You're getting more press than even any of the major game sites. Nice...
you have big e-penis now Mr Nintendo poster boy. Anyways, you are wrong Cheaps, Killzone 2 looked pretty damn close to the 2005 trailer. There is even a comparison video up. Looks like all the games I want to play are on the ps3 and 360. Mario looked interesting but otherwise the Wii is going the casual game route, and so they should. I personally don't care for jazzercise so I won't be getting a Wii.
This is a bit of my ramblings after watching Cheapy's E3 videos as I am also attending the show.

Cheapy, do not worry about missing Bethesda's party, it was good for free drinks and appetizers but that was about it. I was hoping for a Fallout theme like Troika did with their Vampire party a few years back but all you got was a few people riding a mechanical bull since it was at a western themed bar.

If you get a chance, you may want to check out the Gamecock guys. On Friday, they are having an E3 Funeral and Wake (celebration) of Originality. Here is a quote from the flyer:

"Join your friends, colleagues, and unemployed-booth-babes-in-mourning, for a final goodbye to the magical beast that was E3, and a wholehearted welcoming for the resurgence of independence, originality, and creativity to come."

They seem to be having a lot of fun plus they had a better food spread than the media lunch at the Fairmont and they still have booth babes. You can even see some Hail To The Chimp and get a Gamecock Sucker.

I am not sure if you went to the Konami press conference but it was funny hearing Hideo Kojima says he wants his old E3 back next year during his discussion about why he actually showed up for the event this year. I am feeling the same way as I have been bored in most of the press conferences and being constantly late for meetings with the poor shuttle situation. I have yet to venture to the Barker Hanger since it opens so late in the day but from the lack of any E3 goodies on Ebay, I can tell I am not missing much. My best score was a shoulder bag from EA during their press event and all the free water I could carry if I was really ambitious.

This ends my ramblings as I have had very little sleep the last two days myself and I can't even blame jet lag, for me it is the horrible 405 traffic driving to the show each morning. It takes me an hour and a half to drive 25 miles, you have to love LA traffic.
[quote name='Owen']This is a bit of my ramblings after watching Cheapy's E3 videos as I am also attending the show.

Cheapy, do not worry about missing Bethesda's party, it was good for free drinks and appetizers but that was about it. I was hoping for a Fallout theme like Troika did with their Vampire party a few years back but all you got was a few people riding a mechanical bull since it was at a western themed bar.

If you get a chance, you may want to check out the Gamecock guys. On Friday, they are having an E3 Funeral and Wake (celebration) of Originality. Here is a quote from the flyer:

"Join your friends, colleagues, and unemployed-booth-babes-in-mourning, for a final goodbye to the magical beast that was E3, and a wholehearted welcoming for the resurgence of independence, originality, and creativity to come."

They seem to be having a lot of fun plus they had a better food spread than the media lunch at the Fairmont and they still have booth babes. You can even see some Hail To The Chimp and get a Gamecock Sucker.

I am not sure if you went to the Konami press conference but it was funny hearing Hideo Kojima says he wants his old E3 back next year during his discussion about why he actually showed up for the event this year. I am feeling the same way as I have been bored in most of the press conferences and being constantly late for meetings with the poor shuttle situation. I have yet to venture to the Barker Hanger since it opens so late in the day but from the lack of any E3 goodies on Ebay, I can tell I am not missing much. My best score was a shoulder bag from EA during their press event and all the free water I could carry if I was really ambitious.

This ends my ramblings as I have had very little sleep the last two days myself and I can't even blame jet lag, for me it is the horrible 405 traffic driving to the show each morning. It takes me an hour and a half to drive 25 miles, you have to love LA traffic.[/QUOTE]

All I have to say is: BALLS
Man does G4 fucking SUCK, I can't stand their coverage.

One a positive note good job Cheapy, have fun in the next two days.
That's dedication Cheapy!

Appericiate it the videos..

Nintendo were basically just showing off [for once] at e3 they SHOULD have shown a bit of more of Super Smash instead of Wiifit.

Microsoft had the best conference, then Nintendo then Sony...
Go back to bed, cheapy, you're not thinking straight. Sony had an amazing show and how can you not like Ratchet or Uncharted?
I see it this way:

MS: about what you'd expect for an almost 2 year old system, pretty good, but they need to lose the football player appearances. And who the hell was that Jeff Allen tool? Too much time on EA, too much time on video marketplace, the montages didn't spend enough time on any game. Peter Moore is also a tool. Fiddle. Overall, I am looking forward to lots of the games coming out.

Nintendo: release dates are good! Wii scale...torture to watch, I'll never buy it, but the marketing angle is genius. old people and soccer moms will love this thing. MP3, Mario Galaxy, and Brawl all in one season-- I would've bet $100 this wasn't going to happen, knowing Nintendo's habit of "throttling" major franchise releases. This will force me into buying a wii...but I'm already going to have a huge backlog from the 360 and PS3...

Sony: they're finally in the game with the PS3. people wanted a price drop, people wanted games, now they've got both. The presentation was all trailers and Home for PS3, with about 5 minutes for the PS2 and 20 minutes for the PSP. Chewbacca was the best guest ever. Home is looking good, but I didn't get the feeling that they revealed enough about it. They should get rid of Jack and just let Kaz and Phil speak next year.
It was cool to hear you met up with the MLG guys. I have been going to there forum for years and attended a few tourneys. Nice guys.
Cheapy, you must have been really tired. Echosphere was a PSN Downloadable game. Also, they did show ALOT of games at the press conference. Enough to make me want a ps3 badly...

So by the end of this year, I will own every Next gen console. Hell, they convinced me. In my opinion, the Nintendo press conference SUCKED. They displayed like 5 games total. Wii fit looks like fun, but don't spend 30 minutes on that one game. Show some other stuff.

Microsoft did very well because they focused on this year, while the other 2 focused on the "future". And there were a lot of games coming out this year...

Littlebigplanet looks awesome though, doesn't it
1-1.5 hours of sleep at E3? Sounds about right to me!

When I went, I was writing for a website. We spent all day doing interviews, and all night writing them into articles. By the end of the week I was ruined, I don't think I've ever been so physically exhausted in my life. Of course, I'd be willing to do it again.

Hope you get some rest!
[quote name='jeffreyjrose']If the lack of a $50 or $100 Xbox 360 price drop convinces you to swing for a PS3, then you weren't really thinking of getting a 360 in the first place. I hate fanboyism... if you're dedicated to Sony or Microsoft, that's fine, just don't make pointless statements like the one above.

(For the record, I do NOT own a PS3, 360, OR Wii, nor do I see myself picking any of them up in the near future.)[/QUOTE]

No offense, but the I hate fanboyism, would sound more convincing if your avatar wasn't the Halo 3 logo. I don't believe you are unbiased, and why wouldn't somebody want a price drop. The guy is basically saying that for $200 price difference the 360 was for him, but for only $100 price difference the PS3 is more appealing to him. It is a lot easier to say, I'll just throw down the extra $100 now and get a PS3 instead of the 360, since going forward they will play basically the same games, except a few exclusives.

$100 price difference is a lot easier to swallow than $200.

I would score the conferences:
Nintendo D
Sony C
Favorite moment so far- When Phil Harrison was kicking ass at Motorstorm, clearly in first place, then a series of crashes pushed him to last. He quit suddenly.

Perfect metaphor.

Actually, I shouldn't say that; I was impressed by Sony's show.
[quote name='Apossum']Peter Moore is also a tool. [/quote]And he looks like Ming the Merciless from Flash Gordon.


Since I know that E3 isn't the same I'm lowering expectations. But even then:
Sony- B+

I think the main thing is that there really doesn't have to be a E3 anymore (or at least these press conferences). The Microsoft event was embarassing, Nintendo didn't even care and just masturbated, and Sony only did what they did because they needed to.
The Microsoft event without filler could have been 10 minutes and Nintendo the same.
How Sony is pulling up the rear is absolute bull crap. If you saw the Nintendo press conference notice the smoke and mirrors.

Portable market is on the rise compared to the console market but they showed only the 2005 - 2006 market share figures? Why not 2000 to 2004 probably because it would be a negative to show Nintendo went from 100% makret share to 60%.

And I bet you people will stop using the Wii Balance Board and it'll collect dust just like your copy of Brain Age.

Microsoft really didn't show anything except GoW PC, X360 Wiitoo remote and a ton of multiplatform titles.

Sony you know ...bringing up the rear had a strong 1st and 2nd party lineup for 07 and a solid 08 lineup to look foreward to. But meh... your entitle to your OPINION.
[quote name='dadeisvenm']How Sony is pulling up the rear is absolute bull crap. If you saw the Nintendo press conference notice the smoke and mirrors.

Portable market is on the rise compared to the console market but they showed only the 2005 - 2006 market share figures? Why not 2000 to 2004 probably because it would be a negative to show Nintendo went from 100% makret share to 60%.

And I bet you people will stop using the Wii Balance Board and it'll collect dust just like your copy of Brain Age.

Microsoft really didn't show anything except GoW PC, X360 Wiitoo remote and a ton of multiplatform titles.

Sony you know ...bringing up the rear had a strong 1st and 2nd party lineup for 07 and a solid 08 lineup to look foreward to. But meh... your entitle to your OPINION.[/QUOTE]

Totally agree. Anybody who thinks that Nintendo had a better showing than Sony is a delusional fanboy. I will forgive Cheapy since he was sleepy and all.
Hey CheapyD, just wondering, how did you make so many connections in the game biz? Is it all from this website, or do you have a secret life which allows you crazy priviliges?
[quote name='Ogami Itto']Totally agree. Anybody who thinks that Nintendo had a better showing than Sony is a delusional fanboy. I will forgive Cheapy since he was sleepy and all.[/quote]

You guys forget that this year's audience was more mainstream media and less crowds of easily riled consumers/fanbois/gamers. Since Cheapy was in fact there in person and not cruising on the intertubes, I'll have to give him the benefit of the doubt on his assessments, regardless of him being in "SleepyD" mode at the time.

That said, I'm the most excited about Sony's stuff this year than I have been in a while. I'm down for PS3 and PSP Revised this fall...
cheapy y didnt u go to the konami press confrence and see the greatness that is metal gear solid 4 guns of the patriots
I think all the press conferences were really boring. Microsoft and Nintendo were both tooting their own horn too much for my own liking. You say Nintendo did it more so, but man, Microsoft was creepy doing it.

I mean, no price cut, the guy who pitched the Live Arcade stuff, the 4th F'ING SKU! Microsoft had to show stuff coming in 08, and they didn't deliver. That's saying 'oh yeah, we got nothing next year' to everyone not paying attention. I expected more from Microsoft. I really did.

Nintendo was less boring just because it seemed to have some crowd involvement. If you expected a buttload more than Smash/Galaxy dates your expectations were too high IMO. They're in the driver's seat. Just like Sony was last year, and just like Sony last year, nothing came of it. Except the problem was, Microsoft thought they were in the same position, and they did the same thing!

Sony by comparison was phenomenal. I mean, not to say it was a great press conference (far from it), but it was far better than the other two's. The PSP stuff was meh tacular, but the PS3 stuff was acceptable. Then, you have MGS4 worldwide release date (probably the reason why it was delayed) along with Killzone 2 kicking ass, how could you not expect it?

These press conferences were the most predictable POS's in the history of press conferences! No surprises except from Sony. I give Cheapy the benefit of the doubt since he was tired and he was probably going off pure audience reaction, which was disappointing at both Sony's and Microsoft's while the mainstream guys obviously loved it.

If Sony handed Microsoft the ball last year, Microsoft just handed it straight back to them. A lot of people around the gaming community have stated their getting PS3's instead of 360's now. No joke. People are threatening to sell Wii's, but I highly doubt they will. Predictable stuff leads the community back to last generation's status quo.

At least when it comes to Microsoft and Sony at this point.
[quote name='KingBroly'] People are threatening to sell Wii's, but I highly doubt they will. .[/QUOTE]

You make good points, and especially a good point not believing people will sell their wii's. Smash Brothers, Mario Galaxies and Metroid Prime 3 are all coming this year, and shortly after the holidays they will see Mario Kart. Can you say Killer Ap? Those are Nintendo's biggest guns outside of Zelda (which was already released on the Wii) nobody in their sane mind would sell the Wii right now unless they are desperate for cash before the big guns come out. I think Nintendo has done the best job out of all three developers planning their releases. We were getting Wario Ware, Paper Mario, Mario Party and the like all in within a 1-2 month period of time, so Nintendo is definently soaking in the money here with their big guns.
[quote name='KingBroly']I think all the press conferences were really boring. Microsoft and Nintendo were both tooting their own horn too much for my own liking. You say Nintendo did it more so, but man, Microsoft was creepy doing it.

I mean, no price cut, the guy who pitched the Live Arcade stuff, the 4th F'ING SKU! Microsoft had to show stuff coming in 08, and they didn't deliver. That's saying 'oh yeah, we got nothing next year' to everyone not paying attention. I expected more from Microsoft. I really did.

Nintendo was less boring just because it seemed to have some crowd involvement. If you expected a buttload more than Smash/Galaxy dates your expectations were too high IMO. They're in the driver's seat. Just like Sony was last year, and just like Sony last year, nothing came of it. Except the problem was, Microsoft thought they were in the same position, and they did the same thing!

Sony by comparison was phenomenal. I mean, not to say it was a great press conference (far from it), but it was far better than the other two's. The PSP stuff was meh tacular, but the PS3 stuff was acceptable. Then, you have MGS4 worldwide release date (probably the reason why it was delayed) along with Killzone 2 kicking ass, how could you not expect it?

These press conferences were the most predictable POS's in the history of press conferences! No surprises except from Sony. I give Cheapy the benefit of the doubt since he was tired and he was probably going off pure audience reaction, which was disappointing at both Sony's and Microsoft's while the mainstream guys obviously loved it.

If Sony handed Microsoft the ball last year, Microsoft just handed it straight back to them. A lot of people around the gaming community have stated their getting PS3's instead of 360's now. No joke. People are threatening to sell Wii's, but I highly doubt they will. Predictable stuff leads the community back to last generation's status quo.

At least when it comes to Microsoft and Sony at this point.[/quote]

I'm not too surprised that Nintendo would be more successful presently since they have been around since the 80's, so they know the ropes and how to handle the public (maybe they just got a bit lazy during the press conference, I dunno). The most obvious reason was because of the $250 MSRP

Sony on the other hand also has a lot of experience, and they know they have a kick ass line-up for a couple years, and probably still will for years to come. So no doubt they didn't sweat it when games went multi-platform, it's still being released on their system. I do believe though that the price drop was a bit forced, seeing as how the original price point turned off a lot of the gaming public along with a small line-up of games thus far. However, Microsoft did have a year and 1/2 head start against the other two, so I give Sony/Nintendo some headway for that.
[quote name='bobthecat23']cheapy y didnt u go to the konami press confrence and see the greatness that is metal gear solid 4 guns of the patriots[/quote]

The whole MGS series is so overrated that it amazes me that people look forward to these games.

Then again, that's just my opinion. The PS one was good, but the rest...meh.
[quote name='Temporaryscars']The whole MGS series is so overrated that it amazes me that people look forward to these games.

Then again, that's just my opinion. The PS one was good, but the rest...meh.[/QUOTE]
why would it amaze you though? The series has pumped out game after game with good story lines that keep gamers interested and wanting a thirst for more. overrated is in an opinion and thats cool...but to be amazed by it sounds like MGS is a crappy series but yet it still does Dynasty Warriors or some other just saying it shouldnt amaze you for the fan base of this game....3 was an instant classic to many fans and 4 will make it better for fans of the series.
[quote name='integralsmatic']why would it amaze you though? The series has pumped out game after game with good story lines that keep gamers interested and wanting a thirst for more. overrated is in an opinion and thats cool...but to be amazed by it sounds like MGS is a crappy series but yet it still does Dynasty Warriors or some other just saying it shouldnt amaze you for the fan base of this game....3 was an instant classic to many fans and 4 will make it better for fans of the series.[/quote]

MGS 3 had one of the greatest storylines and greatest endings ever. It still leaves me depressed when I watch it sometimes :/
Today was another day of boring press conferences. The Disney one that ended the show press conference schedule was pretty bad with their two plants in the audience for their High School Musical Karaoke game and the tease of the big unknown Warren Spector game. Take 2 was decent since they showed like 5 minutes of real GTA4 gameplay, Bioshock gameplay and a bunch of All Pro Football 2K8 which looks like it could be fun on Xbox Live.

I finally had a a little time today and made it to the hanger to check out the scaled down scene and it had a few highlights. Burnout Paradise looks like a good direction for the franchise with its open world with no load screens. Paradise City looks nice and new crash model will add even more fun to the game. The only thing that might be a little sketchy is the new use of the Live Cam or Eye Toy where it gives a snap shot of the guy who just made you do a monster crash. If people are showing their asses on Uno, I can just see this getting annoying real fast in Burnout.
[quote name='Inf^Shini']MGS 3 had one of the greatest storylines and greatest endings ever. It still leaves me depressed when I watch it sometimes :/[/QUOTE]

yep it sheds a tear in my eye every time i watch it hehe.
Nice little tidbit on the quieter 360. Maybe the Spartan theme and less noisy factors will finally get my buddy to go buy one. Thanks for these updates, Cheapy.
[quote name='gunm']Nice little tidbit on the quieter 360. Maybe the Spartan theme and less noisy factors will finally get my buddy to go buy one. Thanks for these updates, Cheapy.[/QUOTE]

Right, except Cheapy omitted one very important detail. Isn't it likely the Halo 3 demo was running off the HD and not a disc? Could you tell, Cheapy? I mean, my Elite is fairly quiet when not running off a disc but a beast when it is, so that's a critical issue. If they have dramatically improved the drive noise since the Elite then I'll be super pissed ;). On the other hand, if the normal system noise was bad before (like I said it is not a problem on my Elite at all) then I'll be very pleased (and it means this Halo 3 themed box is pretty much an Elite w/o the big HD as it seems from the specs).
bread's done